Taming the Beast

Chapter 51 (Caroline)

Chapter 51 (Caroline)

(Caroline’s POV)

The sparkling water glittered back at me in the fading sunlight almost like it was teasing me. We were

supposed to get in the water as the sun was setting or else this wouldn’t work, but I couldn’t bring

myself to even stick a toe in. I trembled lightly as tears pricked my eyes. Everything came flooding back

to me; the accident, my parents, everything.

“I don’t think I can do this,” I squeaked. I was mad at myself for how pathetic my voice sounded, but my

fear of the water quickly drowned out that fear. Keegan’s thumb rubbed light circles in the back of my

hand. I had to remind myself that I was doing this for Keegan. 10 minutes couldn’t hurt too much, right?

I sighed and stepped forward so that my feet were in the water. I knew Keegan was smiling at me,

trying to encourage me but I was too busy watching the water cautiously to tear my eyes to his.

“I’m right here, Caroline. I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” Keegan said gently. I sighed and

held his hand tighter as I just went for it. I jumped in and the water surrounded me immediately. I wasn’t

even worried about the December chill. I was too busy freaking out. I felt hands go around my waist

before I surfaced. I had tears in my eyes as I clung to Keegan for dear life. My whole body shook as my

breathing became sporadic. Keegan rubbed my back gently as he shushed me. Eventually, I finally

calmed down just as the sun finished setting. It was time for the next step. I knew this would hurt so I

wasn’t looking forward to it. Shakily, I set my feet on the slimy, muddy ground before I turned my back

to Keegan. Slowly, I moved my hair over my shoulder and waited. I heard Keegan sigh as he hesitated.

His fingers brushed over the fresh wound near my neck. I hissed in a breath as it hurt and sent shivers

down my spine at the same time.

“Keegan, we’re running out of time,” I whispered.

“I’m so sorry Caroline,” he said with regret and pain weaving through his voice. He sighed before

plunging his claws into my lower back. My back arched as I screamed, tears running down my face. His

other hand steadied my shoulder as I felt his claws dig deeper. I sobbed and tried to keep my body

from shaking too much. I could see the water around me darken as I tried to cry quietly. I didn’t want

Keegan to regret changing me. After a moment, he retracted his claws out of my back. I winced at the

movement before I was pulled back into Keegan’s chest. His arm wrapped over my shoulders as I

heard him release a shaky breath.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered again. I only nodded. After submerging again, we walked out of the lake

and into towels that the Elder handed us. Keegan had to help me a lot, seeing as I had five gaping

holes in my lower back. We walked into the house and Keegan handed me a pair of ratty shorts and a

tank top as well as a sweater. I threw my wet hair up in a messy bun. We were silent as we dressed.

The seriousness of what we were doing thickened the air, making us stay quiet. Keegan laced his hand

with mine and led me down a secret staircase. The dark stone hallway was dank and smelled of water.

It was oddly comforting. That was until I saw the large iron jail cells. I froze and stared at them wide

eyes. I wasn’t expecting this part. I knew Keegan said they had to contain me and wait for the change,

but I wasn’t expecting the literal cage. Keegan stopped with me and looked at me. My consciousness

was teetering already when I felt a pain seer up through my back. I yelled out and slumped to my knees

as the pain spread through my body.

“It’s starting. We need to get her in the cage now,” the Elder said, slightly frantic. I screamed as it felt

like my body just caught on fire. Tears streamed down my face as I slid on to my side. I was scooped

up and set on a cot. I knew the cot was inside the cage cell but I didn’t care at this point. The cage was

actually really large, giving me a lot of room; not that I wanted to use any of it right now. I screamed as I

felt something snap in my foot. Keegan laid down beside me and clutched me tightly as I let out the

occasional scream.

“You need to get out of there,” the Elder bellowed at Keegan. I screamed again as the snapping feeling

moved into my ankles.

“I’m not leaving her,” Keegan growled at him.

“This is going to be her first change and you know how dangerous those are for werewolves already as

it is. Are you willing to risk your life and hers?” the Elder snapped back. My brain became foggy as the

snapping and searing pain reached my knees. It felt like someone took an 18-wheeler at 100 miles per

hour and rammed it into my legs. I heard the steel rattle with the opening and closing of the cell. I let

out a strangled sob as the pain moved to my hips. I felt dizzy with pain and I was ready to pass out.

I wanted Keegan.

That was my only thought as I pushed myself off of the cot and on to the floor. My shattered legs hit the

floor with a thud, making me let out a blood curdling scream. After my scream quieted into whimpers

and sobs, I used my arms to drag myself closer to the gate. I pushed my hand through the opening in

between the thick metal bars. My vision was blurred and my head was swimming, but I looked for him


“Keegan,” I cried. He immediately reached out and clasped my hand in his bigger ones.

“I’m so sorry Caroline. I’m so sorry,” he said quickly. Through my blurry vision, I could see that he had

tears rolling down his face.

“It’s too fast. She’s changing too fast,” the Elder said. I could hear the panic seep into his voice. “It’s Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

going too fast, her body isn’t going to be able to take it all at once,” the Elder explained. It sounded like

he was in a long tunnel and getting father and father away. My yells and sobs eased a bit as everything

just sort of stopped. I took a breath, thinking that maybe it was over. I couldn’t be more wrong. I

contorted awkwardly as I felt the bones in my back snap. I couldn’t even scream. I inhaled deeply and

just stared wide-eyed at the ceiling as pain filled my body. I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t want to do it.

Slowly, I allowed my eyes to slip close.

“No! No! No! Caroline!” Keegan yelled, but he sounded so far. I heard rattling before I felt his hands

scoop my up gently. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I didn’t want to feel this pain anymore. It felt like

someone was dropping a bus on me. Letting out a prolonged sigh, I allowed my eyes to close all the

way. I relaxed into Keegan’s chest. I could feel myself slipping and it was almost peaceful.

“She’s fading fast. You have to get her to fight through it,” the Elder said. I took a labored breath. That

was too much effort so I just stopped. This was it. I wasn’t going to make it through and I knew it. I was

oddly okay with the thought if it meant not feeling this pain again. I felt Keegan’s soft lips on my

forehead. He kept them there as a he sobbed. I felt his wet tears against my face.

“Please… please fight. Fight for us, for our family, for Preston and Danny. We need you,” he cried with

his forehead against mine. I took another labored breath as a single tear fell from my eye. I had to fight;

I knew that. I couldn’t just die, leaving everyone I loved. I’d have to go through this for them… for

Keegan. I inhaled a shaky breath and screamed as the pain moved to my shoulders. They snapped

forward painfully. I cried as the pain continued down my arms Keegan just held me; rocking me gently. I

cried as the pain snapped to my neck. Breathing became more difficult as I squeezed my eyes shut.

“It’s almost over. It’s almost over; you’re doing a great job, Care. It’s almost over. Just keep fighting,” he

whispered near my ear. My crying stopped as my head snapped. My head was pounding and I couldn’t

move as I head more snapping in my body. I couldn’t feel Keegan anymore but I heard him say ‘I love

you’ before everything shut off. I couldn’t hear or see anything. All of my senses were gone. I still

fought. I felt something extend from my backside before I could smell everything. I could smell

something woodsy which I assumed came from the Elder. Next, I smelled the dank wet smell of the

cellar. I smelled Keegan’s intoxicating smell of pine, spices and masculinity.

My eyes shot open and I scrambled to my feet. I had to blink for a minute. Everything around me

seemed so clear. I could see each defined line of the cell and wall. I turned to see the Elder and

Keegan looking at me in awe. I looked around just taking everything in with my eyes. I tried to talk but

all I heard was a sort of barking and whimpering. I immediately shut my mouth. I did it. I couldn’t

believe I actually did it. I bent my back to try and catch a look at my backside. I saw a bright, snow

white tail wagging. I couldn’t help it, I started chasing it. I caught it, clasping my jaws around it and

whimpered. I guess it was mine after all. I heard Keegan’s deep chuckle. I smiled. As soon as I did, I

heard a panting. I walked in a small circle before I rolled on to my back. I cocked my head and watched

as Keegan opened the gate.

“She’s beautiful,” the Elder said wistfully.

“She’s my Caroline,” Keegan said with a small smile. I got back on to my feet and shook out my fur. I

smiled as Keegan approached me. He didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around my neck and bury his

face in my fur. He took a shaky breath. I lowered my head on to his back. Taking a step back, he smiled

again with tears in his eyes.

“Come on, let’s go for a run,” he said. I followed him further down the tunnel that was on a small incline.

We emerged in the forest. Keegan stopped and slipped off his shorts. I watched as he quickly turned

into the beautiful black wolf I’d grown to love.

“Looks like my work here, is done,” the Elder smiled. Keegan nodded his head once before the Elder

left. Keegan pushed his head against my shoulder gently.

Follow me, love, I heard in my head. I looked around confused before I looked at Keegan curiously.

Is that you Keegan? I thought, trying to direct it towards him. He smiled and nodded.

Mind linking; it’s how we communicate when we’re in wolf form. It works while we’re human too, but we

normally just use texting, he explained. Follow me.

Keegan took off running and I ran after him. I was surprised at how fast we went through the trees.

Running felt amazing. I passed up Keegan and just kept running.

Care, stay with me. I don’t want and hunters seeing you. You’re white fur sticks out too much.

I craned my neck to look back at him as I slowed down. After running for a while, we were back at the

lake house. I paced near the water as I looked at Keegan.

How do I shift back? I asked. He chuckled and stood in front of me. I watched as his wolf disappeared,

leaving my gorgeous boyfriend naked in front of me.

“Just think about shifting. Take a deep breath and try to slow your heart rate,” he said, slipping his

shorts back on. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. After a moment, I opened my eyes.

Everything still looked the same, except I was on two feet again. Keegan walked forward and crashed

his lips against mine, pulling my naked body to him. Pulling away a little, he looked me over with a look

that I couldn’t place; almost like he was trying to memorize my body again. His eyes stopped at my


“Caroline,” he whispered, looking at my stomach shocked. His eyes had a glint of nostalgia and

sadness in them. I looked down at my stomach to see that my scars were gone. All that was left was

my bellybutton and the groves that formed around my muscles. I looked at my side and saw the faint

remains of my marking tattoo. I smiled down at my body.

“There’s gone,” I smiled, looking back up at Keegan. He only frowned.

“I’m going to miss them,” he said. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. I watched his face

for a moment with a smile before I pushed up on my toes and kissed him gently. His arms wrapped

around my waist and pulled me closer. The sparks running through my body were ten times stronger. I

started walking backwards towards the house, pulling Keegan with me. We walked inside the house

and Keegan closed the door behind him. I pulled away from his lips breathless. Keegan looked sort of

dazed as a lazy smile crossed his face. He was breathing heavily too. I smiled that I still had that effect

on him. He smiled and kissed me deeply before he pulled away again.

“Marry me,” he whispered. I looked at him shocked.

“What?” I asked, even though I heard him clearly with my enhanced hearing. He got down on one knee

and held my hand in his.

“Caroline Anne Holloway, I knew from the first moment I saw you that I wanted you by my side forever.

I’ve loved you since I first ran into you in the cafeteria that day. I can’t believe you went through the

change for us. You’ve been through so much… you’re the strongest person I know. I know that I’ve only

known you for a little while compared to when most people get engaged, but we’re not most people,

are we?” he chuckled. I shook my head as I smile. “Will you marry me?” he asked softly. I smiled as

tears stung my eyes.

“Yes,” I whispered. I laughed softly and wiped away my tears. “Of course I’ll marry you,” I added. He

smiled and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He spun me in a circle and I

giggled. He set me down and I just smiled at him. I was so happy. I suddenly yawned as a wave of

exhaustion hit me. I smiled lazily as my eyes slipped close. Keegan chuckled and scooped me up

bridal style. I yawned again and rested my head against his chest.

“You’re probably exhausted from the change,” he said as he carried me up the stairs. We emerged in

the large bed room and laid me down on the bed. He pulled the covers up over my shoulders. He got in

behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I heard him breathe in before he kissed my head.

“Rest love,” he whispered as my eyes slipped closed.

“I love you, Keegan,” I mumbled before I drifted off.

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