The Alpha’s Slave

Just a little more time



The castle had become lively again with Sebastian back. Throughout the day, I couldn’t contain the joy bubbling inside me. I was happy all the way, smiles easily playing around my lips.

The other castle maids were quite surprised. They didn’t know me as someone who smiled that much. Well, because I never did. But this time was different. I felt really good and it was hard to hold it back.

There wasn’t much work to do around the castle, and if even they were, the other maids hardly let me do anything. They treated me as though I was made of glass. They said Sebastian gave them strict orders not to allow me to do much work around the castle, so they were considering that. I thought as much. And the last thing they wanted was to make him angry especially as he just returned. So I didn’t bother anymore.

I retired back to my chamber early since there was nothing for me to do. But before I did, I borrowed some romance novels from one of the maids. She said she was a big fan of romance novels and read a lot of them.

I saw that as an opportunity to practice everything Sebastian had been teaching me on reading so far. I have gotten better and can now pronounce most of the words I couldn’t before. The maid didn’t mind lending me a few since she had a stockpile of them and had read most of the ones she was giving me.

I had barely read past a chapter when I heard a gentle knock on my door.

“Come in,” I raised my voice from where I lay on the bed. Good thing I didn’t lock the door. I closed it just in case I wanted to head out again to avoid the stress of unlocking it.

The door pushed open and my heart jolted, my pulse suddenly pounding on seeing Sebastian.

“Hey love,” he smiled slyly as he stepped in with a preternatural grace, his intense gaze never leaving mine.

On hearing him call me ‘love’, I felt a tingling in the pit of my stomach even though it wasn’t the first time he said that word to me. After these past few days of not seeing him, I knew I wanted to see him so badly. I longed for him like a vampire to blood but now that I was faced with it, I was finding it hard to maintain my control.

“Hey….” I managed a smile, my eyes, my lips, my heart, my entire body trembling. Quickly and kind of awkwardly, I kept the book I was reading on the bed and got up, settling on the edge of the bed.

“So where did we stop?” He asked with a flirty voice, still standing there like a forbidden temptation given flesh.

He looked a lot better now compared to when he came back. His once thick overgrown beard has been reduced to a neat simple moustache and goatee, and his full usually unruly hair has been trimmed and styled into a sleek, dreamy man look. I wondered if he did it himself or went to a hair salon after he came back. While his old look was fine, I preferred this one.

The next thing I knew he started unbuttoning his shirt, taking me unawares, my mouth falling open in shock. I was so focused on his look, that I didn’t get the question he asked, and how it related to him unbuttoning his shirt.

“Remember we agreed to pick up where we left off after everything settles… that’s if you still want to. And now, everything has settled so this is the perfect time,” he said as if to remind me. Probably sensing how lost and clueless I was.

He took his shirt off completely, revealing a chiselled chest and toned abs that seemed more defined in the soft lighting of the room.

A lump formed around my throat and I struggled to swallow past it. He was talking of our make-out moment in the cell room three days ago before the police and reporters arrived, and he was arrested.

If I remember correctly, we never agreed on such. He came up with it, but I didn’t say anything in return because I was way too hesitant…. and kind of scared.

Maintaining that preternatural grace, he approached me like a tiger coming to claim his mate, his hands on his shorts. Oh my goodness…he was going to take it off. The thought of that made my entire body heat up.

He settled before me, his broad figure towering and overshadowing me, and did the unimaginable. He pulled his shorts down. An involuntary gasp escaped my lips on seeing the prominent bulge poking out of the stretchy fabric of his underwear. I flinched a bit on the bed, struggling to swallow and catch my breath.

Noticing my expression, his brows furrowed in confusion and he asked, “Brianna, what’s the problem? Don’t you want to do this? If you’re not ready, you can tell me. I’ll understand perfectly,” his tone fell and the initial eagerness and excitement he came in with faded.

***”You have nothing to worry about or be ashamed of. I’m not here to judge you. Love is not a crime, and you won’t get punished for simply loving someone. Love is blind; we don’t get to choose who we fall in love with…”***

***”If you really love him, then go for it. Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back. Life is too short to not pursue what you want, and you’ll only end up regretting it…”***

The head maid’s words to me earlier today invaded my thoughts, ringing loudly in my head. It fuelled my tenacity and gave me all the courage I needed to address this intense situation.

I took in a deep breath, steadying my erratic nerves and getting a grip on myself. Getting up, I lifted my eyes to maintain his gaze and took his cheek in a gentle authority.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sebastian, I love you. I really do, and I’m glad the universe brought you into my life,”

His eyes softened and melted like wax into mine as I said those words to him. I could tell they were what he wanted to hear. And my soft touch and closeness were all he wanted to feel. He brought his hands over mine on his cheek and pressed it gently, his gigantic fingers warming and enveloping mine.

“If our love story is going to work then we will have to be patient and have complete trust and faith in each other. This is…is a very crucial step for me in life, so I need to take it slow. I need you to please be patient with me…at least until this whole thing with Catherine dies down,” his hand fell from mine and he looked away as if to hold back a negative feeling.

I understood the extent of the damage. I understood he didn’t want us talking about Catherine right now. But it was necessary to bring this up so we could move forward and plan our future together wisely.

I took his chin and redirected his gaze back to mine, fingers brushing against the slightly coarse yet smooth silkiness of his goatee.

“I don’t want to keep living in pain…. in guilt. I don’t want everyone in the castle to think I’m an opportunist who has been waiting for this golden opportunity as Catherine’s death to carry out my plan. Please understand Sebastian. My heart belongs to you and only you now. You have won me so you have nothing to be worried about or afraid of. All I’m asking for is just a little more time for things to subside and get better. Can you do that for me?”

He sighed heavily and nodded. “Yes, I can do that. I will wait. Even if it takes a thousand years, I will wait for you Brianna,” he took my hand and stamped multiple kisses on my knuckles, leaving a wet imprint on his lips as a souvenir.

A wide smile set my tone in response to what he said, knowing he meant every word he said. I know he’ll wait. Even if it takes him a million years to have me. He will wait.

“What is that?” He motioned to the open book lying face down on the bed, directing my attention away from him. “What are you reading?”

“A romance book I borrowed from one of the maids,” I looked back at him and grinned slightly. Almost nervously. “I have been practicing.”

He made a knowing face that seemed both surprised and proud as he bent down and pulled up his shorts, covering the prominent bulge that had sent me disoriented.

He dived past me to the bed, and took the book, scrutinizing the cover.

“Haven’t read it, but I’m sure it’s a good one. Come on,” he tapped the space beside him on the bed, motioning for me to join him. “Come read it to me. Let’s see how well you’ve learned.”

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