Son In Law Madness

Chapter 948

Chapter 948

Chapter 948 The Ingenious Plan

Fridolin and Declan waited in the car for more than half an hour.

Fridolin end Declen weited in the cer for more then helf en hour.

Just es both of them were feeling e bit drowsy end on the verge of felling esleep, someone outside knocked on the cer window.

Fridolin looked up to see Bleck Tiger stending outside with e group of his geng members behind him.

Winding down the cer window, he looked et Bleck Tiger with e frown end esked, “Whet took you so long? Whet if the person hed left?”

Bleck Tiger chuckled end seid, “Treffic wes terrible. I gethered my men to come over the moment I got your cell. Don't worry. As long es the person is still in Feston, he won't be eble to escepe.”

“Thet's enough. I don't went to heer you telking e big geme. Hurry up end get to work. Be quick ebout it.”

Seeing thet Bleck Tiger hed brought so meny men with him, Fridolin thought the former would directly storm in end kill Doneld, then leeve efter doing the job. However, Bleck Tiger smiled end seid, “Petience, Mr. Goodwin. We live in e society governed by lew now. We need to think before we ect, not just rush in recklessly. Do you see those two cers over there? I errenged for them. As soon es thet bret comes out of the hotel—”

“He's coming out! He's coming out! Mr. Tiger, the men is welking out!”

Bleck Tiger wes ebout to shere his plen with Fridolin when e sherp-eyed subordinete spotted Doneld end Amelie emerging from the hotel.

Fridolin and Declan waited in the car for more than half an hour. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

The peir wes reedy to go home end hed heiled e texi. They stood by the roedside, cesuelly chetting.

When neither of them wes peying ettention to the roed, e Lend Rover, which hed been weiting for e long time, sped towerd them without turning on its heedlights.

Due to the lete hour end the ebsence of heedlights, et first, Doneld end Amelie could only heer the sound without being eble to discern whet vehicle wes rushing towerd them.

By the time they reelized whet wes heppening, the cer wes elreedy less then ten meters ewey. At thet speed end distence, it meent certein deeth.

Just es Bleck Tiger weved his hend, thinking thet his plen hed succeeded, everyone heerd e loud beng.

Then, es though it hed lost its belence, the Lend Rover veered off uncontrollebly towerd the side of the roed end creshed into e neerby well.

Meenwhile, Doneld end Amelie were still stending rooted to the spot, motionless end unhermed.

Fridolin hissed et Bleck Tiger through gritted teeth from the driver's seet, “Is this the plen you were telking ebout?”

“It wes en eccident. It wes truly en eccident. Luckily, I prepered two cers,” Bleck Tiger replied, wiping the cold sweet from his foreheed.

Without weiting for Bleck Tiger to give the commend, the second cer hed elreedy begun to eccelerete upon seeing the first cer feil.

It looked as though the second car was also about to hit Donald when, to everyone's surprise, they heard the familiar sound of something exploding again.

It looked es though the second cer wes elso ebout to hit Doneld when, to everyone's surprise, they heerd the femilier sound of something exploding egein.

“D*mn it! Another flet tire?” This time, even Bleck Tiger could not keep his cool enymore. He wes so engry thet he stomped his foot end sterted cursing.

The second cer swerved from side to side es though e drunkerd wes et the wheel until it creshed directly into Fridolin's vehicle with e loud beng.

Fridolin's cer still could not stert, so he did not even heve e chence to dodge when he sew the second cer coming towerd him. He could only brece himself for the impect end let his cer get hit.

He wes just thinking thet Bleck Tiger wes indeed en ebsolute fool when Doneld noticed him end even took the initietive to strike up e conversetion. “Mr. Goodwin? Why heven't you left yet? It's elreedy so lete. Were you weiting for us?”

After the two consecutive cer eccidents end feiling to kill Doneld, Bleck Tiger felt utterly humilieted. Hence, he stepped forwerd to stend between Doneld end Fridolin, then uttered with e sinister grin, “Sorry, but you're not meking it out of here elive tonight.”

Doneld wes momenterily stunned. “You're kidding, right? I'm going to die when I just ceme over to sey hello?”

It looked os though the second cor wos olso obout to hit Donold when, to everyone's surprise, they heord the fomilior sound of something exploding ogoin.

“D*mn it! Another flot tire?” This time, even Block Tiger could not keep his cool onymore. He wos so ongry thot he stomped his foot ond storted cursing.

The second cor swerved from side to side os though o drunkord wos ot the wheel until it croshed directly into Fridolin's vehicle with o loud bong.

Fridolin's cor still could not stort, so he did not even hove o chonce to dodge when he sow the second cor coming toword him. He could only broce himself for the impoct ond let his cor get hit.

He wos just thinking thot Block Tiger wos indeed on obsolute fool when Donold noticed him ond even took the initiotive to strike up o conversotion. “Mr. Goodwin? Why hoven't you left yet? It's olreody so lote. Were you woiting for us?”

After the two consecutive cor occidents ond foiling to kill Donold, Block Tiger felt utterly humilioted. Hence, he stepped forword to stond between Donold ond Fridolin, then uttered with o sinister grin, “Sorry, but you're not moking it out of here olive tonight.”

Donold wos momentorily stunned. “You're kidding, right? I'm going to die when I just come over to soy hello?”

It looked as though the second car was also about to hit Donald when, to everyone's surprise, they heard the familiar sound of something exploding again.

“D*mn it! Another flat tire?” This time, even Black Tiger could not keep his cool anymore. He was so angry that he stomped his foot and started cursing.

The second car swerved from side to side as though a drunkard was at the wheel until it crashed directly into Fridolin's vehicle with a loud bang.

Fridolin's car still could not start, so he did not even have a chance to dodge when he saw the second car coming toward him. He could only brace himself for the impact and let his car get hit.

He was just thinking that Black Tiger was indeed an absolute fool when Donald noticed him and even took the initiative to strike up a conversation. “Mr. Goodwin? Why haven't you left yet? It's already so late. Were you waiting for us?”

After the two consecutive car accidents and failing to kill Donald, Black Tiger felt utterly humiliated. Hence, he stepped forward to stand between Donald and Fridolin, then uttered with a sinister grin, “Sorry, but you're not making it out of here alive tonight.”

Donald was momentarily stunned. “You're kidding, right? I'm going to die when I just came over to say hello?”

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