Seed of Possession

Chapter 47: Frenx Cafe

It’s a gloomy day in Makati City, Specially, Inside the Frenx Cafe near the Expensive Village where the main mansion was located.

Bryan is patiently waiting for Giselle. They have a schedule to meet each other to exchange information and to discuss the plan that Giselle told to him on the phone. Bryan roamed his eyes inside the cafe as he scanned if there is a gorgeous man that will click to his taste. He needs to relax because he has been stressed lately in his business since Giselle stopped working for him. He feels like he needs to start from scratch.

” There’s no one here” He said with a deep sigh before he took a sip from his lemon ice tea. Bryan gets his phone and messages Giselle to come in the cafe quickly because he is bored. Bryan didn’t see Giselle for 5 months since her friend came to the main mansion and he didn’t see her. They only have a conversation over the phone.

” I guess she is fat now” Bryan said as a sheepish smile formed into his lips while imagining what Giselle might look like.

After a minute since he messaged Giselle, Giselle came into the cafe. As soon as she opens the door all eyes look at her, Bryan wrinkles his forehead when he notices all the people in the cafe are looking in one direction with amusement in their eyes.

Bryan immediately realizes what is happening right now, Giselle is finally here at the cafe.

Bryan quickly looked at the entrance door of the cafe and his eyes widened when she saw Giselle wearing a fitted white dress with a gray furry on while wearing big shades. She looks like a superstar at the moment. An international superstar and her appeal is oozing inside the cafe. Her karisma is still there and Bryan feels that it’s way higher than before.

All eyes slowly went to him when Giselle started to walk towards him and seductively sat down.

” Can you please not to stand-out, next time?”” Bryan muttered that makes Giselle chuckle.

” Well, It will be hard for me,” Giselle answered before she raised her hand and a rushing employee from the coffee shop ran towards her.

” I want one slice of cheesecake and then one choco frappe, ” Giselle said to the employee. The employee bowed his head many times before he ran back to the counter.

“Wow! Still the same as ever” Bryan said as he looked at Giselle and smiled. After a minute the order of Giselle was already served within a minute. Bryan can’t help but to feel impressed on how Giselle seductive charms work on people.

” Sometimes, I wish I were you” Bryan said out of jealousy after the employee walked away from their table.

” You didn’t know what you were saying” Giselle muttered before she fork her cheese cake and take a bite.

Bryan rolled his eyes because of what Giselle said, ” Not your life, But your beauty and charisma. I want all of that. I want all the eyes of the boys to be on me. For me to have a new man everyday. You know new dishes everyday” Bryan said as he licked his lips while looking at the new customer in the cafe.

” And then you will have aids” Giselle answers as she takes a sip on her frappe.

” Hey! That is discrimination towards us!” Bryan squealed and made Giselle smirk.

” I’m not discriminating against you, But I am stating a fact. If you lay with a different man everyday. There is a high chance that you will get aids from one of them. Because honestly, How can you be sure that the man you are sleeping with is clean?” Giselle said as she fork her cheese cake again.

” And beside we are seeing things if you are a woman, especially, Having my beauty and charm” Giselle ended as she sexily ate the cheesecake and licked the side of her lips.

” I am no win to you” Bryan said out of sarcasm as he took a sip on his ice tea.

” What do you want to do?” Bryan suddenly said that makes Giselle stop eating her cheese cake and slowly look at Bryan.

” I want you to search for your Mom’s Journal, ” Giselle said without any emotion on her face.

Bryan wrinkled his forehead when he heard about her Moms Journal. “Why do you want to search the Journal of a dead person?” Bryan asked as he leaned on his chair. Bryan was surprised at what Giselle wanted him to do. Bryan didn’t have a good relationship with her mother when he was young and until her last breath he had a grudge on her mother. It will be difficult for him to search for her Mom’s Journal.

” I believe her journal contains information about the family I get in and the connection of my life to them” Giselle said as she put down her fork.

” My mom had that information?” Bryan asks Giselle to be sure of what he is hearing.

” Yes, I’m sure about that, That woman who is the reason of my escape to my father’s mansion” Giselle coldly said as she look down at her frappe.

” Up until now, I still remember her face. That portrait of her is the reason why I am free,” Giselle said as she reached her frappe.

” And the monteverde has a portrait of her. Same in my fathers mansion” Giselle ended as she took a sip on her frappe.

” Then who is that woman? And what is the connection of my mother to that woman?” Bryan asks out of curiosity. Even if he has a bad relationship with her mother he still has a curiosity to know the secret that her mother has.

” Remember the time when I turned 16? And your Mom introduced me to a man who is 5 years older than me?” Giselle asks Bryan. Bryan quickly nodded his head as he quickly recalled that scene in his head.

” I remember that day, Your Mom said to me that Anastasia will surely love what she did”

” Anastasia is the name of the woman in the portrait? But how can you be sure that there is a connection between them? Maybe you are assuming something?” Bryan said unsurely as he looked seriously at Giselle.

” My father always called the name Anastasia when he was drunk and I saw him crying in the front of her portrait calling her name and don’t you remember Bryan. Your Mother knows my Father.” Giselle said as she put down her frappe.

” But I will investigate to make sure.”

” Do you really believe that your life has a connection to them? I mean you are now connected to them because of the child inside your tummy” Bryan said while pointing to the baby bump of Giselle.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

” Well, Bryan, I am searching for a question that has been hunting me for years. ” Giselle said in a serious tone of voice that made Bryan shut his mouth because he knows that is the end of their conversation regarding the topic.

Bryan coughs as he tries to clear the heavy atmosphere surrounding them. ” Moving on, About the plan that you are saying on the phone about the battle of succession. Can you explain it to me more?” Giselle leaned back on her chair as she left a deep sigh.

” Plant a girl in the company of Lorenzo, Choose a girl who looks innocent and naive and the girl must be modest. And make the girl apply in the company as an artist. I want her to get me information about Lorenzo, All information that will put me in advantage” Giselle said as a sly smile formed into her lips.

” Hmmmm.. Okay, I will send the best girl in that plan” Bryan said out of confidence as he drank all his lemon ice tea.

” How is your life in the mansion? The last time you call me is when you ask me to deliver the information about her”

” Well, I’m alright. The mansion is slowly turning into a battlefield. The workers are slowly splitting into two factions. Which is the Lorenzo and Xander faction.”

” You really get yourself in the mess of that family” Bryan sarcastically said as he leaned forward and put his arms over the table.

” Are you really sure? You are going to leave that family after you give birth? If Xander wins in the battle of succession you will be the future headmistress of the family” Bryan muttered that makes Giselle giggle.

” I’m sure” Giselle answered as she smirked and leaned forward to Bryan to meet his face.

Bryan smiled at Giselle as he sat up straight. ” Sigh… The Gold is already in front of you Giselle, You want to have a husband that can give all the luxuries that you want right? Here he is, A man you can play with your hands.” Bryan said out of sarcasm. Giselle just shakes her head because of what Bryan says to her.

” We have a contract and you know I can’t be a mother or a wife to someone” Giselle answers Bryan, which makes Bryan shut up for a second time.

” I can’t be a mother because I don’t know how to be a mother. I’m afraid, That all the things that I learned from my mother are wrong. And the things that I know will bring harm to that child”

Bryan just stared at Giselle, He knows where she is coming from. He knows her mother because they grew up together in a brothel. And Bryan knows that the mother of Giselle is not that kind of person who is suitable to be a mother. After all the things that he witnessed while they were growing up. But Giselle is different from her mother and Bryan knew that. Bryan believes that Giselle can be a good mother to her children.

” But you are not her Giselle”

” But I learned from her, All the things that I know come from her. What do you expect me to be after all the things that I experience from her? To be a better person or a mother?” Giselle asks Bryan.

” I know my capabilities and I know my limits. From the life that I have. I know to myself that having a family is not my thing.” Giselle straightly answered. Bryan felt sad for her friend because of what she said. Her answer is still consistent since she is 20 years old.

” My job and background is something that will give my children bad luck and bad reputation in school, work in their life. You should know that Bryan, You grew up with that kind of mother.” Giselle bluntly said that made Bryan hastily look at the other side to avoid the gaze of Giselle. Because she is telling the truth about him and her mother.

Her Mother is also an exotic dancer in the club, same as Giselle mother. And the two of them are also doing extra service to earn a large amount of money. Bryan is an illegitimate child of Paulo Narcio the famous Neurosurgeon in the philippines. When he was a child he was often bullied at school. Saying that his mother is dirty and dancing naked in front of people. At first he can’t understand what is wrong with his mother’s job but when his teacher is in grade school. Slap him because her mother is the reason for their separation. That is the time when he fully understands what is wrong in his mother’s job. And when he goes to high school the bullying continues because of his classmates who want to sleep with his mother and keep asking him for his mother’s price. And when he was seventeen, His father came to get him from her mother. And without a word his mother gave him to his father and that is the time when his life was drastically changed.

” You save money for years to migrate to another country to be with your loved ones. You said that to me” Bryan muttered in his deep voice.

” That is my original plan. I foolishly thought that was possible, But my past will not let me live like that. If I force myself into that kind of idea. Their life will be put in danger. ” Giselle answered as her eyes turned deep, Thinking about what might happen in the future.

” Is it about your father? Who will not put you in peace?” Bryan straightly asked.

” Unfortunately, Yes. He will keep chasing me unless, I die” Giselle said. Bryan just left a deep sigh because of what Giselle said. Bryan didn’t know who Giselle’s father was. The only thing he knows is that his father really wants Giselle. And when he asks her about her father, Giselle will only answer that her father is a bad person.

” I’m okay with my life now, I just need to wait for months until I give birth to his child and then after that I will be gone and live that I didn’t exist in the world” Giselle said that makes Bryan chuckle.

” That will be hard for you, You are born to stand-out” Bryan said that makes Giselle laugh that makes all the customers in the cafe look at her. Because of the way she laughs. So sexy and alluring.

” I know,” Giselle giggled as she looked down at her frappe and touched it. It is not that cold anymore.

” Giselle”

Giselle automatically looks at Bryan when she hears him call her name.

” Why are you keeping yourself involved in the battle of succession? As far as I remember you just need to carry his child and be his contractual wife. Nothing more and nothing less” Bryan asks out of curiosity. Because he is curious about his friend’s agenda in the battle of succession. It is that long since Giselle learned about Anastasia but Giselle pushed herself in the battle of succession since she entered the mansion.

Giselle looks straight in his eyes as she shows a sad smile that reflects in her eyes. ” Living with that family, Makes me realize that this child that I carry can be a sacrifice in the war that his father gets into. This child’s Father has a problem because of his trauma, And the family of his father. Are willing to ruin each other’s life for the sake of position in the family. I’m just doing this child a favor, But I think. I just want to do a good thing to this child because I want to be a mother to this child just once” Giselle ended as she looked down her stomach that is now a little bigger.

Giselle knows that she is just an incubator. It means that she should not attach to the child that she is carrying emotionally. But her mother’s instinct is not easy to ignore. The thing that she is doing is the only thing she can do. To put her mind at ease on the future of the child that she is carrying.

Bryan reached at Giselle’s hand and held it. ” You are a good mother Giselle” he said that makes Giselle teary.

” I’m not” Giselle answers as she moves her hands away.

” I’m telling the truth, I know it because I witnessed all your sacrifices just to be a good mother to your child. Especially to your first born. Even if you put that child in an orphanage, You still monitor her and you even dream of getting her and living with her in another country. I don’t know your real family problem and position towards your father but I can guarantee that you are a good mother, Giselle” Bryan sincerely said.

” I need to leave” Giselle suddenly said as she hastily stood up and got her bag. Bryan just watches Giselle hurriedly leaving the cafe. In his mind, Giselle is still sensitive about being a good mother.

All the eyes were on him because of the unexpected leaving of Giselle and being left alone. He is sure that the customer inside the cafe was thinking of him badly because of what just happened. Bryan just chuckles as he covers his mouth and then laughs quietly.

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