Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 55 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 55 Marry Or DieThis content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mallory’s POV

Waking up to find Colton still in my bed did funny things to my insides. The fear I’d subconsciously buried that he would regret what we’d done, run back to Darcy and beg her forgiveness, was instantly alleviated when I found he hadn’t left. I liked waking up in his arms, perhaps a little too much.

But despite finding his fabulous body laid out next to me, his deliciously ripped torso on display with the bedsheet draped just below his v-line, I couldn’t ignore the fact that what I felt for him went well beyond lust. And with that truth came an even harder one to face. I had to tell Nathan.

Couple that realization with the fact that a very pissed off Clay had just all but stomped out of my room, the day was not shaping up to be the lazy, peaceful one I’d hoped for. But when Colton woke up, his eyes searching for mine and sparkling with so much adoration, I decided to shove all of that to the back of my mind, at least for a little while.

“Good morning, little Omega. How’d you sleep?” He asked, rolling on top of me and burying his face in my neck.

“Um, not too bad I guess. How about you?” I answered cheekily, squirming and squealing when he tickled my sides.

“Best night of my fucking life.” His eyes held a seriousness as they bored into me and I had a feeling he was referring to more than just a good night’s sleep.

“Me too.” I whispered, brushing my fingers through his hair, enjoying the way it slipped through my fingers like silk.

Colton rolled to his side, pulling me with him. We laid there quietly, just looking into each other’s eyes for the longest time, speaking without words. I wanted to trust the joy, relief, maybe even love I saw in his gorgeous blues but it was going to take time.

“Why do I smell Clay?” He finally broke the silence.

“Oh. He was here earlier but didn’t want to wake you. He said to tell you he wants to talk to you. I don’t think he’s very happy with us for some reason.” I admitted.

“Don’t worry about that, little one. I’m sure it’s me he’s upset with. I’ll talk to him.” He reassured me. “I have to go back to the packhouse soon anyway. We still need to question the men we’re holding from your…”

His words died out but the memory came slamming back to the front of my mind. My near abduction. I couldn’t help the tremble that rippled through me at the recollection. Colton held me tighter while I worked to relax.

“I want to go with you.” I insisted.

“Mallory I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He argued.

“Colton, you can take me with you will drive myself. I need to be there, need to know the second you find out anything.” I countered stubbornly. or I

“Fine.” He blew out a long breath, giving in but not happily.

We dressed quickly and Colton waited while I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair. Then, hand in hand, we walked through the house and out the front door, my mom grinning like a cheetah as we walked by. As soon as we were in the car, he turned a heated gaze on me.

“I’ll send someone back for your things if there’s anything you need. You’ll be staying in my bed tonight.”

His tone made it clear he wasn’t giving me a choice and something about it made my insides melt and my pussy leak. My cheeks burned and my body flushed at the insinuation of what would be happening later. My voice had abandoned ship so all I could do was nod.

Luna Erika greeted me with a hug when we walked into the packhouse together. When Colton kissed my cheek before heading upstairs, a self-satisfied smirk flashed across her face before schooling her features.

“Have you had breakfast, dear? I was just going to whip something up.” She said, taking my hand and pulling me along without waiting for an answer.

I put together some tea and pastries while she made us omelets. Then we ate together, chatting about nothing in particular. I could tell she was waiting for me to tell her what was going on between her sons and I but I had no idea what to say so I just kept shoveling food into my mouth.

When I couldn’t possibly eat another bite, I insisted on helping her clean up before excusing myself to find my mates.

“That’s okay. Keep your secrets. I’ll find out sooner or later,” She chided as I walked away.

I just shook my head at her antics. Luna was like a second mom to me and I knew she couldn’t be happier I was mated to her boys. I just hoped we didn’t disappoint her in the end.

As I neared the office, I could hear muffled voices but they went suspiciously silent as soon as I entered the room.

“What were you guys talking about?” I asked point blank, watching them squirm nervously.

“Nothing, darling.” Cary offered first, ” Just discussing strategy for questioning the prisoners.”

I wasn’t quite sure I bought that answer but it served my purpose so I went with it.

“I’m coming with you!” I demanded forcefully. “And before any of you give me some bullshit about why it’s too dangerous, don’t bother. Despite Colton’s reluctance to acknowledge it, I’m an Alpha too and I can handle it.”

I winked at the man in question so he would know I didn’t mind the nickname. But it was one thing to affectionately call me Omega as long as they didn’t treat me like one. I was not being left out of this.

“But it is dangerous, little wolf.” Clay challenged.

“Aren’t they behind bars? Are you saying your security measures are inadequate?” I taunted, hitting them where it hurt, right in the ego.

“Damn it woman. Let’s go” Colton huffed, standing and holding out his hand.

I sent Clay and Cary a devious smirk over my shoulder as I let Colton lead me out the door. Cary fixed me with a glare that said I would be in trouble for this later. Somehow I couldn’t find it in me to care too much about that possibility.

When we entered the cells, the stench of rogue immediately wafted over me, making me gag. The further we went, the more potent the odor became. I was hoping I could get through the interrogation without vomiting.

But despite the pungent smell, I was surprised to find myself face to face with two men who were, for the most part, clean and well dressed. Clay must have registered my questioning look when I glanced his way because he took it on himself to explain.

“You would have clocked rogues from a mile away. I’m sure they’d taken scent blockers which have now worn off. And of course their employer would have ensured they didn’t look out of place so they could enter the diner without raising suspicion.”

“Makes sense.” I breathed out.

“Well, if it isn’t our mark, come to offer herself up to us.” One of them sneered.

He was leering at me with obvious lust and it made my skin crawl but I maintained a blank stare as I looked back at him.

“Who are you and what do you want with me?” I asked calmly.

“Oh sweetheart, surely you already know the answer to that.” The shorter, heavier one answered.

“Humor me.” I retorted.

“Oh we plan to. And you’ll love every minute of it.” He chuckled lasciviously.

Three furious growls ripped through the air, my mates crowding into me and practically crushing me between them. The only upside was their scent was so close, so powerful it almost drowned out the smell of rogue filling my nostrils.

“You’ll live as long as you’re useful, rogue. But if you even try to touch her, I’ll chop you in tiny pieces and leave you for the scavengers to pick over.” Cary snarled.

I twined my arms around him, rubbing his chest and willing him to calm down. If this devolved into a pissing match, I wouldn’t get my answers.

“As appealing as that thought is, it doesn’t answer my question.” I pushed.

“Well, allow me to honor your request.” The tall, skinny one responded. “Alpha Quade sent us to collect you and deliver you to him. He may have mentioned his plans for you once or twice.”

“What plans?” I tried not to let my voice shake now that all our suspicions were confirmed.

“He said you’ll have two choices: Marry him and become his Luna or die. Personally, I hope you choose option two. You see, he promised we could play with you a bit before we ended you. We were hoping we might convince him to extend our time together, especially now that I see what he’s offering.” He leered at me.

Colton’s hand was through the metal bars and around the foul-mouthed rogue’s throat before I could blink. I watched as his face turned red then blue then a garish shade of purple while Colton choked the life out of him. His body hit the ground with a sickening thunk when my furious mate finally released him.

“Won’t change what’s coming.” The other one sing-songed. “How do you think we got to her in the first place? It’s only a matter of time before it happens again. And next time he won’t fail.”

“We’ll take him down long before that happens.” Clay countered. “But you won’t be around to see it.”

Then he reached through the bars with both hands and deftly snapped the rogue’s neck.

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