The Alpha’s Slave

The Arrest

Chapter 96


Brianna looked lost and a bit nervous as I talked to her. So I tapped her on the shoulder to draw her attention back to me. I had a feeling that the annoying parasitic detective said something hurtful to her after she sent me out of the room. It’s so silly of her to think I would threaten, pressure, or blackmail Brianna.

“Yes,” she replied fast, like someone caught in a daze, flinching a bit.

I studied her face closely, like a microscope examining an organism. Something was off, and I could sense it. That woman must have said something hurtful, even though she won’t admit it. The Brianna I knew preferred to keep her problems to herself, and I didn’t like that. I wished she’d share everything with me – her challenges, problems, worries, struggles, setbacks. I was eager to help erase them all with a single comforting touch.

A strong wave of anger seeped into my skin and spread throughout my body. That’s just about it! It’s time for the detective and her sidekicks to leave my castle. They’ve finished their questioning, and it doesn’t seem like they found anything useful.

I told Brianna to head to her room as she was already on her way. I was about to flounce into the room where the detective was when she opened the door and called me.

“Alpha Sebastian, you’re needed.”

I rolled my eyes in exasperation as I approached her. Need me for what again? Haven’t you used me enough already?!

“Now that you and your minions are done asking questions, I’ll appreciate if y’all can please step out of my property,” I tilted a brow, copying the way she told me to leave the room earlier because my presence was putting Brianna in a ‘distressed state’. If only she knew her presence was doing so much worse, she wouldn’t have said that.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Take it easy, my king,” she teased, giving me a sly smile. For a moment, I thought she was trying to be seductive, and it made me feel nauseous. “You’re really quick to kick us out. What’s the problem? Afraid we might discover something that could get you in trouble?” She narrowed her eyes, giving me the same suspicious look she’d had been giving me since she arrived.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” I said with a cocky attitude. “I’m completely innocent of any charges you might throw at me. Everyone here knows it and can vouch for me! Your human Chihuahuas have been parading the entire castle since they arrived without finding anything useful. What more incriminating evidence against me could they possibly find?”

She glared at me, like a cobra ready to strike. Her jaw was tight, and her lip-glossed lips showed frustration and a desire to exert revenge most brutally. I chuckled at the sight, feeling self-satisfied. She thought she was the only one who could get on people’s nerves, but now she knew I had a master’s degree in it. No one can hurt Brianna while I’m around and get away with it.

“With all due respect, Alpha Sebastian, I’d prefer if you didn’t speak to me like that or refer to my colleagues as ‘human Chihuahuas.'”

“I’m the Alpha King, I can speak to you however I fucking want and refer to your colleagues as whatever I fucking like,” I gritted.

“You’re aware that you could get arrested for this disruptive behaviour,” her brows drew in an agonized expression. “And if you try to interfere with us completing our work here, we’ll be forced to take serious legal action against you for obstruction of justice.”

She lifted her chin, locking eyes with me. Even with her already tall height and those wedge heels, she was just a few inches above my shoulders. Then she said, “You might think you’re untouchable, Alpha King Sebastian, but remember the rule of law applies to everyone. None of you Alpha Kings are exempt from it.”

“Well, go ahead and arrest me, Miss Rule of Law,” I clasped my hands together, offering them to her to cuff me if she had the guts.

She made a face, scoffed, and looked at me as if I were the most disgusted thing ever. She walked away, positioning herself a few inches from me as I faced her.

Brianna was still there, on the first step, gripping the rail, observing everything with an expression I couldn’t quite read. Was she upset with me for acting the way I did? But I had to act that way because this detective hurt her and was being an unbearable bitch.

When I looked at her soft eyes, they were saying ‘Grandma won’t approve of that behaviour. Remember to always be nice, no matter what.’ I sighed and wished she understood so she wouldn’t have to give me that look that was making me feel guilty.

“Take us to the crime scene if you don’t mind,” the detective lady demanded, averting my gaze to her.

Sighing in exasperation, I reluctantly led the way. She signalled for her side kicks who joined us as we made our way to the part of the castle where the cell room was.

“Has anyone else been here since the death incident?” She asked, entering cautiously with her team as if ensuring it was safe before proceeding.

“No,” I replied.

After the unexpected make-out with Brianna earlier this morning, the cell room has been locked. No one else has been here.

Their eyes roamed as if in a place that was haunted once, their senses heightened to catch anything incriminating or the faintest sound. They can search all they want; there’s nothing here. The sooner they realize that the better for them, and the sooner they left my castle.

“Ahhhhaa…” the chief detective exclaimed as if recalling something extremely important. “Just what I was looking for.”

My eyes raced to the direction she was going and I saw the gun Catherine used on the floor just by the wall. Fuck! I totally forgot about it. I should have dumped it. No, no, no. That wouldn’t be a good idea. It will only seem like I was hiding something. After all, It can’t incriminate me. I was only trying to get it from Catherine when she shot herself.

The chief detective took out a pair of white rubber gloves from her coat pocket and put them on. Carefully, she lowered and picked up the gun as if it were toxic. Her colleague handed her a transparent plastic bag.

“We’re taking this to the forensic lab to run a fingerprint test on it,” she explained as she placed the gun in the plastic bag, and her colleague sealed it shut. “We need to figure out who gave her that gun or if she had it all along.”

“Alpha Sebastian,” she tilted her head towards my direction. “Do you keep guns in this castle?”

I shook my head firmly, still brooding over their intrusive presence. Guns were something I despised; we never had them. Even my guards didn’t use guns. I couldn’t fathom how Catherine got hold of one. Perhaps she bought it and hid it from me. How did she even know how to use one? I couldn’t help but sigh, shaking my head disapprovingly.

“What about your guards?” She asked again. “Do they carry guns?”

I nearly scowled at her, shaking my head in reply. She was an opportunist, always finding problems where there weren’t any. The next thing she might suggest is that one of my guards was Catherine’s accomplice and provided her with that gun. It wouldn’t surprise me.

We’re taking it to the forensics lab then,” she repeated, exhaling as if this was the ultimate decision in her life.

Not finding anything else, we left. There were no traces of Catherine’s blood; the maids cleaned it all up the same night it happened. Thank goodness for that, or the chief detective would have made a big fuss about it.

In the main part of the castle, they went into a guest room and locked the door. My frustration spiked, and irritation filled my core. Why the fuck were they returning to that room? What were they discussing now? It was way past time for them to leave my castle!

I thought of eavesdropping on their conversation but dropped the idea. People were nearby, and it wouldn’t be appropriate for an Alpha King. Besides, I probably wouldn’t hear much as their voices would be muffled by the walls and door.

Suddenly, the door flung open and they marched to me as if to ambush me.

Two of her colleagues grabbed my arms, forcefully pulling them back beneath me. I yelped a bit in pain as one of them cuffed my wrists.

“Alpha Sebastian Stan, you’re under arrest for the murder of your wife, Catherine Stan.”

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