Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 68 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 68 Unplanned

Mallory’s POV

“Oh, and never seat Alpha Craig near Alpha Layton at dinner parties. Craig used to date Layton’s Luna and now they hate each other.” Luna Erika instructed.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

We were in the ballroom reviewing the intricacies of hosting successful inter- pack gatherings, one of my duties as future Luna. But I couldn’t focus on the lesson. I was too busy trying to keep my breakfast in my stomach where it belonged.

For the past couple of weeks, I’d been exhausted, even sneaking away in the middle of the day to take a much needed cat nap. Then, for the past three days in a row, my stomach felt like it was doing cartwheels most of the time.

I could barely look at food, and days like today when my mates practically force fed me, it refused to stay down.

But I absolutely could not be coming down with something! We’d worked so hard to perfect our strategy for deposing Alpha Quade and we were about to act on it. My mates would never let me go if they thought I was ill and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize our team if I wasn’t at my best. Whatever this was, it needed to find someone else to pester.

has his own mate now so I’m not sure why they still insist on behaving that way but-, Mallory are you okay?” Luna’s voice drifted in and out while I pondered my predicament.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” I stammered, not sounding convincing at all.

“Because your eyes look glassy and your skin is the color of the avocado I had for breakfast. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She asked again.

“I’m fine. I prom-, ugh!” I spun around, scanning the room for the nearest trash can.

I spotted one near the door and sprinted for it. Once I’d emptied the entirety of this morning’s meal and maybe some of last night’s dinner, I straightened up to find Luna Erika standing next to me with a towel at the ready. She waited while I cleaned my face, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Not so fine after all.” She commented, narrowing her eyes at me. “How long have you been feeling this way?”

“Not long. A few days at the most.” I hedged. “It’s probably just a bug, nothing to worry about.”

“You’re a wolf, Mallory. We don’t get bugs.” She pointed out unhelpfully.” Are you having any other symptoms besides nausea?”

“Um. I’ve been really tired lately.” I admitted. She had a scary look on her face that said I better not lie to my Luna. “And the smell of food makes me gag. Otherwise, I’m fine.”

“Right. Come with me.” She pushed through the ballroom door, a woman on a mission.

I trailed along behind her, surprised when she led me to her apartment. I followed her through the house but paused when she entered her and Alpha Carl’s bedroom.

“Come in Mallory. Carlton isn’t home. You can use our bathroom.” She prodded when she noticed my hesitation.

“Oh, I don’t need to use the bathroom. I think I’m done vomiting for now.” I assured her.

“You’re definitely going to need the bathroom.” She argued, pulling me by the hand into her room and all the way to her en suite.

She marched right into the bathroom and started rummaging through drawers, digging around for something. I just stood by, probably looking as confused as I felt, until she apparently found what she was searching for.

“I bought this when you moved in with the boys a couple months ago, hoping you would need it.” She handed me a slender box.

My eyes flew wide as I took in the blue packaging and the bold print that read ” pregnancy test.” I felt myself turn pale as the color drained from my face. No, no, no. That couldn’t be what this was!

“I can’t… I mean, surely, I’m not.. ” I stuttered.

“Take the test Mallory. Trust me.” She urged. “If it’s negative, then no harm done. But it’s positive, you should be under a doctor’s care.”

“Um, okay. Sure.” I took the package and waited for her to close the bathroom door.

My hands shook nervously as I opened the box and removed its contents. I must have dropped the little instruction pamphlet at least three times before I actually managed to read it. I took a few steadying breaths, giving myself a pep talk as I did,

“You’re being ridiculous, Mallory. There is nothing to worry about. You haven’t even had your first heat yet.” I reminded myself.

“Raven, can you tell if we’re pregnant?” I asked my wolf, desperate for reassurance, but she remained resolutely silent.

It was extremely rare, though not impossible, for a she-wolf to conceive before her first heat. That thought helped calm me a little. I sat on the toilet and did my business, peeing on the little stick. I sat it on the counter then washed my hands, but I couldn’t stick around for the results.

“Mom! What are you doing here?” I was surprised to see her sitting on the bed chatting with Luna when I came out.

“We’re about to find out if you’re carrying our first grandchild. I couldn’t let her miss out on that.” Erika announced.

“Eek! It’s so exciting!” Mom squealed, rushing over to pull me into a hug and shaking me from side to side.

“You’re not going to be nearly as excited when I puke all over you if you keep shaking me, mother!” I warned.

“Oh, right, Sorry! I just got carried away.” She stepped back, an abashed expression on her face.

“It’s okay.” I offered her a weak smile.

I wished I could muster the same level of enthusiasm they had for the potential bun in my oven. I should be overjoyed at the idea of being pregnant. But like everything else in my life, it was complicated.

I couldn’t challenge Alpha Quade if I was carrying the future Black Moon heir. My mates wouldn’t let me even if I was willing to risk our child, which I wasn’t. Then there was Colton. If I was pregnant, there was still a slight possibility the baby could be his.

Shaking those thoughts away, I tuned back to mom and Luna Erika who were both too preoccupied with their discussion of all things baby related to notice my distraction. A wave of hysteria washed over me as I listened to them. I fought back a sudden urge to retch all over again.

My phone playing a tune broke through their conversation and we all froze. It played a few more times before I managed to turn off the alarm;

“Oooh! It’s time!” My mom sing- songed, doing a little happy dance.

“Can one of you go look for me? I don’t think I can do it. I’m too nervous.” I told them, a little embarrased by my cowardice.

“Of course, sweetheart. I remember feeling the same way when I suspected I was pregnant with the triplets.” Luna said, pulling me into a hug. “Maeve, why don’t you do the honors and I’ll wait here with Mallory.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to be the first to know, sweetie?” Mom checked again.

“I’m sure, mom. Go ahead.”

She nodded once then disappeared through the bathroom door. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until my head started to swim from lack of oxygen. I blew out all the air in my lungs but sucked in back in sharply when mom reappeared with the little stick in her hand.

“My baby is going to have a baby!” She revealed, jumping up and down.

Luna Erika squeezed me tight, practically buzzing with excitement. My mom had already moved on to making a shopping list for the nursery. I was still staring at the test she handed me, willing the little plus sign to become a minus sign but it stayed resolutely positive.

“Pup!” Raven cooed happily in my head. Now she had something to say.

“I can’t wait to tell Carlton!” I heard Luna tell mom.

“You can’t!” I blurted out.

“Why not, sweetheart. He’ll be so excited to be a grandfather.” She said.

“Please, could we keep this between the three of us until I have a chance to tell the guys? Clay won’t be home from his trip for a few more days and I’d like to tell them first.” It was partly true.

“And what about telling Colton?” She questioned.

And that was the crux of the problem. If there was any chance he could be the father, I couldn’t keep it from him. But I needed time.

I needed to see a doctor, find out how many weeks pregnant I was. Maybe there was no chance he fathered my pup if I wasn’t that far along. With Clay and Cary still wanting nothing to do with him and Colton wanting nothing to do with me, it was the best case scenario.

If I did need to tell him, I had no idea what I would say.

“Hi Colton. Remember me, the mate you had a one night stand with? Well now I’m pregnant and it might be yours. Okay, see you around.”

Somehow I didn’t think it would be that simple.

“I promise I’ll tell him. I just need a little time. Please. That’s all I’m asking for, just a little time.” I finally answered Luna.

“Of course, dear.” Both women were looking at me with pity in their eyes and I hated it.

Not just for me but for my unborn child. I grew up without a father, not knowing both my parents were dead, of course. But it wasn’t a life I wanted for my pup. I didn’t want Colton to resent him or her for ruining the perfect family I was sure he wanted with Darcy. And I didn’t want Clay and Cary to transfer their resentment towards their brother to the baby if it turned out it could belong to Colton.

Fuck. I had to figure out how to tell Cary and Clay. This was going to alter all our plans. That was probably where the term “unplanned pregnancy” came from. So much for my earlier reassurances. I guess I had plenty to worry about after all.

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