Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

#Chapter 37 – Wolf Meets Girl

“Wow, this new office is…really nice…” Susan says, looking around at former dining room in the cottage which I have transformed into my office. It has all the old furniture – desk, velvet couch, my armchair – but Susan is right, the environment is a definite upgrade. The window looks out on my little back yard, where all of the leaves are turning on the trees between my house and Victor’s.

“Wow, is that a pool?” Susan says, peering out the window.

“Um, yes,” I say hurriedly, putting a hand on her shoulder and turning her towards the sofa. “It’s the neighbor’s. Please, have a seat.”

Susan does so, smoothing her hands over her jeans as she does. I can tell from her expression that she’s unhappy, worried.

“I’m so sorry we’ve had to have a hiatus in our sessions because of the move,” I say. “How have you been?”

“Well…Evelyn, it’s not good.” She says, looking down at her knees.

“Oh no, is Adrian okay?”

“Yes,” she says softly, “He’s fine…he’s great, it’s just that…well, I found out recently that he’s been cheating on me.”

“What?” I say, genuinely shocked. Last time I checked in on Susan and Adrian they were fine – figuring out the complications of human and wolf anatomy, but fine! “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” she says, shaking her head. “He started going out with his brothers more often, and you know they never approved of him being with me, because I’m a human and all. They wanted ‘better’ forContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

their brother, they said. A wolf girlfriend, a wolf wife.”

I nod and encourage her to continue. This is not uncommon for families of mixed couples.

“Well I found out recently that they’ve started taking him to strip clubs and…boutiques. Where he could have experiences with wolf women. Low class ones, apparently – Omegas and Rogues –“

I purse my lips a little at this, but instantly forgive her. I don’t think that Susan knows that I am a Rogue.

“And I found out, recently – I saw his cell phone – that he gave in to one of them and started having an affair!” With this, she bursts into tears. I move to the couch to put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, Susan. This must be horrible for you.”

“I just never expected it!” she says between sniffs. “I mean, aren’t we mated? Don’t we have this physical, spiritual connection that means we’re supposed to be together, forever?”

I nod and continue patting her shoulder, letting her cry it out. “Unfortunately,” I say, in what I hope is a calming voice, “wolf mating is not as simple as that. Being mated to someone isn’t magic – it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll only be attracted to you, forever, and that you’ll always be drawn together so that no one can pull you apart. It’s not a love magnet.”

“Well then what the hell does it mean,” Susan says, throwing out her hands in a gesture of frustration. Glad to see that she’s angry now, instead of sad, I move back to my chair.

I shake my head slowly, puzzling through it. “Mating actually doesn’t have anything to do with your relationship. It’s more of a biological function. When you meet your mate, something…shifts, within you. At least, that’s how I’ve heard it described. I’ve never experienced it.”

Susan listens intently. “But largely,” I continue, “it’s your bodies recognizing each other as a perfect match for each other – a perfect genetic match, even, as the mating bond is, frankly, a primordial

biological device that aids in the selection of the perfect match for reproduction.”

“Wait, what?” Susan is confused.

“Sorry,” I say, laughing a little. “I went all textbook on you for a second there. Forgive me. What I mean is, the mating bond isn’t magic telling you you’ve met the love of your life. It’s biology telling you that you’ve met the person with whom you will most successfully have babies. It’s nature, trying to get the next generation moving.”

“Oh,” says Susan, shocked and I think a little dismayed. “Well, then why does everyone talk about it like it’s this great love story?”

“I think because love usually comes along with it,” I say, shrugging one shoulder. “When your body is throwing out all these hormones letting you know that THIS is the person you’re supposed to have s*x with, love usually comes hand-in-hand.”

“I feel….honestly, I feel a little betrayed,” Susan says. “When we figured out we were mates, Adrian talked about it like I was the love of his life, but…if it’s just a biology thing…”

“It doesn’t mean you’re not the love of his life, Susan,” I say softly. “It just means that you’re just people, not a fairy tale prince and princess. Honestly, I think understanding mating as biology, not magic, makes it easier. This way, you choose to be with Adrian because you love him and you want him, not because the universe has sent a magic lightening bolt to make it so. On the same turn, it also means you can leave him, if that’s what’s best for you.”

“But if we’re mated…will I ever be attracted to someone else?”

“Well, clearly Adrian was,” I say blutly, but hopefully as gently as I can. Susan huffs a laugh and nods, understanding my point. “But, while they are rare, there are examples of people who have chosen to

defy their mating bonds and marry someone else. Or, there are even old stories about people having two mates, though….well, I think those are fairy tales.”

“Oh my god,” says Susan, raising her hands to her mouth, horrified. “Do you think that hooker is his second mate?”

“No,” I say, emphatic. “Susan, no. That’s not at all what I mean. What I’m trying to express here is that just because you’re his mate doesn’t mean you’re not still regular people, just trying to figure out how to love each other, with all of those complications. You two have something very rare and special, and it’s probably worth fighting for.”

I continue softly, watching her face closely to gauge her reaction. “But if he treats you poorly, or you feel so betrayed that you can’t ever trust him again, you can leave him, and you will find love elsewhere. You wouldn’t be the only mated person to choose not to be with their mate.”

Susan takes a moment to nod and process. “I kind of wish it was simpler,” she says. “That finding your mate means…that’s it. Book closed. Happily ever after.”

“Don’t we all.” Susan and I take a moment to smile at each other. “Now,” I say, settling back into my chair and picking up my notebook. “Let’s talk about your next steps.”

“Night, babies,” I whisper, and pull the twins’ door shut behind me. Then, I slump back against it. God, it’s been a long day – starting therapy again, and then wrangling the twins into bed when all they want to do is play with the puppy.

They tried to keep him in their room all last night, but it was a disaster, with the dog keeping everyone up all night and no one getting any sleep until I convinced the boys to let him come with me. He’s imprinted on me like a little duckling and refuses to sleep anywhere else.

“Come on, Archie,” I say to the little dog who sits primly by my feet, looking up with so much love in his eyes. “Bed time.”

The puppy follows at my heels into my room and then curls up on his dog bed, on the floor next to my own. I check my phone before sleep and am thrilled when I see a message from Delia waiting for me.

Delia: Where you been, baby!? I MISS you!

I quickly text her back.

Me: I’m sorry babe, my life has been crazy. Do you have a time for a chat?

A moment after I send the text my phone is ringing. I smile as I pick it up.

“Where have you been all my life?” I say, my voice husky and throaty, enjoying the old joke.

“Waiting, darling, breathless. Evelyn! I haven’t heard from you in weeks, what’s been going on? Did you figure things out with your landlord?”

“No,” I say, feeling guilty that I left this friendship on the shelf for so long. “I’m actually…well, I moved into a new house. In…Victor’s back yard.”

“STOP.” She squeals with delight. “Oh my god wait so do you see the Alpha and the Supermodel every day?”

“Yessss,” I say, cuddling down into my blankets. “Victor and I are co-parenting. Amelia has been…well, I wouldn’t say she’s been warm…”

“Ugh, please, please invite me over for a barbeque. I have to see this drama unfold.”

“Delia,” I say, laughing. “Stop taking such joy in the things that keep me up all night with anxiety. It’s been so crazy here, trying to adjust to this new situation.”

“Yeah, but you did the right thing,” she says, and I can feel the warmth in her voice. “For the boys, and for you. Has it been hard letting Victor take some of the control?”

“Yes,” I respond. “I hate every minute of that. But I do admit, it’s great to have more security than I have before. I’m grateful for that.”

“And how does Mark feel about this?” She asks, pointedly.

“Mark’s long gone,” I say, laughing and putting my hand over my eyes. “He couldn’t take the drama, and I don’t blame him. Shame, though, he was good in bed.”

“Aww, so now baby is man-less? Living in a man desert? Is she feeling thirsty?”

I crack up at Delia’s unique phrasing and am so pleased to hear her laughing along with me. Sometimes, all you need is a good laugh with your friend. “Actually,” I say, when we’ve calmed down a minute. “There’s…a new guy in my life.”

“Is it Victor?” she whispers, breathless.

“What!? No. Delia.” I am stern.

“Fine fine. So who?!”

“Well, his name is Edgar,” I say, snuggling into my pillows and getting ready for a good chat. “We have a date tomorrow, and I’m…really excited to see where it goes.”

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