The Alpha and the Mistake

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"I think kitchen duty is ruining my love for food," I complained as I stirred a ginormous pot on the stove.

"I don't think I've managed to eat a proper meal since we started here," Beth replied, cutting some

vegetables on the kitchen island.

It had been just a week of our punishment with three more to go. I doubted if I would last that long. I tell

you one thing, though, I will never start a fight again. Ever! On the plus side, Beth and I weren't exactly

enemies anymore. We weren't friends, but she stopped looking at me like she wanted to strangle me. It

might have helped that Dean and the others were nicer to her since I threatened to stop talking to them

forever if they didn't. It proved to be pretty effective, especially against Dean.

"Seriously I don't see how you can stand making all this food three times a day, every day."

Rose rolled her eyes at us. "It's not so bad. You two just love to complain."

Beth scoffed. "You get up super early, spend hours cooking, hours cleaning. When you finally finish you

have to start all over again for lunch then again for dinner. How is that not slavery?"

"It's not slavery it's my job. Now get rid of those poor orphan girl look. They won't move me. Now get to

work. Werewolves aren't happy when they're hungry."

"Well I'm an unhappy werewolf, and I don't see anyone around here cares," Beth grumbled under her


Rose snorted but kept chopping the meat before her.

"I swear I'm going to beg Ryder's parents to give us a pardon or something," I insisted then frowned.

"Where are they? I haven't seen them at all lately." Nor had I seen Kara either. Andy said he was busy

with some work for Ryder's dad.

"Did you forget there is a war out there?" Beth's voice was sharp as she gave me an accusing glare.

"Is it getting worse? Has the fighting started?" Guilt made my stomach twist. I'd forgotten about the war.

"It's war and, of course, the fighting has started. It started a while ago. Where have you been?" Beth

kept giving me the glare.

This time I deserved. How could I have forgotten? Was Kara involved? My stomach twisted tighter. I

hurried to finish up to meet Mom and Harry for lunch. I needed to know what was going on. Ryder or

the others hadn't said anything, and I hoped, it was because they were as clueless as I was. If that

wasn't the case, I was going to be so upset with all of them, especially Ryder.

Finally, we finished, I cleaned up and met Mom and Harry in the dining room. "Hey Honey," Mom said,

smiling. "Haven't seen you much this week."

"Slaving over a hot stove will do that to ya." I got the laugh I was trying for.

"Not so fun when you're the one doing the work. Is it? So what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" I gave her an innocent look.

She didn't buy it one bit. "You're usually with Ryder and the others. So I'm assuming you want


"Is not spending time in the company of my loving mother and stepfather, not enough?" I did my best to

sound offended.

Harry let out a snort and shook his head at me. "Spill."

I grinned at them with a shrug. "I was wondering if you heard about what was going on with this war

that is supposed to be going on between Mike's dad and Ryder's."

"I'm afraid I don't," Harry said, his expression turning grim. "What little I do know is the violence has

started. Ryan isn't holding back. Some other packs have gotten involved, some for us, some for Ryan. I

heard he promised to give Beth to an alpha thirty years her senior as a mate if the alpha supports him

against Brent."

Seriously? Did that monster not have any limits? "Is Mike's dad winning?" My stomach churned at the

thought of it. No way was I going to be able to eat like this.

"No one is really winning. Both sides are evenly matched, both in force and in casualties."

How did Andy act normal with Kara out there? "Why is everyone acting like nothing is happening?"

"The fighting still is taking place on the borders, more specific, the eastern borders. When the pack's

hospital became overrun with the injured they set up several medical camps a few miles from the

borders to tend to the non-critical injured or those who wouldn't live long enough to reach the hospital."

"Brook," Mom said, patting my hand with hers. "You shouldn't think about this. It's only going to make

you feel bad, and there is nothing we can do, but wait."

Maybe she couldn't do anything, but this was about me, and I was doing nothing. The feeling I should

be doing something, anything, wouldn't leave me. Only I had no clue what.

Throughout the next week, I tried to find out more about the war, but I didn't get too far. Ryder didn't

seem to know any more than I did. When I finally got the nerve to ask his Dad, Brent just told me he

couldn't give me details, and I should try to simply enjoy my stay in his home.

Once I left the bathroom, I sat on my bed and brushed out my hair. Thankfully, it no longer smelled like

fried chicken. I glanced at the clock on the wall. I had five minutes to meet Ryder and the gang for

dinner. I jumped, nearly ripping out a small portion of my hair when my phone rang. It was Anna. I had

tried to call her a couple of times since I got here but always got voicemail.

"Brook," Anna said in a hurry as soon as I answered the phone. "Is it true? Are you really Blue

Crescent's future Luna?"

Well hello to you too. "Yeah, it is. Why?"

"Oh thank, God. You have to help my family and me! The alpha, he knows we were friends. Please, he

beat up my dad and my brother nearly killing them. He says he's going to come back later and finish

the job. Please, Brooke, help us."

My heart jumped into my throat. Alpha Ryan was a monster? How could he do these things to his

people? "Of course, I'll help. What can I do?"

"I - we are just outside of Blue Crescent Territory. Can you come and help us pass the borders. We

don't want trouble. Just, please Brook. If you tell them we were friends, they'd have to let us pass,

right?" Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

"Of course. I can Alpha Brent to come with me-"

"No," she shouted, making me jump again. "There's no time. You have to come now! I think the alpha

knows we ran. It has to be you, and it has to be now."

I frowned, not sure what to say. I've watched enough videos on Youtube about scammers to figure out

when someone says it has to be now they're usually lying. Yet, this was Anna, my one and only friend

until now. If there was even a chance the danger was real, I had to do something, right? "Alright, where

are you?"

"Southeast border, near the interstate."

"Okay, stay hidden and keep quiet. I'm coming." I got out my little can of silver pepper spray, stuffing it

in my hoodie pocket. When I was in the car, I called Ryder. "Hey, Anna, a friend of mine in Black

Mountain pack, called. She and her family are in danger. They are trying to come here for asylum. I'm

going to get them. She says there isn't much time so I'm on my way now. It's the southeastern border

by the interstate." I hung up and stuff the phone in my pocket too.

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