Amidst her embarrassment, Chloe found herself blushing like a teenager. “Well, you didn’t seem to notice all these while we have been standing here talking” she replied, and regretted the comment immediately, realizing that it sounded like she had wanted his compliment all along…. And the pitiable and annoying thing was that deep down, she knew that she had.

“Who said that I didn’t notice.” Timothy replied. He stepped closer… Too close… And enough for her to hold her breath. The action still didn’t stop his perfume from drifting up her nostrils. Damn, Timothy could be annoying, but she couldn’t deny the fact that he was sexy as hell.

“I did notice how beautiful you are.” he continued. “It was the first thing I noticed when I saw you this evening. I couldn’t ignore you even if I wanted to. I always notice you even when I don’t want to. And with a dress like that, I have to admit that it’s impossible to not notice you… I’m sure everyone out there did”

Drat! Chloe thought. Damn the man with his words. He was skilled… And really good at this. Whatever he was trying to do, it was working, because at the moment all she could think about was kissing him… And all she had to do was to lean forward a little and their lips would meet. Judging from past experiences with him, she knew that it was going to be one hell of a kiss.

But what was the point? He had just told her that he was leaving, and she refused to think about the emptiness she felt at the news. She knew that he would have to go, but for some reason, him telling her made her hurt even more. If she kissed him now, she knew there was no way she wouldn’t end up in bed with him, and it would be harder to let go.

“I should go back to the party” she said finally, and stepped away from him. “And yes I would like you to escort me back there. Thank you”.NôvelDrama.Org © content.


Evan Resse was bored out of his mind. The party was great.. Lots of interesting people. In fact, he was almost sure that the CEO of Luthor Corp would give his agency a chance. If that happened, it was going to be another big win for golden gates promotions.

But amidst all of it, he still wasn’t happy. His head was clouded with thoughts of Christina, and he couldn’t help it. He wanted her there with him, sharing and enjoying the moment with him just as they had always done in the past. He missed her terribly and he was so damn scared that his marriage was slowly coming to an end.

The thought scared the crap out of him, because he couldn’t imagine a life without his soul mate and he couldn’t understand why Christina seemed so comfortable with letting everything they had built together crash to the ground. Maybe she didn’t love him any more, he wondered. Maybe she was fed up and wanted to walk away. He looked around him. Everywhere there were people in pairs, either dancing or talking and laughing and here he was sitting and staring into space.

“Why are you out here sitting by yourself?” a woman in a yellow dress said, as she slipped into the seat next to him. “Tired of your own party?”

Evan turned and gave the lady a small smile. “Nah,” he lied, “I’m not tired… Or.. Bored… Just… I just have a lot of stuff on my mind… Work stuff. You know, sometimes it takes a toll on you”

The woman nodded, but she made no attempt to go away. Instead she stayed and flashed a wider smile at Evan. Her lips were full, Evan noticed, and she had painted them with bright red lipstick and gloss so that it glowed in the lights. She was also very beautiful.. With blue eyes and blond hair that she let fall over her shoulders. She leaned forward tentatively, giving Evan a clearer view of her cleavage which was exposed by the neck of her dress. Evan swallowed hard as he returned his gaze back to her face. When his eyes met hers again, his face felt hot because he realized that he had been staring unashamedly at her and that there was no way she could have missed the look of longing on his face. He looked away in embarrassment, but the lady didn’t seem to mind.

She placed her expensively manicured fingers on his hand and traced a line on it with the tip of her long nails while Evan swallowed again. By the look in her eyes, he knew exactly what she wanted and what she was offering, and although he knew that it was wrong, he couldn’t deny the fact that he needed some companionship with someone.

“I’m Dora,” the lady said, “Dora Williams. And I know who you are. You might be surprised, but I came with my brother… Joseph Williams. When he told me that he was attending a party, I begged him to let me come with him as his date. Pathetic…. I know. You see, I just moved into town and I don’t really know anyone. Just trying to make some friends”

Evan nodded. “That’s great. So how have you been enjoying the city so far?”

“Oh, it’s perfect,” Dora replied. “Lots of amazing people around. I listened to your speech earlier. Congratulations on getting the account with Packard enterprise. You must be really happy about it”

“Yes I am” said Evan simply.

Dora cocked her head to one side. “So why are you sitting here drinking alone?.. You don’t sound so happy about it. I have been watching you. You don’t seem as… Excited as one would expect you to be”

Evan looked away. “Like I said… Just work stuff. No big deal”

Dora gave him another smile. “Well, whatever is the reason for your gloomy face, let it go for now. It will do you some good” Then seductively, she added, “And I could turn that smile upside down, you know… If you let me…. Wanna get out of here for a while?”

Evan stared at her. That was forward… And from the look on her face and her body gestures, he knew exactly what she was offering. He knew that he shouldn’t take it.. Knew that it was wrong that he was even considering it, but he couldn’t seem to be able to look away from her.

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