Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 34 - Discussions

Chapter 34 - Discussions

Friday, April 19th. New Facilities Kitchen, 4:32 p.m.


—Stop pouting, baby boy — Lev pats me on the shoulder and continues to cut the onions —. You know

well that when Alex makes a decision, there is no force in this world to change his mind.

—But he should have consulted me first, Lev! — I stop wagging the sauce and turn to face him —. I'm

not painted on the fucking wall, it was something we both had to talk about before he even considered

the possibility.

Yes, I'm angry. No, I'm furious. Yesterday, I did nothing but stay in our bedroom after he left to meet

with Yaakov. I took the opportunity to tidy up a few things and play a long game with Cooky, since I've

been a bit distant from him.

When Magnus came back, with only a few hours to the evening, I asked him about the progress of the

mission and that's when he told me that he will also be part of the teams that will invade Dimitri's


Let's just say, my reaction was not the most cheerful and passive of all. And considering Magnus isn't

the quiet type, well... The argument was pretty ugly. I stormed out of the room and ended up asking Lev

for shelter, getting Yaakov to sleep on the couch in their bedroom. I haven't spoken to Magnus since.

—I know, you're right — adds the onion rings to the sauce and mixes it up —.But try to put yourself in

his shoes. He's our boss, baby boy, and I'm sure he wants to take revenge on Zhukovski for... — his

gaze deviates from mine —. Well, you know.

—And that's exactly what I want to avoid! — I run a hand through my hair, frustration eating me up —.

Lev, I just want this whole nightmare to be over. I understand that Dimitri has to be stopped and I know

that everything you've told me is true, but... I'm scared — my eyes are starting to blur from the tears

I've been holding back —. What if things don't work out? What if someone else dies? — sighs and

holds me by the shoulders.

—I'm scared too. Just the thought that something might happen to Yaak... — his words fading away,

but then quickly denies with the head —. But that's his job, baby boy.

That's what they've prepared for over the years, and believe me, they're very good at what they do. It

doesn't mean that there won't be risks and I know that's not what you want to hear, but we must trust

them and pray that everything goes well.

—If only that would ease the burden on me, Lev.

—I know it doesn't. But for now, we have to settle for that little comfort — smiles, winks at me and turns

to keep stirring the sauce. My thoughts drift away, and I stay so long in them, that I do not notice when

Mrs. Ewa returns from the greenhouse.

—What are you thinking about, boy? — she pinches my cheek playfully, and I smile, though not very

eagerly —. If you frown more, your eyebrows will end up joining together.

—Nothing, just a few things — she doesn't seem convinced, but doesn't insist.

—And you, chatty cockatoo? I hope you haven't stopped moving that sauce — she warns Lev, moving

him away from the pot to confirm. He lets out a heavy sigh and rolls the eyes in the most dramatic way

I've ever seen.

—There we go again with the cockatoo thing — he crosses the arms over the chest.

—Ah, but you don't deny that you are chatty — the old lady laughs and then empties the basket full of

herbs and spices on the counter.

—What good will that do me? If I can't get you to stop calling me a cockatoo, I'll certainly not succeed

in getting you to stop calling me that. I'm beginning to resign myself to it and I won't even complain next


—Wow, I never thought this day would come — the woman opens the eyes big in surprise —. I was

sure you'd be demanding it until the end of my days.

—Don't worry, Mrs. Ewa. I'm sure his sudden maturity will only be temporary — Lev gives me a

murderous look and I burst out laughing.

—You're supposed to be on my side and not laugh at this old lady's quips — accuses me.

—This old lady will kick your ass if you let the sauce burn or get lumpy, so get to work — Lev rolls the

eyes again, but he still obeys —. And you, little one. What's that sweet smell I detect in you? — My

eyebrows are furrowed, puzzled. I don't understand, I haven't detected any change in my scent.

—What do you mean?

—That you smell different — approaches her face a bit to me and sniffs —. Yes, your smell has


I look at her a bit confused, I have no idea what she means.

—Uh... Well, I think it's because I'm wearing one of Magnus' shirts — yesterday, when I left the room, I

barely had time to grab a pair of pants. I didn't bother to change his shirt for one of mine —. It must be

his smell you're picking up — she seems to consider it for a few seconds, until a slow, strange smile

appears on her lips.

—Yes, maybe that's it — and without further ado, she spins around and goes on with her business,

leaving me even more confused.

We managed to finish dinner after two more hours. A huge banquet was ready and properly covered to

keep it from getting cold. I had no idea how much work Mrs. Ewa had to do every day, although it was

to be expected, as she has to feed all the henchmen and employees of the organization.

Lev always comes to help her, but in addition to him, Magnus hired a pair of twins to be her assistants.

One is called Cheslav and the other Gavrel, although they are usually very quiet and do not get

involved in our conversations. Just as we were about to serve, the kitchen door opened and someone

came in who I hadn't expected to see yet.

—Hey, Xander — Fredek smiles at me, though he looks a little embarrassed.

—Fred! — I squeal, and then I jump up and hug him. He laughs and reciprocates, we last a few long

seconds like this before finally separating —. I'm so happy to see you. I didn't think you'd abandon your

little love nest yet — I poke him with my finger on the side and a blush spreads across his cheeks.

—Angelo had to go home and Derek was called by Yaakov to give him directions on the mission.

—You're not going, are you?

—Not a chance. Derek would kill me and I don't even want to think about Angelo's sermon — waves a

hand like scaring away a fly. Where have I seen that before? —. So I'll save myself the drama and stay


—Wow, but look who's here! — Lev comes towards us with his arms extended and hugs Fred —. I'm

glad to see you in one piece and it's a relief that you're not limping.

—Don't start with your perverted jokes, Lev — Fredek rolls the eyes, but smiles —. Better tell me how

things have been going around here. What did I miss?

—Not much, really — Lev shrugs —. Tomorrow's the big day, I'm still as handsome as ever and

Xander's upset with Alex.

—Are you mad at him? — questions in confusion —. Why?

—Because the idiot is going with Yaakov and the others tomorrow, and he didn't even bother to ask my

opinion first.

—To be perfectly honest, I expected that — Fred raised his hands, stopping me after realizing that I

was about to reply —. But I agree that he should have consulted you first.

—He's an idiot — I cross the arms over my chest, unconsciously pouting.

—I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, Xander. It's just that, uh, my brother's not used to giving his

reasons to anyone — sighs —. Years of being the boss have made him that way. Just try to talk to him

calmly. You don't want him to leave tomorrow and you guys are still mad, do you?

—No — resigned, I nod. He's right, after all —. I don't want to. It's true, I must talk to him — at that

moment, Mrs. Ewa walks beside us with a big tray full of cutlery. She was going to walk past, but

suddenly stops, sniffs the air around us, and smiles.

—Another one with a different smell — her smile widens and looks at the three of us —. Soon, the

good news that we all needed greatly will appear. Then, I will make sure to prepare a huge feast, you

will see — turns and goes back on her way, humming a song animatedly. The three of us look at each

other in surprise and wonder if age is already catching up with her.


—I'm starting to get fucking dizzy — Yaakov's complaining —. Stop moving now.

I try, but I can't. I keep walking around my office like a caged cat. I haven't spoken to Xander since

yesterday and the anguish of knowing if he's still angry is driving me crazy.

I know that I acted wrong and that I should have told him before making a decision, I truly tried to

apologize, but between screams and insults, I ended up losing my temper and exploding. And now,

thanks to my tantrum and not being able to keep my big mouth shut, I haven't seen him all day and the

need to hold him in my arms is almost unbearable.

—Didn't Lev say anything to you? — I inhale a drag of the cigarette in my fingers and keep walking

around the office.

—For the hundredth time, no — rubs his temples, like he's got a headache —. Stop being so childish

and go talk to him — sighs annoyingly —. Apologize or maybe you'll have make-up sex and that's it.

—Yeah, right — I snort —. As if it was that easy. You don't know Xander's temperament. If you think

mine's bad, you have no idea what he's like when he's angry. He even threw one of the lamps at me!

—Really? — asks in astonishment, though he soon bursts out laughing —. The kitten has claws, thank

goodness he's not intimidated by your shitty mood — laughs again, wiping the tears from the corner of

the eyes.

—You're supposed to be here to make me feel better, not to put me further into misery — I scold him,

giving him a murderous look.

—Sorry, buddy, there's nothing I can do about it. This is something you both need to work out.

—I know — I take another hit and finally sit down in my chair, smashing the cigarette in the ashtray —.

But I don't know where to start. I know I acted badly, but I didn't expect him to react that way.

—This can't be easy for him, Magnus — leaning on the desk with the elbows —. Get in his place, we're

about to face our worst enemy, who's a powerful mobster and did a lot of damage to him in the

process. We'll be risking our lives tomorrow, I imagine he's just afraid something might happen to you

— I was going to respond, but then I hear a gentle knock at the door.

—Come in — I announce, the door opens slowly and Xander appears, looking cautiously and a little

nervously. Although I'm surprised to see him, I'm glad he came.

—Am I at a bad time? — whispers insecurely.

—Not at all, Xander — Yaakov jumps up and heads for the exit —. I was just leaving. I'll let you know if

there's any news, Magnus — waves goodbye and departs, closing the door behind him.

We both look at each other silently without knowing what to say, but the urge to touch him is killing me.

So, unable to avoid it, I get up, approach him, and, although I am a bit cautious, I wrap my arms around

his narrow waist.

—I was wondering how long it would take you — smiles, laying the hands on my neck and a sigh of

relief escapes my lips.

—I'm sorry, kitty — I offer in a low voice —. I know I should have told you before deciding... —

interrupts me by placing a finger on my lips.

—Just promise me you'll come back to me safely and in one piece, Magnus. And let's not argue about

this again — his eyes suddenly become crystal clear, holding tightly to the fabric of my coat.

—I promise, Xander — I kiss him on the forehead and he shivers slightly —. I give you my word that I


—Good, because if something bad happens to you, I'll be sure to throw you the other lamp — I laugh

and feel relieved once he starts doing it too —. I'm sorry about how it ended yesterday, honey. I'm sorry

for a lot of the things I said, I'm just so afraid that something might happen to you.

—Nothing will happen to me — I caress his cheek and he leans to the touch, closing the eyes and

purring softly —. I assure you that I will take whatever precautions are necessary to fulfill my promise.


—You'd better — his eyes open and I feel my heart increase in rhythm —. I love you, Magnus.

—I love you too, Xander — and with that, I join our lips.

I'll never get tired of kissing him. His lips are thick, soft, and delicious. I love to suck, bite, and lick them

every chance I get, and feeling his body quiver and bend to my touch, only makes me want him even


My tongue invades his mouth and a grunt of satisfaction originates from the bottom of my throat, my

chest swelling with pride as I devour him without scruples or shame. His little hands buried in my hair,

bringing me even closer, letting out moans in between the kiss.

I feel my dick starting to harden and my breath getting unstable. My wolf howls in despair, demanding

the claim that I too wish with all my strength to make. My hands slide from his waist, hollowing out his

ass and squeezing to push him up and carry him, he automatically surrounds me with his legs to hold


I turn us around and place him on the desk, all without breaking the kiss and enjoying the way he rubs

shamelessly against my body. I grab the edge of his shirt and pull it off, leaving his naked torso at my

disposal. He gasps, those trembling fingers work with difficulty to get rid of my jacket and tie. I kiss him

again, enjoying his sweet and addictive taste, sucking his tongue and drinking his groans as if they

were the elixir of eternal life.

He takes a little longer on the buttons of my shirt and eventually I lose my patience. With a strong rip,

several buttons fly through the air and I hear the rustle of the fabric being torn, falling to the floor in a

dull sound when I throw it.

Xander breaks the kiss and watches me, his crystalline gaze full of lust awakens thousands of

sensations in me. Slowly, his hands trace the path of his eyes, with soft and subtle touches on my skin.

—You're so beautiful, Magnus — whispers, and his eyes connect to mine —. Touch me — I don't have

to wait for him to ask twice. I sink my face in his neck and take a deep breath, eager to engrave the rich

scent in my memory that further awakens my excitement. This time, though, I can detect something


But I'm not quite sure what it could be. I keep sniffing around his neck, my nose rubbing his skin

delicately, feeling his fingers digging into my shoulders and heavy panting leaving his lips. I'm close and

want to keep exploring to determine exactly what the reason for the sudden change is, but Xander's

sobs and pitiful pleas drag me back into the tide of passion.

—Please — his hips move, our erections rub through the fabric that separates us from direct contact

—. Magnus, I need you.

—I'm here, kitty — I lick a long line from his collarbone to the earlobe, biting slightly before releasing it

—. Only yours — I mutter in his ear and another heavy gasp leaves his mouth, shaking with more

intensity. My hands reach up to his chest and gently pinch the nipples. His back arches, then I twist

them and his grip tightens on my shoulders.

—Your mouth, Magnus — cups my cheeks, and leads my face to his sensitive buttons —. Use your


I smile maliciously and that seems to excite him more. I slowly stick out my tongue and circle it around

the right nipple. His skin immediately gives way to goosebumps and a whimpering sound reaches my

ears. Xander loves to be stimulated like this, it brings him to the edge of despair when I bite them

lightly, sucking a little before releasing them. He always responds with impatient tremors, squeezing the

hands in my skin in a silent plea for more.

And I always deliver. I bring attention now to the left button, repeating the same slow, delicious torture

that I know he loves so much, while continuing to stimulate the other with my fingers. Little by little, I

continue to make my path to the bottom, tasting, biting, and sucking my way to his belly button, where I

massage the edge with my tongue.

—Magnus, for God's sake — gasps and his hip moves to the edge of the desk, pushing upwards.

—Soon — I swear, the moment I get my hands on the button of his trousers and slide it through the


The sound of the zipper slipping down pierces my skin and gives me chills, anticipating what is to

come. My fingers hook into the edge of the pants, taking his underwear as well at once, and I proceed

to pull them down through his slender legs, releasing his throbbing, glowing erection.

He lets out a sigh of relief and his gaze goes straight to my crotch, where the bulge of mine is

noticeably prominent.

—Undress completely, my love — caresses my neck and bites my lower lip with extreme sensuality —.

I want to see you — His words activate a detonator in my enthusiasm, raising it to the sky while I hastily

remove the last pieces that I was missing to be as naked as he is. Immediately, I stick to his body

again, our cocks stimulating each other with every little movement, and I assault his addictive lips


I bring my right hand down and stroke both erections, massaging them together from top to bottom,

firm and steady, taking advantage of the pre-semen drops emerging from both to lubricate my path. His

tail appears and jumps from side to side, knocking down several things from my desk and a glass

breaks with a loud bang, leaving pieces of glass scattered around.

I couldn't care less right now. With my free hand, I grope his wet entrance and slowly make my way

inside with the middle finger. He abruptly breaks away from the kiss, his head tilts back, exposing the

milky skin on his neck and a scream erupts from his mouth as he feels the invasion.

—Fuck... One more — a deep scowl created between his eyebrows. His red, swollen, glossy lips half-

opened and drops of sweat sliding down his temples.

—Do you want another one, kitty?.

He nods frantically, spinning his hips in circles. I bite my lip as a second finger accompanies the first,

feeling the walls welcome and squeeze me. His abundant lubricant tells me how extremely hot he is,

and that only makes my condition worse. I keep massaging our cocks together as I enter a third finger,

expanding them inside, preparing him as best I can for me.

—Stop — grabs my forearm and shakes his head with effort —. I don't want to cum like this — I

withdraw my fingers and a stifled moan leaves his mouth.

I pick him up from the desk and carry him to the leather chair at the side of my office, where I lay him

down and position on top of him. I spread his legs further apart and carry them to his chest, allowing

my larger body to adapt better. I slide my aching erection into his throbbing, warm entry.

—You're mine, Xander — I grunt and push my pelvis forward, initiating the slow invasion into his

narrow ass —. You belong to me.

The swollen and red mushroom head goes through the muscle ring and immediately the heat of his

walls receives me and wraps me up. My thrusts go on and on, going deeper in until I finally bury myself

to the base. My balls hit the skin of his ass and I have to squeeze my jaw hard, the incredible pleasure

originating and expanding rapidly through my extremities.

Xander's panting and moaning only makes part of my sanity desert me, giving way to uncontrolled

desire and unbridled passion. So I just let myself go. Leaning back, coming out almost completely,

leaving only the tip of my latent dick in. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

—Magnus... Please — tears of pleasure run down his blushing cheeks, the nails dig into the skin of my

forearms but not to the point of hurting me —. Move.

—Your wish is my command, kitty — I smile and with a powerful thrust, I attack him with force.

—Yes! — his back arches and the tail swings from side to side —. More — I press the hands in his

waist so I can push myself better and feel my claws rubbing against his skin with every movement. My

fangs tickle my lower lip, watching mesmerized as his walls expand with each of my thrusts, receiving

me effortlessly in the moist heat.

—You feel so fucking good, Xander — my voice is raspy and low from the effort, sweat drops are

sliding down my back and across my chest. My moves increase in speed and, in the middle of the

moment full of intensity and passion, he reaches for his needy erection to caress himself. It's one of the

sexiest and most exciting fucking scenes I've ever seen in my life.

—Magnus... I'm close.

—Not yet — with great difficulty, I step out and admire him from my position —. Turn around, kitty —

He seems a little confused at first until understanding passes through his eyes, and a cheeky smile is

drawn on his face.

He quickly rolls over on his stomach, spreads the legs, and rests on his knees and elbows, leaving the

rounded, bubble butt high. I spank him unavoidably.

He leads a hand back and, assuming the reins of the position, grabs my erection with trembling fingers

and lines it up at his entrance, starting a slow and tortuous descent, until I am deeply buried in him

again. Without wasting time, I move, though at a slower pace than before, holding his ass cheeks

tightly in my hands.

I'm sure there will be marks left on his white skin, but I can't stop myself. His tail sways and tickles my

nose when he passes it without shame, provoking me with his sensual movements.

The smell of his excitement burns my lungs and I feel the veins in my cock swell up in his ass. I

increase the rhythm. I modify the angle of my hip until I mercilessly impact his sweet spot with great


—Yes, there! — I hold a handful of his hair, exposing the tender skin of the neck, and run my tongue

down its length to his chin —. I can't... — whimpers and I feel myself on the verge of collapse.

—Come on, Xander — I close my free hand on his hard cock, increase the pace of my thrusts, and

raise my power. He screams and arches more, pushing himself back to meet my pushes —. Cum, let

me feel it.


My name emerging in a scream makes me grunt with satisfaction and, just as I feel the first sprout of

his milk in my fist, I sink my fangs into the moon-shaped scar on his neck, claiming him once again as

mine. His tail dances restlessly between our bodies and the powerful heat in my lower abdomen

announce my imminent release... Until I finally explode.

With a heavy growl, I continue to impact on his lax body and my abundant seed fills him. I retract the

fangs and use my tongue to clean the small blood trail and help close the wound. The pleasure is

intense, potent, and steals the energy from both of us until we crash down, me supporting on the

elbows to avoid crushing him, while the only sound in the room is our heavy breathing. We last a long

time thus united, both bodies sharing the heat as the ravages of the orgasm gradually vanish. It's

Xander who breaks the silence.

—I don't want to move — whispers wearily, I smile and leave kisses on his neck and shoulders —.

You'll have to carry me to our bedroom.

—I would, kitty. But I can't move either — we both laugh and I gently slip out and fall next to him. We

have to lie down on a spoon because of the small space the couch leaves.

My chest stuck to his back and my arm around his waist, the material creaking under us with every

motion and the sweaty skin sticking to the annoying material, but still not enough reason for us to

gather the strength to go to our room.

And without realizing it, we fall asleep.

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