The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Juan shot up from his chair, and threw his clenched fist at the rogue’s jaw, breaking it with a n audible crack. Xandar pulled the rogue by his prison clothes across the table towards him. The King’s eyes already turned onyx as he growled, “You sought to murder our Queen. If you think you can live your life without painful repercussions for what you did to MY mate, I’m telling you right now you’re going to live a long cycle of torture and recovery. Now, answer m e, who sent you?”

And they felt it. Everyone did, even the wolves from the next room. They felt the King’s Authority radiating strong from Xandar’s being when he said the last three words, compelling compliance.

The rogue tried hard to avert his gaze and resist the authority but after about seven seconds, h e muttered, “The company.” And his eyes showed anger, anger for being unable to keep his knowledge to himself.

“What company?” Xandar asked.

The rogue pressed his lips together, refusing to speak. Xandar radiated his authority again as he repeated, “What company?”

The rogue fought the urge to give in again but eventually he spat out, “Wu Bi Corp.”

Lucianne’s eyes widened in shock. But Christian’s and Xandar’s expressions in the other room remained unperturbed.

Toby noticed her reaction so he asked, “Do you know the company, Lucy?” The wolves pulled their sights from the glass wall and waited for Lucianne’s answer.

Lucianne knew she wasn’t supposed to speak about the research from the corruption case beyond those who knew so she tried to explain it vaguely, “It’s a company that the government is looking into. They

haven’t found out much about it yet, and whatever information they have about it so far is… not exactly connected to rogue Lycans.”

“Looks like it’s connected now.” Tate uttered and everyone’s eyes returned to the glass.

Xandar asked, “Who’s in charge of Wu Bi Corp?”

The rogue glared at the King as he muttered, “I don’t know.” All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Xandar slammed the rogue’s side profile against the table before pulling his head up to face him again, “I asked,” he radiated his authority for the third time, “Who’s in charge of Wu Bi Corp?”

The rogue smirked victoriously, “I. Don’t Know.”

So, it was true. He didn’t know.

“How is it possible that you don’t know who you work for?” Xandar didn’t bother trying to play fair anymore.

The rogue gritted his teeth as he tirelessly tried to defy Xandar. When his strength snapped, h e uttered in defeat, “Seeing that there’s a risk of us getting caught, our employer never allowed anyone of our rank to know his identity.”

“So, it’s a he.”Xandar asked in confirmation.

The rogue sighed when he realized the gender of his employer slipped, “We guess that it is. It could be a she, we don’t know.”

“What makes you think that it’s a he then?”

“Because that’s how everyone addresses the boss. ‘He’.”

“You said anyone of your rank doesn’t know your boss. Which rank of employees do?”

“The Tacticians.”

“Who are they?”

“Personal advisors to the boss. As far as we know, they’re the only ones who have met with the boss and spoken to the boss. The Tacticians are the team manoeuvring any contracts the boss accepts. They study tactics, strategize attacks and deploy us fighters according to our credentials.”


“The number of successful untraceable attacks, and the environments in which the attacks were launched. The more difficult it is to attack at a particular place, like an attack at night, the better our credentials are if we pull it off.”

“So, your credentials were good enough to kill our Queen?” Xandar’s claws extended and pierced through the table where his hand rested. The hand holding onto the rogue’s clothes now went around his neck as he started strangling the prisoner.

Lucianne’s eyes widened in the next room, and she mind-linked her mate in haste, ‘Xandar, darling. Breathe. Just breathe, okay? We’re okay. Everything is going to be alright. Breathe, m y darling. Just breathe.’

It was only then did Xandar realize he was losing control. As he and his animal concentrated on their mate’s soothing voice, Xandar managed to retract his claws and calm down. He released the rogue, whose body that was still tied to a chair slumped on the table before sliding onto the floor. The rogue coughed profusely and took in large breaths of air.

Lucianne sighed audibly with relief. Toby noticed her glazed-over eyes cleared about the same time as Xandar’s so he teased, “It’s no wonder you never had any problems calming down hot-tempered Alphas. You can even tame the fiercest of beasts – the Lycan King.”

The wolves’ eyes left the prisoner and shifted to Lucianne while they threw her cheeky smirks. And Lucianne looked at Toby in annoyance, “Did you really have to say that out loud, Toby?”

Zelena then joined in, “I personally think that the one with Caunterberg the other night was much more impressive.”

Raden exclaimed in excitement, “Agreed, Luna! I thought I was going to die that night with the King shifting.” Everyone started laughing at Raden’s candid admission. He was considered as one of the fiercest and strongest Gammas in the werewolf community so it was hilarious to hear that coming out of him.

Lovelace then said matter-of-factly, “We shouldn’t worry about getting killed now. The King listens to Lucy, and he wouldn’t do anything to upset her. I’m confident we’ll be just fine.”

Lucianne was getting more flustered by the second, and there were two policemen at the back of the room listening in on their conversation so she urged, “Maybe we should focus on the rogue now, guys.”

Zeke then teased, “C’mon, Lucy. It’s nothing to be shy about. You should be proud! We definitely are. I mean, it’s one thing that you were able to turn the infamously selfish and hot tempered Alpha Tate into a calm and considerate team player, it’s another to be able to make the Lycan King kneel at your feet.” Tate averted his eyes from everyone to hide the blushes creeping up his cheeks.

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