Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase


At that, Phoenix’s hand connected with the right side of her face harshly, causing the jaw to dislocate and several teeth flew out of her mouth accompanied by blood.

The pain from the slap also made her body tremble greatly. For a moment, she saw herself being tortured by an imaginary man with horns and her mouth quivered.

“That’s for your disobedience,” without mercy, his hand connected with the left side of her face. More teeth flew out as the jaw deformed.

“That’s for killing my mum,”


“That’s for my dad!”


“That’s for destroying my pack!”


“That’s for selling the remnants of my pack as meat,”


“That’s for trying to make me a eunuch!”


“For trying to end me!”

He then kicked her in the gut, sending her flying until she hit a tree hard.

She spat out more blood from the impact and found it hard to rise from the ground. She wished the ground would just open and swallow her up. At least, she’d be saved from this terror.

Phoenix walked up to her and raised her by her hair, “Are you ready to say the words now?” he questioned with a baleful stare.

She couldn’t even nod or say a word due to her deformed jaws. She couldn’t even gesture either.

“I take that as a no,” he smilingly said, causing her eyes to widen.

She really wanted to shake her head in refusal but that wasn’t to be for her.

“For plotting to harm my mate,” he cut her hair with the fan-turned dagger. Tears rolled down her cheeks in torrents after this act. She was always proud of her long silky reddish-brown hair. Now it wasn’t even neck-length.

Phoenix let go of her and she fell to the ground without resistance, like a sack of grain.

“You used these hands in killing my parents. You no longer need them,” he stated.

This time around, she suddenly found the strength to shake her head frantically. It’s fine that she lost her hair and no longer looked pretty. But she couldn’t lose any of her limbs.

With great difficulty, she wrote ‘PLEASE’ on the ground but the man ignored it. Controlling his dagger by means of telekinesis, he cut off her arms and used 2 black mist spheres to turn the severed arms into dust.

“I gave you a chance, but you didn’t take it. You’re fortunate though that I’m now a changed man,” he made her swallow a small grey pill.

“This will lessen the pain you feel. As for whether you can make it out of this forest, depends on your luck,”

After saying this, he vanished.

A few minutes later, the pain that she felt reduced greatly and her jaws rearranged slowly. With difficulty, she managed to sit up and eventually stand. Looking at the two small heaps of white sand close to her, tears gushed out of her eyes again. They cruelly reminded her of the fact that she was crippled for life.

Even if she managed to leave this forest unscathed, she couldn’t return to Ralton. Her husband wouldn’t accept her with how she looked now.

The great issue at the moment was how to get to the main road safely; she didn’t know which direction to face.

Or maybe her wolf could help her out with this?

“Harlie,” she called her wolf who was still in a slumber but the latter didn’t stir. She called out more times but there was no response. That was strange. Harlie had never been this way. What was happening?

“Har…” she couldn’t continue calling as she felt a sudden pain in her gut, resulting in her falling to the ground and spitting out blood. Her face paled. Didn’t Phoenix say the pill was a painkiller? Or did he feed her something else before she woke up earlier? Despicable!

As she struggled to get back to her feet, she saw a tall, bald man with a burly build and scarred body heading in her direction with a look that didn’t settle well with her- that of a pervert.

“You… who are you?”

“Woman, I’m Sebastian Grooks, a professional rapist!” he proudly disclosed.

“What?” she asked with a terrified tone. If only she had hands, she would have used them in retreating.

“Don’t worry, even though I’ve been locked away for 15 years, I haven’t become rusty. I’m very ‘gentle’ with frail women like you,” he smilingly said but she began to frantically shake her head in apprehension.

“No, don’t come near me! Stay away from me you monster!” she cried.

“I’m a monster?” Sebastian asked, pointing to himself with widened eyes, “What about you? You’re also a professional rapist like me. Why are you pretending? We’re birds of the same feather. Isn’t it better if we unite and show our skills?” he proposed as he leisurely walked towards her.

She managed to kneel, “Please, let me go. I’ll give you anything. I have money and many treasures. I’ll give everything to you, as long as you spare my life!” she pleaded.

This Sebastian guy was a rogue Beta wolf and was well-known in the supernatural world as a scum. Any woman he forcefully had coitus with always died. She wouldn’t want to perish from something she loved doing with her husband. No, she couldn’t let him touch her but she also knew that she couldn’t outrun him in her current state.

“Seems you’ve forgotten my ways, lady. I desire no gold or treasure, just one thing- destroy v@ginas!” he let out wild laughter with arms outstretched, feeling already victorious.

Seeing that he was intent on carrying out the awful deed, she got to her feet and turned around to flee, only to fall down due to pain erupting in both ankles that had suddenly dislocated.

Sebastian laughed at her miserable state, leisurely closing the gap between them with just two steps. As she managed to sit up with clenched teeth, he raised her up by the neck and brought her close to his face, ignoring how suffocated she now looked, “Little she-wolf, you think I’ll let you escape? If I do, won’t I lose my reputation as a professional?”

He threw her to the ground hard and quickly lowered his pants with glee. Seeing his huge member, she gulped in fear.

His was indeed bigger than her mate’s but she wasn’t interested in what he wanted to do. Tearfully, she kept shaking her head but he didn’t care.

Quickly, he ripped off her clothes before spreading her legs and pulling her closer to him.

“For 5 years, I haven’t been inside any female. Finally, I have this opportunity and you are the lucky woman. Just relax, I promised earlier that I’d be gentle. I won’t let you die,” he chuckled, “It’s good you have no arms to wrestle me. Today is indeed my lucky day,”

Ignoring her miserable look, he forced himself into her and started rotating his hips swiftly, occasionally slapping her boobs harshly.

“Make sure she doesn’t die. She needs time to reflect on her sins,” a familiar voice was heard.

Sebastian didn’t stop his act but looked upwards and found the voice’s owner seated on a tree branch, holding a plate of berries from which he ate with pleasure.

“Don’t worry, I’m a professional,” the man replied smilingly before increasing the pace of his pounding, ignoring the woman’s miserable cries.

15 minutes later,

Sebastian turned the Luna over so she now lay on her stomach. She could no longer make any sound, only the ever-flowing tears from her eyes were the evidence that she didn’t want this.

The lustful man forced himself into her other hole, and she could only open her mouth with no sound coming out.

“You ravished my dad in front of me, now I got you someone with the same interest as you. I know you must be thankful,” Phoenix remarked while leisurely eating a black fruit, throwing the seeds on her head to spite her more.

“Sebastian, I’m leaving. You don’t need to hold back anymore. Just don’t kill her. After that, report back to the werewolf council’s main dungeon or else I will end you myself,” Phoenix commanded.

“No probs, Your Highness,” the happy man replied, increasing the pace of his thrusts once again, “If you have any other opportunity like this again, I don’t mind doing this every day,”

Phoenix didn’t reply to him but flew towards the duo and placed a white bowl containing blueberries before the pathetic-looking Luna.

“If you feel peckish, eat them. I’m off,” with that, he vanished.

Sebastian harshly slapped Anita’s butt, increasing the pace of his violent thrusts once again.

The satisfied Sebastian pulled out his Willy from the woman who was almost dead and let his seeds spill on her stomach. Then he rose, stretching his body.

“I have to acknowledge, your c*nt is the best I’ve ever f*cked. Too bad, I’m not allowed to f*ck you to death,” he sighed before stooping to pick up the plate of berries.

“I’ll take this. You clearly have no way to eat them,” he then walked away in the direction he’d come from.

Anita’s body continued trembling and she could only silently weep. She reminisced how she rode Alpha Reece against his will that year. She remembered his pleas and his struggles after she forced so much wolfsbane down his throat. She recollected too how she had the men she brought that day set her ex-mate’s pack on fire.

She recalled that frightened little boy who was snatched away by a grey-haired man named Robin.

She thought about how she was doomed to a bleak future. All she could feel was pain all over her body.

She didn’t want to live anymore; It was best for her to die. Since she was incapable of moving any part of her body, other than her mouth and eyes, she decided to bite her tongue.

Minutes later, hard as she tried, her tongue refused to bleed, despite the pain. The nearest thorny shrub that could maybe pierce her tongue was so far away from her. She then recalled Phoenix’s words. ‘Death will go on vacation because of you. You won’t even be able to commit suicide.’

“Aaarghh!” she cried in frustration.


Back at Ralton Pack.

Lavana was seated on a wooden chair taken out of the space ring, eating popcorn while watching with interest the scene before her.

“It’s been so long. Why are there only veins showing all over?” she mockingly questioned.

For the past hour, this clod had been wriggling on the ground, shouting in pain with patterned black veins appearing all over his body.

To kill time, she’d ruined all the buildings in the pack, no matter their use and even sent more of the Raltons to their ancestors.

Finally, she sat here for the past 15 minutes watching him yell and squirm like there was no tomorrow.

“Your time’s running out old man. You only have 5 more minutes,” she announced, throwing some popcorn for the nth time at the exasperated Alpha Blake’s head.

“Lavie honey, mind if I take some?” a familiar male voice was heard behind her. She immediately turned her head and upon seeing him she rose and kept the bowl of popcorn on the chair.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Baby,” she rushed to hug him, slightly levitating to welcome him with a brief kiss, “How was it?”

“Well, she’s in a good state. I didn’t dirty my hands as you suggested,” he smilingly replied before parting the hug. Turning his attention to the still-writhing Alpha King on the ground, he inquired, “What’s with him?”

“Turns out he and his offspring love taking strange liquids. He took one about an hour ago and till now, he’s been like this. I did busy myself for a while,” she pointed to the ruins all around them. The remnants of the Raltons were the pregnant women and children who were trying their best not to cry, for fear of being killed by this fire-casting entity.

They stayed put where Lavana told them to recline or else they’d be on their way to hell’s gate.

Phoenix walked to the squirming guy, hands in his pockets, “Blake Remmington, you miss your wife, don’t you?”

Hearing this, the man struggled to sit up and looked at his foe’s mate with a scowl, “W-Where is my wife?” he growled.

“She’s in Rosetyne Forest. That’s near the 8th-ranked pack for your information,” Phoenix revealed proudly.


How did his wife get there in such a short time? From Ralton to Fiery Crystal Pack would take almost a day to reach by air.

“Are you joking with me?” he barked, trying to rise to his feet to no avail.

“Don’t worry, I have proof. And I can show you some interesting things she’s done,” he took out a brown mirror and handed it to him.

Alpha Blake looked at this magenta-haired dude with incredulity, even after taking the mirror. Soon though, his attention was caught as the mirror commenced playing a shocking scene. That of his wife without arms and buck nude being f*cked without mercy by some strange bald dude with a Johnson much bigger than his.

He shook his head in denial, “No, it’s a lie,”

Phoenix sighed, “Believe it or not, that’s what happened before I left. I promise she’s still alive. If you want, I can take you to her. Though, I believe since she has no hands, she’s useless to you now, right?”

“You bastard! I’ll kill you!” the Alpha barked.

More black veins appeared on his body and his bones unexpectedly began to crack and rearrange rapidly with his form increasing. This scene was graced by his shouts of agony from the transformation.

3 minutes later, the couple were stunned when they saw what he’d transformed into.

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