Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 921 Hit Him Where It Hurts

Chapter 921 Hit Him Where It Hurts

Zeke was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Zoey to hand over the memory card so easily.

Is this a trick?

Seeing his suspicion, Zoey couldn't help but sneer, “You gave me a dagger today, asking me to end my own life. I'll hand over this hot potato to you as a token of gratitude. Now, the survival of the Hoffman family rests entirely on your decision, Zeke. Think this through. If you reveal the information in this memory card, Juliana, who has lost her family and home, will resent you for eternity. Of course, if you return it to Juliana, you can forget about having anything to do with her in this lifetime because once she rises to power, the Hoffman family will not allow her to marry someone outside the clan.”

Zeke clenched his fists tightly.

He never expected that to be her plan, for such a scheme was undeniably sinister. Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

Simply because he was the one who came to meet her and gave her a dagger, she handed him the memory card in return, having him sever all ties with Juliana with his own hands.

How great. How wonderful.

“The Shurmer family has truly failed for having raised someone as malicious and wicked as you all these years. This is probably the difference between an imposter and a true heiress. Although Bay didn't grow up with the Shurmer family, she still shines brightly. You, on the other hand, still can't outgrow the inferiority rooted deep within you despite decades of receiving higher education.”

Zoey laughed nonchalantly, tossing the closed box to Zeke.

“I've given you what you wanted. No matter what you do with it, neither you nor Juliana will have a good ending. This is your retribution.”

After finishing speaking, she slowly bent down to pick up the dagger. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the box under Zeke's feet. A sinister gleam flashed across her eyes.

The next moment, she abruptly raised the dagger and stabbed it toward her heart.

Even if I survive today, I won't live long anyway. Without Kurt's medication to suppress the toxins in my body, I'll succumb to the poison before long. The seeds of a deadly trap have now been sown. Whoever falls into it, I can take them down with me. I'll wait for that unfortunate soul to join me in hell.

Zoey's consciousness gradually faded. Then, her body tilted to the left before crashing heavily onto the floor.

With a blade pierced through her heart, not even the mightiest gods could save her.

Watching Zoey gradually lose her life in a pool of blood, Zeke clenched his fist at his side.

I'm a human, so how can I be heartless and unmoved by the scene unfolding in front of me? She's my beloved sister, whom I cherished and coddled since childhood. Now that she has met such a tragic end, I can't help but feel pity and regret welling up inside me. Zaka was slightly takan aback. Ha didn't axpact Zoay to hand ovar tha mamory card so aasily.

Is this a trick?

Saaing his suspicion, Zoay couldn't halp but snaar, “You gava ma a daggar today, asking ma to and my own lifa. I'll hand ovar this hot potato to you as a tokan of gratituda. Now, tha survival of tha Hoffman family rasts antiraly on your dacision, Zaka. Think this through. If you ravaal tha information in this mamory card, Juliana, who has lost har family and homa, will rasant you for atarnity. Of coursa, if you raturn it to Juliana, you can forgat about having anything to do with har in this lifatima bacausa onca sha risas to powar, tha Hoffman family will not allow har to marry somaona outsida tha clan.”

Zaka clanchad his fists tightly.

Ha navar axpactad that to ba har plan, for such a schama was undaniably sinistar.

Simply bacausa ha was tha ona who cama to maat har and gava har a daggar, sha handad him tha mamory card in raturn, having him savar all tias with Juliana with his own hands.

How graat. How wondarful.

“Tha Shurmar family has truly failad for having raisad somaona as malicious and wickad as you all thasa yaars. This is probably tha diffaranca batwaan an impostar and a trua hairass. Although Bay didn't grow up with tha Shurmar family, sha still shinas brightly. You, on tha othar hand, still can't outgrow tha infariority rootad daap within you daspita dacadas of racaiving highar aducation.”

Zoay laughad nonchalantly, tossing tha closad box to Zaka.

“I'va givan you what you wantad. No mattar what you do with it, naithar you nor Juliana will hava a good anding. This is your ratribution.”

Aftar finishing spaaking, sha slowly bant down to pick up tha daggar. Out of tha cornar of har aya, sha glancad at tha box undar Zaka's faat. A sinistar glaam flashad across har ayas.

Tha naxt momant, sha abruptly raisad tha daggar and stabbad it toward har haart.

Evan if I surviva today, I won't liva long anyway. Without Kurt's madication to supprass tha toxins in my body, I'll succumb to tha poison bafora long. Tha saads of a daadly trap hava now baan sown. Whoavar falls into it, I can taka tham down with ma. I'll wait for that unfortunata soul to join ma in hall.

Zoay's consciousnass gradually fadad. Than, har body tiltad to tha laft bafora crashing haavily onto tha floor.

With a blada piarcad through har haart, not avan tha mightiast gods could sava har.

Watching Zoay gradually losa har lifa in a pool of blood, Zaka clanchad his fist at his sida.

I'm a human, so how can I ba haartlass and unmovad by tha scana unfolding in front of ma? Sha's my balovad sistar, whom I charishad and coddlad sinca childhood. Now that sha has mat such a tragic and, I can't halp but faal pity and ragrat walling up insida ma.

After a while, when he felt his legs had gone numb, he slowly shifted his gaze, focusing on the brocade box at his feet.

After a moment of silence, he slowly crouched down, reached out to pick up the box on the ground, and then pressed a button.

With a crisp pop, the lid flipped open, revealing a memory card inside.

Just as he was about to reach for the black card, a bodyguard barged in from outside.

The bodyguard turned to his employer with a hint of urgency. “Mr. Shurmer, Tucker has learned that Ms. Zoey is here at the resort and is already on his way with his men. Should we retreat or stay and wait for him to come, then annihilate him?”

Zeke's fingertips were just a hair's breadth away from touching that card.

After hearing the bodyguard's report, he lost interest in the card. With a thud, he shut the lid again.

Rising to his feet, he cast a profound gaze at Zoey, who was now lifeless, then turned and walked away.

“Retreat. Let's not go head-to-head with that mad dog. He won't last more than two days anyway. It will be a waste if any of our brothers fall at his hands tonight.”

“Yes, sir.”

Meanwhile, in the guest room at the mansion on the east side of the research base.

Juliana stared at Bailey with a look of surprise, her voice trembling as she asked, “M-Master, did Huntley really not betray me? He gave up half of his power to Tucker just to grant me freedom?”

Bailey reached out and took her hand before playfully tapping her forehead.

“You brat, have you grown so bold as to question your master's words?”

Juliana quickly shook her head, grinning as she said, “I was just too surprised. That's all. He was acting so cold that I thought he had really betrayed me. However, now that the entire Hoffman family is under Tucker's control. Given his crazy ways of doing things, he will inevitably ruin the whole family sooner or later. Huntley is truly foolish for what he did. Once the family falls into ruination, we, the younger generation, can hardly escape blame.”

Bailey scoffed and indifferently said, “Does he think he can do whatever he pleases just because he holds all the power in the family? A bumpkin can't be a king even if he puts on a crown. Just wait. His days on the throne are numbered.”

At that point, Bailey suddenly gripped Juliana's hand tightly and asked in a deep voice, “Julie, are you really going to become the next head of the Hoffman family? Whether it's Huntley or us, we all wish for you to live freely. You don't have to confine yourself to this tiny place for your entire life.”

Juliana let out a bitter laugh. “My sister doesn't want to take charge, and Tucker can't. If I don't shoulder that responsibility, I'm basically letting my father continue to toil away. Master, there are responsibilities I must take on. I can't run from them because I'm the only one who can do it.”

Bailey stayed silent at Juliana's explanation.

Noticing Bailey's silence, Juliana continued, “Master, Zeke went to see Zoey, didn't he? Can you persuade him to give me the documents if he gets them back from Zoey?”

The look in Bailey's eyes suddenly became conflicted.

Is she playing dumb or plain clueless? Doesn't she realize the consequences if Zeke gives her the


“Julie, you're hurting Zeke where it hurts. He giving you the information is equivalent to him personally handing you the position as the head of the Hoffman family and, at the same time, severing all ties with you.”

Juliana bit her lip tightly, a trace of pain flashing in her eyes.

Regardless of whether the Hoffman family could be saved, she could no longer be with Zeke.

After a minute or two of silence, Juliana suddenly stood up from the sofa and began to stride toward the door.

“Master, I think I should personally ask him for those documents.”

Bailey didn't know what to say in response.

She rubbed her forehead, feeling the slight ache throbbing.

Artemis has already started strategizing to go up against Tucker. What will happen after Tucker steps down? Who will take control of the vast Hoffman family? Does the heavy burden really have to fall on Juliana's shoulders?

At the same time, Artemis was talking on the phone by the floor-to-ceiling window in the Luther residence's study.

“Mr. Archie, I think our collaboration needs to be brought forward. Three days. I'm only giving you three

days to get the Hoffman family in order.”

A cold, mocking laugh from Archie came through the phone. “Do I need three days to deal with that trash, Tucker? One hour is more than enough. Things are easier on my end, but I'm afraid your side might be more challenging. The conditions I proposed are not exactly—”

Before he could finish, Artemis interrupted, “I've already found out where your friend is. He's currently being held at the headquarters of Interpol. If you want me to rescue him, you'll have to agree to one more condition.”

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