The Alpha’s Slave

My last resort

Chapter 72


“I never imagined you could come up with something so wicked. Has your madness led you to this? Huh? If you hadn’t missed those therapy sessions I organized for you, you wouldn’t have had such a twisted idea.”

“Excuse me?” my brows pulled in an affronted frown. What he was talking about? “I don’t understand. What did I do?”

“Stop acting dumb,” he scoffed and shook his head negatively at me. “I know you told that maid to poison Brianna. How could you do that? Such wicked thought! You could have killed her for goodness sake! If you can do this, how sure am I that you won’t try to harm me too someday?”

Oh! That was what he was talking about. I thought Vivian didn’t tell him when was asking her outside on the lawn. What a bitch! Not only did she fail to complete my job, but she also sold me out to Sebastian. Fuck!! If Sebastian knew about this, then there was every chance the other maids knew too. This better not be true.

“I just wish she had revealed it to everyone on the lawn, so they’d know the kind of woman they had as their Luna. What did you offer her? Money? Did you force her?”

He was angry as if someone had pushed an anger button inside him. How could he be this mad… be this protective all because of that illiterate slave? Just how?! Did she give him some kind of potion to turn him against me? To make him forget that I was his loving wife. His soulmate. His better half. The woman he was head over heels for years back. At this point, I was convinced she did give him something because the Sebastian I married could never be like this.

“Ohh please,” I crossed my arms against my chest, rolled my eyes and looked away. “I was just protecting what’s rightfully mine. You’re making the biggest mistake of your life if you think you can take that bitch as a second wife and be happy about it. Because I’ll make sure it never happens,” I planted a furious gaze on him as I said that. “Not while I’m still alive.”

“Is that what all this is about?” His brows pulled up in surprise. “Well, I didn’t come here to argue. I just came to make one thing clear to you,” his tone turned very sharp and firm. “Starting today, you’re banned from going into the cell room. You are not to bother, threaten or talk to Brianna anymore…. Don’t even think of coming close to her. Because I won’t allow it.”

Shock and more anger lit up in my eyes, my lips falling open as I stared at him. What the heck was wrong with the man? What did that girl give to him? This wasn’t the Sebastian I knew. The Sebastian I married.

He must be out of his mind to think he can order me around like a maid or one of his guards and expect me to follow it. We’re equals, and I have the same rights to every part of this castle as he does. Everything he owned was mine as well. After all, I was the reason he was the Alpha King of two kingdoms. Has he forgotten?

He started walking away. But I called him back.

“Sebastian! Sebastian!!” I shouted, and he turned halfway to look at me. “You must be a joker to think you can boss me around like I’m your maid or guard. Don’t forget, we’re equals. I have the same access to every part of this castle as you do. So you can’t tell me not to…”NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Like I said,” he interrupted me. “I didn’t come here to argue. I have told you what I came to tell you. And if you disobey me, there will be consequences. Severe consequences,” he emphasized, sounding genuinely stern, like he meant every bit of word he said and walked out of sight, leaving me scoffing in shock and disbelief.

Shutting my door, I sank onto my bed. I ran my fingers through my hair, messing up the style I had carefully done earlier that morning, all because of Sebastian. I tried to hold back the tears forming in my eyes, not wanting to ruin the makeup I had worked hard on. But the tears welled up and were already rolling down my cheeks.

This can’t be happening. With each passing day, each passing moment, Sebastian grew harsher towards me. When I look at him, I see no trace of the love he had for me in his eyes. It was obvious he had fallen out of love with me. All because of that girl! That piece of garbage!! That witch!!!

“No…no…no,” I mumbled as I forced myself up from the bed and reached for the napkin box on the top of my vanity table. I wiped the tears off my face. My make-up was ruined. But at that moment, I didn’t care anymore. I couldn’t let that bitch win. She was just an omega. A low-rank wolf. A mere slave. While I was an Alpha. A high-rank wolf. A Luna. The only child and daughter of Alpha King and Luna Castriel Hardwell of one of the most powerful kingdoms. I shouldn’t be crying because of her.

After I married Sebastian and learned of that Alpha King’s rule, I swore never to let him take up a second Luna. Since childhood, I never liked the idea of sharing. I was stingy when it came to things that were personal to me. And Sebastian was very very personal to me. He was mine and mine alone! No one other woman can take him from me! No other woman can have him!! No other woman can love him the way do!!

I grabbed my phone from the table and called my friend, Rose. She’ll have what I want. My last resort. She had mentioned to me sometime in the past that her husband, also an Alpha King, was involved in some risky, shady business deals that brought them more wealth. I hadn’t paid much attention back then. But at least, I knew Rose would definitely have what I wanted.

In less than a minute, she picked up and her high-pitched, sing-song voice blared from the speaker.

“Hey, Cathy. How’re you doing?”

I ignored her greeting and went straight to the point.

“Rose I need a favour.”

“Ok,” she answered. I heard something like a ceramic plate shatter on the floor with a piercing sound. And then Rose snapping at someone in the background.

Moments later, she returned to the phone.

“I’m so sorry Cathy,” she apologized “The stupid maid serving me just tripped and broke a plate. She’s so stupid and can never do anything right. I think it’s time I fired her stupid ass!” She groaned and then breathed out loudly. “You wanted a favour. So what can I do for you, darling?”

I took in a deep breath.

“I need a gun,” I said and she stifled a gasp.

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