Sold to my crush

The surprise

Lily’s POV

Most of the car ride with Alex was utterly silent verbally. The only source of sound was the sound of music from the radio that filled the space where our voices left empty.

The only few words that Alex had spoken, had been directions to where ever he was taking me.

I would have not disputed it or even be surprised if I had ended up in an abandoned building with missing a few body parts.

I reached for the radio and changed the song, I felt Alex’s eyes watching my every movement.

The hairs on my body were stood most of the time I was in the car with him, it was either because I was trapped in such an enclosed space with the man that has my entire existence and sense of reality wrapped around him, or the very fact that he just won’t stop staring at me.

Most people would not make staring at someone so obvious, they might even feel embarrassed about being caught doing so, but not my Alex, he had no shame what so ever.

“You do that a lot”. He said, I glanced at him briefly before focusing my eyes back on the road.

“Do what?”. I asked .

“You can’t just listen to a song the whole way through, you always skip it. Why do you do that?”. He asked, not sounding bothered about it but more so sounding just inquisitive based on an observation.

“It’s just a habit, I guess”. I shrugged as I wasn’t really sure where he was going with that.

“What other habits do you have?.” He proded and then leaned across to rest his arm on his console.

“And why do you care?”. I asked as I was still frustrated about the situation.

“I don’t”. He replied bluntly and i scrunch my face in confusion.

“Why ask then?”. I asked as I turned to glance at him.

“Why not?”. He shrugged lightly.

I groaned and turned back to focus on the road. I gritted my teeth and tightened my hand on the steering wheel. I’m stuck in a car with an enigmatic six year old.

“Do you ever just give a straight answer?”. I wondered aloud, not knowing if could continue to withstand another cryptic or avoiding answer from him without slamming the breaks on and just throwing myself out the car through the damn window.

“When it’s necessary”. He responded causally again. It’s the way he was so casual about everything that irked me so much. I just wanted to bite his ear off.

“Which is certainly never for you, right?”. I muttered under my breathe and glanced at him again as we came to a stop at a red light.

“Very observant of you”. He smirked. “So tell me, did you think about me this past week?”.

I was completely caught off guard by his question and my heart beat accelerated as I thought about whether to answer honestly or not.

Why did he even ask something like that?. For someone that claimed to not care at all, he sure asks some contradicting questions.

“Sometimes”. I answered as vaguely as possible. I did not plan on letting him know that he had always been on my mind, day and night, since the last time I saw him.

“I thought about you”. He said as he extended his hand over to twirl a piece of my hair between his fingers and my heart leaped a million times before summersaulting into the back of my throat. ” I couldn’t get those beautiful green eyes out of my mind.”

On cue the traffic light turned green and I accelerated harder than I thought I did, causing me to let out a startled squeak as I sped off. I immediately hit the break to slow down.

I don’t really need a speeding ticket on top of every over thing that happened today.

Alex chuckled under his breath and rested his arm back on the console. “I’ve been meaning to ask, did you make it a habit of feeling up every man you bump into?”.

All my blood rushed to my face and I’m literally considering my earlier idea of jumping out through the window. “You remember that?”.

“It’s really hard to forget, you know”. He grinned. I did not even need to look away from the road to know the amused look that he had plastered all over his face.

“We’ll no, I did not make it a habit. I think you were the first and last time I did anything like that and it wasn’t on purpose!!” I shrieked out. I could not wait to get to where ever it was we were going to so I could just get out of this car.

I can’t cope with being in confined spaces with him. He overtakes all my senses and my body feels like it is being constricted by the tension that always seems to grow more intense each time we’re around each other.

Alex relaxed in his chair and ran a finger through his hair. ” Yeah right”. He scoffed and laughed lightly.

I wish I could just bury my face in shame.

“Pull up in this car park on your left”. Alex gestured with his hand

and I indicted turning and followed his direction.

My confusion only grew when I saw where he had taken me to.

“Why are we here?”. I questioned completely perplexed as I undid my seat belt.

Alex did the same and reached over to grab my chin. “Stop questioning everything. Why do you think we are?”. He asked in a duh tone.

I pursed my lips as I sighed. I did not like knowing what I’m doing or what’s going on around me. I don’t like being spontaneous, it makes me really nervous.

Spontaneity was something that was never allowed in my life, my family always dictated everything to me and I always had to follow it according to plan, without question.

I was always told what to do, how to act, who I was and there was no room to debate about it.

I straightened myself, locked the car door and I followed behind Alex with uncertainty gnawing at my insides.

We were in some sort of open field that was eerily quiet. I’m sure some goons that were hired by Alex are probably waiting for his signal to ambush me and slit my throat.

We walked in silence until we got a place where there were a few people around. I assumed that it was because of the time of the day and still on a Monday. Most people would be at work or school and technically even I should have been at work. But I have the almighty Alex to thank for that.

I gasped in shock as I took in the place.”Alex this is…” I said unable to make a complete statement as my mouth hung open in shock.

He only responded to me with a chuckle and guided me to the Man that seemed to handled admissions.

It seemed that the Man knew Alex because we were just immediately guided to another man who handled the air balloons and let us in it for free.

I had asked him why and as usual, I did not get a straight answer.

I stood next to Alex and watched as the man listed out some instructions before firing up the air balloon.

I stumbled and held on tighter to Alex. I was scared of heights. I hate being above the normal surface.

Alex seemed to notice my discomfort and held on to me tighter. ” You’ve never been on an air balloon?”. He asked

“Yes”. I admit honestly.

He looked at me with surprise. ” Really?”.

I responded with a nod as I allowed myself to breath and enjoy the view. ” I guess there’s a lot of things that I haven’t done.”

“If you’re not comfortable, we can just stop. I honestly thought you would enjoy this. I’m sorry”. He said with worry etched on his face.

“It’s fine. I’m staring to enjoy this”. The uneasiness I felt earlier had dissipated and I felt more relaxed. It sure did feel odd to do something like this with him, something so pleasant and normal but I wouldn’t have it another way.

He smiled at me. ” I come here often and I find it liberating and soothing watching the view from up here.” He admitted and I grasped at the small bit of information that he had offered about himself.

I filled it away in my heart and grabbed any pieces I could find that might fit together to solve the mystery that Alex is.

“It’s enchanting”. I said. I turned to catch Alex’s eyes watching me instead of the view.

I had been looking around all doe eyed and amazed like a small child who was seeing something for the first time. I’m pretty sure he thought I was ridiculous.

He had a soft look in his eyes that I had not seen before. I had been so accustomed to him looking arrogant, devious or with a hard expression that I was so struck by the unrecognizable look on him.

It was enough to knock the breathe straight out of my lungs.

“It really is”. He agreed. “Exactly like you princess”.

I turned my eyes back to the sky, I could feel my skin heating up and I did not know how to respond to his out of character sweet compliment.

I’ve had Martin tell me that I am beautiful, or even my Dad or any one else do the same but not once has it felt the same as when the words came from Alex.

There was something so different about him, he seemed so unguarded and relaxed. I would even dare to say that he looked like he was enjoying himself.

There was a certain amount of innocence to it, there was no sexual intent behind it. I wasn’t concerned about being cornered or having to fight my urges with him.

I heard a click sound that startled me out of my thoughts. “What are you doing?”. I asked with a smile small.

Alex had his phone facing me and another click was heard again. “I was just taking pictures of something I found beautiful”.

I watched him as a wide smile etched on his face and warmth immediately filled my heart.

How can someone so beautiful have the ability ignite my heart and soul. He had so much control over me but yet he had no idea.

This wasn’t what I was expecting from him when he told me of the surprise but as usual, Alex stayed true to his ability to surprise me at every turn what with I least expect.

We continued enjoying the ride in silence, but it was not those weird and awkward silence but one of content.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

I watched some birds fly and I tried to reach for them and touch one but failed miserably which earned a laugh from Alex.

“It seems you’re forgetting how short and small you are”. He teased with a glint of amusement in his voice.

“I’m not short and small”. I argued back.

“Yes you are. Okay if claim to be so tall then let’s see if your hands can get here”. He said as he raised his left hand up, his shirt lifted up

in the process to expose his well toned abs.

I gulped inwardly and scratched the back of my neck nervously. ” Okay”. I raised my legs up to try and reach him but I couldn’t.

I continued stretching and groaning in frustration but Alex just laughed at me.

“Come here”. He put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I’m sure he could feel my heart hammering because of how nervous I was at this point. I could have even pissed in my pants.

“You’re breathtaking”. He whispered in a strained voice. The words sounded so soft, so tender. He said it with so much emotion in them and it seemed like if he had said it louder the words would break and loose it’s meaning.

I stared at him in silence and his grey eyes darted from my eyes to my lips.

He held my cheek with his large hands and drew me impossibility closer to him.

He trailed his index finger along my plump lower lip that was swollen and cherry from all the incessant nervous chewing.

“I’ve been dying to know how these taste”. He breathed out and ran his tongue on his lips and swallowed.

My breathing was short and sharp as I rambled out the first thing that came to my mind. “Probably like Coffee and strawberry.”

That’s all I’ve been drinking and I also had some strawberries this morning.

That was the only logical response I could give.

He chuckled and leaned his head down barely dusting his lips on my own. I could not actually tell if our lips touched because it was that faint but every single nerve in my body fired up at the small action.

“Mind if I find out?”. He whispered and his hot breath danced around on my lips with each word.

I responded with a small word and he noticed my response and kept his lips hovered above mine

before clicking his tongue in disapproval. “Words princess, you need to use them”.

His deep husk voice travelled straight through me and down my spine and my head swam from every word that left his mouth.

He moved his head to the side dipped it down to my neck and dragged his wet lips from the base up to behind my ear, branding me as they trialed upwards.

He pressed his lips against my ear and his hot breath caused an involuntary shiver to run down my spine. “Yes or no princess, I need you to say it”.

I swallowed harshly as my thoughts were nothing but static in my own mind. “Yes”. I breathed. If we weren’t this close then I’m sure he wouldn’t have heard me.

He lifted his head and hovered his lips above mine for a while, then he pressed his lips against mine in a ghost of a kiss as if he was double checking my reaction.

The minute his lips touched mine, Liquid heat trailed straight from his mouth and enveloped my whole body.

As soon as he had decided that I was set on my answer, he crashed his lips down on to mine in complete contrast to the gentle touch he had done moments prior.

Damn!!. That was one hell of a Surprise.

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