Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 5


After searching the house for an hour there is no way to get out. There is only one door and it is locked solid. All the windows have bars. Nothing I can even use as a tool to get through. I give up. I decided to take that nap.

I take the first room, it looks less manly. I am assuming the second room is his. The comforter in this room is a lavender color. I like it. Taking off my shoes, I climb into the bed. I haven’t slept much lately, bad dreams plague me. Images of people I have lost. All for a stupid Alpha who only managed to get a bunch of people killed.

I drop off to sleep, pretty quickly. I’m not fighting it. I had a bad enough day.

Dreams start to take over.

Connor is holding me close. I remember this. We were talking about our future, who we thought our mates might be. He pulled me closer. “I wish you were my mate, Madi. You would be the perfect mate.”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, well, I am sure I would get on your nerves.” I nuzzle in closer. “Besides. I would make a terrible mate. I don’t listen to anyone. You know that better than anyone.”

He laughs, that laugh always brought me comfort. “Yeah, true, but I am about the only one on this planet that can handle you. There is no way that you are not my mate.”

“You are probably right.” I feel like crying now. I know it’s a dream. He isn’t really here. He is gone, thanks to that stupid Alpha. “Connor, I miss you.”

“I know.” He whispers in my ear. “He isn’t so bad you know.”

“What are you talking about?” This didn’t happen, where is this coming from?

“Ethan, he isn’t so bad. It’s not his fault that our Alpha was a stupid dick and got me killed. He likes you. Don’t fight him too hard.” He chuckles a little.

Now I am crying. “How can you say that? You wanted to be my mate.”

“I’m dead, Madi. I am not anyones mate. Don’t put your life on hold for a dead person. Please Madi, don’t do that.” He pulls me even closer. “Just remember me ok. Don’t forget me, that is all I ask.”

“I could never forget you Connor. I miss you too damn much to forget you. You were my only friend. I am alone.”

He laughs, “Not any more. You have Ethan now.”

“I don’t even know him.”

“But you will. He will be a good friend. Let him take care of you, Madi. Please let me go.” He sounds sad. “You will never feel better if you don’t.”

“I can’t let you go. You were my world for so long.”

“Please Madi.”

I feel myself being shaken out of my dreams. I look up and see beautiful blue eyes staring back at me.

“Are you alright baby?”

I shake a little. He was here, I know he was here, but he wasn’t. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I try to sit up. I feel a little disorientated.

“Baby, you were crying. What happened?”

“Nothing, bad dream.”

“Baby, tell me. What happened?” He brushes my hair out of my face.

“I was dreaming about my friend that died. It was a little emotional. That’s all.” I push him off. I don’t need his sympathy.

He looks sad. “Was it in the battle?”

I nod my head. “He was my best friend for a long time. I miss him. Hell, he was the only friend I had.”

He comes and sits next to me on the bed. “Baby, I am here for you now. You don’t have to be alone. You can talk about it if you want.”

“Not really.” I sit up. “So, did you get all the supplies?”

He smiles down at me. “Yep, I grabbed a few things from your room too. I brought your bags in here. Do you want a shower before dinner?” He takes my hand and places his fingers in between mine.

“Yeah, that would be good. I probably look like crap right now.” I chuckle.

“No, not really.” He smirks at me. “Oh, before I forget. You have to meet someone first.” He stands, still not letting go of my hand and opens the door. He lets out a whistle and a big black dog with long fur comes running into the room. “This is Deimos.” I put my other hand out for the dog. He sniffs it then looks at Ethan. He looks back at me, and licks my hand. Once he starts licking he doesn’t stop, soon he is on my lap licking my face.

“You got an off switch on this thing.” I chuckle a little.

Ethan laughs. “Down Deimos.” The dog gets down, but he rests his head on my lap. I scratch behind his ears. “He likes you.”

“I guess he’s not so bad for a dog.” I smile at Ethan, it’s nice to see him like this.

“I missed you while I was gone, does that sound weird?” He pulls my fingers up to his lips. Kissing each and every one.

“Maybe a little.” I whisper, why does this feel nice?

He sucks in a deep breath, putting my hand down. “I better get dinner going.” He pops up off the bed. “Your bags are here. You can unpack whenever you’re ready. Feel free to take a shower. There are towels in the bathroom. I got you toiletries in one of those bags. I should be done with dinner by the time you get out.” He nods at me and then he’s gone. Like he’s late for a marathon or something.

Deimos sits there with his head on my lap. Ok, I like the dog.

I get up and start to rummage through the bags. I start to notice something. All the clothes here are new, even new underwear. What the hell, I had none of this before? I see a few of my books and my sketchbooks, but that is it. Everything else is new. He went out and bought me all new things. Why did he do that?

I find a sleep set that is way too revealing for me, but what the hell it is just the two of us. He bought it so I am sure he expects me to wear it at some point. It is this light blue silky short and cami set. I take that plus the toiletries and head to the bathroom. A shower does seem like a good idea right now.

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