Romeo The Mafia Casanova


Rebeka looked out her bedroom window. The day was as dreary as it came. It was rainy, cold, and foggy, and she just wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep the day away.

Dominic was at one of his lounges but said he’d be home in time for dinner, which was hours away. She needed to keep busy and decided to help Aria with office work. It would keep her mind off the depressive emotions she was feeling at that moment.

“Aria. What can I do this morning?” she asked from the doorway into her office.

“Oh, good. Can you take over the phone today? It hasn’t stopped ringing, and I’m not getting anything done.”


“You’re a godsend.”

Rebeka smiled. “What else can I do?”

“I’ve got a bunch of envelopes to open and take care of. Can you put them in piles like ASAP, bills, correspondence?” Aria asked.

“Yes. I’ll take them into the sitting room,” Rebeka said.

“We need to have you set up an office of your own,” Aria said.

“I don’t need my own office.”

“Well, I think you need your own space. Let’s look at the available rooms later. I’d like it as close to me as possible.”

“I’d like that, too. It would make it easier for us to work together.”

Rebeka entered a small seating area and set down the letters and phone. An hour or so later, she heard a loud cracking sound and looked toward the window only to see it shatter. Something hit her shoulder and flung her down to the carpet.

She concentrated on breathing. She felt numb but couldn’t seem to catch her breath. The pandemonium around her was making it hard to settle her heart down.

Loud voices came into the room, and one of the guards rushed in, picked her up, and took her into Aria’s office.

“Oh, my God. What happened?” Aria screamed and raced toward the leather sofa the guard set her on.

Rebeka wanted to calm Aria down but couldn’t think of how to do it. She sat in a daze as people talked around her.

“Bullets came through the window, and one of them hit Miss Rebeka in the shoulder.”

“Go call Dr. Morris,” Aria told the guard. She looked at a few of the maids. “Go get towels and a bowl of hot water and meet us up in their room.”

The maids scurried out.

“Sweetheart, let me pick her up,” Mateo said.

“No, I can walk,” Rebeka said.

Aria grabbed her hand. “Please let us take care of you.”

Rebeka nodded and then sucked in a breath when her shoulder started to burn. She pressed on it and then looked at her hand to see blood.

“I’m bleeding?” Why in the hell was she bleeding?

“Yes, honey. Let’s get you to your room.”

Mateo carefully picked her up. But even that made what felt like a fiery spike stab into her shoulder. She moaned and laid her head on his shoulder. Every step he took to the bedroom was excruciating.

“I don’t want to get blood on the mattress,” Rebeka said when they walked through the door.

“Honey. Please don’t worry about anything. We need you to relax as much as you can until the doctor comes, and then he’ll give you some pain medication,” Mateo said.

Aria pulled back the blankets.

Mateo laid her down, and Aria started to unbutton her shirt.

Rebeka grabbed the fabric. “Wait. There are men in the room.”

Aria smiled gently and then looked over her shoulder. “Can you guys wait out in the hallway?”

Her guys chuckled but did what she said.

“Where the fuck is she?” a voice bellowed from downstairs.

Trent whistled. “She’s in your room.”

Rebeka heard someone running up the stairs and down the hallway. She was startled when the door was thrust open but then relaxed when she saw it was Dominic.

“What the fuck happened?” He walked close and stood over her.

“A bullet came through one of the windows and hit her shoulder,” Aria said.

“I want every bit of information your security guards can get me as soon as possible.”

Aria nodded. “You’ll have it within the hour.”

She could tell he wanted to touch her, but his gaze kept returning to the blood on her shirt.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m going to be okay,” Rebeka said.

“Mother, let me take care of her.”

Aria backed up. “Of course. I’ll stand in the hallway if you need me.”

“Thank you.”

He sat down beside her and studied her face. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

“It hurts.”

“I’m sure it does. Let’s see if we can get this shirt off.”

Instead of making her move, he ripped the shirt off of her and left her in her bra.

“Can I keep my bra on?” she asked.

“Baby, it’s all bloody.”

“Just until the doctor leaves.”

He sighed and gently pulled the strap down.

Someone knocked.

“Come in,” he yelled.

A few maids hurried in and set the bowl of steaming water and a stack of towels on the nightstand.

“Will there be anything else, sir?”

He shook his head. “No. Thank you.”

Dominic lifted a towel and gently pressed it to the wound, making her gasp.

She tried to dislodge his hand. “That hurts.”

“I know, baby, but we have to get you to stop losing so much blood.”

She nodded but couldn’t help the tears that seeped from the corner of her eyes.

He yelled out when another knock sounded.

The doctor walked in. The man was in his sixties with white and gray hair. He was short and had a round belly. He was handsome, and his smile put her at ease instantly.

“Well, hello, little lady. My name is Dr. Morris.”

“Hi, Doctor. My name is Rebeka.”

“I would say it’s nice to meet you, but I think you’d rather not have me here.”

She grinned.

“And you are Mr. Moretti,” the doctor said.

“Yes. Take her pain away,” he said gruffly.

Rebeka gasped and then looked at the doctor to find him smiling.

“I’m planning on doing that right now. Let me see the patient.”

Dominic slid down the mattress and set one hand on her leg. She felt better having him touching her.

The doctor gave her an injection that immediately started to take the pain away before he poked and examined the injury.

“I’m going to tip you to the side so I can see the back.”

Between him and Dominic, they were able to pull her to her side. Fortunately, she didn’t feel any discomfort because of the medication.

She had no idea when they set her onto her back again because she was out.

The doctor sighed. “I’m afraid the bullet is still in there, so I’m going to have to take it out.”

“But that will hurt her.”

“I’ll put her out. It’s either here or the hospital.”

“Here,” Dominic said.

“All right. Let me get the things I’ll need.”

Dominic watched the doctor pull stuff out of his bag and set them on the nightstand. He gave her two more shots before he pulled on his gloves.

“What are the shots?”

“One’s to prevent infection, and the other is a stronger pain medicine. I want to make sure she doesn’t feel this.”


Dominic watched him carefully as he made a cut and then used the forceps to pull the bullet out. It was done within a few minutes, and the doctor cleaned the wound and then sewed it up. He felt better about staying at the house because the man seemed extremely competent.

He wiped some of the blood away before he put some cream and then a bandage over it.

“This should do it. I’m leaving some pain pills here. She can have one every four hours. If the pain gets more than she can handle, call me. I’ll be back to change the bandage tomorrow. I want her to stay in bed for the next few days and make sure she eats. She lost a bit of blood but not enough to worry me. You can clean her with a washcloth, but unless she has to use the restroom, I’d like her to stay still as possible.”

Dominic nodded, unable to take his gaze off her.

He stood and pulled the blanket up before he turned to the doctor and shook his hand. “Thank you for coming.”

“It’s my pleasure. I’ve known your mother for quite a few years.”

Dominic nodded. “She’s pretty special.”

“Yes, she is. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry, son. She’s going to make a full recovery.”

He watched the doctor leave and then pulled up a chair so he could sit and watch her.

“Come in,” he said.

“Hello, honey. How is she?” Aria asked.

“The doctor got the bullet out.”

“That’s good.”

They stayed silent for a long time. He felt her place her hand on his shoulder.

“This isn’t your fault.”

He sighed. She could read him so well. It was like they’d known each other his whole life instead of just a few short months. “I told her she was safe here.”

“And she is safe here. This has never happened before, and I doubt it will ever again. Security is putting bulletproof glass throughout the house and not just in the offices and bedrooms.”

He nodded. That would help him settle a bit.

“Do you need anything, honey?”

He shook his head. “Not right now.”

“I’ll wait until you call me instead of checking on you. That way, I don’t disturb her.”

“I’d appreciate that.” He felt her kiss the top of his head before she walked out and closed the door.

The minutes and then hours crept by, and all he could do was stare at Rebeka. She had moved a bit but was otherwise sleeping deeply.

He couldn’t get over the fact he could have lost her. What in the fuck would he have done?

She’d already become a huge part of his life, and it was scary as hell. He’d been able to ignore how deeply his feelings were for her until he got the call that she’d been shot. He’d lost control like he never had before. Only when the room darkened with nighttime did his fears and anger start to build again.

Dominic wiped a hand down his face. Fuck. He was the head of his mafia family with his mother. He couldn’t let his emotions run this deep. People made mistakes when they cared this much, or the person they cared about was used against them. But how in the hell did he pull back?

The less time he spent with her, the better. Maybe that would help settle him down. It would take a while to overcome his fear of what happened today, but he’d make a monumental effort to push it away.

He couldn’t wait until he found the person who did this and put him on the ground. Only then would he be able to move on and become the man he was supposed to be, not the pussy-whipped bastard he had started to become.

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