Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase


Wiyzh-Sybylle Landia

Imperial Sacred Ceremony Ground.

Those watching had anxious looks on their faces. The king put on a calm expression, even though his heart was thumping in his chest.

But at the moment, he saw Phoenix’s hair turn silver with cerulean ends, the calmness on his face fled, getting substituted by anxiousness.

‘Gosh! He’s planning to use his powers?’ the king became even more anxious. No, this mirror had to be stopped from showing any further happening. He didn’t care what people might say; he was king, who were they to complain?

But Phoenix suddenly faced the beast with his back and then smiled, giving a signal that the king should let things happen as it should. Worst case, he’ll just present this strong beast’s head when he comes out of the portal.

The king sighed defeatedly.

The first prince had resolved that if the people present on the ceremony ground found out he was actually a sorcerer and not a high-level wizard as they believed for so many years, so be it!


Phoenix at the supposed Silgioth’s lair faced the unknown beast once again.

“Hahaha! You can only transform your hair and your eyes and even add additional things to your face, to increase your beauty. But of what use is it, dear groom? Just to dodge? Can you evade me forever?” the main head of the beast jeered while the eyes of the nine heads turned to a glowing pink.

Phoenix shrugged, “You’re right. I have no sceptre, no ring, and no weapon. I’m very pitiful. Accordingly, I should just lay on this ground and wait for you to gobble me after tearing me to pieces. I wish I could do that bravely. Unfortunately, as you can see, I kind of lack the boldness to wait for you to eat me. So, I can only choose the other option. That means I’m going to fight you,”

“Cocksureness of yours knows no bounds,” the beast said in derision.

A smile spread across Phoenix’s face, “We’re in the same boat, comrade,”

“What comrade? I’m not your comrade! I’m your rival, no, I’m the predator and you’re nothing without your sceptre and book,” and so, the beast swiftly rushed at the man, its heads and tails ready for the kill.

However, at the last moment, he didn’t expect the prey to suddenly vanish.

“What?” the beast was taken aback. Its heads looked around the bright passage.

Where was that wiz blood?

“Show yourself! Don’t think that because you can turn invisible, then you can hide from me forever. This is my domain and it’s only right to eat you. Show yourself, you yellow belly!”

“Comrade, I’m outside. It’s too narrow in there. How about we do it outside where there’s plenty of space? Or, could it be you’re afraid to… come outside?” a masculine voice replied to him via voice transmission.

“Damn it!” the beast cussed.

How did that bastard get outside so quickly? Could it be that he set a trap outside, waiting for him to enter it? Even so, it wasn’t afraid. Whatever schemes this cunning wiz guy had, he would trash them.

With that thought in mind, the beast rushed forward, from the brightly lit passage into the dark areas. He had no problem seeing in the dark and didn’t even stumble for once.

In a minute, the creature was already out of the cave. He found to his dismay that the two trees containing the vines, and the mud warriors- the creations of the late Silgioth- were already ruined. In their place were huge mounds of ash.

And the culprit was nowhere to be seen!

“Comrade, how do you like your gift? I’m outside the fog. It’s much better here for us to battle,”

Without thinking, the inflamed creature rushed into the fog, exiting it in seconds.

Upon getting out of the fog, he found to his dismay that all the trees containing those vines even the shrubs in that area had been turned to ashes.

“How?” befuddlement shrouded the stunned beast’s mind. This groom- his prey- was clearly a wizard, that he was sure of. How come he could disappear at will and cause this sort of damage without the help of his sceptre, weapon or magic book? Could it be that he wasn’t alone, probably there were two of them? Maybe the second person was responsible for all this damage and they lured it out to this now-desolate area thinking they could defeat it?

Risible thinking!

Even if there were 10 wiz bloods here as the groom’s backup, rendering them crippled wouldn’t take long for him. They were too complacent and this would surely be their tragic downfall, not his.

No schemes would work on him.

“Show yourself, you muttonhead! I’m already here. What’s the need to hide?” all the heads of the creature spoke in unison.

“Er… How should I put this? I’m actually in the fog. I didn’t think you’d really come out. Could you please make a U-turn? I can’t see well since my eyes hurt!”

“You liar!” the beast’s ten heads spat. Who was he trying to fool?

‘You’re in the fog, wandering around aimlessly? Your eyes hurt? You thought I wouldn’t dare to show up when you requested it? What nonsense excuse was that?’ In all its life, the creature never met a prey that gave him a headache like this.

“You pig, show yourself! How hard can it be to do such an easy thing?”

“It’s very hard, Mr ten heads. You don’t know how frightened I am right now. I pissed my underclothing and I even want to relieve my throbbing rear. But I can’t. I fear that while excreting, you’d suddenly show up behind me to say an unwelcome hello. I don’t want to die from fright. I want to die of ripe old age, or maybe, while saving my precious mate from peril. I can’t let you eat me, Mr. Ten heads,”

“You… That’s not my name. I’m a Vulkhaen!” the vexed beast revealed.

“Oh! I see. What, then, is your weakness?”

“You bastard!” How dare this prey ask it such a rubbish question? Which person or creature would reveal to a stranger his weakness? Who in their right mind would attempt such a thing?

“Mr beast, don’t get mad. I’m really in the fog. Just look behind you,”

Turning around once, he saw that the rascal truly came out of the fog.

“With all due respect, Mr. Beast, please inform me of your weaknesses so that you can die quickly and it will be less painful,” Phoenix said with his palms pressed together, wearing a pitiful face as he slowly advanced.

“I’m going to make you wish you were never born!” the creature’s main head spat while the other nine heads let out frightening, loud hisses.

“That’s my plan too. What a coincidence. It seems you don’t want to die quickly. Let’s stop dallying then. My time is running out and my dear one is waiting for me,” after these words, Lavana’s mate lunged at the creature.

The greatly maddened beast also did not hesitate in charging at his opponent either. It just couldn’t wait to torture this smug prey to death, as compensation for all the unnecessary stress he caused it to experience.

As the two were about to collide, Phoenix suddenly launched a ball of black mist at the creature. Caught off balance, it halted in its tracks and narrowly dodged the attack. His main head’s eyes widened in shock, finally realizing the reason this prey was so sure of himself.

So this guy was indeed alone; He didn’t need backup as he was a sorcerer. From the mist sphere attack, the Vulkhaen knew this opponent was someone to be taken seriously. Quickly, a solemn expression replaced the beast’s previously outraged look.

Since this was a sorcerer, he had to use his ultimate form.

Blue light suddenly covered it and by the time it dimmed, there were seventeen giant snakes, flaunting their meter-long fangs. Their skin seemed stronger than iron and couldn’t be easily penetrated. The Aegean blue snake in the middle was the biggest of them all, with two different eye colours- pitch black and gold. Three glowing rose-red horns were on its head and it had the most sinister look

The other snakes had glowing pink eyes and pale blue skin, just slightly smaller than the main snake.

“Deal with my copies, chucklehead!” the main snake hissed and the 16 snakes lunged forward.

“We think alike,” Phoenix responded as he pressed his palms together and closed his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, four copies of him appeared and rushed forward.

The Vulkhaen was stunned; It honestly didn’t expect that this guy could replicate himself. That means he wasn’t some low-level sorcerer.

What the hell!

Still, it was confident in the 16 copies. They all were half as good as the creature. It’d be able to gauge the prey’s powers by the result of the copies’ battle.

If the sorcerer’s copies defeated his copies- which was unlikely since his copies outnumbered the enemy’s- then, it simply meant that he had to flee.

Revenge carried out after ten years is never too late. As long as he lived, he could definitely take vengeance someday!

Both man and beast retreated far enough, to give their copies enough space to battle.

Each of Phoenix’s copies fought against four giant snakes. Repeatedly, the Vulkaen’s copies tried to land a successful bite at the rival copies, even spitting at them.

As Lavana’s mate’s copies dodged, the snake venom landed on the ground, creating small holes with smoke rising out of them.

In return, four copies became serious, levitating while spiritedly launching black mist spheres at the opponent’s snake copies.

10 minutes later,

The last four snakes lost their fighting ability and vanished.

At this point, it was very clear to the Vulkhaen.

This prey now had the qualifications of predator and he, a high-level feared beast, had become the prey. Before this predator tried to annihilate him, it was best to run!

Quickly turning around, big red wings sprouted from its back and it began to fly away, as fast as it could. Only a dolt would return to that dead Silgioth’s base.

This was the fastest he’d ever flown. Usually, he flew only for fun, but now, it was to save his life. No longer was it sporting a vain look but rather that of apprehension- the pressing anxiety to escape.

If he was unsuccessful, his head would be brought back by this sorcerer to present to his people as a guarantee that he could protect his bride. He, a mighty Vulkhaen, wouldn’t allow that.

He frankly regretted defying his father and sneaking out of their hideout. He’d been very much discontent in the past that a weak Silgioth enjoyed the title of king of beasts in this forest. Now he understood why remaining hidden was best for them.

Glancing behind him, he saw the sorcerer’s four copies chasing after him.

Did this guy look down on him that much? He didn’t even bother to chase him personally and just sent copies that were only half as good as him?

This level of disdain… he’d never experienced it before and it made him more unhappy.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Still, the Vulkhaen couldn’t do anything; fleeing would help him keep his head!

Right now, he was heading to their hideout. His father must’ve been worried about him for the past few days.

As long as he perceives his smell, he’ll come out along with the rest of the Vulkhaens, right? His father was very strong.

The moment he showed up, these copies would be rendered utterly powerless.

Even the sorcerer could end up losing his head.

Thinking about this, he increased his flying speed, ignoring his body that screamed for a breather.

After a few minutes of breakneck speed, he reached the outskirts of the Vulkhaen’s hideout. Just three minutes more and he’d reach a place where the others could sense him and come to his rescue.

Turning his head once again, he was staggered to see no one behind him.

So he’d been rushing for nothing? Did he lose the four copies long ago?

If so, that was good, very nice to know!

At most, he’ll just stay with his family for a few months more and when it’s safe, he can probably sneak out again. That late Silgioth has a lot of treasures, he couldn’t miss out on it.

Turning his head once again to look forward, preparing to add a little more speed to his flying, he suddenly was forced to halt. The predator was levitating ahead of him, a smile laced on his lips- one that felt too wicked and made several chills run down his spine.

“I told you, I don’t like beating around the bush. You talked big earlier, didn’t you? You’d tear me to pieces and devour me. Wasn’t that your fervent dream? I gave you a chance to do so. Why are you running away? Aren’t you ashamed for going back on your word?” Phoenix interrogated, arms crossed.

“Please, I was blind earlier. No, I mean I was just joking. Me devour and eat you? That’s just unachievable thinking. Even in my wildest dreams, I’d never think of such. Besides, it’s disgusting. I don’t eat mankind. I eat roasted meat and fish. They taste better, you know. I also eat apples and many other good fruits that nourish my body, that’s why you can see that my skin and horns are glowing. It’s fat evidence, Sir Sorcerer,” the creature looked frantic.

“That’s not my name,” Phoenix corrected with a frown.

“Oh, may I, please, know your excellency’s name sir?” the beast’s voice had turned meek. Currently, it was super desperate. If the ground could open and swallow him up, he’d cry tears of joy. It would be much better than facing this smiling demon wearing human skin.

He hadn’t seen the world. His father was right, very right. If only he knew…

“Please spare me. I beg you,” at this point, the creature lost the will even to fly anymore and directly dropped to the ground, returning to its first form when he first met the sorcerer in the cave. Thinking back to how cocksure he’d been in front of the latter, he really wanted to slap him a thousand times.

Just look at the kind of existence he provoked!

It’s not every day that a sorcerer shows up in this outlawed forest.

“Take me to your hideout. I know from your previous actions that it isn’t that far from here. If you commit suicide, I’ll still find the rest and send them to hell with you,”

The Vulkhaen looked conflicted, “This… If I show you the hideout… will you let me and my relatives go?” this was a brazen question but he had to ask.

If he died, his family would still not escape destruction. If there were a way to save them, of course, he’d do anything.

“Probably,” was Phoenix’s cold reply.

This response didn’t calm the creature at all. Instead, he felt like the whole world was crumbling on top of him.

“Lead the way, Vulkhaen,” the sorcerer commanded, and though unwilling, the creature had to obey while praying to the heavens that this stinky predator would have mercy at the end and spare them.

3 minutes later,

Phoenix and the creature who was now in snake form with wings arrived at the entrance of a mighty cave.

“Go and fetch your people here in two minutes or I’ll erase you lot from the earth’s surface,”

Quickly, the terrified creature flew in.

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