Reborn Heart of Steel

Chapter 15: The Lion’s Den

Lucy (Now Brianne’s) Pov

“Brianne! A girl with bright pink hair and a dress sparkling like a disco ball cried out. “We were not sure if you were going to be able to come!” She wrapped me in a tight embrace, the overpowering fragrance of inexpensive perfume overwhelming me.

I had the urge to push her away, but an unexplained instinct told me it was not the right moment.

“Let’s go,” added another girl who had a nose ring and was wearing ripped jeans. “The men are reserving a place for us near the VIP area.”

“So, you’re a VIP, huh?” I stated, attempting to sound casual. This was uncharted territory for me, but I was unwavering in my dedication to finding my way through it.

The group of girls, with a mix of blonde highlights, designer purses, and flawlessly groomed nails, guided me through the crowded dance floor. Heads swiveled, whispers trailing behind us. This world belonged to Brianne, a world of shallowness and temporary focus, and for tonight, I was adopting the role.

Upon arrival at the VIP section, we encountered a bouncer, a large man with a shaved head and a constant scowl, who was eyeing me suspiciously, while a velvet rope separated the area from the rest of the club.

“Hang on,” he muttered, barring our path. “List of attendees?”

“Chill out, Thor,” Chloe said in a soothing tone, grinning at him with a smile that could thaw glaciers. “This is Brianne Salvatore.” Mr. Salvatore’s fiancee.

The bouncer’s eyes grew larger. Recognition mixed with a touch of fear briefly appeared on his face. “Oh, absolutely, Ms. Salvatore. This way.” He moved out of the way, almost bowing, as we walked into the VIP section.

The atmosphere had changed in this place, now feeling cooler and carrying a noticeable vibe of exclusivity.

Luxurious sofas were placed on an elevated surface, with a view of the dance area beneath them.

A cluster of youthful males, adorned in stylish attire and flaunting pricey timepieces, were assembled around a table filled with bottles of champagne.

As we walked closer, a tall, broad-shouldered individual with impeccably styled dark hair rose to their feet. He looked at me, and there was a brief hint of surprise in his expression.

He drawled as he extended a hand to me. “I’m happy you were able to attend.”

“Thank you.” I hesitantly took his hand.” The sensation caused a shock in me, a peculiar combination of comfort and unease.

“Just call me Alessandro,” with a slight smile appearing on his lips. “Everybody else does.”

I gave a nod, unsure of what to say. This was the man Brianne was meant to wed, the man who possessed great influence in this world. But, the question that lingered in my mind was – was he reliable?

“Who are these beautiful women?” Alessandro made a gesture towards my friends, looking at them with a practiced charm.

Names were exchanged after introductions were made. I was stuck between Chloe and Tiffany, who only seemed interested in discussing the newest designer handbags.

I made an effort to join in, adding the occasional short comment from Brianne’s memories, constantly on the lookout for any hints about what caused Lucy’s death.

“So, Brianne,” Chloe mumbled, her voice heavy with drunkenness. “All of us are aware of the incident that occurred. What a horrible disaster.”

I felt a sudden pause in my breathing. “Yeah,” I murmured, attempting to appear casual. “It happened.”

Another girl added, “We were very worried about you.” The news broadcasts were terrible.

“Thank you,” I whispered softly. I felt nauseous. Is it possible that this is a test? Did they attempt to assess how I would respond?

The discussion veered towards different subjects, with the accident becoming a distant memory. However, the feeling of uncertainty had taken root. Did people who were close to Brianne even know about the rumors that caused Lucy to feel so hopeless? Or was everything brushed under the carpet, another uncomfortable reality concealed by a mask of riches and advantages?

As the night progressed, the music grew louder and the lights pulsated quicker. Alcohol was abundant and inhibitions disappeared. I got entangled in a dance with Alessandro, feeling a shiver run down my spine as his hand grazed my back.

“You seem different this evening, Brianne,” he whispered in my ear, his breath feeling warm on my skin. The music throbbed around us, an unstoppable rhythm that echoed the frantic pace of my heart.

“How are they different?” I succeeded in speaking, my voice barely heard amidst the noise.

“He told me to be more… considerate,” he said while his hand moved in a slow circle on my lower back. A uncomfortable warmth ignited inside me, a peculiar combination of disgust and a mysterious attraction I couldn’t comprehend.

This wasn’t the Lucy who would avoid attention; it was a different Lucy. This person was Brianne, and this evening, I had to perform the role.

“I have a lot of thoughts running through my head,” I mentioned, attempting to appear casual. I had a strong desire to break free from the overwhelming stare, but my body, Brianne’s body, had different plans.

“Is there anything on your mind that you would like to discuss?” He moved nearer, speaking in a persuasive whisper.

I noticed a sudden movement out of the corner of my eye near the VIP entrance. A dark figure appeared to pause briefly before retreating back into the shadows. I felt a sudden surge of discomfort. Did I imagine it, or was there someone observing us?

“I actually need some fresh air,” I said, gently moving Alessandro aside.

He made a frown, showing a touch of irritation on his attractive face. “You only arrived recently.”

“I understand,” I replied, mustering a grin. “The music is somewhat overwhelming. I’ll be back soon.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

I left the VIP section without waiting for his response, feeling the cool night air as a pleasant contrast to the stuffy indoor atmosphere. Walking down a poorly lit hallway, I emerged onto an empty rooftop with a view of the city skyline.

The breeze tousled my hair, bringing a slight hint of rainfall. An eerie deja vu feeling created a sense of unease, sending chills down my back. Is it possible that this is the same rooftop where Lucy…

All of a sudden, I was startled by a voice. “Brianne, are you there?”

I whirled around, feeling my heart racing in my chest. A shape appeared from the darkness, the bright city lights creating elongated, misshapen forms.

“Chase ?” I took a breath, feeling a mixture of disbelief and a hint of relief.

He appeared more mature with a faint stubble on his chin, yet his eyes carried the familiar worry from my nightmares.

“What way did you…” I started, but he interrupted me.

“I noticed you came with Salvatore.” He spoke with tension in his voice. “I needed to have a conversation with you.”

“What is it about?” I inquired while moving closer carefully.

“Lucy,” he spoke with a voice full of emotion. “The incident… it wasn’t accidental.”

I felt a sudden stop in my breathing. That was all. This was the validation I had been anticipating.

“What are you trying to say?” I murmured, with my voice barely rising above a quiver.

Chase claimed she didn’t stumble, his eyes fixed on mine. “She was pushed by someone.”

“Who is that?” I insisted, the word raw with a blend of fear and anger.

“I am unsure,” he stated as he shook his head. However, I will discover the truth.” And I understand that you also want to help.”

I felt a sudden rush of resolve within me. I became Brianne after getting reborn. The reality of her demise became my reality, a weight I had to bear.

“I do.” I said.

We stood together briefly, in silence, making an unspoken agreement on the rooftop illuminated by the moon. Suddenly, I noticed a swift motion out of the corner of my eye. A quick shimmer of silver, a reflection of metal catching the lights of the city.

Chase, who was facing the other way, missed it. However, I did.

A flash of a blade, wielded by the silhouette stepping out from the darkness at his back.

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