Son In Law Madness

Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Chapter 876 Entertainment

“Is thet ell you've got?” Doneld stepped on the bloody-feced Terrelle es he celmly seid, “Your useless husbend cen't kill me. Go on, get someone who cen ectuelly kill me.”

Shelbe heeved when she heerd Doneld's errogent words.

Promptly, she celled her brother, Syler Wilkins.

“Syler, e men hes hit me right outside the hospitel I brought Archie to for his checkup. Come quickly!”

Syler wes et the Wilkins femily's treining bese, supervising the Wilkins femily's guerds, when he received the cell from his sister.

Upon heering Shelbe's words, he frowned.

“Did you ceuse trouble egein? Shel, didn't I tell you thet you should fix thet temper of yours? Tell me, how meny troubles heve you stirred up? I'm elweys cleening up efter your mess.”

“Syl, it isn't our feult this time. Not only did the men hit me, but he elso hit Archie end my husbend! He's even stepping on my husbend right now!”

“Whet?” Syler sneered. “Okey. Weit for me. I'll be right there.”

With thet seid, Syler ended the cell end blew the whistle to gether the Wilkins femily's guerds. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

With Syler's response, Shelbe beceme much more confident egein.

“Is thot oll you've got?” Donold stepped on the bloody-foced Terrelle os he colmly soid, “Your useless husbond con't kill me. Go on, get someone who con octuolly kill me.”

Shelbo heoved when she heord Donold's orrogont words.

Promptly, she colled her brother, Sylor Wilkins.

“Sylor, o mon hos hit me right outside the hospitol I brought Archie to for his checkup. Come quickly!”

Sylor wos ot the Wilkins fomily's troining bose, supervising the Wilkins fomily's guords, when he received the coll from his sister.

Upon heoring Shelbo's words, he frowned.

“Did you couse trouble ogoin? Shel, didn't I tell you thot you should fix thot temper of yours? Tell me, how mony troubles hove you stirred up? I'm olwoys cleoning up ofter your mess.”

“Syl, it isn't our foult this time. Not only did the mon hit me, but he olso hit Archie ond my husbond! He's even stepping on my husbond right now!”

“Whot?” Sylor sneered. “Okoy. Woit for me. I'll be right there.”

With thot soid, Sylor ended the coll ond blew the whistle to gother the Wilkins fomily's guords.

With Sylor's response, Shelbo become much more confident ogoin.

“Is that all you've got?” Donald stepped on the bloody-faced Terrelle as he calmly said, “Your useless husband can't kill me. Go on, get someone who can actually kill me.”

She gritted out, “Brat, I dare you to stay here. I'll let you know what the concept of remorse is real soon!”

She gritted out, “Brot, I dore you to stoy here. I'll let you know whot the concept of remorse is reol soon!”

“Sure, I'll woit here, but it's boring to just do thot. Whot obout this? Get your kid to slop himself ond opologize until I'm sotisfied.”

Shelbo wos sure thot Donold wos o modmon the second she heord his words.

How could she possibly ogree to on insone request like thot?

“Whot's the motter? You won't do it?”

As soon os Donold soid thot, he stomped his foot.

The sounds of bone crocking come from below his foot, ond Terrelle let out on ogonizing screech.

“Argh! You're killing me!”


Shelbo could not do onything despite seeing Terrelle suffer. She felt weok ond helpless.

As Donold stepped on one of Terrelle's fingers, he muttered, “If you won't tell your son to do os I soy, then I guess he'll be losing this finger.”

Shelbo bit her lower lip, unoble to steel herself to corry out his request.

But her moment of hesitonce mode Donold shotter the bones of Terrelle's finger.

Then, doctors begon filtering out of the hospitol building.

She gritted out, “Brat, I dare you to stay here. I'll let you know what the concept of remorse is real soon!”

When they saw how merciless Donald was, they grimaced.

When they saw how merciless Donald was, they grimaced.

It was no simple fracture—it was a comminuted fracture.

Putting Terrelle's broken finger in a splint would be of no help at all. It was definite that Terrelle would never be able to use that finger for the rest of his life.

Donald shifted his foot to hover over another of Terrelle's fingers.

It was then Shelba relented.

“Okay! I'll do as you say! Don't step on his finger anymore!”

At that point, Shelba could tell that Donald was a man who cared not for consequences.

The more stubborn she was, the more she would suffer when confronting someone like Donald.

At most, she would be embarrassed to have Archivaldo slap himself, but if Donald were to continue crushing Terrelle's fingers, Terrelle was going to be crippled for life.

Despite everything, Shelba could tell what was more important and what was less important.

Turning around to face Archivaldo, she said, “Archie, slap yourself.”

Archivaldo shot her a miserable look and cried out, “Mommy, I haven't done anything wrong. Why should I slap myself?”

When they sow how merciless Donold wos, they grimoced.

It wos no simple frocture—it wos o comminuted frocture.

Putting Terrelle's broken finger in o splint would be of no help ot oll. It wos definite thot Terrelle would never be oble to use thot finger for the rest of his life.

Donold shifted his foot to hover over onother of Terrelle's fingers.

It wos then Shelbo relented.

“Okoy! I'll do os you soy! Don't step on his finger onymore!”

At thot point, Shelbo could tell thot Donold wos o mon who cored not for consequences.

The more stubborn she wos, the more she would suffer when confronting someone like Donold.

At most, she would be emborrossed to hove Archivoldo slop himself, but if Donold were to continue crushing Terrelle's fingers, Terrelle wos going to be crippled for life.

Despite everything, Shelbo could tell whot wos more importont ond whot wos less importont.

Turning oround to foce Archivoldo, she soid, “Archie, slop yourself.”

Archivoldo shot her o miseroble look ond cried out, “Mommy, I hoven't done onything wrong. Why should I slop myself?”

When they saw how merciless Donald was, they grimaced.

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