Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

In the surveillance room;

"You guys are back already? Tell me what happened." Ryder asked. He had some sort of blueprints

open all over his desk.

Marina and Maya gave a gist of their morning. Ryder immediately informed the pack warriors about the

secret passage, "Please station a few guards near the Quinn couple's cottage. Also there's an

abandoned pipeline near the old medical facility. Why don't you guys check that out and see if it is

worthwhile to monitor?"

"Abandoned pipeline?" Jeff asked after the warriors in the surveillance room left.

"Yes, after talking with the pack historian, Mr. Sanders, I was quite bored and just thinking about the

secret passage. I had an idea to check the pipeline structure of the pack. It turns out, they built a new

medical facility some years ago that is near to the training grounds. So the old medical facility was

abandoned due to lack of use. There used to be a drainage pipeline connecting the old facility to the

outside of pack lands. I have a hunch that rogues might use that to enter the pack territory undetected."

Ryder explained.

Before he could talk further, a commotion was heard outside and Maya went to check with her team.

Xander and Beta Mark were detaining a rogue, who was continuously trashing around to free himself

from their grasp. Ken soon arrived to check the scene.

"Alpha, we have caught this rogue near the abandoned medical facility. We were directed there by Mr.

Ryder Wright.", Xander informed Ken.

"Put him in the interrogation room." Ken ordered. "Thank you Ryder. We will inform you what the rogue

tells us." he said turning towards Maya's team.

Maya nodded and headed back to the surveillance room. "Good job, Ryder. Great thinking." she

praised him and asked, "What happened when you talked with Mr. Sanders? Was he able to shed any

light on Mr. Quinn?"

"Just the fact that old man Quinn was lazy and took long breaks. I couldn't get much out of him other

than complaints." Ryder replied, "So, that's basically a dead end."

"I don't understand. Werewolves are basically a social animal. They thrive in packs. How come a

couple detaches itself from the pack to this extent? Did this start three years ago or before that? And if

it started three years ago the what happened that triggered this change?" Jeff asked trying to make

sense of the things they know so far.

"I think... I mean I am not sure... But if you look at the time line of events, I think it started three years

ago." Marina said

"Why makes you think like that?" Andy questioned.

"Let's see. The Forrester pack had some previous issues with rogues but they started facing hostile

rogues three years ago. The women and kids started leaving the pack three years ago. The Quinn

family started withdrawing from the social circle three years ago." Marina explained.

"There is one more thing that happened three years ago, Maya." she continued.

"What?" Maya asked curiously.

"You left the pack for good." Jeff interjected. Marina nodded at him.

"How would that connect in with the rogues? Even if Alpha Ken was facing natural dissolution, why

would that motivate rogues to attack the Forrester pack?" Maya questioned.

"We are definitely missing something... like a vital link that will help us make sense of this. But what is

it? What are we missing?" Ryder replied.

"Maybe the rogue will tell the pack something. Should we go down and watch the interrogation?" Andy


"Let's give Alpha Forrester some time to crack the rogue. In the meantime, let's report back to Dylan on

what we have found so far." Maya said.


Outside the interrogation room of the Forrester pack, Alpha Ken Forrester was pacing up and down the

hallway. They had used multiple approaches to break the rogue however it had all proven useless.

"He needs to break. We must close this rogue business soon."

"Why don't we get Maya to handle this? Isn't this her job? We got her here to handle all rogue related


"Alright. Get Maya." Ken nodded to Beta Mark, who immediately placed a call to the surveillance room.

Luckily, it was Maya who answered and when she heard their problem she decided to come down.

Maya soon came along with Jeff from her team. Ken directed her attention to the rogue in the

interrogation room.

Without a single word, she slammed the door open and entered the interrogation room. It was designed

like a police interrogation room with two metal chairs and a metal table. An electric bulb hanging on the

table and a one way mirror to the side. The rogue was sitting handcuffed in the chair. The door swung

close after her.

She didn't speak anything and strode towards the rogue. She just held the rogue by his hair and

banged his head twice on the table with all her might. She then held his collar and threw him against

the wall, where his entire body hit the wall and slid down to the floor. As the rogue kneeled on the floor

trying to catch his breath, Maya took out a small knife that was placed in her right shoe. She pulled up

a chair, sat down and held his head up by his hair.

Placing the knife right on the edge of his eye, she asked him, "Do you know who I am? I am Maya

Wright, Team Leader of Wrath of the Moon. I was held captive by a rogue for eight months. In those

eight months I was hit, cut, whipped, broken and tortured in ways unimaginable to you. I am sure you

can understand the hatred I contain for criminals such as yourself. If you don't start talking and tell us

what we want to know, I can condense those eight months into eight days for your sake. However, if at

the end of it you will survive or not, I don't know. But I assure you that it won't affect us. We will simply

wait for another rogue to trespass and capture him. So, your choice, will you tell us what we need to

know or die in a slow torturous way?"

The rogue started whimpering at her words. Maya slowly dug the knife in his skin, soon a foul stench

filled the room. The rogue was so scared that he had pissed himself. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Alpha Ken, Xander, Beta Mark and Jeff were listening to her words and

looking at her actions. Xander visibly tensed after hearing her but Ken simply frowned and said, "She is

too vicious. We need him alive."

"Actually, she is going easy on him. At other times, the prisoner would have lost an eye or a fingernail

already." Jeff clarified, "When you want to ensure the safety of your family, there cannot remain a limit

to the viciousness. Don't you agree, Alpha Ken?"

Ken Forrester flinched and bowed his heads in shame. Looking at them Jeff continued, "At least she

ensures that the prisoner is definitely someone who would cause harm. She ensures that the party in

front of her is a guilty one and not an innocent one."

His words caused silence to reign in the room. As a result, the rogue's words were heard clearly, "I am

ready to tell you everything I know. Please... don't hurt me anymore. I... I will tell..."

"Good." Maya said and picked him up by the collar and deposited him on the chair where he was sitting


"Now, tell me. Who all are in your little pack of rogues? Why are you targetting the Forrester pack?"

Maya asked him harshly.

"We... We are..." the rogue stuttered.

"Quickly, I don't have all day." Maya said banging the table with her hand. The rogue flinched back


"We are the descendants of the Desmond pack." he said. Maya froze for a moment before looking at

the one way glass. Turning back to the rogue she motioned him to go on.

"We found out... that the Forrester pack is going through a natural dissolution process similar to ours.

We figured that if we attack the current weak Alpha that we can win and start building a pack again." he

said in a small voice.

"How did you know about the natural dissolution process that is affecting the Forrester pack? Did the

Quinn couple told you?" Maya questioned him.

"Yes. They were a part of the Desmond pack but they were the fortunate ones who got a place in

another pack. The less fortunate ones were left to fend for themselves as rogues." he replied.

"Less fortunate? You mean the traitors?" Maya scoffed.

"We... we never assumed that Moon Goddess will... When we disbanded, we still stayed together for

the sake of convenience. Moving from town to town, living a life like the gypsies. Generations changed

and we were getting antsy to settle down but no pack would accept us. Finally we met a witch, she told

us that there's going to be another incident similar to ours. She told us about the twins born in the

Forrester pack where one twin would betray the other for sake of the title. We told the Quinn couple

about the prediction and asked for their help for old times sake. We laid in wait for the betrayal to

happen. Then three years ago, your brother and your pack betrayed you, the true Alpha of the pack."

he explained.

Maya was struck by his words, she couldn't think anything. Like a blank slate, she stared in the one

way mirror. Ken her brother, her twin, was also having a same reaction. He couldn't believe the words

of the rogue. He just kept staring at Maya.

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