Seed of Possession

Chapter 33: The Breakfast

” You don’t memorize the mansion,” Giselle bluntly asks, which makes Xander a little bit embarrassed.

” Well, I didn’t live here” Xander reasoned as he chuckled. Giselle just looked at Xander out of disbelief as she looked around the garden.

” The only parts of the mansion you know are the way to his office, your room and the garden. That is the only part that you memorize” Giselle said out of disappointment.

” Well, I have my own mansion and I didn’t grow up here” He immediately answered, which made Giselle sigh.

” Well, we can’t do anything about it. ” Giselle only answered as she turned to her left side and saw a woman with a child in her back.

” There’s a child right there” Giselle muttered as she looked at Xander who was now looking also in the direction of the child.

” That is one of his children, Her name is Flora. The second child ” Xander casually answered as he looked away.

” What a cold treatment. ” Giselle whispered, making Xander’s face turn into cold expression.

” I don’t like his children” Xander honestly said that makes Giselle chuckle out of surprise.

” Why? Because they are his child? Don’t be unreasonable. You’re more than that” Giselle said as she glimpsed at the kid.

” It’s okay, They also don’t like me. And besides, be careful of his children. Especially the eldest Maxine. She is the most spoiled brat that I ever met in my entire life” Xander said as Giselle nodded her head and looked back at the fountain.

” Are they all girls? ” She asked.

” No, The third one is a boy”

” What is his name?”

” Lenox” Xander seriously said that makes Giselle curious.

” You are not fond of kids ” Giselle bluntly said that makes Xander wince. Because she hit the right answer.

” At first, I thought you don’t like their kids because of your allergy but after knowing that there is a boy. I guess you just don’t really like kids. ” She added as she looked at the sky.

” But you should try to like them from now on, Because you are now a Father. Your child is now living in my stomach ” Giselle muttered and she looked at Xander and they gazed at each other.

” What a sweet moment” Leonardo interrupts as he suddenly shows himself.

Xander and Giselle calmly look at Leonardo who is with his family in the Garden.

” Good Morning to the both of you ” Leonardo energetically said as he put his hand to his wife’s shoulder.

” Good morning ” Chantal greeted as she bent down to her kids.

” Greet them and Flora come here!” Chant sweetly said as she watched Flora winning towards them.

” Now all of you greet them,” Chantal softly said.

The children obediently followed their mother’s words as they slightly bowed their heads. ” Good morning,” They said perfectly together.

” Good morning ” Giselle greeted back as she slid her hand to her husband’s hand and intertwined it.

” The children are amazing, They are all synchronised ” Giselle said as she showed her smile.

” Well, they are obedient kids,” Chantal answered as she showed her ingenuine smile.

” They look like good kids,” Giselle added.

” Are you two going in the Dining room?” Lorenzo suddenly asks.

” Yes, We are heading to the Dining room ” Xander answered, giving a cold breeze to them.

” I think we should go now” Giselle calmly answered as she looked at Xander and signed her to start to walk towards the Dining room. Xander quickly understands what Giselle is trying to say. He turned his back from Lorenzo as he guided Giselle towards the Dining room. Lorenzo and his family followed them next as they all went together in Dining room.

As soon as they all arrive, Xander immediately chooses the left side of the table. As he moved the chair for Giselle to sit comfortably. Giselle silently sat down and flipped her hair back.

” She really look so mean”

” Shhhh…. She might hear us. If she hear us she will eat you ”

Giselle just forcely smile at the children as she looks at Xanded who is now like a wall of ice because of it’s posture and his facial expression.

” It’s nice to have breakfast with family,” Lorenzo said and Giselle nodded.

The room filled with silence after that. They are sitting quietly while waiting for the Head of the mansion. Giselle and Xander are visibly bored while waiting for the Head while the Family of Lorenzo are all smiling that gives Giselle a creepy vibe.

‘ Weird ‘

” What are the name of your children?” Giselle asks Chanta, That breaks the silence and awkward atmosphere in the dining room.

” Oh, Sorry. I didn’t introduce them to you properly earlier” Chantal said as she slightly moved up the left side of her lips. A sign that she intended to do that. Giselle notices the behaviour of Chantal and she can’t help it but to feel pity for her.

That move is so old, That you can only see it in soap operas or dramas. If Giselle is in her shoes. She will say it right away that she doesn’t like her presence in the mansion. ” Then can you introduce them to me” Giselle sweetly said with a hint of fearlessness in her voice that made Chantal annoyed deep inside.

” It’s okay with me,” Chantal said as she looked at her children.

” This is my eldest child Maxine” Chantal said as she gesture her hands to point at Maxine.

” She is 8 years old, She is an academic achiever at her age. She is also doing ballet and piano in her free time” She proudly said as she looked at the next.

“And then this is my 2nd born. Flora, She is 5 years old, Our sweet little Flora” She said as she pinched the chubby cheeks of Flora.

” Lastly, This is my youngest for now. Lenox. He is 2 years old” Chantal introduced Giselle.

Giselle put her two hands under her chins as her elbow is over the table as they use it as a support.

” Nice to meet you all, I am the wife of your Uncle Xander. You all can call me Giselle” Giselle introduces herself as she show a sweet smile to the kids.

” I hope we can get along well” Giselle added, which makes the children feel instantly scared of Giselle. Even though Giselle is smiling sweetly they feel that she doesn’t like them and she knows what’s running in their heads towards her.

” All of you are here already” Giselle immediately sit properly when he heard the voice of the Grandfather of Xander and Lorenzo. Perol is now slowly walking towards the aisle of the table as he slowly sit down and hands his cane to his butler.

” You are all early birds,” Perol said that made Lorenzo laugh.

” Not all the time Grandpa ” He joked as he continued to laugh. Perol laugh a little bit as he cough to prevent himself from laughing.

” I’m hungry, Let’s eat ” Perol said as he raised his hand as a sign to the servant to bring out all the dishes and put them on the table.

The servants are bringing a hot serve of food to the family. They put an extra effort to make the food beautiful and tasty. Because they are all excited for the change that happens in the mansion.

Giselle raised her right eyebrows slightly when she saw the breakfast that the servant served to her. Every family member has a different dish on their plate. Lorenzo has English breakfast, The Headmaster receives traditional Japanese breakfast, Chantal receives Oatmeal with berries and chia seeds as the toppings, The children has Toast bread with butter and jam as a spread. And they also had bacon, scrambled egg and milk. She looks at the Xander meal he had for American English breakfast. Giselle looks back at her food and it’s just cereal and it looks already soggy.

She feels that she is insulted by the food that gives to her. She is at the table of the richest people of society but the only food that was given to her was cereals.

” Switch with me” Giselle immediately said as she eyed at the food of Xander.

” I can’t eat this ” She bluntly said as she moved away from the cereals and stared blankly at Xander.

All of them are looking at Giselle because of the behavior that she showed at the table.

” Giselle, Dear. The breakfast that we had was based on what we liked. And what we prefer. I believe that food in front of you is what you like? After all, the chef always gets the menu that we want before the day” Chantal explained. Giselle looks at Chantal with boredom.

” Really? When did the chef get the menu that I wanted? I don’t remember when the chef came to me and asked for the foods that I wanted to eat.”She immediately asks. Giselle looked back again to Xander as she raised her right eyebrow.

” I can’t eat this Xander” She muttered seriously. Xander just sighs as he gives him his plate as he pulls the bowl of cereal.

The Headmaster was looking intently at Giselle because of her actions. Lorenzo, immediately notice it. ” I will tell the chef to go look for you later Giselle, Maybe they had a wrong idea on what you like” Lorenzo immediately said as she looks at Chantal.

” My wife knew all the workers in the mansion. If you need any help or questions you can ask her” Lorenzo added as he showed a big smile.

” Yes, Giselle I can help you and besides we are both pregnant. You can ask me any questions about pregnancy ” Chantal softly said, which made Giselle smile. A fake smile.

” Really? Thank you in advance” She answered as she pulled the plate closer to her.

” Let’s eat,” She added as she started to eat.

ALL OF THE servants are glaring at Giselle because of what she did. The first time they set their eyes to Giselle they all know that they need to create a way to make Giselle out of the mansion. They are all loyal to the family of Lorenzo because Chantal already created a foundation for her family inside the main mansion. She already had their trust, loyalty and sympathy. And they all like Lorenzo to be the next Headmaster of the family.

Giselle already feels all the glare of the servants on her back. She feels their dislike and hatred towards her and to Xander. Giselle knows that Xander is not a heavy eater at breakfast because she noticed it when the man came into her eyes. The only things that he eats are bread and coffee. And they serve cereal towards her. Straight in the box.

Giselle is also not a heavy eater in the morning. She mostly prepared a cup of coffee and also 2 pieces of pancake with a melting butter on the top. The servants look at each other as they give a sign to tell the head chef what happened in the breakfast. The breakfast ended in a peaceful manner even though it’s not a nice start at the beginning.

Giselle wipes her mouth using the table napkin as she pushes the plate away from her. She is really full now. She doesn’t think that she can take a step. ” Do you want some warm water to drink?” Xander asks that Giselle answered by shaking her head as a sign of no.

” Okay, Then let’s just go back to our room” Xander softly said to her.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

” That’s a nice idea” Giselle said as she covered her mouth because she felt that the thing she ate was going out of her stomach.

They all just wait for the Headmaster to stand up and officially end the Breakfast as he silently gets his cane and moves outwards the room. Giselle left a deep sigh as she accepted the hands of Xander waiting for her.

” You two both wearing a gloves I see”

Giselle and Xander immediately look at Lorenzo who has a mischievous grin plastered in his face. Giselle just smiled at Lorenzo before she stood up.

” Nice meeting your family ” She meaningfully said to Lorenzo as a threat to him. Lorenzo just laughed at what Giselle did as he look at his cousin.

” You marry a woman who will fight for your stead, Xander?” Lorenzo mockingly asks. Xander just coldly looks at Lorenzo as a smile forms into his lips.

” No, I am not you after all” Xander coldly answered, which made Giselle burst into laughter. The children look at Giselle who is now loudly laughing in the Dining room. They are all amazed by her beauty while laughing.

” Bunny Bear, I think we should go. We have more important matters to attend to” Giselle said out of sarcasm as she glanced at Lorenzo and a sly grin formed into her lips.

” See you!” Giselle playfully said before she turned her back and walked outwards the room with Xander at her side.

Lorenzo just laughed as soon as they left the room. He leaned his back on his seat as he looked at his wife. Who is now also looking at him.

” You will have your worthy opponent” Lorenzo muttered that Chantal answered in a chuckle.

” It’s too early to know if she is a worthy opponent for Lorenzo. She can be only a good talker with no moves” Chantal meaningfully said.

” I will entrust you that woman to bring her down, Erased that annoying smile of her” Lorenzo muttered.

” Don’t worry, All my eyes are on her. After all the game is already start”

GISELLE looks back at the door of the dining room as she feels that someone is planning something bad for her. And she knows who those people are.

” Is everything okay?” Xander asks as held Giselle’s shoulder.

” This mansion is a living land mine for us, All people here are on their side” Giselle seriously muttered.

” No, not all servants are on their side. Some servants here in the mansion are on our side. They are all spy in this territory ” Xander said to Giselle to make her feel okay.

” We are still little compared to their number. The servants inside the dining hall are clearly on their side. I feel their gazes towards us. As if they are looking for a good chance to stab us on our backs ” She said as she looked at Xander who was looking at her with concern.

” What is that look? It’s not suitable for you” Giselle said out of disgust as she showed her annoyed face at Xander.

Xander just sighs because of what Giselle said as he shakes his head and holds his head.

” As I was saying, In this case. Even Chantal or Lorenzo didn’t give any order to them to hurt us. They will do it voluntarily because their loyalty is to their family. I should show them what would happen if they belittled us. And does anything to harm you and me.” Giselle said as she looked around.

” And you! ” Giselle suddenly said as she pointed her finger at Xander.

” You bring me here, You j*rk. Make also a move to make me safe while living in this mansion. I am under your care!” Giselle said that makes Xander laugh because of her cuteness.

Xander can’t help but to laugh. Because Giselle is cute in his eyes right now. Especially, When she is threatening him.

” I am really in danger when I am with you Giselle”

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