Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

I’ll make Her Suffer

Stacy’s POV

When I got back to the pack boundaries, I was held like a common criminal and they left me standing out there, by order of Alpha Damien. As if that wasn’t enough, they took me to the dungeon, well not exactly the dungeon but I got locked in a room, keeping me away from everyone like a fucking leper. They had me cuffed and tied to a chair, treating me worse than a traitor. With the wolfsbane from the chains, I was as vulnerable and weak as a human.

My body was shaking in rage, and u was very close to losing it. The last time I’d been this furious had been when I found out that a few of my friends had been seeing Damien behind my back. They knew I was screwing the guy and they fucking went behind to fuck him. I was so mad and I killed them all. I’ve never gotten that angry again, I’ve tried to control that deadly beast within me, but this time, Damien went too far.

No matter how hard I fucking try to calm myself down, talk myself off this edge that I was about to fucking fall from, I just couldn’t do it.

I’m pissed,


Fucking seething.

I’m so mad.

He knows I got him real good, he knows about the pregnancy and he knows that I’m going to use this baby against him, that is why he is acting like a fucking lunatic, keeping me away from everyone, even my parents. I’m sure that they have no idea that I’m being treated this way, my father would never allow it. As the former Gamma that served under the previous Alpha, my father had the right to know what is happening right now, but the sick bastard is keeping it a secret from everyone.

All for fucking what?

Well, all for Sofia, I guess. He has never acted this way before, he has never treated anyone like this, not even an ordinary omega. I knew he was a sick bastard. I’ve heard about his dealing with the underground, I also know that he rules the underground as the Mafia lord, but this time, he fucking crossed the line, he went overboard and he’s going to pay for it, I swear it.

A part of me wants to dream and yell at the stupid warrior guards that kept me in this position, but that would not help my situation, it would only provoke them to worsen my situation, besides, but I’m too pissed to make any move right now. I need to bring up this issue in front of the council, I need to find my parents, they are the only ones that can help me out of this shit and make him do the right thing. They would never let him treat me like a leper, especially now that I have the future Alpha growing in my stomach. If only I could find my way out of here, but these idiots just wouldn’t budge. They are preparing for a party or something, everyone is busy.

I wonder why Alfredo had asked me to come back so soon, I was having so much fun back there. That guy had been good, so good, so fucking good. I don’t know what he’s on, but trust me, that dude is on fire. He could go at it all day, all night even. I’ve fucked a lot of guys, werewolves, and humans, but this guy is on a whole new level. If he was a werewolf, I would have ditched Damien just to be with him, but he’s only human and I wish to be addressed as Luna someday, so I’m sticking with Damien. You see, two days after I left the pack, I discovered that I wasn’t pregnant like I’d thought. I guess the potion had failed me this time, I mean, there is always a first time for everything, right?

Good thing I met someone who is willing to do anything to get back at Damien. Alfredo had refused to work with him, but when I suggested that we could use him to our advantage, he then agreed to let him tag along, after all, he is bringing a lot to the table. He claims to know Sofia, but he refused to say how. Alfredo calls him Blake, but I couldn’t tell if it was a first name or a last name because he refused to tell me his name. He had even refused to touch me until we confirmed that I wasn’t carrying Damien’s child. I think he has feelings for Sofia, I couldn’t find any other reason for him to be trying to get her back, it has to be her human boyfriend or something.

That bitch is even worse than me. I’m sure Damien has no idea that she has a lover out there that is plotting with his enemies to bring him down. She keeps coming between me and my men, she keeps pushing me to the edge, trying to take everything from me. Blake had only agreed to be with me because he wants to work with Alfredo Black, he wouldn’t have agreed to fuck me because he loves her and he is trying to get her back. Now I’m back to the pack and Damien is treating me like a fucking leper, and it’s still because of her, it’s all about Sofia.

That bitch!!

It had taken all day for Damien to send for me, and when he finally did, I was dragged to the packhouse like some condemned criminal. I stood before my mom and the council, which I didn’t expect because I thought he would try to hide me away from everyone. I was beginning to think that he is an idiot afterall, I thought he was a foul for bringing me to the council. I never knew that he had figured me out already. He had brought me before my parents and the council, just to spite me and disgrace me. He knows the truth, he knows everything.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Alfredo never told me that it was Damien’s boys that had trailed us from the hospital. That day, while Blake and I were completing the procedure for the artificial insemination, he had called to tell me that his enemies were after me because they thought I was his fiance. He instructed that Blake should hide out and wait until the boys are distracted, then he can come out. He wants to keep Blame a secret, he claims that Blake is his trump card so he doesn’t want his enemies to see them working together. He made the doctors to stop the process, then I left the hospital, heading back to his crappie hideout. We got trailed by the boys, but we got away and they got lost in traffic.

Alfredo never told me that those boys were sent by Damien, if I had known that Damien knows about my artificial insemination, I would have stopped this game and come back home to plot another means to get him to marry me, I would have gone ahead with this ridiculous plans if I knew that Damien had discovered it. Now, I don’t only look stupid, I was also embarrassed in front of the council as Damien provided numerous evidence of my deceitful act. My parents were put to shame, my brother was disappointed in me and the council agreed to Damien’s suggestion to reduce me to an omega. Alfredo had told me that he needs me in place for his new plans, how would I have known that he was leading me to my end.

I want to punch someone or smash something, I just want to hurt someone. Yes, I agree that he doesn’t know about Damien’s plans, but he shouldn’t have hidden anything from me, I deserved to know the truth because my life and my family are at risk of being banished.

Damien is avoiding my eyes, which is quite a good move because I can’t bear to look at him too. I opened my out to speak, but I couldn’t get anything out, I was that fucking mad, I want to throttle that fucking bastard, I want to snuff the life out of him for putting me through this, at the same time, I want to yell at my parents for not fighting on my behalf. They just sat right there looking ashamed and embarrassed, they couldn’t do anything to help me.

“Why the fuck are you in this room if you aren’t going to say anything on my behalf?” My voice came out rough, even to my own ears. They just sat there quietly on their seats, not answering me, which only served to piss me off even more. I can’t believe that they would let me be reduced to an ordinary omega, why are they so weak?

Why wasn’t I born into a powerful family, like the Alphas family?

I have to settle with this weak family that has no ambition, no dreams whatsoever. I watched as my dad and my brother continued sighing, while mom burst into tears, crying like the weak woman that she is.

“Really mom, really?

You’re going to cry?

Why don’t I get you a bucket to fill your tears?

“You can’t let him do this, I can never work as an omega, I won’t do it. He is making up stories to make me look despicable, he is trying to ruin my reputation, dad please, you have to stop him, he’ll ruin my life.” I pleaded, but their minds were made up and they have all decided my fate, I was going to be an omega in the packhouse and I would be forced to serve the Alpha and his family, including that bitch Sofia. I could see the smug look on his face as the decision was made, he was happy to see me in such misery.

My parents walked out of that meeting without looking back, my brother could not even bear to look at me too. The elders walked out and left me sitting on the floor with that demon Alpha. He smirked as he looked down at me,

“How does it feel, Stacy, how does it feel to be exposed and disgraced?” he asked smugly.

“You’ll pay for this, Damien, I’ll never forgive you for this. I’ll hurt you, Damien, I swear it. You have no idea what I’m capable of, you’ll wish you never hurt me today, I’ll make you regret it.”I spat out angrily. I

“Really Stacy?

Do you really think that you are capable of hurting me?

Oh wait, Let me guess. You’re working with Alfredo Black and he has promised to assist you in taking revenge on me, right?

Did he tell you about our last encounter, did he tell you that he as tried severally and failed, did you not hear about how I defeated him and sent him into exile for years?” he asked mockingly, smirking down at me. I know he is bluffing, he has nothing on me. Alfredo was stupid to hide some information from me, but I’m pretty sure that he would never let Damien find out about our cooperation, it would ruin all his plans.

Damien is definitely fishing, he is simply trying to get me to admit that I have dealings with Alfredo Black. He is watching me closely, trying to get a reaction out of me, but I kept a blank face, ignoring his question.

“You better watch your back, bitch. When I have evidence that proves that you are meeting with that bastard, but trust me, I will find out soon and God help you because when I do, I’m going to fucking kill you and make it look like an accident.” He threatened fiercely, making me shiver in fear.

“Does he know that I killed those girls and made it look like an accident, is that what he is trying to tell me?” I thought within me, looking up into his face to see his reaction. He looks quite serious, but it doesn’t seem like he knows about all that. If he did, I would be dead already.

“Get comfy in the omega’s court, Stacy. You’re going to be seeing a whole lot of me and my beautiful mate Sofia. Don’t forget, I’ve got my eyes on you, always. ” he said mockingly as he strolled out of the room, leaving me on the floor.

“He has no idea what he has done, he just brought me closer to that bitch, I’m going to make their lives a living hell.

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