Taming the Beast

Chapter 61 (Caroline)

Chapter 61 (Caroline)

(Caroline's POV)

It had been a while since I'd been with Keegan. Between Aiden moving in and the kidnapping business,

and the whole 'being in a coma' thing, Keegan and I hadn't been intimate in a long time. After I found

Keegan huddled in a corner in my room and we apologized to each other, we made out on the floor for

a long time. He was gentle with me; like he was scared I might disappear. I straddled his lap and kissed

down his jaw. He smirked and kissed my head as his arm went around me.

"Let's go take a shower," he said softly. I smiled and got off of him. I walked into the bathroom and

turned on the shower. I felt Keegan's hands slip on to my sides. He pulled on my tank top, bringing it up

and over my head. I smiled lightly as I turned to face him. I pulled down his shorts and he did the same

to me until I was completely naked. I put my hair up in a messy bun before I stepped into the shower.

Keegan followed suit. I sighed in content as the hot water massaged my body. I let my eyes close as I

felt a pair of warm lips on my shoulder blade. I giggled and turned to face him. His hands went to my

lower back as he pulled me closer to him. I kissed him gently I felt him poke against my stomach. I

moaned as he bit my lip and pulled my knee up around his hip. He held me up so I was straddling his

hips. His hands gripped my butt as my legs wrapped around his waist. He turned and pressed my back

up against the cold shower wall. I sighed and closed my eyes as his lips went to my neck.

"Keegan, I want you," I breathed. He growled and nipped at my neck. I gasped and my eyes shot open

as he impaled me on his shaft. I moaned and completely relaxed on him. It was the first time we made

love in weeks and it was every bit as amazing. By the time we were done, the water was frigid. We

stepped out of the shower and I dried off. I giggled when I felt Keegan's lips against my neck.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" he muttered. I smiled and wrapped the towel around my

body. He growled before ripping the towel off of me.

"You, sir, have separation issues," I giggled. He spun me around to face him. My giggles halted

immediately. His face held longing and hurt. His eyes were completely black, and I wasn't sure what

emotion was causing it. I reached my hand up and cupped his cheek in my hand.

"Being without you for that long really messed with me," he practically whispered. I was about to kiss

him, but made a beeline for the toilet instead. I hunched over and threw up. I heaved until I could

breathe again. Practically panting, I made my way to my sink and rinsed my mouth out before brushing

my teeth. Keegan rubbed soothing circles into my back.

"Are you sick babe?" he aside softly. I sighed and took extra time with the mouthwash as I shook my

head. After spitting it out, I walked back into my room.

"I've just been throwing up lately," I answered. It was true. I just assumed it was coma related. I couldn't

have been more wrong.


(Keegan's POV)

"I've just been throwing up lately," Caroline shrugged it off. Something clicked in my brain. The throwing

up, the softer and faster heartbeat; it all made since. A big goofy grin made its way on to my face. I laid

Caroline down on her bed before I pressed my ear against her stomach and just listened. It was there,

as clear as day. Tears pricked my eyes as I smiled at Caroline. She only watched me curiously.

"Listen," I said happily. She did and then her face went to one of shock as she sat up. I sat in front of

her and kissed her hands repeatedly.

"We're having a baby," she whispered. I nodded like crazy before I pulled her into a bear hug. I let out a

happy chuckle as Caroline just tried to come to grips with what was happening. I pulled away from her


"We have to do the title swapping ceremony tonight. With everything over and a baby on the way, it just

seems like a good idea. My mom already has a dress for you and accepting you into the pack as Luna

also kind of doubles as our wedding," I smiled and hopped off the bed. Caroline pulled her hair out of

the bun and ruffled her hair.

"W-What about the council?" she asked hesitantly. I shrugged.

"I don't care. If they have a problem with my Luna, I will personally kill every last one of them. I'm sure

the whole pack will jump to defend you as well," I said quickly. I pulled her towards her drawers and

pulled out some sweat pants and a tee shirt. "Hurry, put these on. We're going to have to have the girls

start on you now if we want to be ready by nightfall," I said, pushing the clothes towards her. She shook

her head and took a step back.

"Keegan, this is all so... sudden. I don't think we should do this now," she said nervously. I cupped her

cheeks in my hands and kissed her head.

"You're going to be great," I said softly. There was a knock on her door. Caroline took the clothes from

me and quickly changed as I opened her bedroom door.

"What's all the excitement?" Aiden asked, walking in. I smiled.

"Title swap ceremony tonight... and we're having a baby," I said excitedly. Aiden smiled and rushed

over to hug Caroline.

"That's awesome!" Aiden smiled. I growled and yanked him back as I stood in between him and


"Mine!" I growled at him, my wolf coming out. Caroline only laughed and ran her hand over my


"We should get going," Caroline said softly before she kissed my cheek. I stopped growling and smiled

at Caroline. I took her hand in mine and Aiden let the way down to the car. By the time we pulled up to

the house, everyone was waiting on us. I'd already mind-linked everyone I needed to. My mom was the

first to greet us. She smiled and wrapped Caroline up in a hug. I only told everyone about the

ceremony. I would save the baby news for later. My mom ushered Caroline inside where a bunch of

girls automatically took over. I walked with Aiden up to Gregg's room where I would be getting ready.

"Are you sure about this?" Gregg asked when I was done showering and changing. I only replied with a

glare as I tried to fix the cuffs of my loose white button up shirt. Gregg chuckled and pat me on the

back. "Okay then," he said with amusement. My khaki pants were rolled up to my mid-calf and my feet Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

were bare and my hair was slicked back. I was ready. I hoped Caroline was ready too. After everything,

it all boiled down to this.


(Caroline's POV)

Lena dragged me into the house as soon as she could. She dragged me up to Keegan's room with was

prepped for me. There were almost have a dozen girls in there to try and help me prepare. They

ordered me to shower and shave everything even though I just took a shower. After I was out, they

lotioned me down is something that shimmered and gave me a glowing look. Lena stuck me in a white

dress. It was Greek style with a one shoulder, high waist ruching and a flowing skirt that ended at my

feet. It was beautiful and hid my taunt stomach perfectly. I didn't have a bump yet, but my skin was

tight, now that I noticed it. I smiled and resisted the urge to rub my hand over my stomach. Keegan and

I were having a baby. There was a bun in my oven.

Lena instructed the girls as they fussed over every inch of me. A covering was put over my dress as

one girl (who later, I learned her name was Mira) started tugging and teasing my hair until it was curled

and pulled over to one shoulder in a side braid that looked like it came straight out of Frozen. White

flowers were pinned in my hair to hold it in place. Another girl, named Harmony, worked on my

makeup. She kept it light for the most part. She only used a little powder and blush. She used a dark

gray eye shadow and only used a little eyeliner and mascara. She added a light pink gloss to my lips

and I was ready. It was customary to do the ceremony barefooted so shoes weren't an issue. The girls

scurried away, leaving just me and Lena in the room. Lena beamed at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so glad it's you," she said softly as she hugged me. She pulled back and looked me over. "I'm so

proud to call you my daughter. I can't wait till you two start giving me grandbabies to spoil," she joked. I

laughed and rubbed a hand over my stomach.

"That time might be sooner than you think," I said with a smile as I looked at my stomach. I picked out

the small fluttering heartbeat and my smile only got bigger. Lena gasped before she squealed.

"I'm so happy," she cried. I laughed softly and shook my head at my soon to be mother-in-law as I

handed her tissue. She sniffled but kept her smile. "Come on, it's time for your entrance," she said. I

nodded and waited for her to lead me down the stairs and to the back doors where two girls were

waiting to open them. I took a deep breath and held the white flowers that were handed to me. Lena

gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before the door swung open. I let out a small gasp. The backyard

had completely been transformed. There were a good 200 people who turned their heads back to look

at me. I blushed as I looked at all the people.

"It's okay, darling," a hoarse voice said from beside me. I looked to see Wes in a wheelchair that was

now being pushed by Lena. I couldn't help it. I smiled and gave him a hug. He chuckled as he hugged

me back. "We have a ceremony to get to, love," he whispered. I pulled away and nodded. He took my

hand in his and we made our way down the aisle. Keegan was standing at the end, smiling at me like I

was the only thing in the world. I noticed the small tears in his eyes. Seeing Keegan cry on our wedding

day was probably the best thing I could've asked for. I kissed Wes's cheek and he handed me to


This was really a wedding, I finally realized. Lena wheeled Wes to stand where a minister would. He

started talking, but I couldn't hear him. I was too busy smiling like an idiot at Keegan. He squeezed my

hands lightly in his, waking up my senses.

"...do you promise to protect and lead this pack through thick and thin, and stick by the side of your

mate and this pack until death as Luna?" Wes asked. I smiled wider if that was even possible.

"Of course... I mean, I do," I said confidently. Light laughter filled the backyard before Wes repeated the

something similar to Keegan.

"Of course I do," he said with a smile so big, his eyes were starting to disappear. I laughed softly and

squeezed his hands in mine. Wes took the hand of each of us and made a cut on the palm. He pressed

our palms together and tied a white ribbon around them.

"This blood bond signifies the everlasting love between these two. Just like you cannot separate blood

particles, you cannot separate the love of Keegan Porter and Caroline Holloway. Wes took a flower and

let our blood drip on to the white rose. "The blood on the flower signifies how they will protect the pack

with their blood if necessary. They will lead from the front, and never the back. I personally know that

they are capable of doing so," Wes added with a small smile.

I love you, Keegan mind-linked me. I smiled and resisted the urge to kiss him.

"I now pronounce you Alpha and Luna of the Red Sun Pack. You may now kiss your mate," Wes

announced. Keegan wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me close to him before his lips

crashed down on mine. The pit of my stomach dropped as sparks shot through my body and straight to

my core. The kiss was gently and tender, yet eager and needy. It was perfect. He was perfect. This was

all perfect. Pulling away, I could finally hear all the clapping. Keegan untied the ribbon from around our

hands but didn't let go of my hand. We walked back down the aisle as multi-colored rose petals

showered down on us. I laughed as Keegan and I walked through the doors and back in the house.

Keegan pecked my cheek before he disappeared again. I couldn't help it, I pouted. I heard Lena laugh.

"You'll see him again," she assured me, patting my shoulder. "Come on, we have to get you into your

second dress," she said, pushing me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. My second dress consisted of

a cute but sexy crimson dress with a sweetheart neckline and a flowing skirt that stopped just before

my knees. The dress had rushing under the bust and looked absolutely gorgeous and simple. My hair

was put up in an intricate low side bun with a blooming red rose tucked into my hair. One of the girls put

a layer of red lip-stain on my before coating it with a pinkish gloss that took some of the harshness

away from the stain. All in all, the look kind of made me think 'Marilyn Monroe' for some reason.

"Oh my gosh... you look beautiful," Harmony gushed. I laughed as a red tinted my cheeks from


"Time for the reception," Mira said with a huge grin. I gave them a small smile before I nodded and took

a deep breath. Lena led me back to the kitchen doors that led to the backyard, only this time, Keegan

was already there. He was in a normal black suit now with his hair slicked back and his signature sexy

smirk playing on his lips. I couldn't help myself; I threw my arms around him and let out a deep breath.

Good thing this makeup doesn't smudge.

"I love you," I muttered into his neck. He chuckled and rubbed his hand over my back, pulling my


"I love you more, princess... and our little Keegan Jr. kicking around in there," he joked. Pulling away

from him I rolled my eyes.

"One, we are not naming our daughter Keegan Jr. and two, I'm probably only about five or six weeks,

there's no kicking yet," I said, throwing logic on his stupid comment. He only laughed and gave me a

light kiss as he laced his fingers with mine.

"Come on," he smiled gently. He led me through the doors and we were now in a backyard that was set

up like a reception hall. Twinkling lights lined the trees and draped overhead creating a romantic feel to

it. There were tables lining the outside with a makeshift dance floor in the middle. As we emerged from

the house, everyone was smiling and clapping. I blushed as I looked to Keegan. He only smiled and

kissed my temple before we made our way to the dance floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Keegan Porter," someone announced before a slow song started

playing. I couldn't keep the stupid grin off of my face as my arms went around Keegan's neck. His

hands went to my waist as we started swaying. I chuckled lightly.

"I can't believe I just had an impromptu wedding," I laughed softly. "But I have to say, your mom did a

better job with the wedding dress than I would have. This is all just... perfect," I whispered. He leaned

his forehead against mine as he pulled me closer.

"I'd do anything for you. You know that right?" he whispered. I nodded slightly and he pecked my lips as

the song ended. The night went like any traditional wedding reception would go. We ate a lot of food,

cut the cake, and danced all night long. When the night was almost over, a party bus pulled up. I looked

at the party bus confused before looking back to Keegan. He only smiled and took my hand. He waved

to everyone and I followed suit. Once we were in the party bus I looked at Keegan confused.

"What is this for?" I asked. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me deeply. Fire shot to my core and I

couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips.

"This is taking us to the airport," he muttered against my lips. I pulled away to look at him shocked. "I

know you weren't expecting it, but after everything we've been through, I think you deserve a

honeymoon. Gregg said he would take care of everything while we're away. And with our little one on

the way and me taking over the Alpha title officially, I don't know if we'll ever have time to take a

vacation like this again. It's only for a few weeks," he explained. I smiled and practically jumped on him

as I kissed him again. I straddled his lap and he let out a groan of surprise. His hands left goose bumps

on my thighs as he pushed the fabric of my dress up.

"How long until we get to the airport," I breathed as he trailed kisses down my throat. He chuckled

before he pecked my lips.

"We'll have time for that later," he promised. I slouched forward and rested my head against his

shoulder as his arms wrapped around me. We both sighed in content. "Take a nap baby. Today has

been a long day; you deserve it," he whispered. I nodded and let my eyes shut.

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