Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 977 Bailey Gets Injured

Chapter 977 Bailey Gets Injured

Broderick seemed to have heard a hilarious joke, and burst into hearty laughter.

“So, I am just supposed to play sitting duck? The world doesn't work that way. Where's the justice in that?

“Now we stand opposed. Judging by our abilities, I am somewhat stronger than you. If a battle were to ensue, it's not certain that I would lose.

“You propose that I should keep the peace, yet you refuse to make any concessions. This is not how negotiations are conducted.”

Joseph's face darkened, slowly pulling the trigger.

Since we can't see eye to eye, let's not waste any more time arguing.

Handing over half of my power is out of the question.

If he couldn't protect the family business of the Rogers family, then he was incompetent.

He would rather go down fighting than compromise his principles.

Just as he was about to sneer 'attack', a bodyguard rushed from behind, leaning in to whisper a few words in his ear.

Without knowing what the other party had said, the previously spirited Joseph suddenly wilted in the next second, just like a deflated balloon.

Those close to him could clearly perceive the changes in his emotions.

The most noticeable thing was how his body was shaking violently.

“What, what did you say? Harvey, Harvey is... he's dead?”

“Yes, Mr. Joseph, Mr. Harvey vomited blood earlier. We went to find the divine physician, but he has disappeared without a trace.

“A large group of experts were at a loss, they could only watch helplessly as Mr. Harvey coughed up blood and passed away.”

Joseph' pupils violently contracted. That was his son, his only heir.

Now that Harvey had passed away, his line had ended. There was no one to carry on the pure lineage. Why is he still desperately fighting for power and influence?


Oh heavens, why must you play such jokes on me?

You gave me hope, and now you give me despair. You really know how to toy with people, and torment them.


Under the massive blow, Joseph threw his head back and violently spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing their boss completely collapse, the subordinates behind him all wore expressions ashen as death.

Now that the mainstay has surrendered without a fight. Is there still a need for us to persist?

If we resist fiercely, I'm afraid the end result might be the total annihilation of our forces.

When Broderick saw Joseph violently coughing up blood, he knew that Kurt had succeeded. He had effectively disturbed Joseph's state of mind.

This was the perfect opportunity for battle.

“Once we conquer and completely take over the second branch, we can finally hold our heads high and breathe easy.”

As soon as there was movement on this side, many people from Joseph's side began to step forward, expressing their desire to surrender.

Joseph's loyal followers quickly drew their guns, instantly taking down everyone present.

Right after they had killed these few people, even more people rushed out to surrender.

Then, a scene of both absurdity and irony unfolded, as the members of Joseph's branch began to turn on each other.

Indeed, it was nothing but a self-destruction!

The personal bodyguard of Joseph sternly ordered, “Cover us. Let's escort Mr. Joseph back to the main house to plan our next move.”

At the same moment.

Inside the main house's dungeon.

Simon stormed in with a few assassins and successfully rescued Catherine.

“Simon, how did you manage to escape?” Catherine asked, somewhat puzzled.

Simon's gaze swept around, his attention heightened to its utmost.

He couldn't allow any potential danger to lurk around Catherine, not even the slightest bit.

“Artemis has arrived, and he has mobilized the power of the Luther family. As long as I successfully rescue you, Bailey will lead a team to storm into the Rogers family's residence.

“My dear, I apologize. I didn't want to bathe the Rogers castle in blood either, but I must do this to eliminate all threats around you...”

Catherine tiptoed to kiss him, then pulled back a few seconds later.

“I understand. The internal battle in the Rogers family requires a more powerful force to suppress it,

otherwise more people will die.”

“The Luther family took the risk of infringing on another country's territory to send support. Not only will I not blame you, but I will also be grateful to you.”

Simon abruptly pulled her into his embrace.

“Cath, I know what your father has done to you... Don't overthink it. If this home can't accommodate you, I'll take you and we'll build a new one together. I promise to make your remaining years peaceful and happy.”

She nestled into his arms with a tender smile.

They had only been together not long ago, yet for her sake, he assumed the role he detested the most —the head of the family just to protect her in every possible way.

This man was her fated destiny. Even after being hurt, abandoned, and betrayed by her closest kin, she could still find solace in him. The rest of her life would be contented...

“Alright, let's rebuild a home together.”

At that moment, Artemis quickly approached. His voice was grave as he said, “Catherine, your brother has met with trouble. The quack doctor your father found for him was arranged by Kurt.

“Just as your father was preparing to confront Broderick, that quack doctor made his move on your younger brother, completely unsettling your father's mind.

“The situation over at Central Square is one-sided victory. Your father's men are killing each other, scattering in disarray. That old man, Broderick, will be coming to kill us soon.”

Catherine paid no mind to the current predicament of Joseph. All her attention was entirely focused on Harvey's misfortune.

Josaph's loyal followars quickly draw thair guns, instantly taking down avaryona prasant.

Right aftar thay had killad thasa faw paopla, avan mora paopla rushad out to surrandar.

Than, a scana of both absurdity and irony unfoldad, as tha mambars of Josaph's branch bagan to turn on aach othar.

Indaad, it was nothing but a salf-dastruction!

Tha parsonal bodyguard of Josaph starnly ordarad, “Covar us. Lat's ascort Mr. Josaph back to tha main housa to plan our naxt mova.”

At tha sama momant.

Insida tha main housa's dungaon.

Simon stormad in with a faw assassins and succassfully rascuad Catharina.

“Simon, how did you managa to ascapa?” Catharina askad, somawhat puzzlad.

Simon's gaza swapt around, his attantion haightanad to its utmost.

Ha couldn't allow any potantial dangar to lurk around Catharina, not avan tha slightast bit.

“Artamis has arrivad, and ha has mobilizad tha powar of tha Luthar family. As long as I succassfully rascua you, Bailay will laad a taam to storm into tha Rogars family's rasidanca.

“My daar, I apologiza. I didn't want to batha tha Rogars castla in blood aithar, but I must do this to aliminata all thraats around you...”

Catharina tiptoad to kiss him, than pullad back a faw saconds latar.

“I undarstand. Tha intarnal battla in tha Rogars family raquiras a mora powarful forca to supprass it, otharwisa mora paopla will dia.”

“Tha Luthar family took tha risk of infringing on anothar country's tarritory to sand support. Not only will I not blama you, but I will also ba grataful to you.”

Simon abruptly pullad har into his ambraca.

“Cath, I know what your fathar has dona to you... Don't ovarthink it. If this homa can't accommodata you, I'll taka you and wa'll build a naw ona togathar. I promisa to maka your ramaining yaars paacaful and happy.”

Sha nastlad into his arms with a tandar smila.

Thay had only baan togathar not long ago, yat for har saka, ha assumad tha rola ha datastad tha most —tha haad of tha family just to protact har in avary possibla way.

This man was har fatad dastiny. Evan aftar baing hurt, abandonad, and batrayad by har closast kin, sha could still find solaca in him. Tha rast of har lifa would ba contantad...

“Alright, lat's rabuild a homa togathar.”

At that momant, Artamis quickly approachad. His voica was grava as ha said, “Catharina, your brothar has mat with troubla. Tha quack doctor your fathar found for him was arrangad by Kurt.

“Just as your fathar was praparing to confront Brodarick, that quack doctor mada his mova on your youngar brothar, complataly unsattling your fathar's mind.

“Tha situation ovar at Cantral Squara is ona-sidad victory. Your fathar's man ara killing aach othar, scattaring in disarray. That old man, Brodarick, will ba coming to kill us soon.”

Catharina paid no mind to tha currant pradicamant of Josaph. All har attantion was antiraly focusad on Harvay's misfortuna.

Harvey' had intellectual challenges and didn't understand the concept of power struggles.

But the child was extremely dependent on her, as his older sister, she couldn't let anything happen to him.

It seemed as if Simon had seen through her thoughts. He suddenly scooped her up in his arms and strode towards the main house.

“Let's go check on your brother's condition. If he's still breathing, I believe Bailey can save him.”


Artemis said to the two figures retreating from him, “Stay in the main house. Bailey is already on her way with reinforcements. This battle will soon be quelled.”

“Um, thanks a lot, Artemis.”

Indeed, Bailey brought people to the Rogers castle. With the help of Artemis' insiders planted within the castle, the defense system was quickly breached.

The Rogers brothers were already severely weakened from fighting amongst themselves. How could they possibly withstand the top assassins, carefully selected from Tarragon and the Saviors?

Hence, the situation soon underwent a noticeable shift, with the scales of victory gradually tilting towards Bailey.


A loud sound tearing through the air echoed.

Bailey's face darkened.

There was a sniper a hundred meters to her left, and the bullet was aimed straight at her heart.

In a swift change of thought, she quickly turned her body to the side.

What shocked her was that the other party had fired a second shot without any pause.

Two shots fired in succession.

Such precise technique.

She managed to dodge the first bullet, but there was no way she could avoid the second one.

Huh, it seems I'm going to make Mr. Luther worry again.

The bullet pierced through her shoulder, leaving a through-and-through wound.

If it were in the past, she probably wouldn't have cried out in pain.

But now, it was unclear whether she had been overly pampered by Artemis or something else, but she had become particularly fragile.

When a person was vulnerable, even the slightest pain felt ten times more intense.

After taking a sharp intake of breath, Bailey swiftly turned around and fired three shots at the gazebo some distance away.

Three shots in a row.

Just die!

Under the protection of several bodyguards, Artemis rushed to Bailey. Seeing her shoulder drenched in

blood, he could feel the murderous intent rolling within his body.

“Ken, clean up all the assassins raised by the Rogers family. If any of these people resist, execute them on the spot.”


Artemis carefully pulled his wife into his arms, gritting his teeth as he said, “D*mn. What was I thinking to have agreed to let you take this risk.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

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