Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Uncontrollable Angee

Sofia’s POV

I don’t feel good, I can feel something different about me, I can feel something changing but I just can’t tell what it is. I had this weird dream that I had a clash with Stacy, but I don’t remember what had happened in that dream, all I could remember is that Stacy had warned me to stay out of her business or die trying to fight her for the position of Luna. I want to scratch out her eyes, I want to attack her, but I can’t even lift a finger, I can’t move my fucking body, I feel completely useless and at the same time, I feel so fucking powerful. I can literally feel the power coursing through my body, it’s so great that it wants to be let out, it wants to be set free. But I don’t know how to, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now. I want to tell Damien about it so we can find out if it has something to do with my wolf, but I couldn’t find Damien anywhere around here, I can’t even feel his presence around, all I can feel is emptiness and darkness. I feel my skin getting warm, but it hurts me, it hurts so bad. I feel it has something to do with the people around me. I don’t know who they are because I can’t see or hear anything, but I know for a fact that I don’t like them. I hate them, I hate them all. I want to tear them into shreds, I want to watch them scream in pain before they die in agony. I tried to stand up once more so I can put my words to action, but I could stand up, it felt like a heavy stone was tied to my body and I was sinking into the sea, unable to save myself. I stopped struggling with myself when I felt a tingling on my skin. It had been hurting me a few minutes ago, but now it doesn’t hurt anymore, they paid has suddenly disappeared. But it got replaced with pleasure and I love this feeling better than the other.

“I’m going to kill that bitch, I’m so going to murder her!” I heard someone say not too far from me.

“You have to calm down right now Sonia. You know exactly what we are dealing with here, don’t let it get to your head, don’t let it infect you with its venom, and don’t let the rage take over. I’m angry as well, I’m so fucking pissed right now, but I can’t do anything about it, at least not in her presence.” Damien responded to her, trying to get her to calm down. I can recognize their voices, I know it’s Damien and his sisters, I know they are my friends, but I don’t feel any connection with them, I don’t feel our bond like I used to, I don’t even feel drawn to the girls like I used to, and we used to be best friends, what the hell is wrong with me, why the hell am I feeling so empty. The only thing I’ve felt since I regained consciousness is anger. I feel so angry, so damn angry and I felt Sonia’s anger a few minutes ago, it felt so real, I could have sworn that I was the one feeling such anger. If I didn’t hear Damien as he urged Sonia to stay calm I would never have known that it is her anger that I had felt. When did I become a magnet for anger, why does it look like I’m feeding off her anger. I need to get the hell out of here, I need to find out what is wrong with me. Gosh, I want to punch someone right now, I want to hit something. Preferably, someone like Stacy, that bitch, I want to kill her, I want to tear her apart, limb after limb then I’ll go after everyone that she ever loved and ill kill them all. When all that is done, I’ll go after everyone that has ever hurt me and I’ll kill them too. I’ll kill them all, I’ll fucking kill everyone.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll kill everyone!!!” I yelled in anger as I forced myself to stand up. I stood up too abruptly and the light in the room blinded my eyes for a few seconds, forcing me to shield my eyes from the light.

“Hold her down, don’t let her shift, I repeat, don’t let her shift into her wolf. Stop her! I need doctor Larry in here, tell him she is awake, get him in here immediately.” Damien furiously gave orders to his warriors. I was so confused by his words, I had no idea what he is talking about. My eyes were still adjusting to the bright lights and I am still trying to understand what Damien is talking about, then all of a sudden, I felt a thousand hands on my body as they tackled me to the floor like a lunatic. They held me down so right, making it impossible for me to breathe properly. I kicked and pushed desperately, trying so hard to break free, but I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t set myself free. Suddenly the anger returned back to me and I struggled once more to break free, but this time I felt the anger taking control and I felt the rage taking over. I pushed with all my strength and this time, I succeeded in pushing them away, I saw them flying in different directions falling on their asses. I stood up in shock as I realized what I have just done, how the hell did I do that, and how did I get to be so strong, even stronger than the Alpha. Yeah, I saw him lying a few feet as well, he is actually one of the guys that were holding me down. But how am I so strong all of a sudden, and why are they trying to hold me done, why would Damien order his warrior to keep me trapped in here, what did I do wrong?

“Damien… What’s happening in here, why are they trying to hold me down? Did I do something wrong?” I asked in confusion.

“My love, You need to calm down and listen to me. You can’t get angry, you need to control your anger, don’t let it control you, don’t let your rage take over. Hold it in, control it.” He pleaded softly, looking so miserable and sad. I still don’t know what he is talking about, why would he be begging me not to get angry when he is trying to tie me down like a fucking criminal.

“What the hell is wrong with you and where is that stupid whore of yours?” I spat out in disgust. I don’t even know where that had come from, that is not what I wanted to ask him, but that is definitely not what I wanted to say. I want to ask him why he looks so perturbed, I want to know what is bothering him so much to make him look this troubled, but when I open my mouth to speak, all that came out from my mouth was just hateful, meaningless words that had no meaning whatsoever. What the hell happened to me, why am I filled with so much hate, why am I feeling so miserable?

“No. N. No. No… Please don’t think about Stacy right now, it would make everything worse, you have to think about something else, think of something nice and peaceful. Think of me Sofi, think about all the wonderful times we spent together, do you remember the time we spent together this afternoon, do you remember when we shared our first kiss.” He asked pleadingly, trying to smile warmly, but it only made him look very pathetic.

“No, Damien. All I can remember is when you screwed that whore in the woods, and you brought her into our house and she fucking pushed me. She pushed me down the stairs and it’s all your fault that I’m in the hospital. It’s your fault and her fault. I’ll fucking kill you two.” I told him fiercely, spitting out the words one after the other. His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at me in shock, it was then that I realized that I had just threatened the Alpha’s life, I just threatened to kill my mate. What the freaking hell is wrong with me?

“Alpha look, she is shifting. We have to do something, we have to stop her.” Someone yelled out. My head snapped in his direction and I saw that it is only a guard. He cowered in fear when my eyes landed on him. I couldn’t help wondering about his words, what had he meant when he said I need to be stopped, why would they want to stop me from shifting, isn’t that what Damien had always wanted. As far as I could remember, Damien had refused to claim me or place his mark on me because I am still in the process of transforming into a werewolf, he should be glad that I’m finally ready to shift into my wolf, why the hell is he trying to stop me now?

“Don’t hurt her, she is still the Luna. Just keep her trapped in here until the doctor arrives. Don’t hurt her!” Damien ordered them in a fierce tone.

“Sofia, please stop.” I heard a soft voice behind me, and when I turned around, I saw Sonia and Tonia standing behind me, their eyes filled with tears. Before I could ask them what is going on, I felt a sharp, searing pain at the back of my neck. It hurts so badly, it felt like my whole body was on fire. The more I tried to fight it, the more painful it gets. I had no choice but to stop fighting it. When I stopped fighting and struggling, the pain subsided and I fell down weakly. Before I could hit the floor, Damien was right next to me, holding me in his arms, stopping me from hitting my head on the floor.

“I’m so sorry Sofia. I’m sorry for making you go through so much pain. Please forgive me, my love.” He sobbed sadly, holding close to his heart.

“What is wrong with me, Damien. Why am I so angry, why is my body burning so hot?” I asked him weakly as he lifted me and carried me to the bed that I had been lying on. I’m not yet asleep, but I’m too weak to even lift a finger.

Doctor Larry came up with a way to subdue the demon wolf, but it won’t hold him down for long, he would find a way to creep back into your head and control you. You have to try and stay cheerful, stop thinking about things that would make you angry, please my love, you have to stop thinking about her. I know it’s hard, I know she can be very annoying, but you just have to stop. The angrier you get, the more powerful the demon wolf becomes. It feeds on your anger, that is why you need to stop yourself from getting angry.” He explained. I kept looking at him as a clown because it looks like he is just speaking gibberish, I don’t understand a word of what he is saying and I wondered if he even understands the words that are coming from his own mouth.

“What the hell are you talking about, and what in the world is a demon wolf?” I asked in confusion as the girls also came close and stood by the side of the bed, looking at me with their teary eyes.

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know, I’ll tell you the whole truth, but you have to promise not to get angry. We can’t afford to get you upset right now, it could get give him the power he needs to break out and take control once more. That is the last thing we need right now. So if I’m going to be honest with you, you have to promise not to get angry, no matter what. Can you do that for me?” he asked me calmly, holding my hand in his, rubbing circles on my knuckles. I don’t know what he is expecting me to say right now, if he thinks that I’m going to say no, then he needs to think again. I’ve been waiting for so long for him to tell me the truth, now that I get the chance, I’m not going to lose it, not for anything in this world. I don’t know how he wants me to control my anger, but I’m going to promise anyway, I can’t pass up on this chance, I have to know what is going on here, I need to know what is going on with me. I nodded my head softly, affirming to him that I’m going to control my anger. I hope I don’t get angry, I don’t want to start having those evil thoughts again, it’s not good, not good at all.

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