Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates

Tasting 11

Tasting 11

11-Dress Up Your Stepsister! Nora: I’ve returned to my bedroom with so many thoughts swirling in my head that I couldn’t put words to them. “I can handle everything but Cain and Ryker!” I bit my bottom lip, not dwelling too much on Silas and Nash. It’s not like Nash would ask me to box with anyone. As for Silas, if he yells at me, I’ll start crying and make him feel guilty for raising his voice at me. Although, I don’t know how well that’ll work. “Maybe they’ll cut me some slack now. Their father told them if they didn’t behave nicely, he would take away their crowns,” I figured the crown meant everything to the brothers. All they knew was how to be the Alpha kings. Emotions and feelings didn’t seem to matter to them. I also wondered why they haven’t found their fated mates. Not a single one of them has a fated mate. Or did they kill their mates? It could be possible with how they are. Well, the family meeting ended with the brothers arguing with their father. I’ve never seen such aggressive people before. “It seems quiet downstairs,” I said, sitting on the comfortable. bed and watching the door. The maid had brought dinner to my room earlier, and I reckoned the brothers were still angry at literally everything. 15 5701 11.Dress Up Your Stepsister! 260 The bedroom was beautiful, **s, and filled with amazing decor. The bed was set on a high raised area with a window behind it. There was a study table on one of the walls after getting off the raised area and a big walk-in closet adjacent to it. The bathroom was in the corner of the same wall. The other wall had a coffee set with a window facing the mountains. Lord Atwood was a nice dad; I was really enjoying all the attention from him so far.

Just as I was praising my new father, a knock on the door alarmed me of someone’s arrival. “Come in, it’s open,” I called out, swinging my legs as I sat comfortably on the bed. The door opened, and in came my father. “Seems like you liked the room,” he commented, instantly giving me an apologetic smile. “I am sorry that you had to witness all that.” As he mentioned his son’s actions, Alpha Ryker and Alpha Silas entered the room, each carrying a beautiful gown in their hands. The look on their faces made it evident that they were brought here by force. But at least they were trying to be nice now. “It’s okay, I understand. Boys don’t like taking their sisters to their private gatherings,” I attempted to joke, but when the brothers didn’t c**k a smile, I awkwardly bit my tongue. “Anyway, I have brought you two beautiful gowns,” dad excitedly 10.76% ||| 15:57 gestured at the brothers to uncover the gowns. They looked bored, as if they would rather be anywhere else right now. “Really? What for?” I jumped on the bed, folding my legs under my body and watching Ryker pull the zipper of the cover to reveal a white gown. It was gorgeous with white pearls and mesh around the neck and shoulder area. It looked like a princess dress for sure. “Wow!” I stared at it for a moment before my throat started to turn dry. “Can I see the other one?” I immediately looked away from the white gown to focus on the other dress. “Silas!” Lord Atwood had to nudge him a little. Silas rolled his eyes, pulled the zipper down so roughly that he almost ripped the cover. It was a r gown that shone like glitter.

“This one is so pretty. I’ll keep this one,” I got out of the bed and was about to grab the dress when Silas threw it in my face. “Behave!” father’s words came out in a scolding tone. Silas had his hands slipped into his oversized pants, not seeming to care at all. “It’s alright. I like this gown. But may I ask what the occasion is?” I frowned once I noticed how heavy the gown was. Obviously, dad wasn’t suggesting I wear it for school. Then what was this gown for? “I’ve decided to introduce you to the council and members of 15-5 # elite Alphas from the bigger and even the smaller packs, dads words brought immediate tears to my eyes. I couldn’t even 1 respond to his generosity and love. It was too much, as no one has ever treated me with this much care before. “Great! Now everybody will know we have a sister, Silas groaned, not even waiting for his father’s signal and stepping out of the room. Ryker lowered the dress and began walking away, dragging the white dress on the ground when Lord Atwood called for him. “Can you please call Nash over? Tell him I’m waiting for him in his sister’s room, dad asked, “Sure, I’ll say it like that, and he will be thrilled to join,” without turning to look at his father, Ryker commented and exited the room. “You are doing way too much for me. I don’t even know if I deserve this much attention,” I was aware of the situation I had created between the brothers and their father. It was not easy for them to look at me and accept me when my face reminded them of their deceased mother’s sufferings so much. “It’s nothing compared to the sing I’ve committed,” as dad made that comment, a slight unease took over me. However, before we could talk anymore, Nash had joined us. He was the one I was most afraid of because of how big and muscular he was. Also, the way heThis is from NôvelDrama.Org.

kept his head down and glared at everyone through his thick eyebrows. Him being good at boxing didn’t help either. “Why did you call me here?” Nash flicked his nose, looking around the room and pulling his nose up as if me staying in this III 11 Dress Up Your Stepsister! 288 Wouchers bedroom had dirtied it. “You are responsible for your sister getting dressed today,” as dad said it like that, even I was stunned. Is my stepbrother going to dress me up? “Since I’ll be leaving with the others early, she is your responsibility for tonight,” Lord Atwood announced, prompting his son to let out an uncomfortable chuckle, almost like he was in disbelief, and then bend over to hear his dad again. “Come again, please?” he asked. “I said, you will wait for her while she dresses up and gets ready. Bring her to the royal hall with safety,” dad explained what he wanted Nash to do. I don’t know why dad assigned him over everyone else because I’ll be more afraid of him than the monster. “Why do you hate me so much?” Nash asked in a grumpy voice, f**g his palm continuously in a threatening way. “You can complain all you want. Just make sure you bring her safely,” dad was as stubborn as them. I could tell they got these mannerisms from him. “Sure,” Nash nodded while dad walked past him and exited through the door. Leaving me behind with an enraged, unleashed beast. “I’ll take you with me to the royal hall,” Nash agreed, “Safely!” I didn’t believe his statement anymore when a very slight evil smirk covered his lips.

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