The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 1


“Does my hair look okay?” I asked, fluffing my freshly curled blond locks in the mirror for the third time.

“Kelly, you look stunning.” My younger sister Kelsey said as she finished her makeup.

“I just want everything to be perfect for tonight.” I said, fussing over my makeup next.

“You are going to have a fabulous birthday, whether you find your mate tonight or not.” She encouraged me.

“But we really hope she finds her mate. We invited the entire kingdom, plus some.” My mom laughed from the doorway.

My eighteenth birthday had just passed earlier this week. I was officially able to sense my mate. In honor of such a momentous occasion, my parents threw the largest birthday party that probably anyone has ever had. I prayed that I would find my mate tonight. I dreamed of this moment for so long.

“I want to go!” My youngest sister Kylie pouted.

She was only eleven and my parents were leery enough about letting their sixteen-year-old go to a party that was intended for singles. Heck, my father didn’t even like the idea that I could potentially find my mate tonight and we might…solidify our bond. To him, I was still his baby girl. He didn’t see me as the woman I had become. Thankfully, my mom was around to say otherwise.

“Sorry Kylie, grown ups only.” I said as I compared two sets of earrings in the mirror. “Which pair do you think?” I looked between Kelsey and my mom.

“The pearls,” they both answered.

“Pearls it is.” I laughed.

“Have you picked out your dress yet?” My mom asked, looking over the pile lying on my bed.

“I was torn between two,” I said, running to my closet where I had my favorites hung up. “Which do you think? The pink or blue?”

“Blue, it’ll make your eyes pop.” My mom said, taking it from me. She looked a bit uneasy. Kelsey noticed too and took my dress from her while our mom took a seat on the edge of my bed, a few coughs escaping her.

“You okay mom?” I asked, my heart breaking for her.

She has been sick most of my life. I don’t think I remember a time when she was ever well. She missed a lot of events because of that. Partially because she didn’t have the energy to go, and the other part because her doctor told her that she should avoid crowds. If she caught something else, he said it could be deadly for her. While most werewolves never get sick, my mom was the one in a million exception. We weren’t exactly sure what was wrong with her. Her body just seemed to attack itself. She had been through a bunch of tests and treatments trying to diagnose the problem but no one could figure it out. I almost think all the medical interventions did more harm than good. But my mother was determined to overcome her illness. So she kept seeking help.

“Yes, just fine.” She nodded.

That was the other part of the problem. She was always fine. It wasn’t until I was old enough to know better that I realized she was sick. I used to get so upset that she would miss special occasions, but now I know why. I resented her for so long thinking she was a terrible mother, when she was in fact lying in bed fighting for her life. I wish I had known sooner.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Should I grab your pills?” I asked as Kelsey helped zip me up into my flashy strapless party dress.

“No.” She fussed. “You have a party to go to.” She said with a strained smile.

“Not without me.” My dad said, strolling into my room. “Is that what you’re wearing, Kelsey?” He frowned.

I swear I saw Kelsey roll her eyes. We had hoped our father, King Carson, would stay home tonight. We wanted to have free reign tonight and not be c**k blocked by our father. He would be looking after Kelsey more than me, no doubt. She was young for one, young enough not to find her mate, unlike me. She was also more…delicate. I was the hell raiser of my three sisters. I could hold my own, and I think he knew that.

“It goes past my fingertips.” My sister defended herself, skillfully posing herself so our father wouldn’t notice her party dress was in fact too short according to his standards. Unfortunately for her, I had overused that tactic over the years.

“Pick something else.” He said firmly. “I’ll wait right outside.”

“Ha-ha!” Kylie laughed, still upset that she wasn’t going to my party.

“Kylie, why don’t we go have a movie night, hm?” My mom interjected before I threw something at her.

“Can I choose the movie?” Kylie asked.

“Of course.” My mom nodded, leading her out of my room. “Have fun tonight girls.” She winked before turning the corner.

“Okay, ready?” I asked as I slipped on my heels and Kelsey finished zipping up her dad-approved backup dress that I suggested she have handy just in case.

“Yeah, let’s go.” She nodded, slipping on a pair of flats that she knew were also dad-approved.

I envied her. If I weren’t looking for my mate right now, I would be in flats now too. My heels hurt, but damn did I look good in them.

“Now both of you, remember to behave tonight.” My father began as he escorted us outside where my party was being held. “I want you to have fun, but remember, you represent the future of our kingdom.”

“Yes dad.” Kelsey and I said together.

“Alright then, go have fun.” He said, stopping short at the edge of the temporary dance floor.

The DJ immediately announced my arrival and I was flocked by hundreds of guests wishing me a happy birthday. Or maybe their motive was to just say hello to the future queen, or maybe see if they were my mate perhaps. Whatever the reason, I was happy to be in the limelight. It was my special day and nothing was going to ruin it.

“Hey pretty lady, happy birthday.” My best friend Jonas said, a melancholy expression on his face.

Joans was just one of those people that was easy to talk to. He was so likeable and approachable and his infectious laughter made being around him, well, easy. He always had a relaxed nature, some might say too relaxed, but he was genuine, always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on. He was an average height for a male wolf, he had blond shaggy hair and sharp blue eyes that held a twinkle of mirth and kindness. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed that he wasn’t my mate. Actually, more like a lot.

Jonas turned eighteen several months ago, so we already knew we weren’t mates. I think he was secretly dreading my birthday, knowing I could very well find my mate. Jonas and I had danced on the line of friends and lovers on more than one occasion, but once we found out we weren’t fated, I shut it down. I don’t know where we stand with each other as of lately because of that. I know I’m looking for my fated mate, but I don’t know if he is looking for his.

“Thanks Jonas.” I said, giving him a quick hug.

“So, find prince charming yet?” He sighed.

“Not yet, but the night is still young.” I smiled.

“Well, I wish you all the best. I’m going to go grab a drink. Can I get you anything?” He asked.

“No thanks.” I said, turning to say hello to a new group of singles. “Just go find your mate.” I winked.

“I’ll try.” Jonas laughed dryly, getting lost in the crowd.

Goddess, it was so busy tonight. I hoped I wouldn’t miss meeting my mate on account of how many people were here. I had a lot of ground to cover with a lot of moving bodies. I spent a large part of my night just greeting people, but I also made sure to spend a little time on the dance floor, actually enjoying my party and not acting like a chicken with my head cut off.

After some time, I took a break from dancing and went to look at the sparkling sky, getting a breath of fresh crisp air. Unlike the warm, sweaty dancefloor air I had been in most of the night. If I had to guess, it was just past two in the morning. Kelsey had been escorted back to her room by our father a few hours ago. Guests were starting to dwindle. Maybe I won’t find my mate tonight after all. That’s what I thought anyway, until the crisp breeze hit again and I smelled him.

“Mate” I gasped, the word leaving my mouth before I could even register what was happening.

“Mate smells divine” My wolf Keres purred.

She wasn’t wrong either. I took a deep whiff, following his freshly baked blueberry muffin scent. He was so close I could almost taste him. I passed a few dozen guests before I finally saw his silhouette in the moonlight. He turned his head, looking in my direction, as I stalked closer and closer to him.

“Hi.” I said nervously.

“Hi.” He mirrored. “I’m Dustin.” He said, holding out his hand.

He was a gorgeous specimen of a man. Tall, tan, and a few tattoos from what I could see. He was perfectly dangerous and delicious looking.

“Kelly.” I smiled, the sparks from our bond erupting with our touch.

“Wait…Princess Kelly?” He frowned.

“The one and only,” I said, giving an exaggerated shrug.

“Oh…” He said disappointedly, letting go of my hand as if it were diseased.

“Is there a problem?” I asked, worry etched in my face.

“I’m really sorry to do this, especially since its your birthday party…but I’m just not interested in having a mate…”

“What?! Why wouldn’t you want your mate? Why wouldn’t you want me?” I pleaded for answers.

“I’m only twenty. I don’t want to settle down, and I especially don’t want to be part of the royal family.” He said matter of factly.


“I, Dustin Harris of the Willow Pack, reject you Princess Kelly Cook of the Western Kingdom Pack.”

I stood there in dumbfound silence. He didnt want me? My fated mate was rejecting me? During my birthday party?! Fine! If he was the kind of person that would reject someone without even knowing them first, then that wasn’t someone I wanted to be with.

“I accept.” I bit out.

The moment the words left my mouth I was filled with the most agonizing pain I had ever experienced before. I dropped to my knees, gasping for air, fighting the tears that were already falling. Dustin looked to be in terrible pain as well, but managed to crawl away from me. I don’t know how long I laid there crying, but it felt like hours.

“Kelly?” Jonas called. I could hear his footsteps coming towards me, fast and heavy. “Kelly, are you alright? What happened?!” He frantically asked.

“My mate…he rejected me.” I said, breaking into an ugly sob.

“Shit…Lets get you inside.” He said, helping me up and carrying me inside.

I had a number of people staring at me on my way in, exchanging weary glances and whispering with each other. I felt so humiliated. Thankfully, Jonas quickly got me to my room where my mother and Kelsey were up and waiting for me.

“I linked them.” Jonas whispered, sending me off with them.

“Oh honey I’m so sorry…” My mother said, her eyes glassy.

“He didn’t deserve you anyway.” Kelsey said, rage in her expression.

I nodded and fell into their embrace, crying myself to sleep. Happy f*****g birthday to me.

– – – – – – – –

“I looked into that boy.” My father said at breakfast the following week.

Kelsey literally dragged me out of bed all week, which was quite impressive, giving her small frame, saying I needed to eat something and reminding me that Dustin wasn’t worth my time. He didn’t deserve my tears or even another thought. I appreciated her sentiment, but it was much easier said than done. I prayed that she would never find out what it felt like to be rejected.

“He has a record.” He continued. “You deserve much better than a criminal such as him.” He grunted, obviously pissed that someone would reject his daughter.

“Carson..” My mother scolded.

“What? She should know. He’s not worth missing.” he scoffed.

“Why did he reject you?” My sister Kylie asked, the only one brave enough to do so.

I slammed my fork down on the table, having had enough of this family time already. “He rejected me because I’m going to be Queen one day.” I said, my chair screeching on the floor during my dramatic exit.

“Kelly…” My mother called, but I ignored her and everyone else.

No one here had any idea what I was going through. Not only did I feel completely shattered and sick to my stomach from the rejection, but my wolf was at odds with me too. She was mad that I accepted the rejection. All she did was tell me what I should have done instead.

Keres only showed up a few days ago, and I cant say I’m overly impressed with her so far. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but we butted heads so much, I felt like she hated me. Any thought or idea I had she would shoot down. She tried to take control of me on more than one occasion. I tried to let her out to run every day, but shifting hurt so badly, I swear she was doing something to try to hurt me in the process. And when she was out and about, she wouldn’t just kill to eat, she killed for sport too. It was a bit concerning.

My parents said it sometimes takes some time to get in sync with your wolf, but I have never heard of anyone’s wolf acting like mine. I only told my parents half the things Keres said or did and they already said they were going to hire someone to be around me when I shifted. Some guy named Thorin was going to meet with me next week. He is several years older than me and apparently has a lot of experience with…wild animals. Keres was more feral than wild if you asked me.

I flopped down on my bed, too miserable to do anything else at the moment. I was so excited and hopeful to find my mate and now I just felt broken inside. My wolf didn’t make matters any better. I felt so alone. Finding my mate was near the top of my list, right next to becoming queen one day. And now that dream was dead.

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