Sold To Mr President

Chapter 7 Oscar’s Drama

Ethan arrived at the club and knocked slightly. A deep baritone from the inside responded, asking him to enter.

Pushing the door aside, he entered the massive room. It was bigger than the living room, and a little bit discreet from the other parts of the house. There was a red bulb in the center of the room, its rays illuminated the entire hall and it was amazing, there is a set of chairs in her that made it even more unique, there is no way that it could not be this beautiful, absolutely no way.

Don Oscar was there with a few body guards, and as he watched me cross the small distance to meet him, he raised his hand up, asking them to keave. This is quick because they respected him so much. In front of the pot belly middle aged man was a square table made of glass. A bottle of whiskey was in it, and beside it were two glasses, accompanied with a bucket of ice.

“Good evernig, Don Oscar,” Ethan greeted gently.

“Good evening,” Oscar said sweeping his hand across the chair opposite him, inviting him to join in.

There was no music today, neither were they any girls here. Oscar’s heart throbbed him a lot, he was so annoyed over what had happened recently, talking over the phone was not enough, he needed to see him, to talk to him because even though they wouldn’t be much a difference, at least, his heart will be at peace that he had spoken to him and thus, that will be the most essential thing right now.

Sitting on the couch on the other side, Ethan stared at the man sitting in front of him. It was kind of weird, but then, he tried his best to be as simple an natural than ever.

He knew exactly why Oscar had called him out tonight, he wanted to talk to him about the new Gorvenor is Douala. He knew that was the deal, but then, it ached him to even place his mind around around.

“So… you know about what had happened? Xavier must pay for this, like seriously, he has to pay for this,” Oscar spat.

His words were harsh, there is nothing that he has ever seen in his entire life. Xavier is Oscar’s main enemy, he is a threat to us the mafias, and this will pose a problem in the long run, something he doesn’t want it to happen. Xavier needs to be eliminated from the whole of Douala, his presence is not needed here, someone can not make peace with him because he will want to sell them out to the authorities, it’s not possible to even think about it, not at all.

Lifting his head up, Ethan met Oscar’s eyes, he is in one accord with him to eliminate their enemy, but now, It is not a sure thing to do, he is so much afraid of such a thing to happen.

“Don Oscar, you know that this operation is going to be difficult right? like seriously, so difficult that no one can even imagine. The least thing that happens will lead me into being caught, and you know that I wouldn’t want such a thing to happy huh? I don’t want to go to jail,” Ethan exploded.

This is the sour truth that he is saying, it means a lot to him because he is afraid of dying, of being caught, such things can’t happen, so it is kind of difficult to occur.

Stirring at Oscar now, he waited for him to speak up, there is no way that such a thing should be if he doesn’t hear Oscar’s own part of the story.

Clearing his throat, Oscar stared at Ethan with bright eyes, he had a lot to say, so the earlier he does so, the better it will be for him.

“Alright, the deal is that I want you to eliminate Xavier Barley, like now, Louis must be the Governor of Douala, he must be the one and no one else. Have you forgotten our dreams? the one to become the greatest structure in the country. We need to do that more than anything on earth right now,” he blurted out.

Ethan nodded his head in comprehension. he understood what is going on and as such, he has never been so serious in his life like now.

“But Sir, what do you want me to do then? tell me now,” he said.

Ethan should never had asked this question, the moment he Oscar glared at him, he had the answer for it already and it was going to be so dangerous.

“Kill him, Ethan, you are the only one I know that can do the job so well, I want you to do It for me,” he exploded.

This is the worse thing that has ever happen to him, and like seriously, he finds it insane.

Even though Ethan accepts the fact that he is a serial killer, he widens his eyes in shock. To kill Governor Xavier will be the worst thing on earth, the task will be so tough that he wouldn’t even comprehend himself.

“Like seriously? to kill Xavier Barley? for crying out loud, that is a hard task, it would be so difficult to do so. His security is so tight, like seriously, if anything happens right now, that means that I will be the culprit, something I don’t want to happen,” Ethan explained.

His explanation was so clear, nothing could stop him from doing so, like seriously, it is so aching, nothing would even tresspass his mind right now.

Oscar wasn’t happy to hear such a thing happen. There is nothing that will make him happy as Ethan accepting this deal from him, he needs it to be that way.

“Etha? is it too difficult for you to do this for me? I mean, I can change your life if you would just say yes, I mean, that is not difficult…” Oscar’s voice trailed as his phone started ringing.

“Excuse me,” he called out answering he call and putting it in his ear.

“Allo! it is Oscar on the line,” he greeted.

Ethan didn’t know what is going on because he couldn’t hear what the other person on the line was saying, but the manner in which he reacted was what made him so scared.

“What? tell me you are kidding right now. what bullshit is this?” he exploded.

This is the worst thing that has ever happen to him, Oscar’s mind was literally blown off, he could not see himself hearing all these things.

As he dropped the call, he threw it across the room. This is something that is absurd, so unreal that he wouldn’t take it.

“What is the problem? please talk to me Oscar, I want to know what is going on, just tell me please,” Ethan shouted.

This is more than what he could even think about, what was the reason that wi make Iscar this disturbed to an extend of throwing his phone across the room.

Oscar was a man who is well built, he was about 6’69m. He looks handsome to an extent, there is nothing he can say about his handsomeness because he is kind of handsome, more like this real bad guys. His round fat head, his dimples at the corners of his jaws, there is nothing like they had seen before, his outstanding structure which was nothing like Ethan’s own. Oscar has a big pot belly, it looks like he doesn’t go to the gym at all, it is kind of absurd, there is nothing that can be done, nothing at all.

Well, that was not he actual problem then, tonight, Oscar was dressed in a tuxedo, moree like he had attended the Governor’s naming ceremony. It is absurd if that had actually happened and hard to tell. But a look at him, Ethan was easily convinced that it was the case.

When Ethan had entered here a while ago, the young man was not this tempered, bit after the call, he looks like a wild beast, as if he has a block knocked against his mind. His reaction is out of the planet and as he things that he might grow mad in just a minute, Ethan tried calming him down.

Ethan was still contemplating on whether he should tell the Oscar to stop or not and as he was thinking the next action Oscar took frightened him the most.

Oscar grabbed the bottle of whiskey on the table and crashed it even more on the ground. As if that was not enough, the glasses followed, and to top everything up, he grabbed the table and threw it across the room.

At this point, Ethan got really scared that Oscar could harm himself right now, it was abnormal to do so. Standing from the chair, Ethan rushed towards Oscar and grabbed his chest, throwing him towards the chair.

“Don Oscar can down, like seriously, calm yourself down I don’t want you to harm yourself please,” Ethan blurted out.

This is really insane, thinking about it is not the only solution right now, it is kind of complicated to know what is going on right now.

As they felt on the couch, Oscar’s reaction was irrational, he was going to wound Ethan right now unless he let him go. Unfortunately, Ethan wasn’t ready to let him go, nothing at all.

“Let go of me, Ethan, just leave me alone,” he shouted.

He held out all his strength out, he was really seriously with what was saying, this is not what to do right now, but then, he doesn’t have a choice, not at all.

“Just let me go,” he blurted out.

At this point, this is a no from Ethan, and he let him know that once.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Don Oscar, unless you let me know what is going on right now, I wouldn’t let you go, not at all. Just keep calm, Oscar, talk to me, let’s solve these issues out, I just want you to calm down, i will let you go okay?” Ethan asked raising his brows.

His words had a little impact on the Don’s mind. He decided to keep calm, vut that was going to be temporary, no more, no less.

As promised, Oscar calmed his lungs down, and Ethan allowed him go.

“Very good Don Oscar, I know that you are so angry right now, so here an I, take in a deep breathe and release it. Try doing it right now please,” Ethan commanded.

He thought of once that he would not do that, but he actually did do, and he was a bit shocked. But that didn’t mean anything, the most important thing is that the message has been passed acrossed. That is what is the most important right now.

“So tell me Sir, what is the problem?” Ethan asked after the young man had calmed down himself.

This is because Ethan had helped him to control his impulse rate by breathing in and out severally, if he had not done so, it would have been a catastrophe that none of them us ready to face right now. None of them wouldn’t even believe their eyes right now, it us kind of stressful right now.

As Ethan watched Oscar keenly, he hoped that Oscar wouldn’t say anything awkward. He needs to talk so that Ethan will know what to say or not. It is really needed.

Sighing, Oscar decided to talk, he knows that it is important for him to say all these things, they mean alot to him.

Oscar looked so pale already, he didn’t know where to start, but he obviously knows that he has to start from somewhere. the manner in which Ethan was staring at him, he knew that he had the right to talk now if not something awkward might happen to him just now.

“It is Xavier,”

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