Sinful Love



“It doesn't make sense. It just doesn’t add up” Selena said with a frown to the pacing Zaden.

“What doesn’t add up?” Zaden. Selena stretched her hands and patted on the chair next to her, gesturing him to sit down.

“When you keep walking like this, your blood flow gets interrupted and you can't think properly. So, SIT” her hands were circling in the air next to her head, mocking him. Zaden did as told and looked at her with intense glare, like ‘this better be good’ glare

“Elisa put all the effort to be reborn into a family that is perfect, that resembles her original family and a mate that will love her forever and ever, correct?”Zaden nodded. He hid the part where he is her mate. He simply said her mate is already born.

“Let's compare, shall we? Elisa didn't believe in god, I don't believe in god. Elisa's life took a horrible turn because Ozrain found his mate, I don't believe in mate concept either. So, if I believe in love, doesn't that means she believes in love too?” they all took their time, gave it a deep thought and nodded slowly.

“If she was killed by Ozrain and she knows it, how come she still believes in love?” they all stiffened at her logic, which is spot on

“Either Ozrain didn't kill her or she is here to kill Ozrain and possibly my mate too” Zaden turned his face to the side, hiding from others as his eye widened and swallowed at her last word.

“Think about it, when the person that you love the most in this whole world kills you, don't you want to curse or frame him in your death confession? But Elisa's manuscript translation didn't mention The King, or Ozrain or my love or Oz Dear or darling or...” she got cut off by Makeala

“We get it!!!” they all dropped their head, thinking deeply. She and her questioning ability is definitely a gift

“In my opinion, we should recheck the manuscript. Just in case the elderly left out any part” Selena said with her chin resting in her palm. After a pause, Selena straightened her back and slapped her thighs with her palms Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Right, you guys figure that out and also why I was able to run around Mountain Manuka without being detected the day I came back here. I have things to do” she stood up and grabbed her jacket

“What you have to do here without us?” Orion asked

“I'm going to the school and YOU two, don't come there” she pointed at Zaden and Orion.

“Bye Grandpa Kai, I will miss you” she kissed Grandpa Kai cheeks before walking out, puzzling every one of her sudden affection towards Grandpa Kai but Zaden knew she was teasing him and of course, Grandpa Kai all lit up with toothy grin, beaming miles away.

Selena had just walked into the school when Sophie greeted her with a forceful hug. Selena carried her to her class.

“Hi, Selena right?” Nelson asked and Selena nodded.

“I'm getting bored at the brick house. The girls wanted extra help with their mathematics, so... here I am” she shrugged her shoulder

“Girls always need help with mathematics...go ahead” Nelson pointed out her way

“Not all girls Mr. Nelson...” Selena huffed in annoyance before leaving him behind. As expected, the girls were very excited to see Selena. They did gather up to finish their math homework and plan the

trip tomorrow but mostly they were asking about Zaden and Orion. There was this one girl, Jenny who was extremely interested in Orion. She must be the one with the most extreme thought the day before.

“Does the beta ever sleep with the omegas? I heard they can, you know, ‘USE’ an omega as they please, anytime of the day” Jenny

“Oh god Jenny, I don't know, I don't care and honestly, I have never seen them close with any other woman other than Makeala" They sighed out with a long face

“I had always fantasied, being their omega and satisfying both of them at once with...” Jenny got cut off by Selena

“OH dear god, please stop whatever you were thinking of saying” Selena exclaimed

“Oh come on have never had such fantasies? Sex is boring without fantasy. Don't you ever yearned for a change?” One of the other girls said

“I don't have fantasies, I don't need a change because I am a virgin. Excuse me, I have to go” Selena tried to get up but the girls pulled her back down

“Are you really a virgin? I mean, even at this age?” Selena nodded

“Oh my god Selena, your missing out major stuff here. Each and every electrifying touch, their soft, tender yet harassing lips, and when they get in between your legs” Selena's eye widened

“Shut up” she stood up and the girls pulled her down again. She plopped to the ground with a whimper. She starts to feel like it's a mistake coming here.

“If this is how you girls are going to behave, I'm not coming to camping tomorrow or here, ever again” Selena warned them

“Oh relax Selena, someone has to teach you these stuffs, isn't it...she haven't even got to the most important part...their hard, erect, honey dripping...” Selena shut her ears, shot up and ran away from there, looking back occasionally. She turned around to see the girls rushing out of their classroom and she bumped to something in front her and staled back, missing her balance. A pair of hands stretched around her waist and pulled her roughly against a hard chest. Selena opened her eyes that was squeezed shut till now and saw the dreamy bronzy chocolate eye with gold rim. It was Zaden. He straightened himself up with Selena in his embrace. He raised both his hands from her waist to her hair and ran through them, correcting her hairline, making them neat. He wore a deep frown

“What's wrong?” he is now cupping her cheeks, making it bulge slightly.

“The girls...they...” Selena turned around to see the girls stunned at their spot, when they saw their alpha. Zaden sighed out

“Get back to your class” he ordered and the girls scrambled back in

“What are you doing here?” Selena asked. Zaden had let go of her cheeks and holding her shoulder to walk side by side to him.

“ I missed Rhea so much, so I came to visit her” Selena rolled her eyes before glaring him. He smirked to her reaction.

“Can I ask you something personal?” After a lot of thinking, Selena decided to ask him, he nodded

“Do you sleep with Omega she-wolfs?” Zaden snapped his head to her, with a serious expression

“Where did you get that from?” he asked

“The girls, they told me” Selena said and Zaden sighed out

“No more meeting the girls, understood?” Zaden said coldly

“But we planned camping together, tomorrow.”

“No, Selena”Zaden

“Why not?”Selena

“Because I said so” Zaden said sternly and walked away but Selena refused to follow him. She stood crossing her arms across chest, right where he left her. Realizing she is not next to him, Zaden looked over his shoulder to see her glaring at him. He turned completely, a hand in his pocket and another gesturing her

“Come here” She didn't budge. Zaden slowly tilted his head down and glared intensely at her, like he is really mad at her. Selena agitated and dropped her hand. A few more seconds and she gave up, walked to him, pass him when he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

“You can go... provided I come with you, ok?” his chin rite above her ears when he said it low

“And have them rape my mind, ah ah, not going to happen.” She protested.

“That's settled, the whole pack will accompany you to camping tomorrow.” Zaden said casually and continued walking

“Didn't you hear me? I'm not going” Selena said aloud to his back and he waved at her.

“ Zaden wait, is the rumors true...” Selena ran behind him

The photocopy of manuscript that Makeala took was sent to elders one more time. This time, Xavier took it to the elderly village by himself. It will take days for him to cross over to them.

The nights at Lake Khalifa has always been beautiful but when his beloved woman was there, in his arm, naked as a newborn baby, the night is more divine.

“Zaden... am I any good as the omega she-wolfs?” the semi- wolf talked with her usual deep husky voice, fingers tracing the mid of his chest.

“What? You heard that?” Zaden answered with another question and she nodded

“No she-wolf in this world can be better then you, you understand that?...” he said and she sighed out

“Selena never wanted or even interested in any man, you know? It's disappointing that you are not like her and I get restless when I see the omega's at house. It must be one of them, right?” Zaden turned her around gently and laid his cheeks on her stomach

“I'm older than you and passed mating age long time ago, naughty girl. How am I supposed to gratify my needs if not for those she-wolfs? It was just a mere sex, they get wet the minute they see me and I just fuck them. Never have I went down on my knees and tasted them. Never ever I had let any she- wolf enjoy my body. Never have I enjoyed every bit of sex the way I do with you, I don't even touch them” Zaden said low and husky, with a hint of sorrow. She ran her fingers across his hair, making him snuggle more to her stomach.

“I'm sorry I didn't wait for you...seriously, I didn't think that I would find a mate” he placed a kiss on her navel before hugging her waist

“The minute I felt you, at the mountain foot...oh god, I can't explain that feeling. Every single cell in my body was yearning to hug you, kiss you and submit under your feet. When I smelled your arousal, I became out of control and I don't want to risk raping you, so I ran away” he looked up at her face

“I fell for your like raindrop from cloud, falling fast and shattering on earth. I'm counting days, trying to push the sun off the mountain. I'm going to tell her after this 15 days. She has too much trouble right now.” He laid another kiss on her stomach

“What if we don't get through these 15 days?” Selena asked. Zaden looked up at her with a frown

“Why would you say that?” she slowly sat up, hiding her naked upper torso with her thighs while Zaden was half way propped up at her butt level with one of his elbow, the other holding her hand.

“My situation is complicated, Zaden. To be honest, I have an instinct that this is all too good to be true, that it might fall apart at any moment now. Yes, I had gone through a lot to get to this point but losing you might be unbearable for me. That might finally put an end to me.” She cupped his face and placed her forehead to his. A drop of tear rolled down her cheek. Zaden moved to her cheeks and kissed the rolling tears.

“I have the same fear too...can you promise me one thing?” she looked into his eye

“Promise me that no matter what happen, you will keep shifting every night. Promise me that you would keep on doing this with or without me...” he whispered and her tears rolled even more

“Selena doesn't understand the magnitude this might blow up to. I need her to be able to protect way she can do that in her innocent human form. Like you said, you are strong, she is smart and cunning. When bind together, you can survive without me. Promise that you will survive without me...” she nodded and slowly shifted to wolf, still looking straight into his eye. The silver wolf licked below his chin, making him giggle and he shifted too. They didn't bother to run today. Instead, they sat on the bank, next to each other, observing the moon light, nuzzling affectionately once in a while. What an odd thing love is, the need for your loved one to live on even when you might not.

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