Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 33 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 33 Tell Me

Mallory’s POV

“Mom!” I called out as I walked in the front door.

“Mallory? Oh, Mallory!” She wailed, flinging herself down the stairs and into my arms. “I’m so-”

“Enough apologizing, mom.” I interrupted her, not wanting to hear it again.

The time for apologies was over. Now was the time for answers.

“At least you’re still calling me mom. You don’t have to, you know. I would understand if you didn’t want to.”

“Well, someone pointed out to me that everything you did, whether I like it or not, was done to protect me. And that’s what parents do. I have no memory of my birth mother or my father for that matter. But I remember you. Every ouchie you kissed, every tear you dried, every night you sat up with me after one of my nightmares. If those things don’t make you a mother, I don’t know what does.”

“Oh sweetheart, I love you so much.” She professed between sniffles. laying her head on my shoulder as we sat with our arms around each.

“I know, mom. I never doubted your love for me. And I think that’s what I find the most amazing about this whole thing. A child was shoved into your hands, made your responsibility in the blink of an eye. You never asked for this, for me. You could have delivered me safely to Black Moon and walked away, been free to live your own life, find a mate, have your own family. But you chose me.” I choked back sobs as I poured out my heart to her.

“I’d choose you all over again, my sweet girl. Every damn time. I sacrificed nothing to raise you. But what I gained, a beautiful, intelligent, amazing daughter, you gave me everything.”

We both dissolved into a puddle of tears. An unspoken understanding passing between us. Whatever the circumstances that led her to parenthood, she chose it for both of us. I couldn’t remember anything about my life at the time, had been too young to make those decisions anyway.

But now? Now, it was my turn to choose. I could walk away. I could shun her, choose not to forgive the lies, the secrecy. But I never would. Not when I knew in the depth of my soul that no birth mother had ever loved a child more than she loved me.

“I still have questions, mom. Lot’s of questions.” I frowned with unease at the thought of all the threads of my life flapping in the breeze, seemingly untethered. But my brain couldn’t process anymore tonight. “Tomorrow, we’ll talk more. Tonight, we both need to sleep off the stress of this day.”

We said our goodnights and I plodded up the stairs, my body heavy with fatigue and uncertainty. But the minute I flung open my bedroom door, my body came alive like someone had just flipped the “on” switch. Because Clay and Cary sat on the end of my bed, their scrumptious scents filling my room, an unbridled heat surfacing in their eyes the moment they took me in.

“We told you we’d be here when you were done.” Clay stated matter-of- factly, like I should have expected to find them waiting in my room, having come through my window. Again.

“Come here, darling.” Cary beckoned, a hint of dominance in his voice.

He slid back on the bed, resting against the headboard with his legs spread for me to nestle between. I stood stock still, staring him down, debating my next move. My alpha wolf bristled at the command, but another part of me felt the need to give someone else control, to let someone else make the decisions for just a little while.

“We can feel your anxiety, little wolf. It’s buzzing just beneath the surface of your skin. No matter how tired you think you are, sleep won’t come easily tonight. But the mate bond can soothe you, help you relax, Let us take care of you.”

Clay’s pronouncement shook me a little. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the knowledge that they could read me so easily. I hadn’t even been aware of how anxious I was. But as soon as he said the words, I could feel it, that sensation like bees were buzzing through my veins, vibrating just under the surface.

I had two choices. Kick the pair of them out so I could lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, waiting for the bees to burst through my skin. Or walk into Cary’s arms, let the mate bond work its magic, just for tonight. I chose magic.

“That’s my girl. Come sit with me.” Cary cooed, praising my choice yet making it clear he was still in control here.

I crawled between his legs and Cary helped me settle with my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tight against him. My breath caught in my throat when I felt his impressively large bulge pressing into me through the thin material of his sweatpants.

“In my arms, right where you belong.” Cary murmured, brushing my hair over my shoulder and leaving teasing kisses down the back of my neck.

Clay edged closer, taking one of my feet in his large hands and massaging it deftly.

“Mmm!” I moaned appreciatively, unable to contain the sound.

“Keep that up little wolf and these hands will be massaging more than just your feet.” Clay warned.

“What if I want you to touch more than just my feet?” Where the fuck had that come from? I wondered. But the damage was done.

“I think you’ll find us more than willing to accommodate you.” Cary’s voice was a low, seductive growl. ” Where do you want to be touched, darling?”

“Everywhere.” I answered in a hushed, sultry tone.

Oh shit! I was definitely having an out of body experience. That couldn’t have been my voice talking. What was I doing? My brain was too muddled at the moment to puzzle that out.

“Take off her shirt.” Clay barked to his brother. “I want to see what’s mine.”

“With pleasure, brother.” Cary’s hot breath blew over my sensitive skin, gooseflesh rising in its wake.

Cary slipped his hands underneath my t -shirt, caressing the smooth skin of my belly. His hands moved painstakingly slowly as he worked his way up over my ribs before stopping to trace little lines back and forth just under the swell of my breasts.

“So soft.” He murmured, a worshipful quality in his tone.

I expected him to keep working his way up, to engulf my tits in his massive hands, to squeeze the flesh and tease my nipples but he didn’t. Instead, he just kept maddeningly stroking the skin beneath them, letting his thumbs brush the underside, his touch lighter than a whisper. Meanwhile, his lips left a path of heated kisses along my neck and shoulder.

He was driving me insane! My entire body was on fire, heated to the core by the sparks from his touch. Clay just sat back on his heels, his eyes smoldering as he watched me squirm in his brother’s arms. I needed more. So much more. And I think they both knew it.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Arms up, little wolf.” Clay ordered and I immediately obeyed.

His breath came out in a woosh as Cary peeled the shirt over my head. The heat in his eyes morphed into a look of awe before the heat returned again in the form of molten desire. My arms dropped with the instinctual need to cover myself but Cary caught my wrists and spread my arms wide.

“Don’t!” He commanded. “Your body, every delectable inch of it is a work of art. And it belongs to us, a gift from the goddess for our pleasure and yours. Don’t ever hide it from us, darling.”

Something between a whimper and a moan left me at hearing those reverential words and the promise they held. Clay’s chest rumbled and his hand twitched, as if he wanted to touch me but restrained himself. I cocked my head in curiosity, a little hurt by his reluctance. Was he disappointed by what he saw? But his next words answered my unspoken question.

“Your tits are incredible, love. I always imagined they would be but the reality is so much better!” He licked his lips as he stared hungrily. “But I won’t touch them today. Those are for Cary to lavish with attention while I claim another part of your body.”

I gasped when Clay tugged on my pant leg, the waistband inching down ever so slightly. But he didn’t stop, just kept tugging as Cary lifted my hips until the pants slipped free. They were blindly tossed aside, his eyes never leaving me and I felt the heat of his stare burning my skin. Cary’s hands had come to rest cupping my breasts while he peered over my shoulder at my now completely naked form.

“Fucking perfect.” Clay whispered, gliding his hands up my legs, working them closer and closer to where I desperately needed them to be.

“Fuck! You need to share, brother!” Cary groaned.

“Not today. We agreed!” Clay insisted.

Cary snarled at him but relented. Then finally! Finally, his hands grasped my tits and squeezed them hard. I threw my head back on a moan, letting it fall on his shoulder as I lost myself to the sensation. They had taken so long getting to this point, with teasing touches and gentle strokes, that one good pinch of my nipple was all it would take for me to combust into flame.

“Mine!” Clay purred as he stroked one finger along the small strip of hair down the center of my mound.

My hips rose to meet his touch, but one of his hands shot out to pin me to the bed, holding me steady.

“Please! I need…” What the fuck did I need? I had no idea, but somehow my body seemed to know.

“Beg all you like, little wolf. But I will tell you right now, that’s not how this works with me.” Clay schooled. “When you’re in my bed, I’m in charge. You give and get as I say. I control your pleasure. Now brother, spread her wide for me. I want to see everything the Goddess blessed us with.”

Cary made a garbled noise in complaint at being asked to release my tits but he complied, lifting my legs over each of his and spreading them apart. I was completely exposed, nothing left to the imagination as Clay’s hungry gaze devoured me. My instinct was to close my legs, remind him we were actually in my bed, not his, and deny him access. But this was what I had wanted wasn’t it? To give up control? To let them make all the decisions for me?

“Fuck, you have a gorgeous pussy, baby!” I could feel my whole body flush at his lascivious praise. “Has anyone ever touched you here? Touched what’s mine?”

Clay ran his fingers through my sodden folds, rubbing circles around the entrance to my core with his thumb but never slipping it inside. My muscles tensed at his question, locking in place despite his best efforts to make me melt, to muddle my mind. But then two fingers circled my clit and I softened into his touch.

“I asked you a question, little wolf. Answer me or we’re done here.” He pressed.

“No!” I protested. “I mean, y-. yes, I’ve been touched there before.”

Two angry snarls filled the room, making me shrink back but that only brought me deeper into Cary’s embrace, his tight hold almost painful.

“Tell me!” Clay demanded, and we both knew I understood exactly what he meant.

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