Fourty Six


My eyes bored in heavily on Elena as Ryder and Delan spontaneously caught on fire, some paranoid part of me still wanting to hold on to the image of the unforgiving untameable sorceress that she’d transformed into. I don’t know how long I must have stared until our eyes locked, there were no words exchanged between us, but my look must have conveyed all that I thought.

She turned quickly from me before I could glimpse her emotions, whispering something to the nearest guards before being abruptly whisked away, I wanted to follow, needed to, the beast within me growling and purring to make things right instantly.

“Where are you going?” Gulliver says grasping my hand tightly. “For the love of Sanity, Am i the only normal person here?, What do you think the people will say, leaving them in such an uproar?”

His words made sense and at the same time it didn’t to me, in the end it would seem that Gulliver’s rationality won out, and I stayed, I have no recollection of what I said, but the people bought it up and combined with an impressive display of Gulliver’s offensive magic, of he roaring crowd soon dispersed in a sea of calm.

I didn’t wait, I really didn’t think I could, in a heartbeat’s pace I was at her door.

“Sorry sir.” the guard in front of her door called. “The lady has requested to take no visitors, so will-”

A harsh growl emanates from deep within me. The beast inside me clawing at the chance to tear open the man who stood between him and his mate, my instinct to kill must have been in overdrive and the guard abruptly stepped back, pure fear echoing across his features.

“S-sorry sir.” he says quaking in his boots “Y-you may go in.”

A low grunt emanated from me and I pushed him aside, bursting open the double doors that kept me on the other side of her.

It was strangely calm inside, and a figure covered over by a mush of blankets and her tiny wracking the tiny frame underneath.

“Hey.” I say with no intelligible words coming to mind.

“I knew he’d let you in.” she said her voice light over the wind. “And you wouldn’t know the meaning of Get the hell out well enough to leave me alone.”

“Elenea.” I call her name, a bit morose with all my anger leaking out of me. “Listen I didn’t mean-”

“Mean to what?” She asks. “Look at me like I was a monster? After I’d saved you? You’d really think me capable of hurting you?”

My feet stumble closer unsure of what to say and I come to rest on the edge of the bed.

“Elena.” I call her softly. “I didn’t, I wasn’t trying to make you feel that way.”

“But you did.” She tells me. “There’s no going back from that now.”

My arms reach for her underneath the mosh of clothes she’s covered her self in but she stops me.

“Don’t touch me.” She says. “Please.”

There was a subtle silence passing on between us, I hadn’t really thought this through, my mind raced and the animal within me clawed harder desperate to appease his wounded lover, but I could for the love of all things good come up with the right things to say.

“Elena.” I say peeling off the covers she tried to use to shield herself from me. “I love you, and nothing will ever change that, whatever it is-”

In that moment the door opened, and I was about to berate the living hell out of who’d dared to interrupt the moment I was trying to have when I stopped cold in my tracks, it was her, Elena, my eyes flickered between the both of both, my brain utterly confused.

“If only they’d been more time.” The one on the bed said her eyes shining bright.

The look alone was enough for me to tell that that wasn’t my elena, adrenalin flooded my veins and I jumped back a few steps away from her,

There was crackling in the air as bones began to shift and I watched the creature tear up the faux features, turning from the woman I’d expressed my feeling to, to a horrid looking monster, with eyes that shone too bright for the day, gone was the girl replaced by a creature with skin so pale I could see underneath and sharp claws with voidless black eyes. Two protrusions sprung from it’s back and it reared it’s head smiling with it’s beady eyes.

“I wanted more time with you but seems we have an interruption.” It said and let out a feral snarl, poison dripping from it’s maw.

“Chimera.” I say and it looked shocked. “I know what you are, leave or die.”

“Only one of us is dying here today.” It tells me the shock quickly fading off. “And it’s not me.”

It lunged, rather sloppily, it’s huge frame not meant for the small confines of the room, I let my hands shift, the beast within itching for a fight, my arm found a way into his heart but not before it’s poisonous teeth sunk into my shoulder, grunting in pain I squeezed and it exploded into dust with a shriek on it’s lips.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I collapsed onto the floor the fast acting poison seeping quickly into my system, I look up to Elena.

“Call the guards.” I croak. “Send help”

Despite my distorted view i notice immediately that her eyes shone just as much as the previous vanquished monster.

“Why do that?” Fake elena said smiling with a mouth filled with too much teeth. “After all I went through so much trouble to get you?”

“Fuck!” I growl weakly. “Help, anyone.”

I begin to crawl, each step painful and sending nerve wracking spasms through my body but she drags me back hurling me hard against the wall, she lays on top of me, her shining eyes brooding deep into mine.

“Who are you?” I say with a final breath.

“Why? I’m the Queen of the west.” she says a rotten smile drawn across her features.

I fade into unconsciousness, her evil cackling being the last thing I hear as I fade into oblivion.



Taking their King was easy too easy, for people who claimed to to be wise, they trusted in their king’s meagre power way too much, how easy it had been to take him down, but it irked her she’d had to use the form of that wretched traitor, an insult to her kind the moment she’d been conceived.

Her throne room was joyous, well as joyous as she’d let these fucks be, but still capturing the great Enemy was a cause to celebrate, the hall was lined with spoils of war, the skulls of her vanquished enemies lit up the room, you know the prerequisites for your normal average party.

“Let the celebration commence.” She said a wicked smirk donning her features.

The song began and she watched as they danced in fear of her, it gave her immense joy that the bastards who’d wrinkled her kind to near extinction live in such abject fear of her.

“I said dance!” She growls.

The crescendo of the music increased and her subjects danced, sadistic pleasure twinkled in her eyes knowing that they’d dance till they dropped dead if she so commanded it, her pleasure moment was soon interrupted as the huge door burst open.

“Queen of the west!” A familiar voice boomed. “We’ve come for payment.”

Elena’s father stepped through, his heavy armor glinting off in the sun, flanked by five guards who carried heavy weapons.

“We come for Dracul’s head.” He boomed “We have come for what we are owed.”

“Owed?” she scoffed. “Tell me king of the East, if I blow, will the wind blow away your frail little arse, your glory days are long gone, put down the sword and be compliant.”

I could see the wavering in his eyes quickly overthrown by fierce determine.

“I gave you my wife’s spell book.” He said. “You were oath bound to bring him to me.”

“You?” I snarl gripping the edges of my seat. “You talk to me of oaths, you seemed to forget my people were massacred under the falsity of your oaths, King of the east!”

“Give him to us or the consequences will be dire!” He growled and all the warriors assumed a fighting stance.

“Well I tried to be nice.” I say snapping my neck.

The words do not need to be said but each man spontaneously implodes in his own armor and each clatters to the floor leaving his own trail of blood and organs.

There’s a sort of fiery madness in his eyes as he lunges towards me, spear in hand, despite seeing the havoc my power had wrought.

“Bitch.” he growls

My power lashes out stopping him dead on his tracks just as the spear nears my eyes.

“Foolish man.” I snarl. “I’d kill you but you still have your use.”

I smile as my bones begin to crack spasming as I take on his wretched form

“Take him to the dungeons.” I say knocking him out. “I have a kingdom to rule.”

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