Anglassia sighed as she arrived at the place Jerrire had organized for her.

“I hope I really get to forget Warren in here”

She was about to open the door when it flinged open.

She blink her eyes twice. Was she seeing things?

“Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?”she asked.

“Jerrire asked us of this favour so we couldn’t say no” her mother said smiling’We are so happy thyt you decided to spend quality time with us”

“Q-Quality time?”Anglassia said shocked.

Her father nodded his head”Yes and Jerrie said that you told us to keep you here for as long as possible”

“I- I said that?”Anglassia said thorough clenched teeths as she started boiling in anger.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Yes. So hurry up and come meet us at the backyard. The cows need some milking” her mother said smiling as Anglassia’s eyes widened in shock.

“C-Cows? When did we ever start having cows?”

“Jerrire said you’d taking a liking to it so we brought one for our princess yesterday”her father said walking towards her”I didn’t know you’d grow up to be like me ”

“What else did Jerrire say?”

“He also said that…” Her parents words became muffled as she balled her fist in rage.

“I knew he had an ulterior motive in hugging me like that”Anglassia muttered.

“Oh, they are here”her mother said beaming with glee.

Anglassia turned around to see Mikasa and Eren walking towards them.

“Great. Now I would have to see his face too” Anglassia muttered while looking at Eren”Just friggin great”

Meanwhile back at the front of the Angel’s realm, Alexa held her face in shock from the slap she’d just received from Gezelle.

“So I see” Gezelle said turning her wrist”That you have finally decided to take my husband away from me”

Gezelle grabbed Alexa by her collar”Just who do you think you are to ruin my future just like that?”

Gezelle beat her chest as tears formed in her eyes”You see, I’ve loved Damien since we were kids. So who are you to just budge in and shatter my dreams?!” Gezelle shouted raising up her hands again to smack Alexa but it was held by someone.

“If I were you” the person said tightening his grip on her hands”I’d keep my hands to myself”

Alexa’s eyes widened”Hermenes?”

Gezelle looked sternly at the man Infront of her”Let go off me. Do you know who I am?”

“And do I look like I care?”Hermenes snarled”Even if you are the goddess of life herself, you don’t still get to lay your hands on my sister. Is that taken?”

“Now I’m going to be nice enough to let go off your hands but if you try anything funny except using your words”Hermenes scoffed”We’ll be going to Amsterdam together”

On hearing Amsterdam, Gezelle flinched.

Hermenes let go off Gezelle’s hands as Gezelle placed her hands on her wrist.

“I’ll have you banned from this land, just you wait and see”Gezelle snarled at Hermenes and then turned to face Alexa”I’ll be back for you”

She turned and walked away as Alexa hugged her brother.

She’d missed him so much. After the passing of their parents, Hermenes had always been protective over Alexa.

The last case that drove Hermenes away from her was when he got into a fight with a guy from the wizard realm who had spelled Alexa, made her unconscious and tried to sleep with her.

When Hermenes found out, it made his blood boil so bad that when he’d found the wizard, he’d nearly beat him to death.

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

The guy whose name was Kendall was wrong obviously but the councilors of  justice of Ava land couldn’t leave Hermenes unpunished.

So he was sentenced to Amsterdam.

Amsterdam was a cold, dark place just like the underworld.

It’s jus like unlike the underworld, you are the only one there.

Each day, you fall into an unending tunnel and get whipped by spiritual creatures until you get to realize your wrong doing.

You pass through the same thing every day, every hour, every second until the time of your release.

An just like every normal dark realm, 24 hours in the real world is just a minute in Amsterdam.

Hermenes was sentenced there for 4 months and now he was back.

Alexa’s tears couldn’t stop flowing as she hugged Hermenes with all her heart and strength.

“I’ve missed you” she said sobbing heavily.

Hermenes hugged his little sister back as he buried his head in her shoulder. “Me too. I’ve missed you more than you can imagine, Lexy”

“Don’t leave me again, promise?”

Hermenes nodded his head”Yes, I promise”

Alexa backed away from Hermenes”Does Nana know you are back?”

“No. If she did, I wouldn’t get to see my little sister. She would be scolding me so badly by now”

Alexa laughed”True that”

“Alexa, who was that lady?”Hermenes asked.

Alexa took his hands in hers”Let’s go inside for now and worry about that another day, okay?”

“If you say so”Hermenes said taking her hand and walking into the realm with her as they chatted “So how’s Warren? Does he still comes by often?”

“You won’t believe what happened between Warren and Josty, Hermenes” Alexa said with her eyes shining.

Hermenes smiled as he watched his younger sister chat away.

“Sorry to burst your bubbles but I need to see this young man in my office, now”Nana said claded in all white and her long red hair packed up in a bun that her crown rested so perfectly well on it.

“Just one minute, Nana”Hermenes whined but the look on Nana’s face left no room for compromise.

“Later, Lexy”Hermenes said all gloomy as he followed Nana to her office.

When Alexa got into her room, the girls voices overlapped.

“Where have you been?”

“Hermenes is back”

“Have you seen him yet?”

Alexa chuckled”Yes, girls. I know my brother is back. Thank you”

Karina looked at Alexa’s face”Are you okay? Your cheeks a bit red”

Alexa put her hands over her cheeks”Oh, it’s nothing. I’m fine”

“So where have you been?”Josty asked

“I was outside the realm. I needed some fresh air. Why?”

“I mean…”Josty dragged out”We just needed your opinion on something”

“What’s that?”

“In three seconds, say the name that comes to your mind first okay?”Josty said as Alexa nodded her head”Eren or Warren. 1, 2, 3!”


Celine and Karina shouted in joy as they gave eachother another high-five.

“Told ya”Karina said as the girls got rolled up in another argument.

Meanwhile still boiling in rage, Gezelle walked deep into the heart of Ava land where the old, blind wizard resided.

“Stop there”The old wizard commanded stopping Gezelle from coming any closer.”Your anger is enough to burn down this place and all my hard work of many years”

Gezelle took in deep breaths trying to control her anger”I’m sorry”

“Now come in”

She walked in and sat on a small chair”I need your-”

“I know what you need”

Gezelle threw out two bags of gold towards the old man”Would that be enough?”

The old wizard chuckled as he felt the bag”More than enough”

He casted a light spell and after a short while, he smiled”It’s done”


“Already, my queen”

Gezelle stood up and left the old man’s presence.

The old man opened his bag of gold. “Too bad, my queen that all your efforts would still end up futile because one can’t stop what is to be”

As Gezelle walked all around the realm, she saw that the old man had actually done it.

The flyer was pasted all over the walls and in every realm  .

And the flyer read:”WARNING: This girl is seeing a married man. If you see her you know what to do”

And in Ava land, any girl caught seeing a married man will be stoned to death.



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