The Alpha’s Mate

Revelations Beneath The Rain

Elena carefully hung her clothes on the hook outside the lavish shower room, the soft fabric swaying gently in the air as she released them. With a sense of anticipation, she stepped inside the shower, her fingers deftly turning the faucets to the desired temperature. The sound of rushing water filled the air, a soothing symphony that enveloped her senses.

As the first droplets of water made contact with her skin, a shiver ran down her spine. The warmth quickly spread, cocooning her body in a comforting embrace. A sigh of contentment escaped her lips as the tension that had been coiled within her muscles began to unravel, melting away like ice under the sun.

Elena tilted her head back, allowing the cascading water to wash over her, the gentle pressure massaging her scalp and soothing her senses. Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift, the worries and uncertainties of the day slowly fading into the background.

With deliberate care, she reached for a bottle of shower gel, its delicate fragrance filling the air as she lathered it between her palms. She began to massage the soap into her skin, her fingers tracing the contours of her body with a newfound tenderness. Each touch was a reminder of the self-care she deserved, a gesture of kindness to herself in a world that often demanded so much.

Elena’s mind wandered as the water continued to cascade over her. She thought of the events that had led her to this point, the unexpected encounter with Oliver, the grandeur of his home, and the growing connection between them. Her thoughts were a tapestry of emotions, woven together by the threads of uncertainty and curiosity.

she dried herself with a towel provided by Oliver and changed into comfortable sweatpants and a shirt. The attire fit her perfectly, an observation she couldn’t help but note. Emerging from the washroom, she found Oliver seated on his bed with his laptop, engrossed in files.

“Ready? Did the clothes fit?” he inquired, his gaze appraising her.

“Yes, they fit perfectly. But how did you know my size?” She quirked an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice.

“I have my ways,” he responded, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Accepting his outstretched hand and they walk downstairs while holding hands.

Elena and Oliver descended the grand staircase, their footsteps echoing through the spacious foyer. As they reached the bottom step, their eyes fell upon an unexpected scene. A trio of boys perched on the living room sofa, entangled in a comical struggle over remote control. Laughter filled the air, and the tussle seemed more playful than competitive.

Oliver’s lips curled into an amused grin, and he quirked an eyebrow at the spirited spectacle. “Your guys are back from the run?” he inquired, his voice tinged with good-natured curiosity. Oliver had told them to take the whole pack for a run so that he can get some alone time with his mate. And also told them to hide in their rooms and not disturb them for the time being. He was not ready to introduce Elena to his world yet. He does not want to scare her away before he even gets the chance to win her heart.

“Then why just not claim her? That way she can’t able to run away from us,” his wolf Roy chimed in disrupting his thoughts. He dismissed him and blocked him so that he can’t bother him again.

The boys, their attention momentarily diverted from the remote, nodded affirmatively in response.

A wisp of chestnut hair fell across Elena’s forehead as she leaned slightly towards Oliver. He introduced them with an air of familiarity, their camaraderie evident. “Elena, they are my friends who stay with me,” Oliver introduced, a trace of fondness lacing his words. His gaze playfully shifted from one boy to the next, a subtle challenge in his glance. “Are you going to introduce yourself, or should I give them the pleasure?” he teased, a hint of mock sternness in his tone.

Nick, a tall and lanky figure with an easy grin, was the first to step forward. His raven-black hair framed his face, and his eyes held a glint of mischievous mirth. Michael, on the other hand, exuded an aura of quiet confidence. His sandy blond hair was neatly tousled, and his azure eyes held a thoughtful depth. Sky, with his vibrant red hair and freckled complexion, radiated an energetic charm. His laughter seemed to linger in the air even as he introduced himself.

Finally, Reece stepped into the spotlight. His muscular build was coupled with a gentle demeanour, a juxtaposition that intrigued Elena. His chocolate-brown eyes met hers, warm and inviting, as he extended his hand in greeting. She noticed a faint scar on his cheek, a mark that hinted at tales of adventure.

Elena’s lips curved into a friendly smile as she shook each boy’s hand in turn, noting the distinct qualities that Oliver cherished in his friends. She felt a sense of acceptance emanating from the group, a silent assurance that she was welcomed into their fold.

Oliver’s voice cut through the momentary silence. “My parents and sister are out of the city due to some family emergency. I’ll introduce her when they come back home,” he explained, a note of concern underlying his words. With a shared understanding, Elena and Oliver left the lively scene behind, their steps carrying them toward the glistening expanse of the pool.

Without warning, he scooped her up in his arms, bridal style. She made a half-hearted attempt to protest but found his hold unyielding. Resigned, she nestled into his strong chest, experiencing an unexpected sense of security, much like she did with her brother.

“I have perfectly functional legs, you know. I can walk.”

He chuckled. “Of course, but I rather like this arrangement.” Carrying her toward the garden, he gently placed her on a chair beside the pool. Sunlight kissed her skin, and warmth enveloped her.

As Oliver settled next to her, her attention was drawn back to him. He sat on a reclining bed, facing her. “Let’s play 21 Questions, shall we?” he proposed.

“Why?” she queried.

“Because I want to get to know you, and I’m sure you’d like to know more about me too,” he replied, a faint furrow in his brow.

“Alright, but I’ve never played before,” she admitted.

“Really?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yep.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He explained the rules, and she agreed to play along. Their exchange of questions began, revealing snippets of their personalities and preferences. With each question, the atmosphere between them grew lighter and more comfortable.

Suddenly, a drop of rain interrupted their game. Looking up, she noticed the sky’s transformation from blue to grey-black.

And then the rain came pouring down.

In an instant, Oliver scooped her up and sprinted back to the house. They were drenched by the time they reached the shelter. Oliver’s concern for her safety was apparent, even though it was just rain.

“Let’s get you into the shower,” he suggested, lifting her once again.

“W-w-what about you?” she managed to ask through chattering teeth.

“I’ll take a shower in one of the guest bedrooms. Come on.”

Back in his room, he handed her a towel and disappeared into his closet. Emerging moments later, he had a sweatshirt and jogging pants in hand.

“You can leave your wet clothes outside the bathroom; a maid will collect them for cleaning,” he instructed before leaving her to shower.

Inside the bathroom, she turned on the shower, letting the warm water wash away the chill. After a quick shower, she emerged smelling like Oliver, having used his shampoo and body wash.

Entering the living room, she watched as Oliver and his friends horsed around, a carefree atmosphere enveloping them. She settled down beside Oliver, but he pulled her onto his lap. A low growl indicated his displeasure when she opted to sit next to him instead.

Amused, she scooted closer to another guy, Michael, whose arm she felt around her. A noticeable tension simmered between her and Oliver, adding a touch of excitement to the air.

“Movie?” Sky suggested, attempting to diffuse the situation.

Reece grabbed the remote and scrolled through movie options on Netflix. A title caught her eye, and a shared shout of excitement with Nick confirmed her choice.

“The Conjuring 2,” she exclaimed in unison with Nick. A feeling of camaraderie stirred between them.

“Looks like we have a winner,” Reece announced.

Before she knew it, Oliver had swept her out of Michael’s embrace and onto his lap. His possessive tone was hard to ignore, making her feel both uneasy and oddly protected.

As the movie played out, tension gave way to laughter and shared commentary. After the film’s conclusion, Oliver’s friends bid their farewells, leaving her alone with him.

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