Sold To The Ruthless Alpha


Still Damien’s POV

“What the fuck is she doing here Damien, I demand an explanation!” Sofia yelled at me, her eyes glaring daggers at me. Her hazel eyes had gold specs as her wolf showed its existence.

I could still feel her strong aura, but this time, it’s radiating anger and it’s all focused on me. She is hurt and furious, I know but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, I need Stacy close by, I need her right here, so I can keep an eye on her.

“You heard her, didn’t you?

What other explanation does she need?

She broke our rules, she ran out of the packhouse without seeking for my permission. Now she has to be punished. The elders have decided to make her an omega, we believe that if she serves as an omega for a few months, she would learn her lesson. Have I answered your question?”

“Why here?

Why can’t she serve any other family?

Look around you Damien, nobody wants her here, she is so rude and disrespectful. You saw how she just spoke to me, didn’t you?

She makes me sick!

I just can’t live with that bitch. Whenever I look at her, all I can think of is you having sex with her in the woods. I can’t get that dirty scene off my mind, no matter how I try to.

I want her gone Damien, I want her out of this house. For fucks sake, can’t you see that she loves you?

She still loves you, I can see it in her eyes. She wants you for herself and she isn’t even trying to hide her feeling for you. She is such a slut and I hate her.

Get her out of her, or I’ll fucking kill that whore.” She threatened. Her eyes were now shining so brightly and I know that she has no idea what she is doing, she is not in total control of her emotions right now. Her wolf is still in the process of transformation, her emotions are in disarray, she has no idea what is happening to her and she doesn’t know how to control it either.

“You don’t have to worry about Stacy, my love. Just eat your food.” I told her calmly, trying to dismiss the question, but trust Sofi, she wasn’t letting this go. She frowned at my reaction, as I avert my eyes, turning to look away from her. I did not even realize that my family have left the table. They must really hate this girl because they all left their food untouched, and they left without saying a word to me. Good thing they aren’t here to witness our exchange of words. Damn, this is my first fight with Sofia, I can’t believe that we are having this fight because of that bitch, Stacy.

“That’s what you said the last time when I caught you screwing her in the woods, remember?

You promised not to see her again, you said you were going to make things right. Now I find her living in our house, making your food and serving you, how am I supposed to feel Damien?” she let out in a raspy tone. I could hear the pain and hurt in her tone, she was close to tears but she tried so well to hide it. I know she’s hurt, but I have to stick to the plan, I can’t let her know that I have a plan, not yet. I know Stacy too well, I’m sure she didn’t go too far, she must be hiding by the corner, listening to our conversation. I have to make it seem like I really need her here, I want her to believe that her presence is needed in my life. I want her to think that I don’t love Sofia anymore, that way, she would try to sneak into my bed again, that is exactly what I want.

“Stop making this about you Sofia, this has nothing to do with us. She committed a crime and she is being punished, that’s just it. She is an old acquaintance, and I care so much about her. That is why when the council decided to make her an omega, I felt bad for her. If I let her serve any other family, she may be treated badly. I can’t bear to see her suffer, that is why I brought her here. Just let it go Sofia, I don’t want to talk about this issue anymore. She stays here, that’s final. I won’t let her suffer!” I felt her pain, my beast also feels it too. I tried to avoid her eyes, looking at the wall opposite us. From the corner of my eye, I saw her body go rigid and tensed in anger, gnawing at my heartstrings. Her eyes glitter as they got filled with her unshed tears.


I’m so stupid.

I’m never going to forgive myself for this. I saw her running back up the stairs, I wanted to run after her and cuddle her in my arms, but I couldn’t move from where I sat, I have to go through with my plans, there is a lot at stake here, our lives are in danger, I have to be wise about this, or else I could endanger everyone in this pack.

I sat right there in the dining, tapping on my iPad, I know she’ll be crying her eyes out, but I have to do this for us, I have to put our lives first. I have to outsmart my enemies before they find out our secrets and wipe us off the surface of the earth. I’m going to make it up to Sofia, but right now, I have to make that bitch to trust me again. She is the only lead I have now, she is the only one that can tell me what Alfredo is planning. Even if she doesn’t know anything about his plans, she could lead us to his hideout, I need to get rid of that dude for good.

Just as I thought, she had been hiding by the corner, eavesdropping on my conversation with Sofia. She looks happy, too happy if you ask me. I guess she enjoys seeing us fight so much, Damn, I want to strangle this bitch. She walked over to where I sat, moving around to stand behind me, leaning down to whisper seductively in my ears,

“I knew you would come back to your senses, nobody knows you like I do, nobody can take my place in your life.”

“Get the fuck out of my sight,” I muttered softly, keeping my voice calm so I don’t push her away completely. I want her to think that she has a chance to get back into my life, I need her to take the bait and give me exactly what I want. She turned around and came to stand in front of me, straddling my hips, cupping my cheeks in her palms, making me want to gag. I can’t believe that I ever had sex with this girl, everything about her irritates me, I feel like throwing up in her face, I just can’t bear the sight of her. This is my limit, I don’t care if the plan would be ruined, but I just can’t stand her, at least not yet. She fucked that bastard, and now she’s putting those filthy hands on me?

Wait a minute,

I can’t hear her baby’s heartbeat anymore. Last night, while we were in the meeting, I could tell that she was pregnant. I was even considering the idea of letting her go before she starts showing. I wasn’t going to allow a pregnant woman to do chores in my pack house, that would be inhumane. But I wasn’t hearing that steady heartbeat of her child anymore, I have been too distracted to notice it. I pulled her close and sniffed the air around her, that was when I perceived that pungent smell of blood. I pushed her off my body immediately, standing to glare at her as she stalked back in fear. She was moving backward, moving away from me, her eyes were pinned on me as she tries to figure out why I was acting this way.

“What have you done Stacy?”

“What are you talking about?” She asked back in confusion.

“Did you get rid of your baby?

How did you even do that?” I roared furiously, watching as she scowled her face when she realized that she had been caught. She doesn’t feel guilty, no. She looks undisturbed, and it fucking pisses me off even more.

“Why are you so concerned about the baby, we’re you going to accept it?

I got rid of it because I don’t love the father as much as I love you, I just used him to get what I wanted but since it didn’t work out as I planned, why should I keep the baby?” she responded smugly, wrapping her hands around my neck.

“If you want, we can still make our own babies, it would be so much fun,” she squeaked out excitedly.

“You need help. You need to be psychologically evaluated, you’re sick Stacy, you’ve lost your mind completely.” I told her truthfully before unwrapping her hands from my neck, pushing her away,

“You need help,” I told her once more before turning around to head back to my room.

“I don’t need any help Damien, it’s you I need. I need you!” she yelled after me, giggling excitedly like a lunatic. I think I need to take her to see a psychiatrist, she doesn’t look okay at all, she behaves like a freaking lunatic. Did I make a mistake by bringing her in here? What if she hurts someone, what am I going to do?

I ran up the stairs, going up to check on Sofia. I couldn’t stop thinking about her poor innocent baby, how did she get rid of that baby, what did she use?

I mind linked Justin, telling him to go to the hospital and have a talk with her brother, I want to know if he helped her get rid of that baby, I want to know if she snuck into the hospital to steal some drugs, there is no way that she had sneaked out of this pack last night. I also mind linked Ralph, asking him to go check the cameras again, I want to see how she did it, I want to know what she is capable of, I want to know everything about her, I won’t let her fool me again, I won’t let her sneak around anymore, she would be under strict surveillance, until I get what I’m looking for. After I find out everything she is hiding, I’ll send her to a mental home.

As usual, when I got into our room, I was enveloped in her beautiful scent. I can feel her sadness and it hurts me to see her this way. I walked over, climbing to sit beside her on the bed. She is curled up on the bed, facing the other side. From the sniffling sounds she’s making, I could tell that she has been crying. She did not acknowledge my presence, she remained in the same position, ignoring me.

“I’m sorry Sofia. She doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, not since I’ve met you.” I muttered softly.

“Would you have not worried about it if some other man has his hands all over me as he presses me against him, kissing me so passionately, my boobs touching his chest, his dick buried deep into my…

“Don’t!!!” I growled out angrily. I can’t even bear to imagine that, I would kill any bastard that puts his hand on my woman, I would fucking kill him.

“Good, now you know how it feels.” She responded dryly, her back still turning to me. I signed as I brought my hand forward, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her to face me.

“Stacy is someone in my past, but you, my love, you are my present and future.” I told her, taking hold of her jaw, looking straight into her sincere eyes.

“What we have is a rare and special bond that nothing and no one can break because I won’t let them. You’re mine, now and forever. Don’t ever forget that or think any less. The next few days are going to be a bit frustrating because of her presence, but I want you to try as much as possible to avoid her. I promise not to break your heart Sofia, I’ll never do anything to hurt you,” I promised her.

I hope I’m able to keep to that promise, I can’t let her know that I have other plans for Stacy, I’ll just have to keep her in the dark until I’ve achieved my goal.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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