Stolen Virtue

Chapter 1: The beginning

“He’s mine, you dumb bitch!”

“In your dreams you slut!”

Yep, that’s how my first day back at high school started out. With two girls, that are best friends, fighting over the same guy. Oh, and not just any guy. NO, the one and only Clyde Romeo Davis, all-star of the… wait for it… Glee-club.

Yes, you heard me right, I said Glee-club. Oh, but this is not your average, garden variety geek Glee-club, no Sir, this is the popular Glee-club. You’re only allowed to audition if you’re extremely beautiful, with long flowing hair, porcelain skin, a size nothing, big boobs and super-rich. Oh yeah, and talent comes somewhere in there.

“I said he’s mine!”

“Why would he even want you?! You’ve got no boobs!”

The tug a war kept going on between, Brianna Martians and Brittany Geller. They were hands deep into each other bleach blonde hair. Pulling one way and or the other. Yep, fighting in front of the school, over a guy who was leaning against his car, forcing his tongue down Brenda Kelly’s throat. What a jerk. Granted, he’s a hot jerk, but a jerk nonetheless.

Ok, this was getting weird, B number 1 and B number were still fighting, while B number 3 (another best friend) was practically having sex with Clyde up against his car. Ugh! It was gross.

A fair crowd had gathered by now, all watching. However, no one parting, all seems to be enjoying the show. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not a bad bunch. We’re a very lovely school, with one of the top grading systems. We aim high and reach for the sky.

Yes, that’s our school motto. Lame, I know but hey, what can you do? Ashwood Academy is the best of the best. Only made people send their children to this school. It’s a no-nonsense, strict school, but the best part is that we don’t have to wear uniforms. How cool is that, not like other stuck up private schools.NôvelDrama.Org content.

Anyway back to the reason we’re all here watching and not breaking up the fight. You see, Brianna, Brittany and Brenda are what you’d call the Queen Bs of the school. They’re popular, beautiful and mega-rich. Every girl wants to be them, and every guy wants to date them. They are so alike in every way it scary. Same height, same dress size, same hair colour, same eye colour, same nose job. They dress the same, talk the same, drive the same cars and even date the same guys. Like I said, scary.

Now, the Bs are not liked by many. Why you might ask? Well, let me see… Aha, I got it. It could have something to do with the fact that, they are mean to everyone. They think they’re better than everyone and acts like they run the school. Almost all of the students watching were a victim of the Bs at one point in their lives. So no, no one is breaking that fight up.

I stopped looking at the fight and ran my eyes around the school. I know that a few of the teachers have seen them fighting. What I don’t get is why they were not doing anything about it. I looked over at the giant Ashwood tree and saw Mr and Mrs Roman, our Maths and Science teachers, watching the fight too. Ok, so apparently everyone in the school hated the Bs, even the teachers.

My eyes drifted over the school parking lot; I saw Clyde’s black Lamborghini Veneno, however no Clyde and no Brenda. Well, I guess he got tired of sticking his tongue down her throat. Not like I care or anything.

I heard laughter coming from the building’s entrance, so I turned, and you would not believe what I saw. Clyde almighty was smirking at the two fighting Bs, whilst Brenda wore a bored look. What the hell, your two best friends are fighting over the guy you were just kissing, at least act like you care or something.

A few of Clyde’s friends were laughing and placing bets. Clyde’s eyes scan the crowd and landed on me. I swore his smirk dropped slightly, but I must have imagined it. Because the next thing he did was, grabbed Brenda and stuck his tongue down her throat, however never taking his eyes off of me. I rolled my eyes and turned away. Even though, the moment his eyes met mine a sense of longing and safety came over me. What the hell was that about?

“So, how long do you think we have to wait before someone is brave enough to break them apart?” My best friend Sanity Love asked. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe if we all go inside, these two bitches will kill each other by the time someone does decide,” that’s my other best friend, Dillon James, who gave that beautiful reply.

“Hey, there’s an idea.” We all started laughing but stopped when we saw the Principal. Stone-face and not looking too happy. Ok, so I guess that means it’s time to run. I grabbed Sanity, and Dillon and we eased our way out of the crowd. Making a quick escape, getting out of the Principal’s wrath. Sure enough, as we were entering the doors to the school, we heard it.

“Break it up, girls. To my office now, all of you. Including the ones who were watching. This is not the behaviour that should be expected of the student of this school. This school has a very strict no-tolerance to violence, this kind of behaviour; will not be accepted.” Yeah, like he’d be able to do anything about it.

The popular kids in school all behave like royalty. They do what they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want. And expelling them is so not an option unless the school wants to lose its cash flow. So trust me when I say, they Bs are soon gonna be walking the school halls like they own it.

I entered the building with my friends, leaving the scene behind us. Best not to test our luck. We walked and talked, chatting about our summer vacation. Sanity was talking about meeting another hot guy, at her parents’ summer house in Cape Cod Massachusetts. Dillon was going on about a summer science convention; he attended with his brothers in Australia. I, on the other hand, had to spend my summer with my Dad, his new wife and her sex-starved sons. Ugh! Talk about the worst summer ever.

My Mom, Sally Daniels and my Dad, Roger Daniels got divorced about 3 years and a half ago, right after my brother Mark and My sister Mary died. I know you’re probably wondering how they died, but I just can’t talk about that right now. It still hurts to think about it.

Anyway, both my parents were hurting, as you would expect, after losing two kids just a month apart. My Mom, however, was taking it the worst. She sort of just gave up on life. She started drinking and would lock herself in her room for days, refusing to eat. Me and my little sister, Jenny tried the best we could to help, but it didn’t matter what we did, we would still hear mom crying at nights and dad arguing with her, to focus on her other kids.

After about two months of no change, dad packed up his things and left. The week after, my mom received divorce papers. Dad wanted me and Jenny to live with him, but we couldn’t leave our mom. She needed us; it would have been like losing two more of her kids all over again. Mom got herself back together after that, with help from her Doctor friends, and she returned to work. Oh, my mom’s a Brain Surgeon and my dad’s a Lawyer.

A year after the divorce, my dad got married to one of his employee in his firm and moved to live in Maryland, with her and her two sons. Jenny and I got to visit on holidays and the odd weekends. We both hate it there.

Whenever we visit, our evil step-monster Lynette Webster always has this plastic smile on her face. She is always sweet and caring when our dad is around, however when dad’s not there, her true black heart comes out. As for her sons, can you say perverts?

Mason Webster is 18, and Gerry Webster is 16 and as horny as ever. Whenever we would visit our dad, Jenny would always sleep in my room. I did not trust any of those two pervs, anywhere near myself or my 15-year-old sister. So yeah, this summer was spent with the step monsters. I’m just freaking glad to be back. I missed my bed, my house, my mom, my friends, hell I even missed school, and that’s saying something.

“Hello, Earth to Juliet. Are you even listening?” Sanity nudged me in the side.

“Ouch! That freaking hurt.” I cried.

“Serves you right for not listening.” Dillon laughed.

Ok, so I’m a daydreamer, sue me. “I was listening; San was talking about another hot guy she met and Dill, you were talking about how cool the Convention was.”

Sanity snorted, “Yeah, I bet that’s all she heard.” I rolled my eyes and started walking ahead of them. “Come on, let’s get our books and head to class before the late bell rings.”

I was going through my locker, minding my own business. (Yeah right). Trying to remember what my first class of the day was when I heard a loud bang. I looked around to see if anyone else heard it. However, they were all going about their business. That in its self should have told me to do the same. But I had to go find out what it was. Nosy much.

I got my books out of my locker and headed off in the direction I heard the bang. I walked for a bit, peering into empty classrooms. I was about ready to give up when I heard voices. I followed it, coming up to another empty classroom. I peeked in, I didn’t have to open the door, as the top half of the door was glass.

What I saw made me gasped in horror. Clyde Davis had a knife press up against, Sam Harley throat. (Weird kid who thinks he’s a badass when really he’s just one the real badass bitch). Anyway back to the story, my brain can never stay on track.

Like I said, back to the story. Sam is crying and begged for his life. Henry Wigmasters, Billy Newton and Jax Manner were all just standing there, watching. Clyde made a small cut drawing blood, causing Sam to cry even more. The guys were laughing and calling him a bitch.

The sight made me angry and scared. I knew Clyde was bad news. You know, the kind of guy your mother warned you about and your dad would shoot first and ask questions about later. But watching him be so mean to poor Sam made be mad.

The strange thing, however, is that I was more upset with the fact that Clyde was turning out to be worse than I thought, rather than what was happening to Sam. What the hell is wrong with me, I should be more upset that he looks like he’s about to slit Sam’s throat.

I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it sounded like, Sam had stolen something of value from Clyde and was unable to account for its whereabouts. Clyde was giving him two options, 1. Return the item he stole by the end of the day or 2. Lose a finger every day until he returns it. I was so hoping Sam went for the first one.

I stupidly dropped one of my books, causing all eyes to look my way. I dropped to the floor, hoping they did not see me. I picked my book up and ran to my class without looking back. When I was in the safety of my class, I began to breathe easily. I sat there wondering whether Clyde was really going to hurt Sam if he didn’t return what he had stolen. After a while, I told myself that it wasn’t my problem and pushed it out of my head.

This year was supposed to be the beginning of my problem-free life. Instead, it started out with more problems than I can handle.

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