Secret Doors

Chapter 33: Saturday Date

Narrator’s P. O. V:

Levi wakes up at sharply five in the morning. He still wanted to rest but it was his body type telling him to wake up. He sat at the bedside post and look at the surrounding down to Portia whose still in her dreamland. He leans closer to Portia’s face and appreciates every inch of her. “I miss you.” He murmured while looking at her. He can’t hide the smile on his face at her cute reactions when sleeping.

Levi kisses Portia’s forehead and gets up from bed. He goes straight to the bathroom and does his morning routine. Levi then opens the curtains for some light, he also fixes Portia’s blanket and goes downstairs to cook breakfast for them. He called his secretary to buy him new clothes while cooking. He reads the data analysis for his business while he’s also cleaning. Levi is used to this kind of situation where he multi-tasks everything.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Levi runs a multi-million company owned by him but he can’t find his happiness not until Portia came. Levi feel strange the first time she met her. He can’t understand why her face was all written on his brain. Levi for the first time felt uneasy with a lady when he usually doesn’t give a damn care. She can make him nervous and cautious about everything. Levi finally is sure of having a relationship for the first time.

Finally, he wanted to give up everything for someone. After cleaning and cooking, he is going to prepare the dining table when Portia hugs him. That kind of warmth he’s always craving every day from Portia. “Good morning.” Portia sweetly greeted him which warms his heart. “Good morning.” Levi greeted him with a warm smile. “How was your dream?” Portia asked while getting milk from the fridge.

“I don’t remember about my dream. But I have a great sleep. How about you?” Levi answered and lifted Portia to the table. Portia look into his eyes and gave him a peck. “It’s a nice dream,” Portia said and give him another peck but before Portia could ever part from Levi. Levi deepened the kiss. Levi is puzzled about his cravings for Portia’s lips but one thing is for sure he is addicted.

They share a long passionate kiss. They are all hungry for each other. Both of them fight for dominance a long tiring war ended and Levi won. He won the battle of dominance and he pepper Portia with little love kisses from the chin down to her neck. He bites at her collarbone which makes Portia weak on her knees.

“Hey, our food will get cold.” Portia laughs at him reminding him about their food. Those laughs that’s enough to make his heartbeat fasten and dance in rhythm. “Okay, let’s eat.” He then stop kissing Portia but then Portia cupped his face and made their nose touches. “I love you, Mr. Everett.” She said sweetly Levi give Portia a peck as an answer.

They both eat and laugh at each other every time their eyes will meet. Levi never expects to laugh this often with someone but he doesn’t mind as long as it’s Portia. “Where do you want to go after breakfast?” Portia excitedly asked Levi. “Can we just stay home? Let’s buy groceries then let’s go home. I saw on the forecast earlier that heavy rains will occur this day.” Levi answered Portia’s question which Portia quickly understood.

For Levi the more simple and lowkey they get the more it gave them quality time. He wants to keep their relationship lowkey for their reputation until he’s ready to give up his world for his everything. “Let’s read some newly released book, Levi.” Portia excitedly offered him. “Sure, let’s read stories and bake cookies for me.” Levi requested and it made Portia’s heart melt as Levi appreciated her passing for baking.

After eating they both wash and dry the dishes while singing some old nostalgic songs. It was soothing and relaxing. These days are just full of love Portia can’t wait to do this every day. After cleaning the kitchen and the dining area Levi invites Portia for a dance. They both dance to Portia’s mom’s favorite song and they both laugh when Portia accidentally tripped both of them.

“I’m so sorry my dear Levi. Where does it hurt?” Portia worriedly asked. He wanted to prank her by faking his passing out but her beautiful face is so worried and serious that he just snatched a kiss on her lips and stand up. He grabbed her hand and lifted Portia upstairs straight to the bathroom. “Get ready now. I’ll just get my clothes outside.” He said to Portia. “Are you sure nothing hurts?” She’s still worried but Levi assures her.

“I’m not hurt because the pillow got us. Don’t worry.” He assured Portia. “Okay. I’ll take a bath then.” She said and Levi made his way outside. He closes the door and goes downstairs. He went to the front door and as he opens the door he found the box his secretary leave. He takes it with him inside and gets his clothes. His secretary didn’t also forget about his vitamins which made his eyebrows twitch. “That young man.” He murmured.

He uses the other room’s bathroom to take a bath. After getting ready they both headed to the mall to buy some books at the bookstore and buy some groceries they spotted a cotton candy stall so Portia buys two for them. They spent 20 minutes walking at the nearby park and they saw a bunch of kids playing. Levi smiles at the scenery in front of him.

“Do you love kids?” Portia asked Levi. He shakes his head as a no. “I don’t pay too much attention to kids but I don’t say that I don’t like them. They are these weird puff balls that bounce when they play.” He said while looking at the kids frowning. “Me too. I don’t hate kids. I like them but sometimes they scare me because they are too fragile to hold.” Portia told Levi and enjoy the view of the kids.

“How many kids do you prefer?” Levi asked her suddenly. Portia smiles at him. “I wanted three kids. How about you?” Portia asked the same to him. “Any number you want.” He smirked and that made Portia blush. “Let’s get married and have kids when we are both ready,” Levi told Portia like he is proposing to her. It made Portia blush harder and made her heartbeat fasten.

Levi put his arms around Portia’s shoulders and kissed her on her forehead. He then gets Portia’s hand and appreciates everything about it. “This ring I bought you really looks good on you.” He said and slid a DIY ring from a flyer that Levi made while watching the kids. “I’ll marry you someday and I’ll give you a more decent ring. For now, just remember this day that I am giving my word and heart to you as collateral for the future.” Levi meant what he says.

He is sure to do it sooner as he can. Portia’s eyes become watery as tears are saying hi to her. She couldn’t be more thankful right now. “Yes, I will treasure this ring as a contract of our love.” She said and laugh awkwardly to hide her tears. Levi kisses her hand. “Just wait and hold on to me more. I’ll make my promise.” Levi said. “For now let’s go home and enjoy the day. You are starting to be dramatic and your nose is as red as Rudolf’s nose. You are becoming more beautiful so let’s go.” He said to Portia which made her blush and smack Levi on his shoulder.

“Stop making me blush.” She shyly said and they walk hand in hand to the car. They drive off home while enjoying the music and some small talk about childhood memories. They stop at a drive-thru to buy some fries and milkshakes and Portia feeds Levi who is busy driving. They reach the house easily and they quickly arrange the things they buy from the mall and the grocery. After cleaning up they both stay on the rooftop watching the sky whose already turning dark.

The heavy rain starts pouring and it made them laugh. They play with the rain for thirty minutes and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate at Portia’s office after taking a hot bath. They watch the rain outside as they share a blanket while choosing a book to read. Portia plays a playlist that matches the tone of the rain and it made the whole atmosphere very romantic, warm, and cozy.

This is the kind of relationship they are both contented with. Peaceful and just keeping things lowkey. Unsure of what’s coming next but is ready to take the risk. Willing to give up everything but is sure to win over each other after losing a fight. No one knows and is behind secret doors.

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