The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 10


“It didn’t last long enough. What else do you have?” King Carson barked from across my lab.

“Working on it, my king.” I sighed, not even bothering to spare him a glance. He has been getting on my nerves with his demanding timelines to drug his daughter up.

“Kelly needs something more potent. She needs it so there are no lapses, her wolf is too powerful to be left unmedicated.”

“If I give her something new before the last drug trial has run its course, it could give her even worse, more unpredictable side effects. Until we figure out what works, I think it best to give her a week’s time between the end of one treatment and the start of another.” I insisted.

“Give her something now, or get out.” He growled. “We have been at this for almost two years now, Emmett.”

“Your majesty-” I fought the growl that wanted to escape, turning to face him.

“I will gladly find someone more willing if you don’t do this doctor,” he added before storming out. “We will see you in the morning for a new trial, or we wont see you again.” His voice echoed through the halls.

My wolf Everett growled in frustration, ready to lash out at the king. Maybe it wasn’t Kelly’s wolf that was the problem, maybe it was him. I quickly dismissed the idea after having seen how Kelly’s first reaction went, making me rethink everything. During the first really intense trial where I had her restrained for the first time, I caught a glimpse of what Kelly was dealing with. Her wolf took full control, breaking through the restraints that were specially made for our kind. That changed everything.

I was told after that she had some sort of accident. Though no one would speak a word of the details, just that the medications needed to be stronger. My last resort soon became my first choice. I didn’t want to give it to her, but it might be the only option right now. We have been at it for a while now. If I quit, someone else would take my place. And normally, as a doctor, that wouldn’t phase me, except for the fact that everything I am giving Kelly is completely experimental. All it would take would be one power-hungry nutjob to come along and give her things that would do permanent damage.

It would be easy for them to get away with it too, with the way King Carson was. Someone had to be her advocate and I suppose that someone was me. I spent every last minute of my free time studying and researching what could be made to help her without hurting her more than what her wolf would. I called dozens of physicians and apothacarys getting their opinion on the matter. There was only one fellow who had seen something similar, but not to the degree of Kelly. He proved to be pretty useless.

I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place. I have used just about every non-addictive, non-lethal method to settle her wolf down. I feared that if I continued to branch out, it could prove difficult for Kelly to manage. But I was running out of time and options to give her. I might have to abandon my botanical medicine and lean back on my synthetic medicine. But who was I kidding? I was nearly there now anyway.

Feeling frustrated, I abandoned my latest concoction and headed back to my office, mulling over what to give her next. Morning was only a few hours away.

– – – – – – – – – – –


My life was complete. I felt like I was on cloud nine. Finally, after years of dancing around each other, ignoring our feelings for each other, Kelly finally caved and let me make love to her all night long. She was so perfect. I’ll never forget her sweet cries of pleasure, it was like music to my ears.

We were currently wrapped up with each other in the shower, Kelly’s head on my shoulder. It was morning, which meant she would be leaving soon to see her doctor. I could feel her mood dropping by the second. We got out of the shower and started drying off. Kelly wouldn’t face me and seemed shy all of a sudden. I wondered why. After everything we did last night, there should be no shyness between us.

“Hey, everything alright?” I asked as I finished drying off.

“Fine.” She said just a bit too quickly, grabbing her panties and slipping them on with her towel on still.

“You don’t seem fine.” I said, coming up behind her and unwrapping her towel, letting it fall to the floor while my hands and mouth began roaming her body. She was like putty under my touch, resting her head on my chest. “Whatever it is you can tell me.” I encouraged her. She let out a long sigh, but bit her tongue none the less. “Last night was perfect, you were perfect.” I added. “I love y-“

“No!” She said sternly, breaking away from me and picking up her towel, wrapping it around herself again. “Dont say it.” She shook her head. “Last night was fun, and I appreciate your…kindness. But it won’t be happening again.”

“I’m sorry…did I do something wrong?” I asked, taking a step towards her.

She took a step back, turning her face away from me. “You have a mate out there somewhere, Jonas.” She said firmly.

“So? I might never find her. And even if I did, I would reject her. I cant imagine anyone being more perfect for me than you.” I pleaded.

“Dont you dare suggest that.” Kelly said, fire in her eyes. “You are only twenty-one Jonas. You haven’t even been looking for your mate!”

“Because I found the woman of my dreams!” I defended myself.

“No you haven’t! I wont stand between you and your mate, between you and happiness!!”

“Kelly-” I huffed.

“I think you should go now.” She cut me off, throwing on a bathrobe and standing by her bedroom door, waiting for me to leave.

I took a deep breath before getting dressed and heading towards the door. “You’re it for me Kelly.” I said, kissing her cheek which was stained with fresh tears, before leaving.

I knew mates were a sore subject for Kelly, but I meant what I said. She was it for me. I don’t care how long I have to wait, or how many hoops I need to jump through to convince her of that. I was all in. She obviously wasn’t ready, which was fine. If it was time that she needed, so be it. I decided then that I would leave her alone for a while, let her miss me. I would focus on my studies and after I graduated maybe she would be open to being chosen mates. I didn’t care how long it took. I was willing to play the long game if it meant having her as my mate.

– – – – – – – – –


Jonas was a fool for saying anything against his mate. He had no idea what it was like to find your mate, and he was so ignorant about suggesting that he would reject her! I could throttle him! Jonas was so great and would undoubtedly make his mate very happy one day. I knew he made me happy, in more ways than one. But I was not going to allow him to even consider me over his mate. I would not be the one standing between him and his mate. I would not be the other woman. Not now anyway. Maybe when I become queen and if he still hasn’t found her, maybe then I would consider taking him as a chosen mate. Only if I was sure he had spent some time looking for her. Once I marked my chosen mate, their bond with their fated would be gone and there wouldn’t be any problems.

Until then, I wanted what was best for him and that was letting me go and finding his fated. I have too many problems in my life right now anyway. I had no room to take on a relationship. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t have a little fun, but obviously I would need to choose who I had fun with a little more wisely. Sleeping with Jonas was clearly a mistake, a mistake that won’t happen again. Even though it was, as he said, perfect.

“You’re late.” My father snipped, looking at me for an explanation.

“Oopse.” I shrugged, rolling my eyes as we continued to one of the exam rooms. Here we go again.

– – – – – – – – –


I got up off the couch in my office, stretching out all the knots that formed in my back. I only had about three hours to sleep after spending the remainder of the night at war with myself about what to give Kelly. I finally made up my mind at the final hour. Now I would just have to live with the consequences.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

“Dr. Barbato. Do we have another option?” King Carson asked with his eyes narrowed.

“We do.” I nodded, looking over to Kelly who sat on the exam table with dark circles under her eyes. “If you will, please step out of the room so I can speak to my patient about the medication. I won’t need any assistance administering it this time.”

He grunted in response and stormed out of the room. No sooner was he gone did Kelly break down and start crying.

“I cant do it anymore.” She sobbed. “I cant live like this. Its ruining my life.”

Her words gave me some relief, knowing that the meds I was about to give her would give her some hope. I handed her a tissue and rubbed her back gently. She eventually settled down and I was able to take a seat across from her and begin.

“I have something for you to try. It’s a pill, one a day.” I began, showing her the bottle. “Its basically as if a sedative and relaxant had a baby and that baby was King Kong. It is highly addictive. Therefore, I will be holding onto the bottle.”

“Okay…” Kelly said, wiping her eyes again.

“Side effects are drowsiness, fatigue, mood changes, impaired coordination, confusion or memory problems, nausea, vomiting, dependence, withdrawal, you get the picture.” I said, popping open the bottle and pouring one into her hand. “Its far from botanical, but I do believe it will help.” I added, handing her a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” She sniffled, taking the pill.

“As always, I want weekly check-ins. Any side effects you have, please let me know.”

“I will.” She nodded, nursing her water. “I just want this to end.”

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