Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 3

He is quiet, but I can still hear that we are driving. Finally I can’t take it anymore. “What is your name?”

“Oh, right, we never exchanged names. We probably should. My name is Ethan. What is yours?” His tone is infectious all of a sudden. I start to feel like we are getting along.

“My name is Madison.”

“Can I call you Madi?” He sounds hopeful.

I shrug. “I don’t really see why not. Although I don’t really see at all sooo.” I joke.

He laughs. “That was a good one. I will take it off soon, I promise.”

I think for a moment. “Why did you take me? You said you have never done this before. So why me?”

“Well,” He seems to have slipped into story mode. “When you stood up to me. I liked the way we argued. Then I held your body to mine and well you felt how I felt about that.” he chuckled. “When I tried to kiss you, you fought back. You were different. I guess my wolf agreed because the next thing I knew you were over my shoulder and I was marching you out of there.”

“So, you have no plan whatsoever do you?” I chuckled. I thought he was all put together and here he is making it up as he goes.

“Well, I didn’t at first, but I have one now. I can’t tell you though. Top secret. You’ll know as soon as it is appropriate.” He sounds serious in the last part.

It gets quiet again. I almost want to just lean back in the seat and sleep. I mean there is nothing else I can do. It’s not like I can escape, at this point I have no idea where I am. I keep trying to figure out how to get out of this. Then there is a part of me deep down that doesn’t want to go anywhere. I wish my wolf would just give me something, instead she seems to be resigned to our predicament.NôvelDrama.Org content.

As soon as I decide that I am going to just doze off, the truck turns off onto a dirt road. “Not much longer now Baby.”

“Ok, why do you keep calling me that?” I sound a little irritated, maybe I am. No one has ever called me that before.

“Because I want to. Why else would I call you that?” The circles he talks are getting a little irritating.

“Well, I don’t know why you would. It is a term of endearment. A term usually reserved for couples. Or you know a baby. So I see no reason for you to call me that.”

“You are my pet, that is why I call you that. Now, Madi, don’t be getting all weird on me.” He still sounds like he is playing some colossal game and I am merely a pawn involved.

“You are the one being weird calling me baby.” I grumble.

“And I will continue to call you that, until I decide that I will not. Nothing you can say or do will make me stop. So, don’t ask again. Accept it baby.” He actually laughs at the last part.

I get quiet again. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I try to contact my wolf to see what I should do. It seems like that is all I have been doing this whole time. Finally I feel her. ‘Where have you been? Do you not realize that we have been kidnapped?’

‘He isn’t going to hurt us. Just go with it.’ She sounds like she is fucking purring.

‘What the fuck do you mean Just go with it. This is the Alpha’s son. I disrespected him and he has taken us out to the middle of nowhere. What the fuck makes you think he is not going to hurt us.’

‘I just know. Now go with it.’ She is irritated now. ‘Now, shut up and stop whining.’ Great, I have to have the wolf that just says suck it up. What the hell good is this wolf?

I start muttering to myself, this is just ridiculous.

“Baby, are you alright over there? You were fine a minute ago, now you look really pissed.” What the hell does he care, he kidnaped me?

“How can you tell, there is only half of my face visible? So how can you tell that I am really pissed?”

“Well,” He gets this serious and educated voice. “You are grinding your teeth, your jaw is set in a particular fashion that says, I am pissed. Plus you’re muttering to yourself. Come on Baby what’s wrong?”

“You mean besides being kidnapped?”

“You were fine with me a minute ago. What changed?” He actually sounds concerned.

“I was just talking to my wolf. She was not helpful at all.”

He laughs. I see no humor in what I said.

Then the truck stops. He shifts into park and then the engine dies down. “Well, baby we are here. I am going to come around and get you, hold on a second.”

“It’s not like I can go anywhere.” I point out.

He laughs and I hear his door open and close. Less than a minute later my door opens. My hands are moved from their pinned state to the console then I feel his head in between arms. I hear the buckle come undone. Then he lifts me out of the truck. He seems so sure of himself. He isn’t digging his claws in, this time, just holding me.

I hear his footsteps as he goes up about five steps. I am pretty sure it was five, but I am a little distracted by the heat coming off his body. Then I hear keys and a door swing open after the lock is disengaged. He doesn’t drop or shift me the whole time. Then I feel myself being lowered onto a soft surface. Ethan removes my hands from around his neck.

“One minute baby and I will have you all set free.” I can feel him move away from me and then I hear the door swing shut and lock engage again. Then I feel his presence again. He pulls the blind fold off and I have to take a few seconds for the spots to dissipate and my vision to focus on the light. Ethan has pulled out a knife and is cutting the zip ties. “This is the only knife in the house so don’t get crazy ideas.” It’s one of those knives that people wear clipped into their pocket, that fold in half. His has a black handle, the blade is serrated.

I take a look around now that I can see, he has me sitting on a green sofa. It’s facing a large screen tv. The walls have that rustic hunting cabin feel. You can see where they used logs to give it the feel of a real log cabin. I notice a couple of windows, but there are bars over the windows. Over to the left I can see a dinner table with a couple of chairs. Next to that is a kitchen. It looks clean and pristine.

“Where are we?” I ask. Not that I am really expecting an answer.

“This is my place. I am the only one who knows where it is. Literally, I built it myself and made sure that not a soul knew where it was. It’s like a safe house. My dad knows I have it, but he doesn’t know where it is.” Ethan started rubbing my wrists where the zip ties were resting on my skin. They cut in a little but it’s healing. “I built this to keep myself and those I care about safe.” He says the last part in a little bit of a whisper.

“Then why am I here?” I whisper back.

“I don’t know yet.” I can see his eyes darken again. “You are here because I want you to be. That’s all you need to know.” I watch as he gets up and walks away from me. He paces for a few minutes. “Look, I have to get some things. I am going to lock you in. There is no chance of you getting out or anyone getting in, so just sit tight. Is there anything that you need?”

“Ethan, how long are you planning on keeping me here?”

“Two months.” The words roll off his tongue so quickly I think there has to be a mistake.

“Two months?” I squeak out. Hoping that he will say something different.

“Yep, so, I am going to pick you up some things that you will need for that time. Is there anything special that you need?” I can feel myself slipping into panic again. I start breathing heavily. Then as quickly as it starts he is next to me pulling me into his arms. He starts rubbing my back. “Hey, it’s alright baby. It’s ok.”

“How is it ok? The Alpha is going to kill me. I can’t disappear for two months. What about school? What about training? If I am not at training later today then I am dead.” I managed to shout all that out. I don’t know if I think that the volume will help him understand, but that is what I have reduced myself to.

“Do you honestly think that I am going to let my dad kill you? Come on baby, I am not going to do that.”

“How do I know? I don’t even know you.” I am breathing even harder.

He pulls my face up so that I am looking him in the eyes. He really does have beautiful eyes. I feel myself start to calm. “Baby, I am not going to let anyone hurt you. Trust me please.” I can see the desperation on his face. I take a deep breath and nod. I don’t know why but I do. I calm down.

He takes a relieved breath and then I see his eyes dart to my lips. Before I can blink his lips are on mine. They feel urgent and needful, like he has to have this kiss. I kiss him back, God help me I do. His hands pull my waist closer to him. He presses his chest into mine, forcing me back. Now I am laying on the sofa with him on top of me. His hands make their way under my hoodie. Ethan is stroking and caressing my skin on my sides. He doesn’t stop kissing me. This feels so good. Why does it feel good? I don’t even know him.

I come to the realization that I can’t be doing this and push him back. He looks at me breathless and still full of hunger. “I should go.” He jumps off the sofa and heads to the door. Then he stops and comes back. “Before I forget, your phone.” He puts his hand out clearly asking me to give him my phone.

“What phone?” I flutter my eyes at him. Hoping he will let it pass.

He gives me an are you serious right now look. “I can see your earbuds hanging out of your pocket. I know your phone is in there. Hand it over.” I forgot that I never completely shut down my phone when he found me in the cafeteria.

I pull it out of my pocket and hand it over. “It’s not like I could call anyone and let them know where I am. I don’t even know where I am.”

“Yes, but you could turn on the location and let someone else know where you are. I can’t have you disappearing while I am gone.” He wraps my earbuds around my phone. “Are you sure you don’t know of anything I can get you?”

“What am I going to do about school Ethan?”

“I am going to tell them that you had a family emergency and you are coming back next semester. Covered.” He looks satisfied with himself.

“Then I guess something to read. If I am stuck here for two months, I need something to do. You’re taking my music.” I point to my phone that he has slipped into his pocket.

“Got it. Alright baby, I am heading out. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Feel free to explore, if you want a nap or something you can take whichever room you want. There are snacks in the kitchen.” He pats his hands on his sides, he seems nervous. “Ok, I’ll be back.” He turns again, unlocks the door and then leaves. Locking the door again.

Now is my chance to find a way out of here.

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