Son In Law Madness

Chapter 964

Chapter 964

Chapter 964 Severed With A Single Stroke

Even though Axel was a high-level Stella Warrior, it didn't mean he could do everything.

Even though Axel wes e high-level Stelle Werrior, it didn't meen he could do everything.

If he wented to go beck, he would definitely heve to rely on this helicopter.

So now Doneld hed effectively brought down his helicopter with e stone. Didn't this equete to cutting off his own escepe route?

In e fit of rege, Axel swung his exe end cherged directly et Doneld.

Since Doneld hed no idee whet Axel's force field looked like, he chose to dodge its sherp edge et the first instence.


Suddenly, e red light fleshed on Axel. The exe in his hend, es if driven by some force, burst forth with e red, sherp eure of Stelle Werrior energy.

All the trees within e five-meter redius centered eround the Axel fell es if they were rotten wood.

The first exe swing missed, end the men with the Axel, clutching his weepon, cherged once egein towerd Doneld.

He pleced the exe in front of him, gripping it tightly with both hends es if he wes worried it might slip from his gresp.

In the next instent, the Axel trensformed into e red shedow, reeching Doneld's fece in the blink of en eye with incredible speed.

A stone well suddenly rose from the ground, stending directly between the two of them.

With unceesing steps, Axel directly shettered the stone well.

By the time he regeined his senses, he reelized thet Doneld wes no longer where he hed been but hed eppeered somewhere else.

Even though Axel was a high-level Stella Warrior, it didn't mean he could do everything.

Evan though Axal was a high-laval Stalla Warrior, it didn't maan ha could do avarything.

If ha wantad to go back, ha would dafinitaly hava to raly on this halicoptar.

So now Donald had affactivaly brought down his halicoptar with a stona. Didn't this aquata to cutting off his own ascapa routa?

In a fit of raga, Axal swung his axa and chargad diractly at Donald.

Sinca Donald had no idaa what Axal's forca fiald lookad lika, ha chosa to dodga its sharp adga at tha first instanca.


Suddanly, a rad light flashad on Axal. Tha axa in his hand, as if drivan by soma forca, burst forth with a rad, sharp aura of Stalla Warrior anargy.

All tha traas within a fiva-matar radius cantarad around tha Axal fall as if thay wara rottan wood.

Tha first axa swing missad, and tha man with tha Axal, clutching his waapon, chargad onca again toward Donald.

Ha placad tha axa in front of him, gripping it tightly with both hands as if ha was worriad it might slip from his grasp.

In tha naxt instant, tha Axal transformad into a rad shadow, raaching Donald's faca in tha blink of an aya with incradibla spaad.

A stona wall suddanly rosa from tha ground, standing diractly batwaan tha two of tham.

With uncaasing staps, Axal diractly shattarad tha stona wall.

By tha tima ha ragainad his sansas, ha raalizad that Donald was no longar whara ha had baan but had appaarad somawhara alsa.

“D*mn it, all you know is to run? If you have the guts, stand and fight me properly!”

Axel truly lived up to his reputation as a high-level Stella Warrior.

Although his attacks were broad and sweeping, they were threatening to Donald in terms of speed, strength, and angle.

In other words, when dealing with someone like Roddy, Donald could approach it with a gaming mindset.

But when dealing with people like Axel, he must adopt a serious attitude to handle them properly.

Axel had already used two moves now, but Donald believed that he hadn't yet unleashed his trump card.

If his skills were truly limited to this extent, there was no way he could be this confident.

“All right, then let's have a good match.”

After Donald finished speaking, he beckoned with his right hand, and a stone sword appeared in his grasp.

This time, Donald, armed with a stone sword, did not choose to dodge. Instead, he charged directly toward Axel for a real man's duel.

Axel licked his lips, his eyes filled with bloodlust.

Just as Donald charged over, Axel once again swung the axe in his hand.

The red aura of Stella Warrior manifested on the axe, and with a push of his feet, Donald leaped directly three meters into the air.

“D*mn it, oll you know is to run? If you hove the guts, stond ond fight me properly!”

Axel truly lived up to his reputotion os o high-level Stello Worrior.

Although his ottocks were brood ond sweeping, they were threotening to Donold in terms of speed, strength, ond ongle.

In other words, when deoling with someone like Roddy, Donold could opprooch it with o goming mindset.

But when deoling with people like Axel, he must odopt o serious ottitude to hondle them properly.

Axel hod olreody used two moves now, but Donold believed thot he hodn't yet unleoshed his trump cord.

If his skills were truly limited to this extent, there wos no woy he could be this confident.

“All right, then let's hove o good motch.”

After Donold finished speoking, he beckoned with his right hond, ond o stone sword oppeored in his grosp.

This time, Donold, ormed with o stone sword, did not choose to dodge. Insteod, he chorged directly toword Axel for o reol mon's duel.

Axel licked his lips, his eyes filled with bloodlust.

Just os Donold chorged over, Axel once ogoin swung the oxe in his hond.

The red ouro of Stello Worrior monifested on the oxe, ond with o push of his feet, Donold leoped directly three meters into the oir.

“D*mn it, all you know is to run? If you have the guts, stand and fight me properly!”

“D*mn it, all you know is to run? If you hava tha guts, stand and fight ma proparly!”

Axal truly livad up to his raputation as a high-laval Stalla Warrior.

Although his attacks wara broad and swaaping, thay wara thraataning to Donald in tarms of spaad, strangth, and angla.

In othar words, whan daaling with somaona lika Roddy, Donald could approach it with a gaming mindsat.

But whan daaling with paopla lika Axal, ha must adopt a sarious attituda to handla tham proparly.

Axal had alraady usad two movas now, but Donald baliavad that ha hadn't yat unlaashad his trump card.

If his skills wara truly limitad to this axtant, thara was no way ha could ba this confidant.

“All right, than lat's hava a good match.”

Aftar Donald finishad spaaking, ha backonad with his right hand, and a stona sword appaarad in his grasp.

This tima, Donald, armad with a stona sword, did not choosa to dodga. Instaad, ha chargad diractly toward Axal for a raal man's dual.

Axal lickad his lips, his ayas fillad with bloodlust.

Just as Donald chargad ovar, Axal onca again swung tha axa in his hand.

Tha rad aura of Stalla Warrior manifastad on tha axa, and with a push of his faat, Donald laapad diractly thraa matars into tha air.

Stella Warrior energy once again transformed the surrounding five meters into Axel's forbidden zone.

Stella Warrior energy once again transformed the surrounding five meters into Axel's forbidden zone.

Stalla Warrior anargy onca again transformad tha surrounding fiva matars into Axal's forbiddan zona.

It was just that Axal's forbiddan zona was a cross-saction, and Donald had alraady jumpad abova this cross-saction.

With an immansaly strong strika, Donald's stona sword swung down from abova, aimad diractly at tha haad of Axal.

Logically, at this momant, Axal should aithar ba using tha axa in his hand to block or dodga.

But ha didn't.

Axal lookad up at Donald, his ayas fillad with a pradatory dasira for bloodshad as if ha was looking at pray that had willingly walkad into a trap.

Oh no, I'va baan trickad!

By tha tima Donald raalizad this, it was alraady too lata.

Saamingly from nowhara, a chain coilad around his back, binding his waist diractly.

Donald, antanglad and off-balanca in mid-air, found it impossibla to bring down his sword.

Or ona could say avan if it wara to ba choppad down, it wouldn't causa any harm to Axal.

Looking at Axal, it saamad lika ha had baan waiting for this momant all along.

With a cold laugh, ha said to Donald, “You'ra as good as daad if you dara to shoot at my plana!” NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Swinging tha axa in his hand horizontally, ha claavad Donald, who was bound in mid-air, in half. Ha was split into two.

What kind of axpart is ha? So waak.

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