The Woman Who Changed Him

“Is there anything else that you’d like me to do sir?” Doris, his secretary asked Bryce as they made their way towards his office while he tried to readjust his tie to let in some air into his already sweaty body. He had just closed a deal with a major investor from another country and he couldn’t help but feel accomplished about it. He had been stressed about it and now, it was finally over.

Stepping into his office, he rounded his desk and lowered himself on his chair before facing her. “Nothing really Doris. Just submit those files to the manager and he’ll handle the rest from there.”

She smiled, feeling at ease and a lot contented. This week had been a hectic one and although her boss has been a lot nicer than he usually was, she still felt like he would have fired her at the spot if she had made any mistakes prior to this meeting. Her life and apparently her job has been hanging on a single thread since then.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Alright sir. I’ll make sure he gets them.” She picked it up from his table and made to leave when he stopped her.

“Oh and Doris, you can take the rest of the day off. You’ve earned it.”

Her jaw dropped to the ground. “Really sir? Thank you so much!” She squealed In delight and just before she could twist the door knob open, his phone rang from the table and he picked it up instantly. The speed at which he did that was pretty alarming. Since when did her boss embody the element of lightening just like the flash? She has never remembered the last time he picked up something that quickly and the smile on his face told her that it’s the same person that has been calling everyday for the entire week.

He usually has that glow on his face whenever he talks to that person. She knows because she has seen it constantly. Hell, he even excused himself one time during an important meeting to talk to her. Shaking her head from left to right, she gave her lovesick boss one last look before walking out of his office.

Whoever that person was had changed her boss entirely. She didn’t know how to put it but he was different now. Plus, those whores had taken a break from coming over to his office which was also a rare occurrence that she had noticed as well. He was less grumpier, more friendly and less scary. Well, the only conclusion to her theory is that her boss is in love which would be stupid because she knows that he doesn’t do love but still, it’s not bad for a girl to hope.

She would keep on praying that it continues this way so that she can work her way up a promotion while he’s still in love island. It shouldn’t be much work now and besides, she deserves it as well.

Bryce on the other hand placed the phone to his ears when he saw the caller ID. He has had a long day but surprisingly, this was his favourite part of the day.

“Don’t tell me that you miss me already Cara.” He teased and fell back on his seat. “I’ve only been away for like a couple of hours now. You don’t have to miss me so much.”

She chuckled. One of his favorite sounds to listen to. “I’m calling to check up on you Bryce and not because I miss you.” She shot back and he rolled his eyes at her words. He knows she misses him. She might not say it but he knows.

“You don’t check up on people you don’t miss Cara. That’s not how it works.” He corrected her. “You must’ve thought of me at some point, hence the call.”

“Dear God.” She cussed to herself which was followed by a little batting of her lashes involuntarily. He had learnt a lot ever since she moved in with him. She was like an open book at this point. One he doesn’t get tired of reading. The little details are enthralling as much as they’re alluring. The perks of being roommates at this point. It’s been a whole week and yet it feels like yesterday.

“How was the meeting? Did it go well? Did you get the deal?” She proceeded to ask.

“I closed the deal.” He answered proudly and he could hear her tiny screams from the background. She was genuinely happy for him. So this is what it felt like? Having someone who you would talk to and someone who was willing to listen. It wasn’t so bad after all.

“I’m so happy for you Bryce. I knew you could do it. When are you coming home?” She asked and he couldn’t help but smile. These days home, sounded nice. It sounded fun. It sounded like something he would always look forward to. And the idea of knowing that someone was waiting for him at home felt nice and reassuring. It wasn’t so lonely and boring anymore. Hera was home.

“In a couple of hours.” He answered after glancing at his watch. He wished that time would just move on quickly. “Have dinner and don’t wait up for me okay?”

“Can’t promise but I’ll try. See you when you get home Bryce. I’ll be waiting for you.” And with that, she hanged up. Now, he just wishes that he’d flew over there. He didn’t like the idea of being at work anymore but then he couldn’t just leave. Can he? Should he? It was exhausting just thinking about it.

Work went on as expected and by the end of the day, he was practically running out of his office. If anyone had seen him at that point, they would’ve concluded that he was running away from the authorities or perhaps a mental asylum. Who get excited to leave for home anyways?

The drive back home took him approximately forty five minutes after navigating through the traffic. He met Mariam on his way inside.

“Oh hi Mariam. Lovely day we’re having don’t you think?” He waved at her and she waved back with the same smile on her face.

“Of course sir. Welcome back.”

“Thank you.” And with that, he made his way inside. Mariam had sworn not to get surprised each time her boss pops out a new emotion because this week has been nothing but full of surprises.

Bryce made his way inside to see Hera perfectly seated on the couch in the living room. She was watching another episode of her favorite series.

“You’re back.” She adjusted herself on the couch.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He dashed into the bedroom and took of his clothes. He quickly made for the shower and settled for something pleasant before joining her at the living room.

“Would you like to have anything for dinner?” She asked but In response to that question, he laid down on the couch and placed his head on her thighs. A habit he had formed over the week whenever she was seated here.

As expected, she didn’t nag and push him away neither did she act fazed like she did the first three times he did it. She had somehow gotten used to it now. Instead, she ran her fingers into his thick mass of wet hair as she played with it.

“You washed your hair with my shampoo didn’t you?” She asked and he breathed out slowly. It felt good being here, in the comfort that only she could bring.

“How come you didn’t notice the first three times I used it.”

Hera couldn’t believe her ears. “That’s stealing.”

“We’re roommates so it’s not. You can use any of my stuff if you want to.” He snuggled closer. He wasn’t joking when he said that he would definitely stick to her like glue. “I’m not complaining.”

“Of course you’re not.” She picked up the remote. “Do you want to watch anything else?”

“I just want to be here with you. I don’t care about what’s on the television.” He confessed and she smiled cheekily. Bryce always had his way with words. It has been that way ever since she moved in.

“Can I go out tomorrow?”

“I’ll be busy at work tomorrow Cara and I don’t think I’ll be back home until later. Can we reschedule?” He asked instead.

“Not with you.” She replied and he sat up to face her. “I’ll be going back to the convent in two days time for Thanksgiving and I wanted to see Ben and buy some stuff for everyone at home before I leave.”

“Why can’t I go with you?” He look on his face had gone from soft to rock hard in a matter of seconds. “Why Ben of all people?”

“I just wanted to hang out with him. We’re going on a fun date, together.” She answered, oblivious of the situation at hand. “And plus, he’s my friend and it’ll be the last time I see him after I leave.”

“Sure.” He swallowed hard. “I mean of course. You can go.”

“Thank you Bryce.” She smiled at him and he stood up to his feet.

“I’m going to bed. Join me later?”

She nodded at his request and he stormed into his bedroom. What is this rush of anger pumping through his veins at the moment? Was he angry? But why? It’s not like he has a right to. He doesn’t share any romantic relationship with Hera right? So he shouldn’t be upset that another man is taking her out on a date. Damn! He’s pissed as hell and a terrible liar too. Of course he’s upset. Who wouldn’t be? At this point, it’s like Max’s intuition is slowing coming true.

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