Phoenix is seen lying on the bed, unconscious and beside the bed were Axion and Glinda standing, staring at her peaceful face with folded arms.

” Will she be ok? ” Axion asked.

” Of course. Don’t worry, she’s just sleeping and the medicine is using the opportunity to flush out the poison. By the time she wakes up, she will be as good as new ” Glinda answered.

” Thank goodness. I won’t have to deal with her annoying behavior anymore ” Axion hissed.

” Don’t be like that, you jerk. There is nothing wrong with taking care of your Phoenix ” Glinda slapped him lightly in the arm making him scoff. Just then, Axion’s rang.

” Hello Glinda ” He answered. His eyes widened.

” What?! ” He exclaimed and Glinda frowned her brows, wondering what was wrong.

” Ok, I’ll be right there. Stop crying, ok? ” Axion ended the call.

” What happened? ”

” Gianna’s apartment got burnt down. I have to go now ” Axion answered.

” Oh my. Don’t worry, I’ll stay here and look after Phoenix. You should go ” Glinda offered.

” Thanks, aunt ” Axion said and with that, he left.

” I hope Gianna is alright ” Glinda prayed.


Phoenix let out a wide yawn before slowly opening her eyes. She was surprised to see Glinda staring at her with a smile on her lips. That made her sit up.

” Aunt ” She called.

” How are you feeling now? ” Glinda asked.

” I’m… fine aunt. Did something happen? ” She asked, confused at Glinda’s question.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

” You were attacked, remember? ”

” When? ” Phoenix frowned, trying to recall what happened. It was then that everything came flashing back in her mind making her eyes widen.

” For how long have I been unconscious? ” She asked sharply.

” You’ve been awake Phoenix, chill ” Glinda chuckled.

” It’s just that you weren’t in your right senses for 3 days straight ” She added and that made Phoenix eye her.

” What did I do aunt? ” She demanded.

” The princess of terror poisoned you with fear so… you were acting slightly annoying. You were clinging to Axion a little bit too much ” Glinda tried sugarcoating what happened. Phoenix facepalmed herself, embarrassed.

” Oh God ”

” I must have said and done a lot of stupid things ” She grumbled.

” That’s all in the past now, so don’t worry ”

” Thank you aunt for helping me recover ”

” I think that thanks should be given to someone else ” Glinda said.

” Who? ”

” Axion. He took really good care of you and made sure to stay with you despite having other things to do. He was the one who endured your annoying behavior, not me ” Glinda revealed.

” Axion did all of that? ” Phoenix asked in dismay.

” Yes he did ” A tiny smile crept up Phoenix’s lips

” Where is he? I want to thank him ” She asked.

” He’ll be back soon ”

” Anyways, I’ll get going ” Glinda added and Phoenix got down from the bed.

” I’ll see you off ” She offered and Glinda nodded.

× × ×

Axion’s car pulled over. Inside was Gianna, who was crying uncontrollably.

” How did it happen? ” Axion asked glancing at her with pity visible in his eyes.

” I don’t know Axion. I was in a hurry when I left for work in the morning. I was at the office when I got a call that my apartment was on fire. I had to rush back home but when I got there, everything was already burnt without repair ” Gianna narrated.

” I lost everything Axion, my valuables, some of the company’s important documents, everything was burnt down. I don’t know what to do ” She sobbed even more.

” It’s ok Gianna, stop crying ” Axion consoled, stroking her back gently.

” You can stay here with me in the meantime until you’ve obtained a new apartment ” Gianna instantly looked at him.

” No Axion. I don’t want to be a burden to you. I’ll just head to a friend’s house instead ” She declined the offer.

” Am I not your number friend? ” Axion raised a brow at her.

” It’s not like that Axion ”

” You aren’t only my friend but also my business partner. Taking you in, in a time like this isn’t’ a burden but my duty. So don’t bother ” Axion uttered. Gianna hugged him.

” Thank you so much Axion, I owe you ” She whimpered.

” It’s nothing Gianna ”

Wiping her tears and sniffing them back, she pulled out of the hug.

” You’re feeling much better? ” Axion asked and she nodded positively.

” Let’s head inside then ” Axion unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the car. Gianna did the same.

Phoenix after seeing Glinda off decided to go make herself something to eat. She was done cooking and was yet to start eating when Axion and Gianna strode into the house. She left her food and walked up to them. She was surprised to see Gianna but the minute their eyes met, her heart skipped in sudden fear making her feel uneasy. She frowned deeply, gazing at Gianna who didn’t look away too.

” I felt like I’ve seen those eyes before or have I? ” She wondered.

” Erm… Axion, who is she? ” She decided to ask.

” I’ll take you to your room,” Axion said to Gianna, ignoring Phoenix’s question. He and Gianna went upstairs. Puffing, Phoenix headed back to the dining and resumed her eating.

She was just halfway through when Axion appeared.

” We have a guest. Go serve her something to eat ” He ordered.

” Huh? Why should I do that? ” Phoenix frowned at him and received a glare from him.

” Because I said so ” He snapped and left. Phoenix let out an angry snort.

” Oh great. So you just ignored me earlier and now you’re bossing me around. What am I, a maid? ” She hissed.

Gianna on the other hand, immediately Axion left, took out her phone, and dialed Kelsey’s number.

” Hello, aunt. I’m now inside Axion’s house. He didn’t hesitate to take me in and he even assured me I could stay till whenever I please ” She reported.

” I told you he loves and cares about you ”

” Now that you’re now leaving with him, getting close to him will be effortless. All you have to do is keep that woman away from him ” Kelsey instructed.

” And don’t forget to keep me updated and ask for my help if you need anything. The most important thing is to break those two apart ” She added.

” Ok aunt. I’ll keep you updated. I have to go now, bye ” Gianna replied and ended the call. A smirk is seen going up to her lips as she sat down on the bed.

” Plan A, done and dusted without much effort. A thank you to my lovely aunt, Kelsey. ”

” I’m sorry Kelsey but we’re having a change of plan here. I’m here to carry out my initial mission and you’ve made that a lot easier for me ” She grinned.

The knock on the door interrupted her making her grin disappear.

” Come in ” She ushered and stood up. The door opened, revealing Phoenix with a tray, and seeing her, Gianna changed her facial expression.

” I brought you food ” Phoenix placed the tray on the table.

” Thanks but you didn’t have to go through all the stress, I could’ve come downstairs ” Gianna started with her acting.

” It’s nothing. You’re the guest here after all ” Phoenix said and turned, about to leave.

” Erm… wait ” Gianna’s voice halted her making her turn back.

” No offense to ask but… are you really Axion’s girlfriend? ” Phoenix almost choked on her question.

” Of course not. What will make you think so? ” She asked.

” It’s just that yesterday, Axion introduced you as his girlfriend, to me and aunt Kelsey “Phoenix’s eyes dilated a bit.

” He did what?! ” She exclaimed.

” Don’t you remember? ”

” Erm… excuse me ” Phoenix chuckled nervously and turned to leave.

” If you aren’t his girlfriend, what are you then? ” Gianna threw the question at her.

” Sorry but I don’t feel comfortable answering that question ” Phoenix answered back and left.

A snort left Gianna’s lips and she rolled her eyes.

” So she’s not even his girlfriend ”

” Wasted ” She hissed.

Phoenix rushed to the room, looking for Axion. She needed an explanation as to why he introduced her as his girlfriend and why she can’t remember a thing. When she didn’t see him in his room, she headed to his office ( which was at home ).

It was her first time entering it but she didn’t even bother analyzing the room. She met Axion on a call and waited for him to be through.

Axion, on ending the call, turned only to see Phoenix standing by the door.

” What are you doing here? ” Phoenix entered the room fully, walking up to him.

” Why did you introduce me as your girlfriend to your mother yesterday? ” She demanded. Her question made Axion roll his eyes.

” Why don’t you ask yourself what happened yesterday ” He hissed and turned.

” Does it have to do with me being slightly annoying because of the poison? ” Phoenix asked and Axion turned back, glaring at her. He began stepping closer to her making Phoenix step back, away from him until her back bumped into something. It turned out to be the door. Axion stopped.

” You weren’t just slightly annoying, you were embarrassing, irritating, frustrating, and infuriating ” He pointed out and Phoenix swallowed nothing.

” I just came to say thank you for taking care of me. If there is anything I can do to make it up, I’m ready to do it ” She expressed. Axion let out a huff. He placed his hands on the wall, above Phoenix’s shoulder, drawing his face closer. Phoenix tried acting cool despite his breath airing her face.

” How will you make up hugging me in the bathroom, naked, or kissing me without my approval ” Axion raised a brow at her. Phoenix’s eyes widened in horror.

” I did what?! ” She blurted out making Axion scoff.

” Or should I remind you of how clingy you were or how you never wanted to let me go, huh? ”

Phoenix’s face blushed in embarrassment and she looked down, nibbling on her lower lip.

” Oh God, what did I do? ” She murmured inaudibly. Swallowing nervously, she looked up.

” I’ll get going now ” She tittered.

” Not so fast ” Axion said.

” You haven’t told me how you’ll make it up to me for all the traumas you made me go through ”

” What do you want? ” Phoenix muttered and a smirk crept up Axion’s lips.

” Maybe a take-back kiss ” He replied.

” Huh? ”

Phoenix was still trying to process what Axion said when he lowered his face and claimed her lips. Her eyes almost burst out of their sockets. She could feel her brain turning upside down and her heart almost bursting out of her chest.

Axion pulled out of the kiss and just headed back to the table, leaving Phoenix to battle with her chaotic brain.

” What just happened? ” Her sub-conscience asked as she blinked repeatedly.

” Get out ” Axion’s voice snapped her out of her daze.

She quickly twisted the door handle and ran out of the office. On getting to the room, she banged the door close, locking it. She rested her back on the door, panting.

The kiss flashed through her mind and she instantly touched her lips.

” Was this what I did yesterday? “

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