Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 26


We stand on a high ridge overlooking the abandoned mansion where my mate was supposedly trapped. I spent a day interviewing the young vampire Heath, and then he led us straight here. In the meantime, we had heard from other packs that they detected a build-up of vampires around their territories. I had figured out that Dreyfuss meant to ambush the Elite Force and me and attack the packs leaving the king with little protection. So I sent most of the Elite Force back to protect the king while bringing warriors from Ghost River. Pops and Max came along, as did Naomi's father and brother. "Isn't that Josh Rogers?" Bryant asks beside me.

I look down the ridge, and sure enough, I spot the slimeball. Seconds later, I see Suzie slinking out of the rundown house on a vampire's arm. "That bitch," I curse.

"Isn't that the chick that was hanging all over you?" Max asks, and I growl.

"Yes," I say through gritted teeth.

"Looks like she helped get Naomi captured," Max points out.

I ball up my fists as Kairos growls in my head. 'I told you that bitch was trouble,' He snarls.

'You aren't helping,' I sigh.

"Major, we have the compound surrounded," Brutus says beside me. "We are ready on your signal."

I nod. Pops and I had difficulty convincing my sister to stay home while her mate was here fighting with us.

Okay, guys, look alive," I say to the men around me. My best friend Dulce is a few feet away from me with the best warriors from the squad.

I am waiting for the sun to start going down. I look at my watch and the horizon. Fifteen minutes go by, and wolfsbane around me. I know they have booby traps. "Watch out for booby traps, guys," I tell them. We all stop and wait in the shadows. A few vampires walk along the border, and I look over at Dulce. She has a crossbow armed with pure silver arrows. I nod at her and watch her take aim and start shooting the vampires, who drop instantly. We creep across the border, and then I hear a bomb go off. We also have grenades with liquid silver in them and other chemicals deadly to vampires. There is shouting, and then the fighting begins. I start punching and ripping heads off of vampires. More of them come out of the house, blinking and confused. We use that to rip off their heads and move towards the large house. Heath told me it's a maze of rooms on the inside, and I wonder if I'll be able to find Naomi.

nod at the troops. "Let's go," I say, and we start down the hill while I mind link the ones around the compound. We edge around the border. I can smell

Kairos comes alive in my head, and I swear the essence of maple syrup hangs in the air. 'Mate!' He shouts happily.

'Where is she, Kairos?' I ask him.

'She is here,' He responds.

"How are we going to find my daughter in that place?" Allen asks me.

"Kairos will find her," I respond, and we run into the house. It's dark and smells of mold inside. There is very little light also. "Shit," I curse. I sniff the air trying to detect her scent. 'Naomi?' I try, mind linking her. 'Magnus!' Naomi shouts in response. 'Where are you?'

'We are close by, baby. We are coming to get you,' I respond to her.

'No,' She yells. 'It's a trap.

'We know, babe,' I tell her. 'We have it under control.' I sniff the air as Kairos surges forward, and I yield control to him. 'Find our mates, Kairos.' I tell my wolf as we fight our way down a long hallway. Bryant and Allen follow me. Naomi

'We have it under control, Magnus's voice said.

'What does that mean?' I ask, but he has his wall up.

'Kairos says they are aware of the trap, Ruby responds.

I shake my head and hope Magnus makes it. I try the door again, but it's not budging. I sit on the bed, frustrated. I start to smell smoke and realize there is a fire somewhere in the house. The door flings open, and Josh rushes in. "I have to get you out of here. The house is on fire," He grabs my arm and drags me out.

"No!" I scream and punch his arm.

"I can't just leave you here, Naomi," He argues.

I give up fighting and follow Josh out of the room. We walk down a long crumbling hallway, and the smoke becomes thicker. I cough from the fumes, and my eyes burn from the ash. "Where are you taking me?" I demand. "Away," He responds.

'Magnus,' I call to my mate. 'Josh Rogers is dragging me down the hall,' I say to my mate, hoping he hears me.

'Kairos can smell you,' Magnus responds. 'I think we are close!

'Where are you?' I ask.

Josh stops, and I nearly collide with him. He turns to me and narrows his eyes. "Who the f**k are you mind linking?" He slaps my face.

"Who do you think?" I laugh.

Josh laughs back. "Magnus is walking into a trap. We sprayed your scent all over the house to lead him in the opposite direction." He then clamps a bracelet around my arm, and my mind goes blank.

'Magnus? Ruby?' I yell, and my voice echoes.

"That bracelet is blocking both Maggie and your wolf," Josh cackles and pulls me down the hall.

We start to go down a long flight of stairs as vampires rush by us. As we reach the ground floor, I hear fighting and see Ghost River warriors fighting with the vampires. I then see my father and brother. "DADDY!" I scream, and they both turn.

Josh clamps his hand over my mouth and wraps his arms around me, and sticks a knife at my throat. "Come any closer, Delta, and I will slit her throat," Josh sneers.

Bryant steps towards us. "Hand over my sister, Rogers, and I won't annihilate you."

Josh snorts. "Bold words, Monroe." He tightens his hold on me, and then I hear a sickening gurgling noise and turn to see Brutus with his clawed hand coming through Josh's chest. Josh's arms go slack, and I back away from him into my father's arms. "Naomi," Josh gurgles as Brutus pulls his bloody arm out of Josh's body.

I look down at my dying first mate. I feel a tinge of sorrow, but it's fleeting. Ruby lets out a small whimper, and then it's over. I turn in my father's arms as he hugs me.

"I got you, Naomi." He whispers.

"We have to find Magnus. They sprayed my scent all over to trick him," I say to Dad.

"Major went east following your scent," Brutus tells me.

"Okay," I say and start running in that direction.

"Naomi!" Dad yells after me. "Where are you going?"

"To find my mate," I shout back.

"You are pregnant," Dad argues and starts after me. "You can't go running into a battle!"

"I know, Dad. But I have to find him," I say and take off. I sniff the air and detect spaghetti. I can only hope that it's Magnus that I am following.

'It's Magnus,' Ruby confirms.

I enter a large ballroom with piles of dead vampires all over, and I see him across the room, finishing off two more. "Magnus," I shout, and he turns to me.

"Naomi!" He says happily and runs toward me. I start towards Magnus with a smile, and Suzie suddenly appears in front of me.

"What the hell?" I ask as she grins at me. She is sporting newly formed vampire fangs.

Without words, she pulls out a silver knife and stabs my stomach.

"NO!" Magnus screams as I drop to my knees.


I had followed Naomi's scent all over this stupid mansion while killing vampires and rogues. I was starting to suspect they were tricking me, so I used caution to search for my mate.

I was covered in blood and wounds. I had not fully recovered from my old injuries, so I got tired and sore. I ignored the pain in my body as I fought my way through the halls. I found myself in a ballroom of sorts, and a whole mess of vampires were waiting for me. Like a madman, I fought and killed every single one. I was down to the last two when her scent hit me again. Only this time, I knew it was real. I finished off the vampires just as her voice rang out.

"Magnus!" She shouted.

I feel elation as I set my eyes on her. "Naomi!" I shout back and start running towards her. To my horror, I watch as Suzie appears next to a vampire. In a flash, I watch as she stabs Naomi in the stomach with a silver knife. "NO!" I scream as Naomi drops to her knees. Blood starts to pool around my mate, and I go into a total rage as Kairos surges forward.

Suzie turns to me with a smile showing off her new vampire fangs. "I did it for us, Maggie," She coos.

Kairos lets out a ground-shaking howl and forces a shift. Suzie's eyes go wide as we run to her. She tries to run as her vampire companion tries to fight us off. I quickly dispatch the male and set my sights on Suzie.

She puts her hands up as I approach her. "Please, Maggie," She pleads. "I did it for us. I did it so we can be together."

Kairos lets out another growl and pounces on Suzie ripping her head off. He spits out her head and turns to where Naomi had fallen. Her father and brother are kneeling beside her. Kairos runs over to them, growls loudly at them, and stands over Naomi. Brutus walks up. "We have to get her to help, Kairos," He says to me.

'Give me back control, Kairos.' I plead with my angry, distraught wolf.

'But?' He whimpers.

'We can't help her like this, Kairos,' I tell my wolf. He yields control to me, and I shift back into human form and kneel beside my mate. There is so much blood as I pick her up and hold her against my naked body.

"The battle is over, Boss," Brutus tells me.

I nod and rise to my feet. "We have to get her to help," I say. Bryant takes off his shirt.

"Let me wrap this around her to slow the blood loss," Bryant says to me, and I allow him to wrap up his sister.

I then start running out of the ballroom and towards the exit. I dodge dead vampires and rogues. Dulce is waiting for me at the entrance. "We found a jeep with keys," She tells me.

"Good, I am going on ahead with Naomi. You and Brutus-"NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"We got it," Dulce pats my shoulder and looks at Naomi with a sympathetic look. "May the Goddess be with your mate," Dulce says, and I run outside.

There is a running Jeep sitting in front. "Let me drive," Allen says from behind me. I nod and let him and Bryant climb in front while I hold Naomi in the back.

'Pops, I am headed back to Ghost River with Naomi. She is bleeding badly, I tell my father.

'Okay, son. Max and I will stay and help your guys clean up,' Pops responds.

Naomi lets out a little moan and opens her eyes. "Magnus," She whispers and reaches up with a bloody cheek.

"Hold on, Baby," I whisper to her as tears well up in my eyes. "Drive as fast as you can, Allen," I order.

Allen glances back at his daughter, then steps on the gas, and we speed away from the mansion. The compound is a good forty miles to Ghost River. I can only pray that we make.

'I am doing my best to lend strength to heal her,' Kairos says sadly.

'Do everything you have to Kairos,' I tell my wolf.

It takes nearly an hour to reach Ghost River, and Naomi has passed out again. The bleeding has slowed to stop, but she still needs help. We stop in front of the pack hospital. Allen and Bryant help me out of the Jeep, and I run inside, where the medical staff is on standby. I put Naomi on the stretcher and tried to follow them, but the doctor stopped me.

"Sorry, Major," The doctor tells me, and I growl at him. "We need room to work."

I sigh as he and the other doctors rush the stretcher down the hall. I lean against the wall and slide to the floor, burying my face in my hands. I sob while praying with everything I have to the Goddess that my mate and unborn child will be alright.

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