Chapter 49 Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Bryce was furious. His breathing had gone from erratic pants to an outburst of cusses and swearings. The last thing he had expected was walking into his building to see Hera leaving with someone else and the worst part of everything was that it was none other than that dude from the game.

Were they seeing each other?

No. He knew that Hera was way too cultured for that. She would never go against her principles to be with someone but then what if she did? He knew that he was supposed to trust her but now, he just didn’t know anymore.

Was she that angry at him? Hera had never been the one to hold a grudge. She tries as much as possible to iron out their differences before they escalated and got out of control so why now? Why isn’t she trying? Why is she avoiding him instead and to make matters worse, why is she going out with that guy? damnit!

He had thought that she would’ve moved past their issues by now but she hasn’t.

This week as been the longest and excruciating week that he has ever experienced in his entire life and to make matters worse, Hera also wasn’t talking to him.

He couldn’t concentrate at work when he wanted to and he hasn’t been able to sleep a wink without the image of her telling him off, flooding through his brain. For how long would he go through this bitter torture?

For how long would he endure it?

“You’re back!” He heard the familiar voice of Mariam boom from behind him. He turned to find her approaching him with steady and unhurried strides. “How was work?” She asked when she finally approached him.

Bryce couldn’t bring himself to answer her questions. He was still in denial of what had just happened and to top it off, he wasn’t sure that the words that might come out of his mouth would sound right.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Was that Hera who just left?” Mariam proceeded to ask when he didn’t reply to her previous statement. He clenched his hands tightly to his sides as the wave of anger washed over him.

He made to leave but Mariam’s words stopped him.

“Whatever happened between you two, I think it’s better that you sort it out yourself boss. Hera wouldn’t say anything and I’m pretty certain that you won’t too but she’s hurt and has barely been herself all week.” He told him and he turned to face her for the second time.

“Sometimes…” She continued. “Pushing those who care for us away, would only hurt and cause more pain. Even if you have problems that you’re not ready to share, at least reassure her that when you do, she’ll know about it. Running away and hiding from each other would only do more harm and cause a strain to your friendship.”

“Hera is a warm soul and no one would feel better after loosing a good friend like her.” And with that, she walked back into her apartment. Bryce was left utterly speechless. He felt as if he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Just how on earth would he be able to fix this now. Ever since they became friends, Hera had always done the fixing and now that he’s left with that unbearable task, he doesn’t even know where or how to begin. He had never had a friend before. His only friends are the women whom he constantly sleeps with and to think that she had walked in on him in the office is just so disheartening. He had really hurt her. That much he could admit to himself.

He not only pushed her away but he had pushed her into the arms of any man. Well done Bryce. Now you’ve gone and done it haven’t you?


He’d have to fix it one way or the other. He definitely won’t let this escalate into what it is now.

Getting back into his car, he started the ignition and drove off with only one place in mind – Max’s hotel. Maybe if he spoke to his friend then he might be able to resolve things or come up with something to help him out of this predicament. He was too lost to think of anything now.

Bryce arrived and he was immediately led up to Max’s office. Everyone who worked here knew how close they were to each other and so no one would even stop him from seeing Max even if he was buried inside a woman.

The minute he got there, he pushed the door open.

“If you break down my door, you’re getting a new one. I’ve done enough cleaning on your behalf in the past one week so please, no more.” Max chided him but he ignored and took a seat opposite him.

“What did you do?” Max inquired when he saw how restless he looked. He was an open book to him so he wasn’t surprised that he was able to pick up his mood when it changed.

Bryce blinked rapidly. He didn’t know how best to explain and worst of all, he didn’t want his friend to judge him because he knew just how stupid the situation he had caused sounded even to him.

“It’s Hera isn’t it?” Max breathed out when he didn’t say anything to his previous statement.

“You know at this point, I don’t even know what to say to you anymore. Did you push her away? Did you yell at her? Dear goodness, please tell me that you didn’t do anything stupid to the poor girl?” Max questioned, his eyes fixed on Bryce who couldn’t bring himself to answer any of his questions.

“I knew it!” He blurted out knowingly. “Will you fucking say something?”

“Hera is mad at me and I don’t know what to do.” He muttered at last. “I thought she’d get over it and we’d be back to talking terms like before but now, it’s just worse. She’s refusing to talk to me and she tries her very best to avoid me in any way she can and to top it off….” He trailed off with a sharp intake of breath.

Max listened to him attentively as he spoke. Not wanting to miss out on any details.

“What happened?”

“I think she’s seeing someone. I walked in on them leaving the house together. I don’t why I’m upset or angry but I am. It’s suffocating and I can’t shake off this pain… I…. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He supplied.

Max wanted to hit his friend on the head and let him know that the only reason why he felt like that was because he loved her. But then he couldn’t. Bryce wasn’t used to this. It was a whole new territory for him and he understands why he’s oblivious to his own feelings.

The only contact Bryce had with women was sexual and nothing more. Hera had really done a number on him for him to feel this way and now he’s battling between telling him what he truly feels or offering him emotional support. But all the same, he would let him figure this out on his own and come to terms with his own feelings. He’s done playing the middle man. It was time for his friend to man up and take the reins like he was supposed to.

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