Steamy Affairs(Erotica)



Who could possibly be protecting Collins? it doesn’t matter, I need to make sure he dies hence he really won’t stop searching for his useless daughter. That’s what he gets for neglecting his daughter in the first place.

Caleb got really furious and left for his uncle’s place when he discovered I sold his step sister. In as much as he loved his sister he wouldn’t dare spill the bean because he knows what I’m capable of doing moreover, he participated in raping his sister so he possibly can’t drag me to jail cause we’ll rot in there together.

He is the least of my problem now I just need to make sure Collins vanishes from the face of this earth forever.


I sighed stroking her hair as I watched her sleep. She’s just too stubborn even to the extent of risking her life.

It’s morning already so I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I sit on my reading table and was going through some files when Ethan walked in.

“Still sleeping?” he asked referring to Gold.

“Yes she is”

“You actually have a thing for her”.

“About what I asked you to do, what’s the report?” I asked as he sat next to me.

“She was raped by her step dad and brother”

“Raped?” I asked feeling anger boiling inside of me.

“Her step brother already admitted to his crime and has  apologized to her when it happened. He felt bad that he maltreated her because they were very close and her mom was also good to him”

“Was he pardoned?”

“Yes she forgave him. He revealed that his reason for leaving the house was because he found out his father intentions on killing Gold’s father”


“I know I’ve offended Gold but I already apologized. Collins is in danger as my dad is trying to kill him because he’s looking for his daughter. You have to save him because my dad is a monster, he killed my mum and Gold had already lost her mother. If her father eventually dies, it will really break her “…he hissed and stopped the record.


“Since she’s your girl, I asked them to rescue her father but he got shot It’s certain they will kill him in the hospital so I had him moved to your penthouse in the states. He’s been treated there and is fine now”

“What about his family?”

“They are in safe hands Fredrick I’ve already taken them to your penthouse”

“You did well Ethan now I’ll need to teach Kennedy a lesson”

“What do you intend doing?”

“Cutting off his power, money is power. I will render his businesses bankrupt. That’s just the first phase more are to come his way”

“That really won’t be an issue because he’s not very progressive”

“Find someone to divert all his capital and I want all his investors to withdraw. I don’t want his money, just offer it to his son and ensure Gold knows nothing about this.

“I understand but can’t you seriously reveal to me that you have a soft spot for Gold”


“Fredrick, don’t deny it because it is glaring”

“You can leave now”

“You are just proving hard” So I shot him a dangerous look and he was quick to take quit talking.

“Never mind, i will be on my way out” I watched him as he moved out of my room then I walked to the bed and sat beside Gold. I can’t believe all the experiences she has encountered.

“I’ll fight your battle Gold and make him pay.

I kissed her forehead and her eyes opened slowly. I looked away remembering I’m supposed to be angry at her.

I stood up from the bed and decided to walk away when her voice halted me.

“Cold guy don’t tell me you are still annoyed” she asked standing in front of me.

“Cold guy?” I raised my brows at her.

“I mean master” I huff and proceed to walk away again when she held my arms.

I turned to look at her and she let go of my arms.

“I said I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?

“Make it up to me? You really want to make it up me?” I smilled looking at her and she body crossed herself thinking I’ll ask her for sex.

“I didn’t mean what you are thinking right now” she pouted looking away shyly.

“You’ve a corrupt mind” I huffed.

“No I dont”

“About making it up to me and give me a bath massage”

“A bath massage?” her jaw dropped.


I can’t believe he asked me to give him a bath massage. Seeing him in the bath filled with rose petals made my breath shorten.

“Am waiting”I heard his voice. I sigh and made to touch his shoulders with my shaky hands.

My hands slowly massaged his shoulders down to his back. I could see abs and his flawless body.

“Your hands are very strong” I huffed as he said that he’s just trying to step on my toes.

“They are not It’s your back that is too strong” I pressed his shoulders hard and he yelled a little.

“Ouch …you are so mean”

“You don’t make ugly jokes about me” I sighed and resumed massaging his shoulders.

“Want to join me?” he smiles flirtingly.

“No… no…”I stuttered. “I should leave now” I said running out of the bathroom and I’m so glad he didn’t stop me.

What was I even thinking giving him a massage? I smiled recalling how he looked in the bath tub.

“Snap out of it Gold he’s your master”my mind told me.

“Cute one” my mind told me again.

“Oh shut up” I hit my headI think I’m going insane already.


“Gold, today the master has to choose a new bed chamber maid and we all know he will pick you”

“Please stop. The last time you guys said that, I ended up in the cold room so I don’t want to be selected”

“Every girl wants to be in your position but why are you always so…”

“Speak of the devil” I hissed when I saw Florence. She had been fred some days ago and my body chills has stopped so I had to come back.

The master already instructed that I shouldn’t work again so literally I’m jobless and I haven’t set my eyes on him for two days so I’m beginning to miss him a lot.

“What do you want?”

“You actually think I’d allow you get selected?”

“What can you do Florence she’s the master’s best person while you are just an abandoned, desolate and jealous maid” Daniela fired back.

“How dare you?”

“You seem to be forgetting something Florence, you are no longer the bed chamber maid, you are powerless now” Amara said.

“Amara you are a traitor. You betrayed me”

“No you brought this upon yourself”

“Seriously? You guys should stop this already. I’m not going and I don’t want to get chosen. No need to fight over this”

“Gold, what’s wrong with you?”

“I have made my choice Ella so don’t attempt to confuse me “I said walking away.

“You bitch”

“This is the best thing she has ever said since she arrived here. I should go get ready to be selected” she smiled walking out. What makes her think he will select her by the way

“What are we going to do now?”

“The master is entitled to select only the maid he sees at the hall not the one’s outside the hall”

“Let’s just hope he breaks the rules for her”I sighed.

“We hope so too”.

Some minutes later, the master arrived into the hall with his brother and two other guards.

“We were all assembled for the master to pick a bed chamber maid untill his bother Master Ethan urged him to select any maid amongst us that he considers fit to become his bed chamber maid”

He sighed looking round for one person Gold.

“Where is Gold?” he asked when he didn’t sight her.

“She didn’t come master I presume she has regard for you” Florence said.

“How dare you?” he screamed at her and she fell on her knees.

“I’m sorry master”

“Chike, get me Gold now”

“But master its against the rules”

“I made those rules and I can break it at anytime. Now go”

I smiled to myself, he did break the rules for her after all. It’s obvious that the master is in love with Gold.


“You did the right thing Gold” I kept telling myself.

But don’t you want him? can I bear seeing him with another woman? Of course I can, I don’t love him by the way.

I was still deep in thoughts when Chike came into my room.

“The master request your presence at the hall now”

He really come back for me after all, he sure doesn’t back out. So i stood up and followed them to the hall then my heart began to race at a fast pace when I spotted him.

It’s really so difficult to breath around him and he smiled when he saw me.

“You think you would escape” he whispered into my ears sending shivers down my spine.

Our eyes linked and I could sense that I was gradually loosing a hold of myself. He moved closer to me with our lips just inches apart and i could hear people whispering to themselves but I paid no attention.

My entire body sparked when he took my lips in his and slowly I reciprocated but my hands refused to move as it stood still.

He carefully withdrew from the kiss leaving me astonished. He took the beads on the tray and wore it on my head.

“I know just how to penalize you and don’t keep me waiting late” he whispered in my ears making me vibrate a bit.

He pecked me and walked away with his brother who was busy smiling.

“You can’t run away from this now. What the master desires, he acquires” Ella giggled.

I think I can’t run away from this any longer. It definitely is inevitable.

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