Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 41 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 41 Slipping Away

Colton’s POV

A chorus of “No!” erupted in the room, my voice among them. Fuck! This woman was trying to end me. I could stay true to my word, move on without her, as long as I knew she was okay, safe. If she insisted on risking her life, there was no way I could just sit back and let that happen.

Mallory faced us all down, that defiant glare I knew so well fixed firmly on her face. Damn, I wanted to kiss that look off her face. She was the most stubborn woman I knew, and next to my mother, that was saying something. She wouldn’t give this up easily.

“I’m waiting to hear a better idea.” She challenged obstinately.

“That’s what I thought!” Mal smirked victoriously, when no one offered an alternative. “You all know this is the best chance we have.”

“Mal, this is dangerous.” Nathan cautioned. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking he would make her see sense. You can’t just go strolling through the front gate. You’ll need a backstory, a reason for being there that won’t cause suspicion. That will take time to develop.

“We can’t mask your scent altogether. Not being able to scent you would raise a red flag. But we should alter it somehow. Otherwise they’ll know you’re Black Moon and if you need to run, it wouldn’t be safe for you to come back here. Better if you smell of a pack they wouldn’t recognize.

“And earning a Warrior designation at academy is tough but it’s nothing like facing a real enemy. You’ll need to train. Hard! Remember your goal. You won’t help those people if you’re dead.”

Wait! Is he encouraging her? From the black eyes and angry snarls in the room, it seemed Clay and Cary had caught that too. I could feel my wolf pressing against my skin, thirsting for Nathan’s blood.

“You fucking bastard!” I roared, lunging for him and pinning him to the wall with my claws piercing the flesh of his throat.

“Colton, stop!” Mallory shrieked but I ignored her.

“You think if you’re the only one to support her she’ll choose you! You would use her compassion for your own gain, even if it risks her life!” I shouted, venom flooding my mouth as my canines lengthened, preparing to rip his throat out.

“No!” Nathan choked out, his own claws digging into my arm in an attempt to free himself.

“Son, put him down!” Dad commanded me in his Alpha tone, the only one I yielded to.

So I dropped him to the ground.

He sat there for a minute rubbing his throat while I stood over him, Kai still snarling. Mallory ran to his side, her hands fluttering around, checking for nonexistent injuries. Unfortunately, the fucker was fine.

“I would never take advantage of Mallory!” He pinned me in a death glare, his eyes swirling black. “But I also know her well enough to realize I can’t stop her. She won’t be caged and I think you know that too. Even if we tried, she’d find a way to do this on her own.

“So no! This has nothing to do with winning brownie points. I’m going to do my damndest to ensure she survives this insane quest she’s on. That’s all that matters. Who she chooses to be with after that is up to her.”

“Thank you.” Mallory whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.

“He’s right.” Cary begrudgingly admitted.

“Damn right he is!” Mallory cut in.

“There’s my sassy little wolf.” Clay laughed, pulling her into his arms, conceding defeat.

Nathan pushed up off the floor and leaned back against the wall I’d pinned him to. He shoved his hands in his pockets and crossed one ankle over the other, trying for a casual calm. But I could smell the fear rolling off him, the same fear my brother’s and I carried.

“When we consider what Mallory will need to pull this off, she could benefit from each of our strengths. Trust me, I don’t like the idea any more than any of you, but all of us working together would give her the best chance of success.” Nathan suggested.

“She’s my mate! Of course I’ll help her.” Clay agreed first.

“Our mate, brother! I’m in too.” Cary added.

“Colton, you’re the best fighter.”

Nathan prodded. “Her fighting skills need to be tested beyond what the rest of us are capable of. Will you train her?”

“Help mate!” Kai insisted. “She’s ours to protect!”

“I don’t like this. I don’t agree with it at all! But if you’re determined to do this-”

“I am.” Mallory interrupted.

“Then I’ll do it.” I capitulated.

Mallory just nodded in my direction. I could tell she didn’t know what to say to me and I didn’t blame her. I hadn’t exactly been communicative with her. And now we faced spending time alone together, touching each other, her pinned beneath me.

Fuck! How was I going to get through this without taking her, making her mine? And how the fuck was I going to explain this to Darcy?Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sweetheart, are you sure this is a good idea?” Maeve’s voice trembled with worry for her daughter.

“I have to do this mom. If we’re wrong about him, if everything we’ve heard is a lie, I will walk away knowing the Hazelwood people are safe and happy. But if the rumors and whispers are true, I will find a way to end him if it’s the last thing I do.”

A shiver rippled through me at the thinly veiled bloodlust behind Mallory’s words. If the fire behind her eyes was any indication, that man had better run far and fast to avoid her vengeance. If it were anyone else but my mate, I’d want a front row seat to the destruction.

It was late in the day when we finally managed to convince Mal that we had a feasible plan. We’d worked out a schedule for her to spend time with each of us working on different aspects of our proposed strategy. I had a feeling our mate bond was about to become exponentially more complicated.

We would start with training tomorrow and I secretly couldn’t wait. But I also knew that train of thought was a dangerous one. I would have to make sure my guard was up if I had any hope of coming out unscathed.

Nathan had to head back to his territory and my brothers insisted on seeing Mal and Maeve home. That left me free to tell Darcy the news and fill her in on the plan. Something I was not excited about. 2

I could feel my mother watching me, waiting to say something. But I didn’t want to hear it so I hurried out the door.

“It’s okay to admit you made a mistake, son.” She called after me as I walked out the door.

If only that were true.

“Hey baby! I thought I was going to meet you at the packhouse later. What are you doing here?” Darcy asked when I showed up at her door unexpectedly.

“Hey.” I greeted her, leaning in for a hug which had my wolf rebeling. “I was hoping we could talk somewhere quiet. There have been some developments today I wanted to discuss with you. Your place seemed more private than the packhouse.”

“Oh?” Darcy questioned warily, “What kind of developments?”

“Darc, can we at least sit down?” I slipped past her and headed for the sofa when it looked like she would have this whole conversation in the doorway.

She narrowed her eyes skeptically, a frown creasing her forehead. It occurred to me then how little her concern moved me now. I used to find the way her nose wrinkled adorable and want to smooth it away at the same time. Now, I just wanted to get this conversation over with, one more chore on my to do list.

“Just tell me what’s going on, Colton!” Darcy demanded, standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t think I can take any more bad news.”

“I’m sorry, but I think you’re going to have to.” I said, the statement completely devoid of empathy.

I told her everything, laying out all the details of Mallory’s plan and how Nathan, my brothers, and I would be helping her. I explained that it would mean less time to spend with her for a while and that I would be spending a considerable amount of time alone with Mallory.

I wanted no secrets between us. This wasn’t some elicit affair I was having behind her back and I wouldn’t behave as if it was. She deserved the truth. I could give her that if nothing else.

Darcy wore a blank expression, giving nothing away as I told her everything. I thought she was taking it all remarkably well as she listened patiently. But it turned out she just wanted to be sure she had all the facts before she lashed out at me.

“Is this some kind of sick joke, Colton? You can’t seriously be suggesting that I should be okay with you being alone with your fated mate, whom you have yet to reject, while I do what? Sit here alone wondering if the bond is growing between you? Wondering if you’re going to show up at my door one day to say you’re choosing her after all? You can’t expect me to be okay with that!

“What I expect is for you to trust me!” I flung back. “If you can’t do that then I can’t make this work between us! I came here to be completely up front with you. Not to ask for your permission or even your blessing. If you can’t accept that, then maybe we should end this now.”

“What? Colton, No!” She sounded panicked. “That’s not what I want. It’s just, you finding your mate hasn’t been easy for me. I’m trying to hold it together, to trust you when you say you want me and not her, but I’m scared, Colton.

“I don’t want to lose you. And this just makes it feel like you are slipping even further away from me. I don’t understand why it has to be you. Why can’t someone else train her?”

Darcy slumped to the couch beside me, all the fight seeping out of her like air from a leaky tire. She reached for my hand and I let her take it, but it just felt wrong. I looked at her, trying to find any trace of the girl I loved, or thought I had, but all I found was eyes searching mine for an answer.

“Because of the four of us, I’m the best fighter. If she has to fight her way out, I’m the best chance she has of winning.” I answered with a shrug.

“Why can’t you just reject her? Your brothers would get over it. They’ll have to anyway. The pack can’t have more than one Luna. Just let her go, let the Winter Woods Alpha have her.” Darcy begged. 3

It was the wrong thing to say. My wolf had been lurking just below the surface but Darcy suggesting he give up his mate to another Alpha pushed him over the edge. He shoved forward before I could stop him.

“You selfish bitch!” He roared, spit flying everywhere in his rage, “You would have me give my mate to another Alpha like she is a piece of property? You would happily stand by and watch as my brothers’ hearts were ripped from their chests? How fucking dare you? You are not fit to be Luna!”

“K-, Kai, please! I-, I didn’t-” She stammered, reaching toward me timidly. But he wasn’t having it.

“Don’t touch me!” He bellowed. “Stay away from me and stay away from my mate!”

The wall between us held strong and all I could do was watch helplessly as he stormed out the door.

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