Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


” Like I said earlier, my stay here is the worst nightmare ever, I’m not even allowed to leave this house” Adia complained bitterly while she and Cora discussed over a cup of coffee.

” But I think it’s for your best interest” Cora said trying to sound convincing, she’s already aware that Sebastian and the rest of the vampires were recently not in the city, because of the matters arising in Britaris.

” Easy for you to say, you’re not the one denied freedom, being locked up sucks” Adia grunted again angrily.

“I’m so sorry, but it’s only a matter of time, very soon all of these would be over” said Cora patting Adia’s head softly, feeling sorry for her unfortunate friend.

“I hope so” responded Adia, trying to lift up her mood.

“How’s Addison doing?” She asked as they both diverted their gaze to Addison, who was busy watching cartoons.

“Pretty good, Sebastian helped in enrolling her in one of the best schools, Adia” Cora called with a serious look on her face as Adia turned her gaze to meet hers.


“Don’t you think it’s time to focus on yourself, you have a life Adia, same with Addison, and to crown it all, you’re pregnant and married”

“Married for benefits” Adia corrected with a sneer.

“I Know, but that can change, you can change that and live happily with your baby” Cora added knowing there might still be a chance for adia to win Sebastian’s heart.

“That’s the problem we have here” Adia grunted.

“He doesn’t even spare a glance at me, he treats me like some stranger, as if am just a tool carrying his child, that he can dispose anytime, it’s like i’m invisible” Adia complained about all Sebastian’s been doing, it really infuriated her.

” Not to mention, he locks me up”

” But that can change, you can make him love you” Cora said in a low voice.

” But I don’t feel anything but hate and anger towards him” Adia said in the same low voice Cora used.

“Anything can happen, at least do that for your child, I Know he can be annoying, but what about the future of your baby, I hope you don’t want another woman taking care of him or her, that would hurt a lot”

” So what are you trying to imply here?” Adia asked.

” Just try and make things right between the two of you” Cora tried suggesting to Adia.

” And I guess you do find him attractive, don’t you?” Cora asked, shrugging Adia shoulders, with a sly smile on her face.

” Of course yes, anyone would fall for those looks, Monica” Adia called, as her face flushed, on how she complimented Sebastian.

” Ma’am” Monica answered, coming forward.

” Some chips and guacamole, with cold orange juice, please” ordered Adia as Monica went to get the items.

” Someone’s living like a queen here” sneered Cora playfully.

” Oh please, just common cravings because of the pregnancy” Adia said and almost immediately, her phone rang,

” I’ll get this” Adia said walking away, wondering who it might be, seeing it was an unknown number.

” Hello,” she murmured.

” Hey, Adia”a deep magnetic voice, peered from the phone, and Adia immediately recognized whose voice it was, her handsome savior.

” Hey” she responded, pretending as if she didn’t know who’s on the other line.

” Logan speaking” he said,

“How are you doing?” Adia asked enthusiastically.

“I’m good, you?”

“Good as new” Adia chuckled sheepishly, wanting the conversation to end as soon as possible, the last thing she wants is for Cora to know about this.

“Just called to remind you, that you owe me three dinners, why don’t we begin with the first one, what do you think?” Logan asked with great expectations, hoping she would accept his request, given the fact that she’s pregnant, there’s a man, but he didn’t mind getting that man out of his way, he already has his eyes on her, he’ll just get to know her first.

“Ohkay” Adia accepted, after hesitating for a while.

“I’ll pick you up at 6”

“Ok, then” Adia responded, taking in a deep breath, Cora and Addison will leave before noon, so she still has a chance at seeing him.

She’ll just spend an hour with Logan and be back before anyone notices her absence.

“Adia” Cora called from behind, startling Adia, who quickly turned to face her.


“Who’s that?” Cora asked curiously.

“Just a business friend, I ordered coffee at Le surmatelas a la caffeine. You know it’s my favorite, it’s just common cravings” Adia said chuckling nervously.

” Ok, I can go get it ….”

“No, no, I’ll just order for it, no need to stress yourself, come on, let’s go have some guacamole, Monica makes the best” She added, dragging Cora along, before she quickly disconnected the call, which has been hanging since.

“It’s tasty right?” Adia asked as Cora nodded positively.

Almost two minutes later, she received a text from Logan.

‘ let’s meet at St Anne, beside the annex’

‘ok,’ she quickly texted back, before returning her attention to Cora.


“I learnt you love the coffee here” Logan said as Adia looked at him with a confused look.

“How did you…?”

“I didn’t mean to pry, heard your little conversation, no offense though”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

” Ohkay!!” Adia uttered softly with a smile.

” You see, I’m actually new here, so I thought it would be nice to make friends” Logan informed, Adia couldn’t help but marvel at his gentle and nice voice.

” I can be your friend” Adia spat, regretting why she said that almost immediately, she’s not meant to make friends, Sebastian would kill her, if he ever finds out.

” On our second date, I’ll prefer you take me on a tour, my good friend,” Logan suggested, his lips curving up, at the sight of her beautiful face.

‘She looks so pretty and innocent’ he thought.

“We’ll see about that, so what did you love about here?” Adia asked, trying to bring up a conversation.

“You” came Logan’s sudden reply, making Adia look up at him, with a questioning gaze.

“Excuse me, i…i..”

“I mean I love having you around” he broke in smiling.

“We just met,” stated Adia.

“I must confess then, those little moments were precious to me” he added as Adia held a passive look on her face.

‘is he f**king hitting on her’ Adia thought, screaming loudly in her head.

“Your coffee’s getting cold, drink up, I’ll be back in a sec, I just need to make a quick call” in a swift moment Adia was already out, as she quickly walked outside to get some fresh air.

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