Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“Can you see how beautiful and hot you are right now?” he asked but words had failed her. She was not sure if he actually posed that question for her to answer or was it just to draw her attention to her current state that was reflected in the mirror. Whatever it was, she was in no shape to answer him anyway. But her eyes were drawn to the reflections in the mirror and could not look away at all.

In it, Adia could see him behind her, his large body framing her smaller one and she could not believe the scandalous sight that was displayed so shockingly. Had he been watching them both in that mirror the entire time since they had started?

“Now, now… don’t stop moving those sexy hips. Grind yourself against me. No, don’t take your eyes off the mirror, Adia.” He murmured. There was something just so deliciously intense and sinful in his voice as his eyes gleamed while he stared so passionately at her through the mirror. And she could not quite tell if that look belonged to a predator preparing and planning to consume his prey or a lover worshiping her, or both.

However, her body listened to him, to his every command. And all she could feel was pleasure and more pleasure. So much that she suspected her IQ would continue dropping the longer the time she spent being in his arms.

“F*ck yes. You’re so hot. What a beautiful woman you are… yes, keep watching. Watch just how hot and beautiful and ravishing you are. Watch how you bloom and respond so wonderfully in my hands.”

These rumbling whispers in her ears had her feeling like she was going to lose herself completely. The fire he had ignited now had raged and turned into an inferno. A heavenly inferno.

When he worked her faster, Adia felt something tight coiling within her, intensifying the more he grinded his palm down on her nub. Every inch of her flesh seemed to emanate spikes of intense pleasure, causing her breath to hitch continuously, threatening to cut off her breathing at times.

It was as if Sebastian had already mastered playing and controlling her, as for every place he touched now only served to send her floating into the heavens. Everything he did was just right, just perfect. There was nothing that felt bad. Nothing was off.

He doubled his pace, gliding and diving his digits harder into her. The wet, erotic and scandalous sounds mingled with her pants and moans. Something big and amazing was coming… she could feel it. She was coming! And she could already tell this would be the kind of orgasm she has never experienced before.

At exactly the right moment, he gave her what she wanted, needed, and then her pleasure exploded like never before.

She pulled and clamped around his fingers violently as she cried out, not even able to make any sense of what he was murmuring in her ears anymore. She only knew that he was speaking to her in that wonderful deep voice that could cause tingles to spark in her lower areas.

Everything was just shocking. Simply mind-blowing. And her mind was in bits and pieces.

But he did not stop his onslaught on her as if he did not want her orgasm to end yet. He kept on going, prolonging her bliss, until every inch of her tingled and sang and danced with inexplicable pleasure that it was bordering on painful.

“Gods…” his growl finally pierced through the fog that wrapped around her as she came down from that impossible high. She felt like she was now nothing but a heap of jelly. “You’re the hottest wench I’ve ever seen. Look at you… f*ck!” His voice was ragged in her ears. “Look at this, baby. Take a good look.”

He brought his hand that was glistening with her juices closer to her until it was literally right in her face. His hand was drenched and all she could do was stare at it. She could not even find a word to say. Her mind seemed to have short-circuited.

Then she was moved. He placed her on the bed, gently. She had expected him to drop her on the bed like what she had read during her research, but he once again did the unexpected.

“You’re more than ready for me now, Adia. F*ck, I can’t wait to be inside that beautiful wet c*nt of yours.” He said as he stood there, looking down at her like he cannot wait to devour her. His eyes gleamed with such ferocious hunger that it sent an uncontrollable and pleasurable shiver through her body.

And when he freed his manhood from his boxer brief, Adia felt like she was instantly jolted back to her senses. Oh, dear lord!

She unconsciously pushed herself up on her elbows and almost scooted back against the headboard in her alarm. Her eyes stretched wide as she stared at his length. He was bigger and thicker than she had ever thought. And those veins…

“Look at what you did to me, Adia.” His deep voice echoed as he half bit his lip. He looked like he was in disbelief himself. “Yes, you did this. It was you who made me this hard.”

Adia swallowed as she looked up at him, a little alarmed. There was only one thing in her mind now. She was sure that huge thing would be painful if it were to enter her! Because… there was just no way it wouldn’t! Right…?! Her heart raced frantically the longer she stared at his length.

He climbed on the bed and when he loomed above her body, Adia could not help but stiffen up.

“You’re not going to tell me you’re not ready yet, are you?” he asked, staring down at her.

What he said made Adia bite down on her lower lip. She remembered that they still need to go all the way. That they must do it tonight. They must! She had also told him so bravely earlier on that she was ready. But… oh lord…

“I… I…” she swallowed to make herself stop stammering. “I didn’t know you’re… you’re that huge. I’m afraid I might not be able to… uhm… accommodate something that… huge.” The last word came out barely as a whisper.

He pulled away, sat on his heels and threw his head back. A breathy chuckle escaping his lips. The scene was so riveting and alluring that Adia’s heart could not help but skip a couple of beats.

When he returned his gaze down to her, Adia could not help but hold her breath at the sight. Only a blind woman would probably not fall into a daze seeing how he looked right now. He looked even hotter, sexier, and more handsome than before. She still could not explain how this man was even capable of looking like this. This is an unfair advantage that he had over her! There should be a law against men from being so perfectly gorgeous and alluring all at once. Adia could not help that sudden complaint that sprung up in her mind.

“I can’t believe nothing could intimidate you but my hard dick.” He shook his head, his eyes gleamed with amusement and a little playfulness.

Adia’s face burned red and could not retort. How was she to have a come-back for that kind of statement?! She was certain that with his size, it would definitely hurt. The feeling of not wanting to taste pain right after all the incredible things he had just made her experience had her resolve a little shaken.

He licked his lips once his smile faded. And then all amusement evaporated as though it was never there in the first place. He was back to his insanely hot predatory expression. “How did you even know you can’t take it in, hmm? Adia?” he asked, palming her down there again before lifting his hand back to his mouth and licked her juice so slowly as he pinned her with his gaze.

“You’re… right.” She forced out a decisive voice. “Didn’t they say you wouldn’t know unless you try? So…” she trailed off when he suddenly smirked, she had taken him in before, she can still do it now.

“Good call, Adia. Because I wasn’t planning on letting you get away just like that. Not after you have made me like this.” His hands moved to her knees and grabbed them as he held her eyes. “I was planning to pleasure you until you cry out that you’re ready… No. You would be begging to take my dick inside you by the time I’m done with you…”Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

As Adia’s eyes widened, he took that moment of inattention to spread her legs wide apart and then his head went down on her and gave her wetness a long sinful lick that had re-ignited the flames once again.

Adia immediately reached out and grabbed his tousled dark hair.

His eyes lifted and met hers. But he did not take his mouth off her. Not even for a fraction of a second. And dear lord… seeing him in that position… and those gleaming metallic eyes… trained fully on her…

Then he ate her there, sending Adia’s mind into space again that she could barely think about the fact that he did not react that she was gripping his hair. Was this not a part of his rule? Was he fine with his hair being touched? Was it an exception since it was not directly touching his skin?

The wicked and skillful dance of his tongue as he played with her nub quickly erased all thoughts in her mind. Her moans slowly became a little louder as he did not bother shushing her anymore. He was so busy with her down there, driving her insane with how he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue.

Soon, she felt it again, that coiling feeling building and tightening within her. Wanting to experience that mind-blowing explosion once again, she unconsciously pulled at his hair, but then… he pulled away.

She was panting hard as she met his gaze. Licking his wet lips, he grabbed her chin and whispered. “You’re so delicious that it is driving me crazy. Now on all fours, my gorgeous Adia.” His voice was so strained. So damned sexy.

Before she knew it, she had already obeyed and was on her hands and knees. He had done it. He had done what he had told her. Though her mouth did not cry the words out loud, her body cried them out for her.

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