Reborn- His Scarlett Moon

Chapter 110-Ryan’s POV- In my arms

That stench in that mist took me back straight to the battlefield.

Not that it needed anything for me to revisit that scene, over and over in my head, a million times, carefully visualizing the chronology of the event. Thinking , wondering and lamenting if there was anything that I could have done better that could have averted that massacre.

It still made my breath heavy when I remembered her last breaths that she heaved on these arms.

“Ryan, is everything alright? ”

Sherry’s touch made me realize that she was gone as I stared at those empty hands.

” The boat will not go any further Alpha. It might hit those rocks and crumble . We need to swim the rest of the distance to the shore. ”

” Sherry, get on my back… ” but before I could finish, she had already stripped and jumped into the ocean.

” Gosh! This water is so cold. You should have warned me before I jumped to swim. ”

She was so unlike my Sherizad, always getting on my nerves, always getting herself in trouble. But I somehow liked that. I loved her reliance on me. I loved her vulnerability. It made me feel in control, unlike my situation with Sherizad, who always acted on her own.

I stripped and dived beside her.

” I am going to turn into my wolf. Hold tightly onto my under belly. It will keep you warm and we will reach the land faster that way. Don’t be scared. Is that alright? ”

She nodded as her teeth clattered and her lips and body shivered in the icy chill.

My boys jumped one after another in their feral state, only Bellow was left behind.

I had instructed him to keep a look out . We might need an emergency escape route.

The moment we touched shore, Sherry’s body detached from me with a jolt.

” Sherry, are you alright? ”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I quickly turned back and ran to her aid. She shoved my grip away and slowly stood up, holding her head.

” This place…. ” She mumbled.

” What about this place? ” I asked, trying to pull her face.

” This place seems so familiar. I think I have been here before. ”

She continued looking around with eyes wide open.

Beck and Josh rushed inside on my cue as I stayed back with her.

Within minutes, they came running back.

” Alpha, you need to come see this? ”

It was Josh who came running out.

” What happened? Where is Beck? ”

Fear immediately gripped my chest as I ran inside, pulling Sherry along with me.

We entered what looked like a cave. A dark, damp, ancient cave filled with the stench of rotting flesh.

The place was empty.

There was water at its center with stones scattered here and there, which could be used as stepping stones. It led to a central higher land, which had a rotten mesh of bones and flesh of some creatures.

Beck was sitting right in the middle of it, on his knees and in front of him was a body.

” Baba….. ”

Sherry shrieked as soon as we went near. Beck was sitting right in front of her father’s dead body. His chest had been torn open. His wound was still fresh. His blood was still spilling all over.

Sherry lashed out over Beck, kicking, punching and hitting him as hard as she could. But nothing seemed to bother him. He sat there as if he had been paralyzed.

I looked at Josh to confirm if it was Beck who had killed Sherry’s father but Josh confirmed that he didn’t.

They had entered the cave to find the man that way. As they went near to examine, Beck suddenly fell on his knees and went into a trance-like state. That was when Josh had come out running.

I went over to Sherry and grabbed her upside down by her waist.

” Let me go… Let me go, your murdering beasts. I will tear you open and drink all your blood… ”

She was screeching like someone possessed. She was screeching like a maniac.

” Sherry, calm down. Calm down please. Beck didn’t kill your father. He was already when Beck and Josh came in. ”

It took several desperate attempts to calm her down and then turn our attention towards Beck.

He was still sitting there but the haze in his eyes seemed to have cleared. He was rubbing his forehead.

” You alright bud? What happened? You were a transfixed man… ”

” I don’t know Josh! ” Beck finally spoke. ” It felt like I was hit by a bullet in my forehead the moment I reached this spot and then everything else faded… and then I heard your voice. ” He suddenly looked at Sherry and me,

” Oh my god, Sherry, are you alright? I am so sorry for your loss… I really am… ”

He was coming right at Sherry possibly for a comforting hug but Sherry backed off.

” Get off me… ” She seemed rather annoyed with him, despite learning about his innocence.

She stumbled over the stepping stones as one of her legs slipped and went inside the water.

I leaped forward to pull her forth and at that moment my arm touched the liquid and I had to immediately back off, along with her.

” Stay away from the water boys. It’s contaminated with water from the netherworld. It is contaminated with water from the River Styx …. That explains. That explains why Beck might have been hypnotized. He must have stepped on the water and forgotten what happened momentarily… ”

I murmured as I carefully carried Sherry back to the boat in my arms.

” No. I can clearly remember getting on this patch, dry and clean… everything is hazy after that gun shot that I felt on my forehead…. but there is no bullet… no hole… ”

Beck was contradicting himself as he touched his forehead and back.

” Never mind. I think there is nothing left here to be found. They ran with their tails between their legs before we could even come. Such losers. But we can now be sure of one thing. Whether the Northern chief is back or not I don’t know but this is definitely a werewolf pack that is tampering with the balance between our world and darkness. This will not result in good results. We must put our guards up. Another battle is inevitable. We might need to call for some back ups…. Now… let’s get back to the boat. “

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